Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Security Guide

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Updated: March 2015


    The hypervisor is the firmware layer that implements and controls the virtualization of real hardware. The hypervisor includes the following components:

  • Actual hypervisor, which is implemented in firmware and supported by the systems' CPUs.

  • Kernel modules that run in the control domain to configure the hypervisor.

  • Kernel modules and daemons that run in I/O domains and service domains to provide virtualized I/O, as well as the kernel modules that communicate by means of Logical Domain Channels (LDCs).

  • Kernel modules and device drivers that run in the guest domains to access virtualized I/O devices as well as the kernel modules that communicate by means of LDCs.

Threat: Breaking the Isolation

An attacker can hijack guest domains or the entire system by breaking out of the isolated runtime environment provided by the hypervisor. Potentially, this threat can cause the most severe damage to a system.

Evaluation: Breaking the Isolation

A modular system design can improve isolation by granting different levels of privileges to guest domains, the hypervisor, and the control domain. Each functional module is implemented in a separate and configurable kernel module, device driver, or daemon. This modularity requires clean APIs and simple communication protocols, reducing the overall risk for error.

Even if exploitation of an error seems unlikely, the potential damage can lead to the attacker controlling the entire system.

Countermeasure: Validating Firmware and Software Signatures

Even though you can download system firmware and OS patches directly from an Oracle web site, these patches can be manipulated. Before you install the software, ensure that you verify the MD5 checksums of the software packages. The checksums of all downloadable software is published by Oracle.

Countermeasure: Validating Kernel Modules

Oracle VM Server for SPARC uses several drivers and kernel modules to implement the overall virtualization system. All kernel modules and most binaries that are distributed with the Oracle Solaris OS carry a digital signature. Use the elfsign utility to check the digital signature for each kernel module and driver. You can use the Oracle Solaris 11 pkg verify command to check the integrity of Oracle Solaris binary. See

First, you must establish the integrity of the elfsign utility. Use the basic audit and reporting tool (BART) to automate digital signature verification process. Integrating BART and the Solaris Fingerprint Database in the Solaris 10 Operating System describes how to combine BART and the Solaris Fingerprint Database to automatically perform similar integrity checks. Although the fingerprint database has been discontinued, the concepts described in this document can be carried over to use elfsign and BART in a similar manner.