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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Basics
Release 7.2.4
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Structure View

Use the Structure view to view relationships for a selected entity or data element and perform operations on the relationship contents. For some relationships, these folders appear even if the relationships are not yet established (the folder will be empty; the Solution view will include these folders to indicate that these are important relationships that can be defined).

For example, if you select an order entity in the Solution view, the Structure view displays a Creation Tasks folder, a Default Process folder, a Permissions folder, and so forth. Even when no creation task is associated with the order, the Creation Task folder still appears in the Structure view, indicating that a creation task can (and should) be associated with an order.

The Structure view is linked to the Solution view, the Studio Projects view, and the Package Explorer view. When you make a selection in any of these views, Design Studio updates the content in the Structure view based on the active selection. The Structure view enables you to navigate through and to perform operations on relationship folder contents while maintaining focus on the active entity. See "Refactoring Entities and Data Elements" for more information about the operations that you can perform on data elements in this view.

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