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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Storage
oracle.jdeveloper.compiler Contains classes that allow addins to integrate their own build system translator. 
oracle.ojc.interfaces Contains interfaces that allows OJC (Oracle Java Compiler) to be embedded into another application.   


Uses of Storage in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler that implement Storage
 class IdeStorage
          The IdeStorage implements compiler Storage interface and manages input/output for files stored in the IDE process memory.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler that return Storage
 Storage JarStorage.create(java.lang.String name)
 Storage IdeStorage.create(java.lang.String name)
 Storage JarStorage.createDir(java.lang.String name)
 Storage IdeStorage.createDir(java.lang.String name)
static Storage Helpers.createFileStorage( file)
static Storage Helpers.createFileStorage(java.lang.String pathName)
 Storage SourceMap.getRealSource()
          getRealSource() returns the storage for the original source file, not the preprocessed one
 Storage name)
 Storage name)
 Storage JarStorage.openDir(java.lang.String name)
 Storage IdeStorage.openDir(java.lang.String name)
 Storage JarStorage.setContext(Storage newContext)
 Storage IdeStorage.setContext(Storage newContext)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler that return types with arguments of type Storage
 java.util.Map<Workspace,java.util.Map<Project,java.util.Set<Storage>>> UnifiedBuildSystem.getTranslatedSources()


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler with parameters of type Storage
 boolean CopyTranslator.canBuild(Storage store)
 boolean Translator.canBuild(Storage store)
          canBuild is a predicate to find out if this translator can build the specified store (i.e.
 boolean Ojc.canBuild(Storage store)
 void IdeLog.clear(Storage source)
          clear all messages for the specified source file
 void Translator.Log.clear(Storage source)
          Clear all log messages for the given file.
 void IdeLog.error(Storage source, int line, int col, int errNumber, java.lang.String errMsg)
          print an error message:
 void Translator.Log.error(Storage source, int line, int col, int errNumber, java.lang.String errMsg)
          Log an error message.
protected  javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode CompilerPage.getFileNode(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, Storage storage, boolean insert)
          Get the file node matching the given storage object
protected CompilerPage.getFileStorageURL(Storage storage)
static boolean Helpers.isFileStorage(Storage stor)
 void UnifiedBuildSystem.markTranslated(Translator translator, Storage source)
          Marks a source as actually translated.
 boolean CopyTranslator.needToBuild(Storage store)
 boolean Translator.needToBuild(Storage store)
          needToBuild is a predicate to find out if this translator needs the specified store to successfully build the other requested stores (i.e.
 boolean Ojc.needToBuild(Storage store)
 Storage JarStorage.setContext(Storage newContext)
 Storage IdeStorage.setContext(Storage newContext)
 boolean SourceMap.translateLocation(int[] lineCol, Storage[] source)
          translateLocation() will convert the line/col from the generated file to the line/col into the original file using the SMAP, it will also return the original source file name this line/col is from, the returned source file may be different than the value returned from getRealSource() when the line/col is located in some include source file
 void IdeLog.warning(Storage source, int line, int col, int errNumber, java.lang.String errMsg)
          print a warning message:
 void Translator.Log.warning(Storage source, int line, int col, int errNumber, java.lang.String errMsg)
          Log a warning message.


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler with parameters of type Storage
IdeLog.Message(Workspace wsp, Project project, Storage fname, java.lang.String msg, int code, int line, int col)
IdeLog.Message(Workspace wsp, Project project, Storage fname, java.lang.String msg, int code, int line, int col, int kind)


Uses of Storage in oracle.ojc.interfaces


Methods in oracle.ojc.interfaces that return Storage
 Storage Storage.create(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new Storage for data access if doesn't exists yet.
 Storage Storage.createDir(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new directory Storage if doesn't exists yet.
 Storage name)
          Opens a Storage for access.


Methods in oracle.ojc.interfaces with parameters of type Storage
 boolean IdeEnv.authorizeChecking(Storage source, java.lang.String reason)
          Called before (re)checking the given source of the given graph.
 boolean IdeEnv.authorizeParsing(Storage source, java.lang.String reason)
          Called before (re)parsing the given source of the given graph.
 boolean IdeEnv.authorizeWriting(Storage source, java.lang.String qualifiedClassName, byte[] buffer, int offset, int len)
          Called before code generation and writing the given output source (.class) of the given graph.
 void Log.printError(Storage source, int pos, ErrorInfo info)
          Prints an error message associated with a source
 void Log.printWarning(Storage source, int pos, ErrorInfo info)
          Prints a warning message associated with a source


Uses of Storage in


Classes in that implement Storage
 class DirectoryStorage
 class FileStorage
 class JarStorage


Methods in that return Storage
 Storage DirectoryStorage.create(java.lang.String name)
 Storage JarStorage.create(java.lang.String name)
 Storage DirectoryStorage.createDir(java.lang.String name)
 Storage JarStorage.createDir(java.lang.String name)
 Storage fileName)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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