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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface PlatformDeployable

All Known Subinterfaces:
J2eePackaging, oracle.jdevimpl.deploy.JeeDeployable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ClientProfile, ConnectorProfile, EarProfile, EjbProfile, J2eeProfile, LibraryArchiveProfile, WarProfile

public interface PlatformDeployable

Represents an object that is deployable to a Platform.

Method Summary
 oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.meta.Platform getPlatform()
          Returns the Platform to which this object can be deployed.
 void setPlatform(oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.meta.Platform platform)
          Sets the Platform to which this object can be deployed


Method Detail


oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.meta.Platform getPlatform()
Returns the Platform to which this object can be deployed.
a Platform object. May be null if a platform has not been set yet.


void setPlatform(oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.meta.Platform platform)
Sets the Platform to which this object can be deployed
platform - should be a reference to an instance returned from the PlatformRegistry.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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