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Class AuditPreferencesNode

  extended by oracle.ide.panels.MetaTraversable
      extended by oracle.ide.panels.Navigable
          extended by oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferencesNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
ProvidesSearchTags, Copyable

public class AuditPreferencesNode
extends Navigable
implements ProvidesSearchTags

The Audit preferences nodes. Currently, there is a top-level Audit and Metrics node which has one child node: Profiles. Both of these nodes are represented by instances of this class as determined by the parent parameter supplied (or not supplied) to the constructor.

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable


Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable


Constructor Summary
AuditPreferencesNode(AuditPreferencesNode parent)


Method Summary
protected  Navigable[] createChildren()
protected  Navigable[] getChildNavigables()
          By default, this returns the child Navigables that were set when this DefaultNavigable was constructed.
protected  Traversable newTraversable()
          Overriding this method is the preferred means of overriding MetaTraversable's Traversable creation behavior.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> searchTags()
          Returns the search tags for this navigable.


Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable
addChildNavigable, appendChildNavigables, appendChildNodes, appendDetailNavigables, copyTo, copyToImpl, createDetailRootNode, createTreeNode, createTreeNodeImpl, getChildComparator, getChildren, getDetailNavigables, getDisplayStyle, getIcon, getLongLabel, getRawShortLabel, getShortLabel, getToolTipText, mayHaveChildren, setChildComparator, setChildNavigables, setDataScope, setDisplayStyle, setShortLabel, sortNavigables, toString


Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.panels.MetaTraversable
copyToImpl, findHelpID, getTraversableClass, isUsingTraversableDefaultConstructor, newTraversable, setHelpID, setNameLink


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AuditPreferencesNode()


public AuditPreferencesNode(AuditPreferencesNode parent)

Method Detail


protected Traversable newTraversable()
Description copied from class: MetaTraversable
Overriding this method is the preferred means of overriding MetaTraversable's Traversable creation behavior.

This method is called by MetaTraversable.newTraversable(ApplyNotifier), which then also registers the returned Traversable with the current ApplyNotifier, if the Traversable is an instance of ApplyListener.

newTraversable in class MetaTraversable


protected Navigable[] getChildNavigables()
Description copied from class: Navigable
By default, this returns the child Navigables that were set when this DefaultNavigable was constructed. Subclasses can override this method to specify a custom list of children. The result of this method is used by appendChildNavigables(...) to append child nodes.
getChildNavigables in class Navigable
The child Navigables of this Navigable.


protected Navigable[] createChildren()


public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> searchTags()
Description copied from interface: ProvidesSearchTags
Returns the search tags for this navigable. Generally, these should be translated strings.

The implementor of this method should never return null, but it may return an empty collection. The returned collection may not be modified by the caller.

Specified by:
searchTags in interface ProvidesSearchTags
a collection of String search tags that apply to this object.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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