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Oracle® Communications Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes
Release 7.2.4
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Modifying Process Editor Start Properties

You can define properties at the process level, including the expected duration of the process, the reference name, and whether it is a workstream process.

To modify Process editor start properties:

  1. In the Process editor, right-click the Start node and select Show Properties.

    The Properties view opens for the process.

  2. For each property, click inside the Value field.

    Design Studio displays a list of values for the corresponding property. See "Process Editor Start Properties General Tab" for more information about the fields and values.

  3. Select the desired value.

  4. Click Save.


You can double-click the Start entity in the Process editor to open the associated order in the Order editor.

Related Topics

Working with Processes

Designing Workstream Processes

Working with Orders