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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Task Editor Activation Task Details Tab

The Task editor Activation Task Details tab appears for Activation task types.

Use the Activation Task Details tab to define the attributes that enable the Activation task to execute properly in the Activation environment. For example, you can associate an Activation task with an order, specify the user to run this task, and provide the details for the response queue name, maximum cache size, and cache time-out.

Field Use
Activation System Displays the activation system against which the activation task is registered.
Run As Enter the OSM user name (security principal) that can execute this task. A password is not necessary to authenticate this user because only an administrator has the authority to deploy components into the server.

Ensure that the user is set up in the Oracle WebLogic Server console. For more information about setting up users and groups, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.

Note: Oracle recommends using the DEFAULT_AUTOMATION_USER cartridge model variable in the Run As field. See "Working with OSM Cartridge Model Variables" for more information.

Maximum Number in Cache Specify the maximum number of entries in the cache that are maintained at any one time.
Cache Timeout Specify the number of seconds for which the cache is valid.
Exception Select the exit status to use when an exception occurs during the Activation task processing. Status options include any status values you assigned to the task.
Activation Order ID Node Select a data node to store the order ID. The activation order ID is used by the defined compensation strategy when a task is affected by amendment processing. See "Task Editor Redo Tab" and "Task Editor Undo Tab" for more information.
OSSJ Enter the location to which OSM sends OSSJ service action requests. Configure this attribute if you want to connect to an ASAP instance using Java message service (JMS).

Depending on how you set up your cartridge project model variables, you can use the default values or define your own queue location names. See "Working with OSM Cartridge Model Variables" for more information.

Web services Enter the location to which OSM sends Web services service action requests. Configure this attribute if you want to connect to an activation system instance using Web service messages. You must also configure the Map and Key fields to secure the Web service messages.

Depending on how you set up your cartridge project model variables, you can use the default values or define your own queue location names. See "Working with OSM Cartridge Model Variables" for more information.

Map and Key for Activation Credential ASAP and IP Service Activator secure Web Service service actions with a Web services user name and password located in the activation system WebLogic server. You must store this user name and password within the Fusion Middleware Credential Store Framework (CSF) using the credStoreAdmin.bat tool located in the OSM_home/SDK/XMLImportExport folder, where OSM_home is the location where the OSM software is installed. The credStoreAdmin.bat tool creates a map and a key that corresponds to the ASAP Web Service user name and password. For more information about this tool, see the OSM System Administrator's Guide.
Environment ID Enter the activation system environment ID to which the service action requests are sent.

Note: When you create cartridges, some of the variable information to define may depend on a specific environment. If you do not have environment specific values for variables that you will need at run time, you can create tokens for the variables and later define specific variable values for each environment in which you will use the variable. Tokens are place holders for environment-specific values that can be defined at the time of deployment. See "Working with OSM Cartridge Model Variables" for more information.

Response Queue Enter the JNDI name of the response queue on which this automator listens. If you do not enter a value, the system uses a default value. Values must be defined in Oracle WebLogic Server.

Design Studio populates this field with a default value if service action requests are configured to be submitted using OSSJ.

When service action requests are configured to be submitted using Web service, you must define a response queue.

JMS topic for events Enter the location to which service action responses are sent. Depending on how you set up your cartridge project model variables, you can use the default values or define your own topic location names. See "Working with OSM Cartridge Model Variables" for more information.

If you are using store and forward (SAF) to communicate to an ASAP instance located on a different WebLogic server, Oracle recommends selecting the Use a queue check box to use a queue instead of a topic. For more information about SAF, see the OSM Installation Guide.

Related Topics

Modeling Activation Tasks

About Activation Tasks