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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Unified Directory
11g Release 2 (


Interface AttachmentHolder

All Known Subinterfaces:
AddRequest, BindRequest, CompareRequest, DeleteRequest, ExtendedRequest<R>, ModifyDNRequest, ModifyRequest, Request, SearchRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:
AddRequestWrapper, BindRequestWrapper, CompareRequestWrapper, DeleteRequestWrapper, ExtendedRequestWrapper, ModifyDNRequestWrapper, ModifyRequestWrapper, SearchRequestWrapper

public interface AttachmentHolder

This interface defines how objects can be attached, retrieved and removed to and from various entities.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getAttachment(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the attachment with the specified name.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAttachmentNames()
          Retrieves the set of attachment names defined for this holder, as a mapping between the attachment name and the associated object.
 java.lang.Object removeAttachment(java.lang.String name)
          Removes the attachment with the specified name.
 java.lang.Object setAttachment(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value of the specified attachment.


Method Detail


java.lang.Object removeAttachment(java.lang.String name)
Removes the attachment with the specified name.
name - The name for the attachment to remove. It will be treated in a case-sensitive manner.
The attachment that was removed, or null if it does not exist.


java.lang.Object setAttachment(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.Object value)
Sets the value of the specified attachment. If an attachment already exists with the same name, it will be replaced. Otherwise, a new attachment will be added.
name - The name to use for the attachment.
value - The value to use for the attachment.
The former value held by the attachment with the given name, or null if there was previously no such attachment.


java.lang.Object getAttachment(java.lang.String name)
Retrieves the attachment with the specified name.
name - The name for the attachment to retrieve. It will be treated in a case-sensitive manner.
The requested attachment object, or null if it does not exist.


java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAttachmentNames()
Retrieves the set of attachment names defined for this holder, as a mapping between the attachment name and the associated object.
The set of attachments defined for this request.

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Unified Directory
11g Release 2 (


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