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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Basics
Release 7.2.4
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Solution View

Use the Solution view as an entry point to your service fulfillment solutions, to view the relationships among the elements in a solution, and to adjust the level of detail for efficient navigation and design. The Solution view enables you to explore the associations between entities used to model the service domain in the conceptual model and in application projects.

From the Solution view, you can model, run design patterns against, and refactor entities. The Solution view enables you to organize and view your solutions through products, services, resources, orders, and other entities that implement the solution. This view displays relationships among entities in a workspace and includes child folders that represent relationships defined in your solution.

You can filter the Solution view so that child folders appear even if the relationships are not yet established (the folder will be empty; the Solution view will include these folders to indicate that these are important relationships that can be defined).

For example, when you filter the Solution view to show all folders and to display the orders in your workspace, all Order entities include a Creation Tasks folder, a Default Process folder, a Permissions folder, and so forth. Even when no creation task is associated with the order, the Creation Task folder still appears, indicating that a creation task can (and should) be associated with an order.

You can also filter the view to display or hide actions, realizations, and components associated with the entities in the Solution view.


The Solution view is linked to other views and to the active editor. When you select an entity in the Solution view, all linked views are updated to display information about the selected entity.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about navigating across solutions using the Solution view.

Field/Icon Use
Category Filters Click to define options for filtering the Solution view. You can select options to display actions, realizations, and components associated with products, services, and resources. You can also display or hide Functional Area entity realizations and order item parameter bindings.
Add Relationship Click to add relationships to the selected entity.
New Category Items Click to add a new category item to the Solution view. The options that are available depend on the category selected.

For example, if you select an Order entity in the Solution view Category field, you can click the New Category Item arrow to create a new order.

Show/Hide Folders Click to display only primary relationships for the entities that appear in the Solution view.
Category Filter for entities that are associated with a specific category. Entities associated with the category display at the root level of the Solution view.
Types Filter for entity types that have been registered for the selected category, which include all types of entities or elements, text documents, Word documents, and any other types contained in your workspace.
Filter Enter an entity name and click the Filter button (represented by a flashlight icon) to search for a specific entity. Click the Filter button again to clear the search term. When searching, consider the following:
  • Separate terms by a space to filter for both terms. Add OR between terms to search for either one or the other. For example, entering 32 OR aa returns occurrences of terms starting with 32 and aa.

  • Searches return all elements and entities that begin with the search string.

  • Use an asterisk followed by a term to match endings of terms.

  • Use an asterisk to match any number of characters.

  • Use asterisks on both sides of a term to return strings that contain a match anywhere in the string.

  • Use a question mark to match single characters.

  • Variations of strings are returned. For example, a search for *ID returns productID, customerID, and orderID.

  • Use a hyphen (-) before a term to omit specific variations of words (ensure there is a space before the hyphen). For example, a search for *ID -product returns customerID and orderID, but not productID.

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