To simplify and expedite the creation of cartridges, a Cartridge Generation feature is available in Design Studio. The cartridge generation feature works differently depending on the type of cartridge you are creating. For Activation Network cartridges, service actions, atomic actions, and action processors are created and linked in a 1:1:1 relationship for all combinations of the actions and entities you specify. For an Activation Service cartridges, only service actions are created, as the feature cannot determine which atomic actions (one or possibly more) you want to associate with the service actions in the cartridge you are creating. For Activation Service cartridges, a decision must also be made about the type of service model you will create for the customer (common, mixed or vendor/technology/software load-specific) which will affect the naming convention used for the atomic actions.
For Activation Service cartridges, you must create and associate atomic actions with the service actions that you created with the Cartridge Generation feature. For the atomic actions that you create (regardless of the type of service model used), you can reuse the action processors from cartridges. When using common atomic actions (that you have created) you must manually link atomic actions with action processors. If you are reusing atomic actions from cartridges, the links between the atomic actions and action processors will already exist.To use the cartridge generation feature for generating a framework model of Activation Network cartridges, you specify the actions that will be performed by the cartridge (ADD, MOD, DEL, QUERY), and the entities on which these will be performed (PORT, SUBSCRIBER, SUBSCRIPTION, LINE, and so on). Also, you enter descriptions for the actions and entities, which are combined for each action and entity combination (for example, add a single port on the device). After you have entered this information into the Project editor Cartridge Layout tab, you generate a framework model by running the Cartridge Generation tool.
The Cartridge Generation tool does not overwrite a framework that already exists. Rather, it adds to framework new and modified actions and entities. Additionally, Design Studio does not delete old actions or entities. You can however, delete them manually.When generating framework models, see the following topics:
Generating Framework Models for Activation Network Cartridges
Generating Framework Models for Activation Services Cartridges
About Vendor, Technology, and Software Load-Specific Service Models