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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi

Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton.


Interface Summary
VCSEBComponent A component on the VCSEventBus.
VCSOptionsCustomizer Interface to a version client dialog options customizer / provider.
VCSPropertyKey Interface for common property key constants.
VCSStatus Interface to information about a status under version control.
VCSStatusFilter Filter interface for controlling the acceptance of VCSStatus objects representing file states.


Class Summary
VCSApplicationSystem Class representing the IDE's active application system.
VCSCancellable Class representing the state of a cancellable process shared between threads.
VCSCheckOutNodeCmd Default implementation for node check out command.
VCSCommand Abstract superclass for version control commands.
VCSCommandState Class holding state-related data / objects for a command.
VCSCommentsCustomizer Utility class for using comments options in an options customizer.
VCSComparePreferencesPanel UI Component that can be used by SCM clients to display similar looking UI for preferences related to the compare viewer.
VCSCompositeOptionsCustomizer Composite class for combining version client dialog options customizers / providers.
VCSContextMenuListener Utility listener class for handling context menu events.
VCSControlCache Singleton class caching associations between known URLs and the VCSExtensions controlling them.
VCSController Abstract superclass for version client controllers.
VCSCopyableMap<K,V> Class for storing a properties in a Copyable map structure.
VCSDialogCommitter Listener class to assist with performing version client command UI.
VCSDirectoryInvokable Class for assisting version clients with per-directory external command invocation.
VCSDirectoryInvokableState Class for tracking the state of a VCSDirectoryInvokable.
VCSDockableViewRegistry Registry class for dockable version control views and their shared orientations.
VCSEBMessage The base class of all VCSEventBus messages.
VCSEventBus The version control framework's global notification mechanism.
VCSExceptionHandler Exception handler class for version client errors.
VCSExtension Abstract superclass for a version control system extension.
VCSExtensionInformation Class representing displayable version control system information.
VCSFileEventSender Class for issuing filesystem-related event notifications to the IDE.
VCSHashURL Wrapper class for URLs stored in Maps or Collections that may be backed with a hash table or subject to equivalence relations.
VCSHistoryProvider Class providing history plug-in and access to the version history action on behalf of a version control extension.
VCSLogWriter Utility class for logging messages to a log message page.
VCSMenuConstants Class for constants relating to versioning menus.
VCSNodeOverlayTracker Class for a node overlay tracker based around a version control status cache.
VCSNodeUpdate Message sent when a node-related change occurs.
VCSOptionsCustomizerAdapter Adapter class for a version client dialog options customizer / provider.
VCSOverlayItem Class describing statuses with an overlay representation.
VCSOverlayItemProducer Class for the return of status items with an overlay representation.
VCSPropertyCustomizer Basic traversable class representing common version client properties.
VCSPropertyCustomizer.ResourceProxy Proxy class for obtaining VCSPropertyCustomizer resources.
VCSPropertyDescriptor Class for the description of common properties implemented by the VCS.
VCSPropertyMap<K,V> Class for storing a version control client property map.
VCSPropertyTraversable Traversable UI class for version control client properties.
VCSProtocolRegistry Registry class for URL protocols handled by version control extensions.
VCSRecentCommentsModel Model class for historical comments used with a VCSCommentsCustomizer.
VCSSingleNodeObserver Observer class to flush a status cache on node events, including reloading and file save notifications.
VCSSingleSaveObserver Deprecated. replaced by VCSSingleNodeObserver.
VCSStatusCache Utility class for caching URLs' version status values.
VCSStatusConstants Interface for the definition of standard version status constants.
VCSURLBasedCache Abstract superclass for a URL-based cache of objects.
VCSURLFileSystemHelper Base class for URLFileSystem helper decorator objects suitable for version system integration.
VCSVersioningTraversable Traversable UI class representing the top-level node for version control.
VCSWaitRunnable Abstract runnable class for long running tasks, designed to be run on a temporary thread.


Enum Summary
VCSCommandStyle Type-safe enumeration class for command styles, identifying selection-related behavior.
VCSCommandType Type-safe enumeration class for command type, identifying selection-related behavior.


Exception Summary
VCSCancelException Cancellation exception class for version clients.
VCSDetailException Detailed exception class for version clients.
VCSException Base exception class for version clients, with an associated title.
VCSValidationException Validation exception class for version clients.


Package oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi Description

Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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