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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Unified Directory
11g Release 2 (


Interface EntryChangeNotificationResponseControl

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public interface EntryChangeNotificationResponseControl
extends Control

The entry change notification response control as defined in draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch. This control provides additional information about the change the caused a particular entry to be returned as the result of a persistent search.

See Also:
PersistentSearchRequestControl, PersistentSearchChangeType, draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch - Persistent Search: A Simple LDAP Change Notification Mechanism

Field Summary
static ControlDecoder<EntryChangeNotificationResponseControl> DECODER
          A decoder which can be used for decoding the entry change notification response control.


Method Summary
 long getChangeNumber()
          Returns the change number for this entry change notification control.
 PersistentSearchChangeType getChangeType()
          Returns the change type for this entry change notification control.
 DN getPreviousName()
          Returns the distinguished name that the entry had prior to a modify DN operation, or null if the operation was not a modify DN.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.oud.controls.Control
getAPIValue, getOID, hasValue, isCritical


Field Detail


static final ControlDecoder<EntryChangeNotificationResponseControl> DECODER
A decoder which can be used for decoding the entry change notification response control.

Method Detail


long getChangeNumber()
Returns the change number for this entry change notification control.
The change number for this entry change notification control, or a negative value if no change number is available.


PersistentSearchChangeType getChangeType()
Returns the change type for this entry change notification control.
The change type for this entry change notification control.


DN getPreviousName()
Returns the distinguished name that the entry had prior to a modify DN operation, or null if the operation was not a modify DN.
The distinguished name that the entry had prior to a modify DN operation.

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Unified Directory
11g Release 2 (


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