Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Installation Guide

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Updated: April 2015

Upgrading the Logical Domains Manager and the System Firmware

This section describes how to upgrade to Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 software.

First download the Logical Domains Manager to the control domain. See Downloading the Logical Domains Manager.

Then stop all domains (except the control domain) running on the platform:

How to Stop All Domains Running on the Platform, Except the Control Domain

Perform this task only if you plan to perform a power cycle of the system or upgrade the firmware. Performing this task is not required if you are only upgrading the Logical Domains Manager software.

  1. Stop all domains.
    primary# ldm stop-domain -a
  2. Issue the unbind-domain subcommand from the control domain for each domain.
    primary# ldm unbind-domain ldom