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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling Basics
Release 7.2.4
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Design Studio Refactoring Menu

Use the Design Studio Refactoring menu to propagate data model changes across a solution without sacrificing model integrity.

You can access the Refactoring menu from Design Studio editor data trees and from some Design Studio views. You can override the settings used to configure the behavior of Design Studio Modeling Basics when refactoring data elements and entities. See "Refactoring Preferences Page" for more information.

Option Use
Rename Select to rename an entity or data element. An entity or data element can be renamed when:

Before renaming the entity or element, Design Studio displays a list of the impacted references, selected for rename by default. If you exclude a reference from the rename process, you must resolve that data element reference.

After renaming, all selected references and extensions to the entity are updated. See "Renaming Entities and Data Elements" for more information.

Remove from Workspace Select to delete data elements from the workspace. You can remove elements from the workspace when:

Before removing the element, Design Studio displays a list of all changes to be performed. After removal, all references and extensions to the deleted element are updated.

Note: Carefully consider the impact when removing from the workspace data elements that impact multiple systems.

Move To Select to move a global data element to a different data schema.

You can move elements when:

Before moving the element, Design Studio displays a list of all changes to be performed. After moving, all references and extensions to the elements are updated.

When moving structured elements, all child elements are moved to the target schema. See "Moving Entities and Data Elements to Different Schemas" for more information.

Move Select to move an entity to a different folder in the same project or to a different project.

This action is available from the Solution view, the Studio Projects view, the Structure view, and the Outline view.

You can move an entity when:

Resolve Select to reference a new base type for a data element that Design Studio Modeling Basics cannot automatically resolve.

For example, consider that you have data element A that references data element B as the base type. If element B is moved or deleted, data element A is considered unresolved.

You can resolve elements when:

  • The entities that contain the source and target elements are writable. See "Defining Entity Read-Only Properties" for more information.

  • The entities that contain the source and target elements exist in projects that are unsealed. See "Unsealing Projects" for more information.

  • The target elements do not exist in the base hierarchy of the selected element.

  • The target element is resolved.

Replace With Select to change the base type for all data elements that reference the selected base type (this action is applicable only to data schema elements).

You can replace the base type for multiple data element references when:

  • The entities that contain the target elements are writable. See "Defining Entity Read-Only Properties" for more information.

  • The entities that contain the target elements exist in projects that are unsealed. See "Unsealing Projects" for more information.

  • The selected base element is a root element or a child simple element.

  • The selected base element is resolved.

  • The target elements do not exist in the base hierarchy of the selected base element.

For example, you can use this action when consolidating data models, as it enables you to replace proprietary types with common types.

Copy Schema Element To Select to copy a structured or simple data element to another data schema. When copying structured elements, all child elements are copied to the target schema.

Elements are copied to the target schema as global elements. You can copy child structures and child elements (independent of the parent element) to create new global elements.

Make Reusable Select to copy a data element (and any children, if applicable) to the root level of the same entity or to a different entity. The new data element created is defined as the base type for the original element (at the original location).

For example, consider that a structure employee includes child structure address. If you make address reusable, order template and atomic action references to the original location employee\address do not change. However, the original child structure address is now of type address and a reusable base type structure address is created in the Data Dictionary.

You can make an element reusable when:

See "Making Data Elements Modular and Reusable" for more information.