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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Order Editor Permissions Details Tab

You use the Order editor Permissions Details tab to enable roles to create orders of this type and to define the flexible headers available to Task Web client users. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Permissions Details tab.

Field Use
Create Orders Select to enable the associated role to create this order type.
Flexible Header Flexible headers are additional columns of data that Task Web client users can add (through the preferences settings) to their Worklist, Notification, and Query view lists.

You define which data nodes the users can add in the Flexible Header field. The roles associated with the order can add these data nodes to their view lists so that they can view the data without having to access the corresponding editor.

Click the Add button to access a list of data elements defined in the order template. The Description name you enter appears in the column header of the Task Web client Worklist, Notifications, and Query views.


Flexible headers are displayed as lookup lists or as range fields. If flexible headers are enumerated by the designer, they are displayed as lookup lists. If they are not enumerated, they are displayed as range fields.

When entering data into range fields, either enter data only in the From field or enter data in both the From and To fields. Filling only the From field queries only that exact data; filling both the From and To fields queries the range entered.

See "Enumerations Tab" and "Settings Tab" for more information about creating lookup lists and range fields.

Related Topics

Assigning Order Permissions

Order Editor Permissions Tab