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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Assigning Statuses to Tasks

You assign completion statuses to the task by selecting from a list of predefined statuses or by adding your own.

To assign statuses to tasks:

  1. In the Task editor, click the States/Statuses tab.

    See "Task Editor States/Statuses Tab" for more information about the fields on this tab.

  2. In the Statuses area, click the corresponding Select button.

    The Select a Status dialog box is displayed.

  3. Select a predefined status to assign to the task.

    See "About Task States and Statuses" for more information about statuses.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Status area, click the corresponding Add button.

    Design Studio adds a new default value to the Name column, the Display Name column, and to the Constraint column. Select the values in the Name column and the Display columns to rename them.

    Note: Design Studio automatically capitalizes display names.

  6. Select the value in the Constraint column.

    All statuses have a corresponding constraint severity level that determines the transition behavior of the task when a constraint violation occurs. When you add a new status and select the associated default constraint, the system displays a list of available values.

    See "Defining Constraint Behavior Properties" for more information.

  7. Click the drop-down list button and select a constraint severity level.

  8. (Optional) Select a state and click Remove to delete a status from the list.