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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Task Editor Undo Tab

The Task editor Undo tab appears only for IPSA Activation tasks. (A new Activation task is designated to be an IPSA Activation task when you choose IPSA for the Activation System value on the Activation Task Wizard.)

Use the Undo tab to define part of your compensation strategy for Activation tasks: to undo tasks that are affected by amendments. Complete the compensation strategy for Activation tasks on the Redo tab. See "Task Editor Redo Tab" for more information.

Field Use
Compensation Strategy Specify the compensation strategy to undo a task when it is affected by an amendment:
  • Select Manual if manual intervention is required at run time.

  • Select Ignore to instruct OSM to skip this task.

  • Select Undo to instruct OSM to cancel the original task, or to cancel another task.

Cancel original order When Compensation Strategy is set to Undo, this option cancels the original order id.
Create a new order to undo When Compensation Strategy is set to Undo, you can configure a new task to undo, by specifying the data node that contains the Activation order ID. The Activation order ID is configured on the Activation Task Details tab. See "Task Editor Activation Task Details Tab" for more information.

Related Topics

Modeling Activation Tasks

About Activation Tasks