Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces 11g Release 2 ( E17490-05 |
UIComponent class:
Component type: oracle.dss.adf.graph.Graph
The <dvt:graph> tag has been deprecated. Please use one of the related simple graph tags and their child tags to generate an equivalent graph. Here is a list of available simple graph tags -
Use the <dvt:graph> tag to create an ADF data visualization graph. Since it is very complex and difficult to use most consumers will want to use the simple graph tags that are supported in UI.
The <dvt:graph> tag gives you the capability of producing more than 50 types of graphs, including a variety of bar graphs, pie graphs, line graphs, scatter graphs, and stock graphs. Even though some graph attributes and some graph child tags are meaningful for only certain graph types, the graph tag has a complete set of graph attributes and supports the use of all graph child tags. One of the most commonly useful child tags is the <dvt:series> tag. A series appears as a set of markers that are of the same color. Use a set of <dvt:series> tags, within a <dvt:seriesSet> tag, to change bar or line colors, for instance. Bars in a Bar graph, datalines in a Line graph, and slices in a Pie graph, for instance, all use the series attribute "color" to define color.
The Graph's layout is dominated by five major components: title, subtitle, footnote, legendArea, and plotArea. The plotArea plots the data and is always rendered, but the other four components are optional, and can be placed in different locations within the graph. Within the area allocated to the whole graph, space is first allocated to the titles, if present. The title and the subtitle are displayed side by side at the top of the graph by default, and the footnote is displayed at the bottom of the graph. Space is next allocated for the legendArea, which displays the marker color and label associated with each series. It can be positioned in one of four locations: left, right, top and bottom. The legend can use as much as 40% of the graph space. The plotArea and its labels occupy the remaining space.
Use the data binding dialogs to bind the simple graph tags to a data control, which is typically based on a rowset (see data binding documentation for details). Another common way to provide data for the graph is to use the "tabularData" attribute to create a grid. This requires use of a backing or managed bean.
The graph requires a simple grid of numeric data points to plot a graph. The grid's row and column labels are used to identify components within the graph, depending on graph type. By default, the rows appear as the series and the columns appear as the groups. A series is always a single row of data but a group can be collection of one or more columns. Every graph type may have a different requirement for minimal number of series and/or groups. For example, a Line graph requires at least two groups (group being a single column in this case) of data because a line segment requires at least two points to define it. Area graphs have the same requirement, being lines with the area underneath them filled in. The data is represented by a location on a Scatter or a Polar graph, hence these graph types require two columns per group. Bubble graphs need size of the data markers in addition to the location and require three columns per group. Pareto graphs display bars and a line that indicates the cumulative percentage of the bars. This graph type requires only a single series of data and uses one column per group. This graph type does not display a legend. Various Stock graph subtypes require different numbers of columns per group. See Data Model for <dvt:stockGraph> for details. A Pie graph displays one group of data, each slice representing a different series. This graph type requires one column in the grid, with multiple rows, one for each slice. Multiple Pie graphs show one pie for each group, or column, of data. Pie and Bar graphs can be drawn with just one data point, though such graphs may not be useful. Funnel graphs do not use the series concept, but generally require two rows of data. The first row provides actual data values, and the second row provides target values. Funnel graph legends display threshold values.
The rows in the grid usually appear as the series in a graph. In most graphs, a series appears as a set of markers that are the same color and or the same shape, for instance. The graph legend typically identifies each series in the graph, with a labeled symbol that shows color and other appropriate attributes. Use a set of <dvt:series> tags, within a <dvt:seriesSet> tag, to change bar or line colors, for instance. Bars in a Bar graph, datalines in a Line graph, and slices in a Pie graph, for instance, all use the series attribute "color" to define color. The <dvt:seriesSet> tag contains attributes that change the default attributes for all series. The <dvt:seriesSet> tag also contains the <dvt:series> tags that override attributes for individual series. Commonly used series attributes are - color, lineWidth (change dataline width on a Line graph), marker type (change Marker to either bar, line, or area on a Combination graph), assignedToY2 (change axis assignment on a Dual-Y graph), pieSliceExplode (separate a slice away from the rest of a Pie graph), etc.
Here is an example of a Line graph with a <dvt:seriesSet> tag that defines a line width and a marker shape for all series. The <dvt:series> child tag overrides both lineWidth and markerShape for the first series in the graph. -
<dvt:graph graphType="LINE_VERT_ABS" markerDisplayed="true">
<dvt:seriesSet defaultLineWidth="3" defaultMarkerShape="MS_CIRCLE">
<dvt:series index="0" lineWidth="1" markerShape="MS_SQUARE"/>
Use the graph's "seriesEffect" attribute to add predefined gradient effects on series related components such as bars, areas, and slices.
Use the graph's "seriesRolloverBehavior" attribute to turn on highlighting behavior when the cursor moves over a series marker or a series-specific legend component. Note that seriesRolloverBehavior is not supported for funnel graphs.
The markerText tag defines if and where the marker text should appear in relation to series markers. Use the attribute "markerTextPlace" to specify the location of the text.
The title and the subtitle, if present, are displayed side by side at the top of the graph by default. Use the graph's "customLayout" attribute to change this default setting. The footnote, if present, is displayed at the bottom of the graph.
The legend displays the marker and associated color of each series. It also displays the legend title and lists any reference objects that are present. The legend can be positioned in one of four different locations: left, right, top and bottom. Use the attribute "alongGraphEdge" to attach it to the edge of the graph. The legend can be removed with the "rendered" attribute. The legend is never displayed for graph types that require only one series of data: Pareto and Candle Stock graphs. The legend doesn't always display the series components; showing threshold values for the Funnel graph, for instance.
All graph types except Pie and Funnel plot the data within the plotArea. Pie and Funnel graphs use pieFrame and funnelFrame, respectively, instead. The plotArea integrates the axes and the data markers. Generally the horizontal axis can be either an ordinal/category axis (o1Axis) or a data axis (x1Axis). Graph types such as Bar, Line, Area, Pareto, Pie, and Stock use the o1Axis, which shows categories like cities or products. Graph types such as Scatter, Bubble, and Polar use the x1Axis, which show numbers. The x1Axis can be a time axis if a Line or an Area graph is displaying dates (instance of java.util.Date). The primary vertical axis is a data axis (y1Axis). Dual-Y graphs typically also display the y2Axis. Each axis, whether ordinal or data, has tick labels and an axis title associated with it. The y1Axis is associated with y1TickLabel and y1Title, for instance. See related component tags for detail.
DVT graph supports number formatting on its X1, Y1 and Y2 axis tick labels as well as for marker text that appear on the data markers. Users can customize the number formatting by adding <af:convertNumber> to the <dvt:x1TickLabel>, <dvt:y1TickLabel>, <dvt:y2TickLabel>, <dvt:x1Format>, <dvt:y1Format>, and <dvt:y2Format> tags. The following is an example of how to configure these tags:
<dvt:graph value="#{binding.dataModel}">
<af:convertNumber pattern="#{appPrefs.markerTextPattern}" />
<af:convertNumber pattern="#{appPrefs.tickLabelPattern}" />
Automatic Scaling and Precision
Graph automatically determines the scale ( e.g. 4K ) and precision ( e.g. show 2 decimal points - 0.25 ) based on the values that are being displayed. This automatic formatting still occurs when <af:convertNumber> is specified. The graph tags that support <af:convertNumber> child tags ( e.g. <dvt:y1TickLabel>, <dvt:y1Format>, ...) also have scaling and autoPrecision attributes that can be used to control graph's automatic number formatting. By default, scaling="auto" means graph will auto-calculate the scale. For example, 40,000 will be formatted as "40K". By default, autoPrecision="on" means that graph will auto-calculate the precision of the number. For example, 0.230546 will be displayed as "0.23". If the autoPrecision is 'on' then all of the <af:convertNumber> fraction digit settings ( e.g. min/maxFractionDigits or pattern) are ignored.
Formatting Percent Graphs
Percent graphs require special formatting, since internally the graph calculates percent values, which can be displayed as numbers (e.g. 0.25) or percent (e.g. 25%):
Graph typically uses categorical attributes ( e.g. product, geography, year, etc. ) on an ordinal axis and for the marker tooltips. To specify how categorical attributes should be formatted, an application needs to specify <dvt:attributeFormat> tag for each categorical attribute to be formatted. The <dvt:attributeFormat> tag needs to identify the categorical attribute that is being formatted by name as well as specify a converter to use when formatting the attribute. For example,
<dvt:graph id="graph1" value="#{bindings.EmpView1.graphModel}" graphType="BAR_VERT_CLUST">
<dvt:attributeFormat id="af1" name="Hiredate">
<af:convertDateTime pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a" timeZone="US/Pacific"/>
The name of the categorical attribute is the name of the attribute/layer that was added to the Graph DataModel. The Graph model can be set declaratively by updating the pagedef. Here is the associated view pagedef for the above graph:
<graph IterBinding="EmpView1Iterator" id="EmpView1"
xmlns="" type="BAR_VERT_CLUST">
<graphDataMap leafOnly="true">
<item value="Bonus"/>
<item value="Hiredate"/>
Configuring Date Formatting
If there is a single categorical Date attribute being displayed on the O1Axis, then Graph displays a TimeAxis instead of the typical O1 / Ordinal Axis. The TimeAxis will show dates in a hierarchical format as opposed to as a single label on an O1 Axis ( e.g. June 27, 2001 ). To show a single label on the O1 Axis, the TimeAxis should be turned off ( e.g. timeAxisType="TAT_OFF" ) and a <dvt:attributeFormat> should be used to specify the date format.
The graph displays a time axis when dates (object type java.util.Date) are specified for the column labels in a Line or Area graph. Several timeXXX attributes are defined on the graph tag to customize the time axis. The child tag timeAxisDateFormat controls the format in which the time axis labels are displayed.
Use the <dvt:timeSelector> tag to activate the graph's TimeSelector feature, which allows an end user to select a time range on a time axis. This is typically used in master-detail graphs where the selected time range in the master graph drives the content of a detail graph, table, or other component. A backing or managed bean is required to use this feature.
The default graph size is 300 pixels tall by 400 pixels wide. Change this using the "inlineStyle" attribute. Set inlineStyle="width:500px; height:350px;", for instance, to change the graph size to 350 pixels tall by 500 pixels wide. The width and the height can also be specified in percent. Use percent for height only when the graph is added to an explicitly sized container or one that manages layout, otherwise graph will behave differently for different browsers. Use the "dynamicResize" attribute to resize the graph based on its container size.
Several graph types support animation. Animate the graph during initial rendering using the attribute "animationOnDisplay". The graph can also be animated when the data changes using the attribute "animationOnDataChange". Use the attribute "animationDuration" to specify the animation duration. The indicator colors for increase and decrease in the data value are specified by attributes "animationUpColor" and "animationDownColor", respectively.
Use a <dvt:alert> tag for the graph to define an additional data point that needs to be highlighted with a separate symbol, such as for an error or warning. Wrap all <dvt:alert> tags in a <dvt:alertSet> tag.
Use a <dvt:annotation> tag to provide an annotation for a specific data point. Multiple annotations can be defined for a single data point. Wrap all <dvt:annotation> tags in a <dvt:annotationSet> tag.
Use the <dvt:referenceObject> tag to create either a reference line or a reference area. The reference object can be associated with any data axis or series. Multiple reference objects can be associated with a single series or an axis. Use the attribute "location" to specify whether the referenceObject should displayed in the front or the back of the data markers. Use graph's "referenceObjectDisplay" attributes to specify when the referenceObject would be displayed: the value "RO_AUTOMATIC" displays it only when the mouse hovers over the component with which the referenceObject is defined. Wrap all <dvt:referenceObject> tags in a <dvt:referenceObjectSet> tag.
Use the shapeAttributes tag to specify interactivity on an individual graph component. A backing or managed bean is required to use this feature.
Here is an example of a dataline in a line graph using a clickListener to display series information:
<dvt:graph graphType="LINE_VERT_ABS">
<dvt:shapeAttributes component="GRAPH_DATALINE" clickable="true" clickListener="#{clickListener.processClick}"/>
The "processClick" method in the backing bean will look like:
public void processClick(ClickEvent event) {
ComponentHandle handle = event.getComponentHandle();
if (handle instanceof SeriesComponentHandle) {
// Get the series attributes
Attributes [] seriesInfo = ((SeriesComponentHandle)handle).getSeriesAttributes();
String data = "";
if(seriesInfo != null) {
for(Attributes attrs: seriesInfo) {
data += "Series value: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.LABEL_VALUE);
data += " Series name: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.LABEL_ATTRIBUTE);
data += " Series value id: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.ID_VALUE);
data += " Series name id: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.ID_ATTRIBUTE);
Wrap all <dvt:shapeAttributes> tags in a <dvt:shapeAttributesSet> tag.
Tooltips are useful to display identification and or detail information for data markers. They can be very useful in smaller graphs without enough space to display markerText. Use attributes "markerTooltipType", "seriesTooltipLabelType", and "groupTooltipLabelType" to customize tooltip content. The graph automatically displays tooltips for components like title, subtitle, footnote, legendText, and annotations when their text is truncated. There is no option to change this behavior.
Give end users the ability to zoom in on and scroll through a data set that may be too large or complex to fit comfortably within the area allocated to the graph using the "zoomDirection" attribute. Zoom and scroll may be enabled for horizontal and or vertical axes. The "scrollbarPresenceGroups" attribute provides control over when a scroll bar appears for the group axis: the horizontal axis in Line graphs, for instance. The "scrollbarPresenceX1", "scrollbarPresenceY1", and "scrollbarPresenceY2" attributes control the appearance of scroll bars for the various data axes.
The <dvt:graphFont> tag is used for font formatting. Text color, style, size, and font name can be specified using this tag. This tag is used as a child tag for any of the graph's text component tags. All text component tags have other formatting attributes like horizontal and vertical alignment, text string, and whether or not the text should be rendered.
Use the <dvt:specialEffects> tag to specify gradient effects on many graph subcomponents. This tag must be defined as a child tag of the component tag and is not available for any text components. Note that the "seriesEffect" attribute setting always overrides the special effects settings.
At design time JDeveloper automatically generates a bunch of child tags for the graph. These tags are added for convenience. Removing these tags will not hide the components themselves. To physically remove an existing component from the graph, use the attribute "rendered" to "false".
In JDeveloper design time, a graph automatically generates the legend area by default <dvt:legendArea>. Here is an example to remove the legend area of a graph
<dvt:graph> <dvt:legendArea rendered="false"/> </dvt:graph>
The <dvt:graph> tag can have the following child tags:
<dvt:annotationSet>, <dvt:alertSet>, <attributeFormat>, <dvt:o1Title>, <dvt:x1Title>, <dvt:y1Title>, <dvt:y2Title>, <dvt:y1BaseLine>, <dvt:y2BaseLine>, <dvt:x1Axis>, <dvt:y1Axis>, <dvt:y2Axis>, <dvt:x1TickLabel>, <dvt:y1TickLabel>, <dvt:y2TickLabel>, <dvt:legendArea>, <dvt:legendTitle>, <dvt:legendText>, <dvt:o1MajorTick>, <dvt:x1MajorTick>, <dvt:y1MajorTick>, <dvt:y2MajorTick>, <dvt:markerText>, <dvt:o1Axis>, <dvt:o1TickLabel>, <dvt:graphPlotArea>, <dvt:graphPieFrame>, <dvt:slice>, <dvt:sliceLabel>, <dvt:pieLabel>, <dvt:pieFeeler>, <dvt:stockMarker>, <dvt:volumeMarker>, <dvt:background>, <dvt:paretoLine>, <dvt:paretoMarker>, <dvt:referenceObjectSet>, <dvt:seriesSet>, <dvt:timeAxisDateFormat>, <dvt:graphTitle>, <dvt:graphSubtitle>, <dvt:graphFootnote>, <dvt:shapeAttributesSet>.
Here is an example of a <dvt:graph> tag used to create a vertical bar graph with 3D effect. Bars on the graph are displayed as cylinders. The graph uses the "inlineStyle" attribute to specify size. The legend is displayed at the bottom and an ordinal axis title is specified for added description.
<dvt:graph graphType="BAR_VERT_CLUST" barShape="CYLINDER" threeDEffect="true" inlineStyle="width:500px; height:350px;">
<dvt:o1Title text="Product Groups"/>
<dvt:legendArea position="LAP_BOTTOM"/>
Type | Phases | Description |
---|---|---| | Apply Request Values | The ClickEvent is delivered when the component is clicked. | | Invoke Application | The drill requesting event is delivered before a drill operation is executed, which allows an application to abort the drill. | | Invoke Application |
An event which indicates that the time selector is moved. A TimeSelectorEvent is enabled by adding the TimeSelectorListener to the graph. | | Invoke Application |
Deprecated. An event which indicates that the plot area component is clicked on a graph displaying TimeAxis. A TimeAxisEvent is enabled by adding the TimeAxisListener to the graph. | | Invoke Application |
An event which indicates that an axis is zoomed and/or scrolled. A ZoomAndScrollEvent is enabled by adding the ZoomAndScrollListener to the graph. |
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.AttributeChangeEvent | Invoke Application, Apply Request Values |
Event delivered to describe an attribute change. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change event might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing. |
Name | Type | Supports EL? | Description |
alignTickMarks | boolean | Yes | Indicates whether the tick marks on the y1-Axis and on the y2-Axis should align for dual-y graphs. Valid values are:
animationDownColor | String | Yes | Specifies the color used to indicate that a data value has decreased. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal. The default color is red (#FF3300). |
animationDuration | int | Yes | Specifies the animation duration in milliseconds. The default value is 1000. |
animationIndicators | int | Yes | Valid Values: NONE, ALL Specifies the type of data change indicators to show. Valid values are:
animationOnDataChange | int | Yes | Valid Values: none, activeData, auto, alphaFade, conveyorFromLeft, conveyorFromRight, cubeToLeft, cubeToRight, flipLeft, flipRight, slideToLeft, slideToRight, transitionToLeft, transitionToRight, zoom Specifies the type of animation to apply on data change. Valid values for animating data objects, such as bars and lines, are:
animationOnDisplay | int | Yes | Valid Values: none, auto, alphaFade, conveyorFromLeft, conveyorFromRight, cubeToLeft, cubeToRight, flipLeft, flipRight, slideToLeft, slideToRight, transitionToLeft, transitionToRight, zoom Specifies the type of animation to apply when the component is initially displayed. Valid values are:
animationUpColor | String | Yes | Specifies the color used to indicate that a data value has increased. Enter values in RGB hexadecimal. The default color is cyan (#0099FF). |
annotationsVisibility | int | Yes | Valid Values: SHOW_ALL, SHOW_NONE Controls whether annotations are displayed for a graph. Valid values are the following:
attributeChangeListener | javax.el.MethodExpression | Only EL | a method reference to an attribute change listener. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing. |
barShape | int | Yes | Valid Values: RECTANGLE, CYLINDER, TRIANGLE, DIAMOND Deprecated. Use dvt:seriesSet tag and its barShape attribute instead. Shape of bars in a bar graph. Valid values are the following:
Note: Animation is only supported for bar graphs with barShape = "RECTANGLE". |
binding | String | Only EL |
Specifies a binding reference to store a specific instance of UIGraph from a backing bean. Set this attribute only to access code in a backing bean. For example, to reference a graph component in the SampleGraph class, use the following code: |
clickAction | String | Yes | Refers to a backing bean method that performs navigation processing for the graph and returns an outcome String. Or a static outcome String can be specified. The JSF NavigationHandler selects the page to display next by matching the outcome String against the navigation rules in the application configuration resource file. The application writes the Navigation rules. |
clickListener | String | Yes | The listener interface for receiving click events on the graph components. Here is an example of clickListener implementation that displays a component name on a click action -
contentDelivery | String | Yes | Valid Values: whenAvailable, lazy, immediate Specifies whether to fetch content with page load or after page load. Valid values are lazy (default) and immediate. |
continuousTimeAxisInterval | int | Yes | Valid Values: CTAI_AUTOMATIC, CTAI_YEAR, CTAI_MONTH, CTAI_DAY, CTAI_HOUR, CTAI_MINUTE, CTAI_SECOND Deprecated. Use timeAxisInterval attribute instead. Specifies the interval along a continuous time axis only if you want to override the value that the graph calculates automatically. Valid values are as follows:
customLayout | String | Yes |
Specifies custom layout information when the graph automatically places and sizes its components. Valid values are:
customToolTipCallback | oracle.dss.graph.CustomToolTipCallback | Yes | Specifies a callback for overriding the tool tips that the Graph provides by default. Only EL is supported. |
customizationId | String | Yes | This attribute is deprecated. The 'id' attribute should be used when applying persistent customizations. This attribute will be removed in the next release. |
dataCursor | String | Yes | Valid Values: auto, on, off Specifies the display for the data cursor:
dataCursorBehavior | String | Yes | Valid Values: auto, on, off Specifies the display behavior for the data cursor:
dataErrorTextCallback | oracle.dss.graph.DataErrorTextCallback | Yes | Specifies callback for overriding the error message that the Graph displays when it is not provided with enough data to draw a graph. Only EL is supported. |
dataSelection | String | Yes | Valid Values: none, single, multiple Determines the data selection mode for the graph. Valid values are:
drillAction | javax.el.MethodExpression | Only EL | Refers to a backing bean method. The method will be processed when a label slice on an axis is drilled. |
drillRequestedListener | javax.el.MethodExpression | Only EL | The listener interface for receiving drill events on a drillable label. The event triggers when the drill action is requested. Here is an example of drillRequestedListener implementation that displays the information of the drilled label slice -
drillRequestingListener | javax.el.MethodExpression | Only EL | The listener interface for receiving drill events on a drillable label. The event triggers when the drill action is being requested.
For example, refer the drillRequestedListener example. |
drillingEnabled | boolean | Yes | Indicates whether drilling is enabled. |
dynamicResize | String | Yes | Valid Values: FIXED_SIZE, DYNAMIC_SIZE Specifies whether to resize the component based on its container size. Valid values are FIXED_SIZE (default) and DYNAMIC_RESIZE. |
emptyText | String | Yes | Specifies error text to display when graph has no data. |
explicitTimeRangeEnd | java.util.Date | Yes | Deprecated. Use timeRangeEnd attribute instead. Specifies explicit time range end date for the time axis. TimeRangeMode property must be set to TRM_EXPLICIT. Only EL is supported. |
explicitTimeRangeStart | java.util.Date | Yes | Deprecated. Use timeRangeStart attribute instead. Specifies explicit time range start date for the time axis. TimeRangeMode property must be set to TRM_EXPLICIT. Only EL is supported. |
flashDefaultFontLoading | int | Yes | Specifies whether default fonts are loaded in FLASH from the middle tier. Valid values are FLASH_DEFAULT_FONT_LOADING_ALL or FLASH_DEFAULT_FONT_LOADING_NONE. The default value is FLASH_DEFAULT_FONT_LOADING_ALL. |
fontURLMap | java.util.Map | Yes | Provides a mapping of font names and font swf file URLs in the form of a java.util.Map object. This map should have the font names as the keys, and the font urls as the values. |
graphicAntialiasing | boolean | Yes | Specifies whether lines in a graph should appear smooth. Valid values are "true" (Default) and "false". |
groupTooltipLabelType | int | Yes | Valid Values: TLT_MEMBER, TLT_DIM_MEMBER, TLT_NONE Specifies whether group information for a graph appears in tooltips and, if so, identifies the kind of group information that appears in tooltips. Valid values are:
hideAndShowBehavior | String | Yes | Valid Values: none, withRescale, withoutRescale Specifies the hide and show behavior in the graph. If the behavior is not "none", clicking on the legendText or legendMarker will hide the corresponding series. Note that the last series will not be hidden. Valid values are:
id | String | Yes | Specifies the identifier for the component |
imageFormat | int | Yes | Valid Values: HTML5, FLASH, PNG, PNG_STAMPED, AUTO The output format of the graph. Valid values are:
Note: The default image format is selected based on the context parameter. |
imageHeight | int | Yes | This attribute is deprecated. Use inlineStyle attribute to specify the image width and height instead. For examples: inlineStyle = "width:500px; height:350px;".
The default height is 300 pixels. |
imageSource | String | Yes | Specifies the URI for an image file that was generated by the application. For example, an application might have exported to PNG and stored the image on the server previously. |
imageWidth | int | Yes | This attribute is deprecated. Use inlineStyle attribute to specify the image width and height instead. For examples: inlineStyle = "width:500px; height:350px;".
The default width is 400 pixels. |
inlineStyle | String | Yes | Style of the outer element(enclosing div) of the component |
interactiveSliceBehavior | String | Yes |
Specifies the interactivity behavior for pie slices. Valid values are any combination of the following values:
lineDataLineDisplayed | boolean | Yes | Deprecated. Use dvt:seriesSet tag and its lineDisplayed attribute instead. Specifies whether data lines appear in a line graph. Valid values are:
magnifyLens | String | Yes | Specifies the display for the magnify lens:
markerColorAttribute | String | Yes | Specifies the row header attribute name to use to drive the marker color. The graph will display the default index based series marker colors if this attribute is not specified. |
markerDisplayed | boolean | Yes | Deprecated. Use dvt:seriesSet tag and its markerDisplayed attribute instead. Indicates whether markers or data lines appear in a line graph. Valid values are:
markerShapeAttribute | String | Yes | Specifies the row header attribute name to use to drive the marker shape. The graph will display the default index based series marker shapes if this attribute is not specified. |
markerTooltipTemplate | String | Yes | Provides a declarative way to customize the tooltips that appear on the graph. By setting the markerTooltipTemplate attribute to a tokenized string, an application can quickly format all the marker tooltips. This feature is a more performant alternative to the customTooltipCallback, since tokens can be sent to the client instead of preconstructed tooltip strings. This reduces the graph payload significantly, especially for large datasets.
The markerTooltipTemplate attribute accepts a String that may contain any number of a set of predefined tokens. When the tooltips are generated, the tokens are replaced with the information corresponding to each marker. Valid tokens are:
markerTooltipType | int | Yes | Valid Values: MTT_NONE, MTT_VALUES, MTT_CUM_VAL, MTT_PERCENT_VAL, MTT_TEXT, MTT_PERCENT_VAL_VALUES, MTT_PERCENT_VAL_TEXT, MTT_PERCENT_VAL_VALUES_TEXT, MTT_VALUES_TEXT Specifies whether tooltips are displayed for markers and, if so, identifies the kind of information that appears in the tooltips. Valid values for marker tooltips are:
noDataErrorText | String | Yes | Deprecated. Use emptyText attribute instead. Specifies error text to display when graph has no data. |
otherProperties | String | Yes | Specifies an XML string that contains settings for graph properties that are not exposed in the graph ADF tag or its child tags. For example, the following code specifies an XML string "otherProps" that is located in the SampleGraph backing bean: otherProperties="#(sampleGraph.otherProps)" |
partialSubmit | boolean | Yes | Deprecated. It is not useful anymore.
Indicates whether an action can be performed through a partial page submit. Valid values are:
partialTriggers | String[] | Yes | the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update. This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update in some way, this component will request to be updated too. |
relativeTimeRange | long | Yes | Deprecated. Use timeRelativeRange attribute instead. Specifies relative time range(in milliseconds) from the last data point or from the first data point on the time axis. timeRangeMode must be set to TRM_RELATIVE_LAST or TRM_RELATIVE_FIRST. Only EL is supported. |
renderImagemap | boolean | Yes | Indicates whether an image map should be rendered for a PNG image. The default value is true. |
rendered | boolean | Yes | Specifies whether the component is rendered. |
scrollListener | javax.el.MethodExpression | Only EL | The listener interface for receiving scroll events on the graph. The event triggers when an axis of a graph is scrolled. Here is an example of scrollListener implementation that displays the range of the Y1 Axis and the O1 Axis -
scrollbarPresenceGroups | int | Yes | Valid Values: SP_NEVER, SP_AS_NEEDED, SP_ALWAYS, SP_RESERVED, SP_ALWAYS_BP_NEVER, SP_HIDDEN Deprecated. Use dvt:o1Axis tag and its scrolling attribute instead. Specifies when a scrollbar is present for groups. Valid values are as follows:
scrollbarPresenceX1 | int | Yes | Valid Values: SP_NEVER, SP_AS_NEEDED, SP_ALWAYS, SP_RESERVED, SP_ALWAYS_BP_NEVER, SP_HIDDEN Deprecated. Use dvt:x1Axis tag and its scrolling attribute instead. Specifies when the X-axis has a scrollbar. Valid values are:
scrollbarPresenceY1 | int | Yes | Valid Values: SP_NEVER, SP_AS_NEEDED, SP_ALWAYS, SP_RESERVED, SP_ALWAYS_BP_NEVER, SP_HIDDEN Deprecated. Use dvt:y1Axis tag and its scrolling attribute instead. Specifies when the Y1-axis has a scrollbar. Valid values are:
scrollbarPresenceY2 | int | Yes | Valid Values: SP_NEVER, SP_AS_NEEDED, SP_ALWAYS, SP_RESERVED, SP_ALWAYS_BP_NEVER, SP_HIDDEN Deprecated. Use dvt:y2Axis tag and its scrolling attribute instead. Specifies when the Y2-axis has a scrollbar. Valid values are:
selectionListener | String | Yes | The listener interface for receiving selection events on the graph. |
seriesEffect | String | Yes | Valid Values: SE_NONE, SE_GRADIENT, SE_AUTO_GRADIENT Determines the series effect that is used for a graph. Valid values are:
seriesObjectCount | int | Yes | Specifies the number of series for which this graph displays separate properties (such as color) before repeating. The graph stores properties for a specific number of series. Beyond that number, the graph repeats series properties. Default value is "12".
For example, if seriesObjectCount is "4", then: |
seriesReferenceObjectDisplay | int | Yes | Valid Values: RO_DISPLAY_ALWAYS, RO_DISPLAY_NEVER, RO_DISPLAY_AUTOMATIC Deprecated. Use dvt:referenceObjectSet tag and its displaySeries attribute instead. Controls whether reference lines related to a series should be displayed when the mouse hovers over a data series. Valid values are the following:
seriesRolloverBehavior | int | Yes | Valid Values: RB_NONE, RB_DIM, RB_HIGHLIGHT Specifies the behavior when the mouse rolls over one bar in a series. Valid values are:
seriesTooltipLabelType | int | Yes | Valid Values: TLT_MEMBER, TLT_DIM_MEMBER, TLT_NONE Specifies series information in a tooltip. Valid values are as follows:
shortDesc | String | Yes | Specifies the short description of the graph. This is particularly useful in the screen reader mode. |
styleClass | String | Yes | Sets a CSS style class to use for this component. Note that width and height should be set using the inlineStyle property. |
stylePath | String | Yes | Applies a style to the graph based on the specified XML file. Valid values are the name of a standard graph style or the path of a custom XML file that you want to set as a style for this graph.
Predefined graph styles are:
To specify a custom style, enter the entire path to the xml file. For example: /text/myStyle.xml. |
styleRuleBundle | java.util.Vector | Yes | Specifies a vector of oracle.dss.rules.RuleBundle objects that specify different colors based on data values or characteristics. For example, a styleRuleBundle might contain a stoplight rule that sets the following colors:
The following example refers to a style rule bundle called myRuleBundle that is stored in the backing bean SampleGraph: |
svgFontEmbedding | int | Yes | Valid Values: SVG_FONT_EMBEDDING_ALL, SVG_FONT_EMBEDDING_NONE Indicates whether fonts should be embedded directly in the generated SVG. This attribute offers one way to avoid inconsistencies between fonts available on the middle tier and fonts available on the client. Valid values are:
tabularData | java.util.List | Yes |
Specifies a list of data that the graph uses to create a grid and populate itself. The List consists of a three-member Object array for each data value to be passed to the graph. The members of each array must be organized as follows:
textAntialiasing | boolean | Yes | Indicates that the text in a graph should be smooth. The default value is false. |
threeDEffect | boolean | Yes |
Indicates whether a graph appears to have depth. Valid values are "true" and "false" (Default). |
timeAxisInterval | int | Yes | Valid Values: CTAI_AUTOMATIC, CTAI_YEAR, CTAI_MONTH, CTAI_DAY, CTAI_HOUR, CTAI_MINUTE, CTAI_SECOND Specifies the interval along a continuous time axis only if you want to override the value that the graph calculates automatically. Valid values are as follows:
timeAxisListener | javax.el.MethodExpression | Only EL | Deprecated. The listener interface for receiving time axis events on the plot area component of a graph displaying TimeAxis. Here is an example of timeAxisListener implementation that displays a mouse click location relative to the time axis -
timeAxisType | int | Yes | Valid Values: TAT_DEFAULT, TAT_IRREGULAR, TAT_MIXED_FREQUENCY, TAT_DEFAULT_STRICT, TAT_IRREGULAR_STRICT, TAT_MIXED_FREQUENCY_STRICT, TAT_OFF Indicates the type of time axis data and the expected behavior if requirements for a specific type are not met. The following types of time axis data are supported:
The constants that specify time axis type also indicate the expected behavior when the requirements for a particular time axis type are not met. The following kinds of behavior are possible:
Valid values are as follows:
timeRangeEnd | java.util.Date | Yes | Specifies explicit time range end date for the time axis. TimeRangeMode property must be set to TRM_EXPLICIT. Only EL is supported. |
timeRangeMode | int | Yes | Valid Values: TRM_OFF, TRM_RELATIVE_LAST, TRM_RELATIVE_FIRST, TRM_EXPLICIT Time range mode on a time axis. Valid values are:
Also see the following related properties: relativeTimeRange, timeRangeStart, and timeRangeEnd. |
timeRangeStart | java.util.Date | Yes | Specifies explicit time range start date for the time axis. TimeRangeMode property must be set to TRM_EXPLICIT. Only EL is supported. |
timeRelativeRange | long | Yes | Specifies relative time range(in milliseconds) from the last data point or from the first data point on the time axis. timeRangeMode must be set to TRM_RELATIVE_LAST or TRM_RELATIVE_FIRST. Only EL is supported. |
timeSelectorListener | javax.el.MethodExpression | Only EL | Deprecated. Use dvt:timeSelector tag and its timeSelectorListener attribute. The listener interface for receiving time selector events on the graph. The TimeSelectorEvent contains information about the new extents of the time selector. Here is an example of timeSelectorListener implementation that displays the range of the time selector -
timeZone | java.util.TimeZone | Yes | Specifies a method reference that returns an instance of java.util.TimeZone . The graph uses this time zone when it formats dates. The following example refers to the method myTimeZone in the SampleGraph backing bean: timeZone="#{sampleGraph.myTimeZone}" |
tokenSubstitution | oracle.dss.dataView.TokenSubstitution | Yes | Defines methods that allow you to substitute text for a token in a String. |
value | String | Yes | Specifies the graph's data model. This must be an instance of or |
visualEffects | int | Yes | Valid Values: NONE, AUTO Specifies the type or types of visualEffect to apply. Valid values are:
x1ReferenceObjectDisplay | int | Yes | Valid Values: RO_DISPLAY_ALWAYS, RO_DISPLAY_NEVER, RO_DISPLAY_AUTOMATIC Deprecated. Use dvt:referenceObjectSet tag and its displayX1 attribute instead. Controls whether reference lines appear for the x-axis. Valid values are the following:
y1ReferenceObjectDisplay | int | Yes | Valid Values: RO_DISPLAY_ALWAYS, RO_DISPLAY_NEVER, RO_DISPLAY_AUTOMATIC Deprecated. Use dvt:referenceObjectSet tag and its displayY1 attribute instead. Controls whether reference lines appear for the y1-axis. Valid values are the following:
y2ReferenceObjectDisplay | int | Yes | Valid Values: RO_DISPLAY_ALWAYS, RO_DISPLAY_NEVER, RO_DISPLAY_AUTOMATIC Deprecated. Use dvt:referenceObjectSet tag and its displayY2 attribute instead. Controls whether reference lines appear for the y2-axis. Valid values are the following:
zoomAndScrollListener | javax.faces.el.MethodBinding | Only EL | Deprecated. Use zoomListener and scrollListener attributes instead. The listener interface for receiving zoom and scroll events on the graph. The event triggers when an axis of a graph is zoomed and/or scrolled. Here is an example of zoomAndScrollListener implementation that displays the range of the Y1 Axis and the O1 Axis -
zoomDirection | int | Yes | Valid Values: ZD_BOTH_AXES, ZD_XAXIS_ONLY, ZD_YAXIS_ONLY Specifies on which axis or axes zooming is allowed. Valid values are:
zoomListener | javax.el.MethodExpression | Only EL | The listener interface for receiving zoom events on the graph. The event triggers when an axis of a graph is zoomed. Here is an example of zoomListener implementation that displays the range of the Y1 Axis and the O1 Axis -