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11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Bookmark


Uses of Bookmark in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks that return Bookmark
 Bookmark BookmarkList.addBookmark( url, int line)
          Utility method which will add the given bookmark to the list if it does not already exist.
 Bookmark BookmarkList.findBookmark( url, int line)
          Utility method which will search for a bookmark in the list with the specified url and line number.
 Bookmark[] BookmarkList.findBookmarks( url)
          Utility method which will search for all bookmarks in our list matching the specified url.
 Bookmark BookmarkList.findNumberedBookmark(int number)
          Return the bookmark with the given number, or null if one doesn't exist
 Bookmark[] BookmarkList.getAllBookmarks()
          Utility method to fetch all of the bookmarks in our current list.
 Bookmark BookmarkEvent.getBookmark()
 Bookmark BookmarkList.getNextBookmark(Bookmark bookmark, boolean thisURLOnly)
          Utility method which will find the next bookmark in our list after the current one, allowing for wrapping around the list.
 Bookmark BookmarkList.getNextBookmark( url, int line, boolean thisURLOnly)
          Utility method which will find the next bookmark in our list after the current line in the given url, allowing for wrapping around the list.
 Bookmark BookmarkList.getPreviousBookmark(Bookmark bookmark, boolean thisURLOnly)
          Utility method which will find the previous bookmark in our list before the current one, allowing for wrapping around the list.
 Bookmark BookmarkList.getPreviousBookmark( url, int line, boolean thisURLOnly)
          Utility method which will find the previous bookmark in our list before the current line in the given url, allowing for wrapping around the list.


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks that return types with arguments of type Bookmark
 java.util.List<Bookmark> BookmarkList.getBookmarkList()
          Fetch the list of bookmarks.


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks with parameters of type Bookmark
 Bookmark BookmarkList.getNextBookmark(Bookmark bookmark, boolean thisURLOnly)
          Utility method which will find the next bookmark in our list after the current one, allowing for wrapping around the list.
 Bookmark BookmarkList.getPreviousBookmark(Bookmark bookmark, boolean thisURLOnly)
          Utility method which will find the previous bookmark in our list before the current one, allowing for wrapping around the list.
 boolean BookmarkList.modifyBookmark(Bookmark bookmark, int line)
          Utility method which will modify the line of the specified bookmark for the purposes of keeping the list in sorted order by bookmark.
 void BookmarkList.removeBookmark(Bookmark bookmark)
          Utility method which will remove the specified bookmark from the list if it is present.


Method parameters in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks with type arguments of type Bookmark
 void BookmarkList.setBookmarkList(java.util.List<Bookmark> list)
          Sets the list of bookmarks.


Constructors in oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks with parameters of type Bookmark
BookmarkEvent(BookmarkEvent.Type type, Bookmark bookmark)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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