3 Collection Issues

This chapter describes the issues encountered with the various collections supported by Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM).

3.1 Siebel Host Name Returned Twice

Customers are seeing the host names containing Siebel services twice: once with the long name and the second with the short name.

The Siebel topology is discovered from the host that runs the Siebel Gateway Server. A host definition is created and uploaded to Oracle services with the intent that the host configuration definition will rendezvous at Oracle when an Oracle Collection Manager collector is installed on the physical host where the Siebel service runs. Due to host network configuration, the name of the host is returned as different strings; one from the gateway server and another from the physical host. It is required that all hosts within the Siebel topology be configured to return full canonic names for hosts. This is true for the Siebel Gateway server, as well as from all hosts containing Siebel services.

Reconfigure your host network to return the full canonic name for the local host. On the Gateway Server, the network configuration must return the full canonic name for all hosts that are known to participate in a Siebel system defined by the Gateway Server.

3.2 Database Previously Collected But Now Dropped

Customers are seeing messages similar to the following message when a database that's been previously collected but is now dropped.

WARN: Oracle Configuration Manager database objects are not in sync with the
installed configuration collection scripts. Refer to the Installation and
Configuration documentation on reloading the SQL collection packages.

Use emCCR disable_target command. The emCCR status does not look at the list of disabled targets to determine whether it conforms to the list of targets for which it should check metadata.

3.3 Database Collection Is Not Working

If a database instance is not discovered even though the Oracle Configuration Manager instrumentation step reports no errors, ensure that the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter is set to a value greater than 0 (zero). This ensures that the DBMS jobs script runs and in turn the Oracle Configuration Manager instrumentation works.

You can set the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter using the ALTER command:

alter system set job_queue_processes=<n> scope=both;
  where <n> represents the number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES

It is suggested that you set the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter to 10.