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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Basics
Release 7.2.4
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Studio Projects View

Use the Studio Projects view to perform modeling activities and other project tasks. This view has various functions available for project tasks, which are accessible from the Studio Projects view toolbar and context menu.

The tree structure displays Design Studio components organized by project. Each project you are working on is represented by one folder as the top level of a tree, with logical groups of entities below it.

The actions available in the Studio Projects view context menu depend on your current selection in the Studio Projects view. For example, Design Studio filters the list of entity creation actions based on the project type associated with the current selection.

In addition to commands for copying, pasting, and deleting entities in the workspace, the Studio Projects view toolbar and context menu also provide the following commands:

Action Location Use
Include Sealed Projects

Exclude Sealed Projects

Toolbar Toggle to show and hide sealed projects in the view.
Hierarchical view format

Flat view format

Toolbar and Context Menu Toggle to Hierarchical view format to display the Studio Projects view contents in a folder structure.

Toggle to the Flat view format to display the Studio Projects view contents with a dot-separated name that includes each folder in the path (if you are using folders to organize your entities).

Include Empty Folders

Exclude Empty Folders

Toolbar Toggle between these filter settings to hide or display empty folders.
Link to Editor Toolbar Click to link or unlink the view to the active editor.

When you link views to active editors, an entity is highlighted in the view when the corresponding entity editor is active. Also, when you select an entity in the view, the corresponding editor becomes active (assuming that editor is open).

Unlink the view to prevent Design Studio from updating the contents views when an entity is no longer displayed in the active editor.



Toolbar Filter entities by location and name combinations based on the pattern and matching position. Enter filter terms into these fields and click the Filter button to search for the term. Click the Filter button again to clear the search term. When filtering, consider the following:
  • Separate terms by a space to filter for both terms. Add OR between terms to search for either one or the other. For example, entering 32 OR aa returns occurrences of terms starting with 32 and aa.

  • Searches return all elements and entities that begin with the search string.

  • Use an asterisk followed by a term to match endings of terms.

  • Use an asterisk to match any number of characters.

  • Use asterisks on both sides of a term to return strings that contain a match anywhere in the string.

  • Use a question mark to match single characters.

  • Variations of strings are returned. For example, a search for *ID returns productID, customerID, and orderID.

  • Use a hyphen (-) before a term to omit specific variations of words (ensure there is a space before the hyphen). For example, a search for *ID -product returns customerID and orderID, but not productID.

New context menu Select to create new projects and entities.

Design Studio filters the options based on the project type associated with the current selection.

Copy context menu Select to copy a project or entity.
Paste context menu Select to paste a copy of a project or entity into the workspace. Depending on the location, you may be required to edit the name for uniqueness.
Delete context menu Select to delete a project or entity from the workspace.

Note: Oracle recommends that you use the Studio Modeling Basics Projects view to delete projects.

Move context menu Select to move an entity to a different project.
Rename context menu Select to rename an entity.

Open Project

context menu Select Open to display the editor for the project or entity that you have selected in the Studio Projects view.

Select Open Project if there is no active selection in the view.

Open Project

Close Project

context menu Select to open or close a project in the workspace. See "Closing Projects" and "Opening Projects" for more information.

Note: Though you can open and close projects using other views, Oracle recommends that you perform these operations from the Studio Modeling Basics Projects view.

Expand context menu Expands the selected entity to display all child elements of the structure.
Collapse context menu Collapses a structured data element and hides all child elements of the structure.
Import context menu Select to import a project into the workspace. Multiple import options may appear, depending on the plug-ins installed. See "Importing Projects" for more information.

Note: Though you can import projects from other views, Oracle recommends that you perform this operation using the Studio Modeling Basics Projects view.

Refresh context menu Select to refresh the Studio Projects view.
Design Pattern context menu Select to apply a design pattern using the Design Pattern wizard. See "Working with Design Patterns" and Design Studio Developer's Guide for more information.
Guided Assistance context menu Select to open the Design Studio Guided Assistance dialog box, which provides a range of context-sensitive learning aides mapped to the editor or view in focus. See "Using Guided Assistance" for more information.
Deploy context menu Select to deploy a cartridge using Optimize Deploy. See "Deploying Cartridge Projects with Optimize Deploy" for more information.
Go Into

Go Back

Go Home

context menu


  • Go Into to make the current selection the root of the view. Use this action to focus on a branch of the tree, and to reduce the view to only the content currently of interest.

  • Go Back to return to the previous level in the hierarchy.

  • Go Home to return to the default Studio Projects view hierarchy.

Properties context menu Select to view the properties of the entity and define preferences.

The Studio Projects view context menu also contains additional actions based on the current selection, as well as actions provided by Eclipse, such as actions that enable you to share projects and apply patches, compare documents, use local history, and so forth. See the Eclipse Workbench User Guide for more information.

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