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11g Release 1 (


Class DeployException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by
              extended by oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DeployException

This class and its subclasses represent an exception that occurs when the process of deploying (either preparation of deployment or deployment itself) is unable to complete. The message passed through DeployException should be displayed to the user explaining why deployment was unable to proceed.

This class anticipates the introduction of "chained exceptions", which are scheduled to appear starting in JDK 1.4 in the Throwable class. If a chained exception is associated with this exception, the chained stack trace will be printed after this exception's stack trace.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a DeployException with no specific detail message.
DeployException(java.lang.String s)
          Constructs a DeployException with the specified detail message.
DeployException(java.lang.String s, java.lang.Object source)
          Constructs a DeployException with the specified detail message.
DeployException(java.lang.String s, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Constructs a DeployException with the specified detail message and chains this exception to the given Throwable.
DeployException(java.lang.String s, java.lang.Throwable cause, java.lang.Object source)
          Constructs a DeployException with the specified detail message and chains this exception to the given Throwable.
DeployException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Constructs a DeployException with no specified detail message and chains this exception to the given Throwable.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getSource()
          Get the source of the Exception, this may not be where the exception originated, but is rather the call-out point from the framework.
 void printCause( printWriter)
 void printCauseStackTrace( printWriter)
          Prints the stack trace of the exception that caused this exception.
 void setSource(java.lang.Object source)
          Set the source of the Exception, attempt to overwrite existing value is ignored silently.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public DeployException()
Constructs a DeployException with no specific detail message.


public DeployException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a DeployException with no specified detail message and chains this exception to the given Throwable. The Throwable's stack trace is printed out after this exception's stack trace when any one of the printStackTrace() methods is called.


public DeployException(java.lang.String s)
Constructs a DeployException with the specified detail message. This message should be considered translatable.
s - the detail message.


public DeployException(java.lang.String s,
                       java.lang.Object source)
Constructs a DeployException with the specified detail message. This message should be considered translatable. Also allows the source of the error to be attached to the exception.
s - the detail message.
source - the source object where the error was detected.


public DeployException(java.lang.String s,
                       java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a DeployException with the specified detail message and chains this exception to the given Throwable. The Throwable's stack trace is printed out after this exception's stack trace when any one of the printStackTrace() methods is called.


public DeployException(java.lang.String s,
                       java.lang.Throwable cause,
                       java.lang.Object source)
Constructs a DeployException with the specified detail message and chains this exception to the given Throwable. Also allows the exception source Object to be passed through to the error handling system. The Throwable's stack trace is printed out after this exception's stack trace when any one of the printStackTrace() methods is called.

Method Detail


public void printCauseStackTrace( printWriter)
Prints the stack trace of the exception that caused this exception. This method does not recurse; it only looks for the most immediate cause of this exception. If there is no cause, this method does nothing.


public void printCause( printWriter)


public java.lang.Object getSource()
Get the source of the Exception, this may not be where the exception originated, but is rather the call-out point from the framework.


public void setSource(java.lang.Object source)
Set the source of the Exception, attempt to overwrite existing value is ignored silently.
source -

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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