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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Assigning Task Permissions

You assign execution modes to roles for each task to specify which roles can perform the execution mode. For example, you can restrict a particular role from performing a redo on a task.

To add a role to the Permissions table:

  1. In the Task editor, click the Permissions tab.

  2. Select an existing role or create a new role to add to the Task Permissions table.

    Do one of the following:

    • Click Select to add an existing role to the list.

    • Click New to create a new role.

      See "Creating New Roles" for more information.


    For automated and transformation tasks, Oracle recommends that you select or create an automation role. Assign the oms-automation user to this role in the OSM Administrator application, and assign permissions for automated tasks to the automation role only. Using an automation role ensures that only automation plug-ins process automated tasks.

    See OSM Administrator Application User's Guide for more information about assigning users to roles.

  3. For each role listed in the Role Name column, select or deselect, as appropriate, the Do, Undo, and Redo check boxes to enable or disable access to the task execution modes.

    See "Task Editor Permissions Tab" for more information about task execution modes.

  4. (Optional) View permissions for existing roles.

    To view the permissions defined for a role, select a role and click Open. The system displays the role in the Role editor, where you can view the permissions assigned to the role. You assign permissions to a role to give the users in that role access to related functions in the Task Web client.

  5. (Optional) Delete roles from the task permissions.

    To delete roles, select a role and click Remove to delete a role from the task.

Related Topics

Working with Roles

Working with Manual Tasks