2 Installing the Software

Oracle Unified Directory can be managed by using the command line or by using the graphical Oracle Directory Services Manager (ODSM) interface. ODSM relies on an application server and on the Oracle Application Development Framework, so, if you plan to use ODSM you must install these components.

This chapter describes how to obtain and install Oracle Unified Directory, Oracle WebLogic Server, IBM WebSphere, and the Oracle Application Development Framework. The ODSM bits are installed when you install Oracle Unified Directory but ODSM must be configured when you have installed Oracle WebLogic Server or IBM WebSphere and the Oracle Application Development Framework.


The version of ODSM described in this document is ODSM can be used to manage Oracle Unified Directory only. It cannot be used with Oracle Internet Directory or Oracle Virtual Directory. Versions of ODSM shipped with Oracle Internet Directory or Oracle Virtual Directory cannot be used with Oracle Unified Directory.

The installation process requires that you identify certain directories into which the software is installed. For a complete understanding of the installation directory structure, see Section 1.4, "Understanding the Installation Directories".

This section covers the following topics:

2.1 Obtaining the Software

For installing Oracle Unified Directory, you must obtain the following software:

2.1.1 Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 2 PS2 (

You can obtain Oracle Unified Directory from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud Web site as follows:

  1. Enter the URL (https://edelivery.oracle.com) in a Web browser.

  2. If prompted, choose your language and click Continue.

  3. Complete the Export License Agreement as instructed on the site, and then click Continue.

  4. On the Media Pack Search page, select Oracle Fusion Middleware from the Select a Product Pack drop-down list.

  5. Select your platform from the Platform drop-down list and click Go. The Results list shows all products that match your selections.

  6. Select the Oracle Fusion Middleware Identity Management 11g R2 Media Pack link and click Continue.

  7. Click the Download link for the Oracle Unified Directory 11g installer you want to download.

    Each ZIP file has a unique part number.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Browse to the directory where you want to save the file. Click Save to start the file download. A compressed ZIP file is downloaded.

  10. Extract the ZIP file, which contains only the appropriate installer executable for the selected platform, to a directory of your choice.


The Oracle Directory Services Manager bits are installed when you install Oracle Unified Directory. You must configure it with an application server, as described in Section 2.3, "Configuring an Application Server for Oracle Directory Services Manager".

2.1.2 Application Server

If you are configuring the Oracle Unified Directory with the Oracle Directory Services Manager then you must install an application server. The following application servers are supported:

For more information, see Section 1.1, "System Requirements and Certification". Oracle WebLogic Server

You can obtain the Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.6) installation program from either of the following locations:

For more information, see "Product Distribution" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.


Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 2 (11.1.2) only supports Oracle WebLogic Server Installer 10.3.6. IBM WebSphere

Oracle Unified Directory supports IBM WebSphere Application Server - Network Deployment (ND)


IBM WebSphere only supports Oracle Application Development Runtime 11g Release 1 ( or later.

To obtain and install the IBM WebSphere software, refer to the IBM WebSphere documentation available on the WebSphere Application Server Information Center for basic conceptual information about IBM WebSphere, as well as details about installing IBM WebSphere.

At the time this document was published, the latest Fix Pack was Fix Pack 27 ( For more information, see the WebSphere Application Server Information Center. For more information about the Fix Packs available for IBM WebSphere 7.0, refer to the Fix list for IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0 on the IBM Support Web site.

Note that this information was valid at the time this document was published. For the most accurate and up-to-date information about the IBM WebSphere Application Server supported by Oracle Fusion Middleware, see the Certification information on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN), as described in Section 1.1, "System Requirements and Certification".


In this guide, IBM WebSphere is used to reference IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment (ND). The specific product names are used when appropriate.

2.1.3 Oracle Application Development Framework 11g Release 1 (

Download the Oracle Application Development Framework from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at the following location:


2.2 Installing Oracle Unified Directory

To install Oracle Unified Directory, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you obtained the software, as described in Section 2.1, "Obtaining the Software".

  2. Extract the ZIP file, which contains only the appropriate Oracle Unified Directory installer executable for the selected platform, to a directory of your choice. The installer is located in the ZIP file part number directory.

  3. Use the cd command to move from your present working directory to the directory where you extracted the contents of the zip file to.


    $ cd download-path/oud/Disk1


    cd download-path\oud\Disk1
  4. Start the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) by running the runInstaller (UNIX) or setup.exe (Windows) script, specifying the location of a valid Java installation (at least Java 6).


    Ensure that you do not run the Oracle Unified Directory installer as the root user for Unix.

    On UNIX systems:

    <full path to the runInstaller directory>/runInstaller -jreLoc <full path to the JRE/JDK directory>

    For example:

    ./runInstaller -jreLoc /usr/lang/JAVA/jre1.6.0_35

    On Windows systems:

    <full path to the setup.exe directory>\setup.exe -jreLoc <full path to the JRE/JDK directory>   

    For example:

    C:\oud\Disk1>setup.exe -jreLoc C:\Progra~1\Java\jre1.6.0_35


    On Windows systems, if the path to your Java installation includes a space character, you must provide the path in DOS 8.3 format, as shown in the previous example.
  5. On Unix and Solaris systems, if this is the first OUI-based product to be installed on the system, the Specify Inventory Directory screen is displayed. Perform the following steps:

    1. Specify an inventory directory.

      The Central Inventory directory contains information relating to all Oracle products that are installed on this host. It includes an inventory.xml file and a logs directory. The inventory.xml file lists the Oracle homes that are installed on the system. For each Oracle home, it also lists the home name, the home index, and the nodes on which the home is installed. You should not remove or manually edit this file as this might affect installation and patching.

    2. Enter the ID of a group that has write access to the inventory directory.

    3. Click OK to continue. The Inventory Location Confirmation Dialog is displayed.

    4. In a separate terminal window, as a user with root privileges, run the script located at
      where inventory-directory is the path that you specified in step a.

      The createCentralInventory.sh script does the following:

      • Sets the inventory directory and group name to what you specified in steps a and b.

      • Creates an Oracle inventory pointer file (/var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc).

      • Changes the permissions of the inventory directory to 770.

    5. When you have run the script, click OK on the Inventory Location Confirmation Dialog.

    If you do not have root access to the machine, and want to continue with the installation, select Continue With Local Inventory.

    If other Oracle products have been installed on this system, the inventory screen is not displayed.

    On Windows systems, you are not prompted to specify an inventory directory. The inventory directory is created in a default location under C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory.

  6. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

    The Install Software Updates screen is displayed.

  7. Select Skip Software Updates and click Next.

    The Prerequisite Checks screen is displayed.

  8. Monitor the prerequisites checking.

    If there is an issue, an error or warning message is displayed. Investigate the issue and resolve it. After resolving the issue, click Retry to restart the prerequisite checks.

    You can proceed with the installation without resolving the issue by clicking Continue. However, failing to resolve the issue during the prerequisites checking may cause additional issues later in the installation.

    If all prerequisite checks pass inspection, click Next.

    The Specify Installation Location screen is displayed.

  9. Enter the following information:

    • OUD Base Location Home: Specify a directory that you want to use as the Middleware home, this will include any Oracle Unified Directory instances that are configured at a later stage, unless you specify an alternate instance directory path. For example, /Oracle/Middleware.

    • Oracle Home Directory. The Installer uses the name you enter in this field to create the Oracle Home directory under the Middleware home location you enter in the OUD Base Location field. The Installer installs the files (such as binaries and libraries) required to host Oracle Unified Directory in the Oracle Home directory. The Oracle Home directory is commonly referred to as ORACLE_HOME. The default Oracle Home directory for Oracle Unified Directory is Oracle_OUD1.

    Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen is displayed.

  10. Verify the installation and configuration information.

    Click Save to save the installation response file, which contains your responses to the Installer prompts and fields. You can use this response file to perform silent installations.

    The installation response file is not saved by default-you must click Save to retain it.

    Click Install.

    The Installation Progress screen is displayed.

  11. Click Next.

    The Installation Complete screen is displayed.

  12. Check the details of the installation and click Finish.

After you have installed Oracle Unified Directory, you can configure a server instance as a directory server, a proxy server, or a replication gateway. For more information, see Section 1.2, "Selecting a Server Role".

2.2.1 Performing a Silent Installation

Oracle Unified Directory enables you to perform a silent installation (that is, an installation that does not require user intervention) by using the set of responses that you provided in an earlier installation. To perform a silent installation, follow steps 1-9 of the previous procedure, then do the following:

  1. Click Save on the Installation Summary screen.

  2. Specify the location to which the response file should be saved, for example /tmp/oud-install.rsp (Unix), and click Save.

  3. When the response file has been saved, cancel the installation.

  4. Run the following command to perform the silent installation:

    On Unix

    $ download-path/oud/Disk1/runInstaller -jreLoc JAVA_HOME -silent -responseFile /tmp/oud-install.rsp

    On Windows

    download-path\oud\Disk1\setup.exe -jreLoc JAVA_HOME -silent -responseFile \tmp\oud-install.rsp

2.3 Configuring an Application Server for Oracle Directory Services Manager

If you plan to manage Oracle Unified Directory with Oracle Directory Services Manager, you must install and configure one of the following application server:

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

  • IBM WebSphere

This section contains the following topics:

2.3.1 Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server for Oracle Directory Services Manager

If you plan to manage Oracle Unified Directory with Oracle Directory Services Manager, you can install and configure Oracle WebLogic Server by completing the following steps: Installing Oracle WebLogic Server

For information on installing the Oracle WebLogic Server, see "Preparing for Installation" and "Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.


  • You must install Oracle WebLogic Server as the same user who installed Oracle Unified Directory.

  • You must use the existing Middleware home that was created when you installed Oracle Unified Directory.

  • Ensure that you obtained the required software, as described in Section 2.1, "Obtaining the Software".

  • Ensure that you do not run the Oracle WebLogic installer as the root user for Unix. Installing Oracle Application Development Framework for Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle Directory Services Manager is a J2EE application that runs inside a Oracle WebLogic Server container and relies on certain libraries that are not installed with the Oracle Unified Directory software. These libraries are provided in the Oracle Application Development Framework. If you plan to manage Oracle Unified Directory with ODSM, you must therefore install the Oracle Application Development Framework.


You must install the Oracle Application Development Framework as the same user who installed Oracle Unified Directory.

For more information on installing Application Developer, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Application Developer. Running Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to Create an Oracle WebLogic Domain

When you have installed the Oracle Application Development Framework, you must create a new WebLogic domain for ODSM. The following procedure outlines the configuration on a UNIX system.

  1. Run the configuration wizard from the following location:


    On Windows systems, run the comparable config.cmd script.

  2. On the Welcome screen, select Create a new WebLogic domain and click Next.

    The Select Domain Source screen is displayed.

  3. Select the Oracle Directory Services Manager - check box.

    The Oracle JRF is automatically selected.

    Click Next.

    The Specify Domain Name and Location screen is displayed.

  4. Type a domain name and specify its location.

    A new WebLogic domain is created in this location, and ODSM and its related components are deployed into this domain.

    Make a note of the domain location as you will need it to start the WebLogic domain in the following procedure.

    Click Next.

    The Configure Administrator User Name and Password screen is displayed.

  5. Enter a name and password for the user who will administer this domain.

    The password must be at least eight characters and must contain at least one number or special character. Confirm the password and click Next.

    Make a note of these details as you will need them to start or restart the WebLogic domain in the following procedure.

    Click Next.

    The Configure Server Start Mode and JDK screen is displayed.

  6. Select Production Mode and a valid JDK.

    Click Next.

    The Optional Configuration screen is displayed.

  7. Click Next.

    The Configuration Summary screen is displayed.

  8. Verify the domain details and click Create.

    The Creating Domain Screen is displayed.

  9. When the domain creation process completes, click Done to close the Configuration Wizard.

    On Windows systems, if you want to start the Administration Server after closing the Configuration Wizard, select the Start Admin Server check box. This check box is not available on UNIX systems. Accessing Oracle Directory Services Manager for Oracle WebLogic Server

When you have created the WebLogic domain, as described previously, you can start the Administration Server, and access ODSM through a browser. The following section outlines the process on a UNIX system.

  1. Run the script to start the Administration Server from the following location:

    $ domain-home/bin/startWebLogic.sh

    where domain-home is the domain that you created in Step 4 of the previous procedure. For example:

    $ OUD-Base-Location-Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin/startWebLogic.sh

    On Windows systems, the command to run is:


    The user name and password that are requested here correspond to those in step 6 of the previous procedure.

  2. Access ODSM through a browser, using the following URL:


    where hostname is the name of the server on which WebLogic Server is installed. 7001 is the default administrative port for the WebLogic Administration Server.


    Ensure that the Administration Server is up and running before you access ODSM. When the server successfully completes its startup process, it displays the following message:

    <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>

2.3.2 Configuring IBM WebSphere for Oracle Directory Services Manager

If you plan to manage Oracle Unified Directory with Oracle Directory Services Manager using IBM WebSphere, then you can install and configure IBM WebSphere by completing the following steps:


For information on the Oracle Fusion Middleware topology for IBM WebSphere, see "Understanding the Topology of Oracle Fusion Middleware on IBM WebSphere" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Third-Party Application Server Guide. Installing IBM WebSphere

To install and configure Oracle Fusion Middleware with IBM WebSphere, you must first install (but not configure) IBM WebSphere 7.0 and apply the following Fix Packs for IBM WebSphere 7.0:

  • 7.0.0-WS-WAS-LinuxX64-FP0000027.pak

  • 7.0.0-WS-WASSDK-LinuxX64-FP0000027.pak

To install the IBM WebSphere software, refer to the IBM WebSphere documentation. The IBM WebSphere documentation available on the WebSphere Application Server Information Center for basic conceptual information about IBM WebSphere, as well details about installing IBM WebSphere.

You install the Fix Packs using the IBM WebSphere Update Installer. For more information, see the Maintenance Download Wizard for WebSphere Application Server V7.0 on the IBM Support Web site.


  • IBM WebSphere is available for different platforms. Some platforms, such as Linux 64-bit platforms, require unique IBM WebSphere installers. Before you begin your IBM WebSphere installation, be sure you have obtained the correct IBM WebSphere installer for your platform.

  • Do not install any sample applications or create any profiles during the IBM WebSphere installation process. The goal is to install the IBM WebSphere software on disk in a directory available to the Oracle Fusion Middleware software installation, which you will perform later. You will use the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration wizard to configure the required IBM WebSphere profiles.

  • You must create the WAS_HOME for the IBM WebSphere software on the same host where you installed Oracle Unified Directory. WAS_HOME should be at the same level as MW_HOME. Installing Oracle Application Development Framework for IBM WebSphere

Oracle Directory Services Manager is a J2EE application that runs inside a IBM WebSphere container and relies on certain libraries that are not installed with the Oracle Unified Directory software. These libraries are provided in the Oracle Application Development Framework. If you plan to manage Oracle Unified Directory with ODSM, you must therefore install the Oracle Application Development Framework.


You must install the Oracle Application Development Framework as the same user who installed Oracle Unified Directory.

For more information on installing Application Developer, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Application Developer. Running Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to Configure Component in a New IBM WebSphere Cell

This section describes how to use the Configuration Wizard to configure your Oracle Directory Services Manager in a simple IBM WebSphere cell.

For more information on Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard for IBM WebSphere, see "Configuration Overview" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server.

The instructions here describe how to use the Configuration Wizard to configure your components. However, you can also use the IBM WebSphere wsadmin command-line utility to configure your Oracle Fusion Middleware components. For more information about configuring components with wsadmin, see "Using wsadmin to Configure Oracle Fusion Middleware" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server.


  • If you are using a DB2 database, prior to starting the Configuration Wizard for the first time to configure Oracle Fusion Middleware products, set the DB_DRIVER_CLASSPATH environment variable to include the full path to both db2jcc4.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar. If you do not do this, all DB2 connection tests will fail.

  • Be sure to make a note of the values you enter on the Specify Cell, Profile, and Node Name Information screen. You will need these later when you are starting and managing the cell. In particular, make note of the values you enter in the Deployment Manager Profile Name field and the Application Server Profile Name field.

  1. To start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode from a Windows command prompt or a UNIX command shell:

    1. Log in to the system on which the product is installed.

    2. Open an MS-DOS command prompt window (on Windows) or a command shell (on UNIX).


      On some Windows operating systems, if you have User Account Control (UAC) enabled, you may have to start the command window using the Run as Administrator command. Otherwise, you may not be able to create a cell or federate a node.
    3. Go to the following directory:

      • Windows: MW_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin\

      • UNIX: MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin

      Replace ORACLE_HOME with the directory in which you installed your Oracle Fusion Middleware products.

    4. Run the following command:

      • Windows: was_config.cmd

      • UNIX:./was_config.sh

      The Welcome screen is displayed.

      This screen appears only if the current IBM WebSphere installation is invalid, or IBM WebSphere was uninstalled after you installed your Oracle Fusion Middleware products.


      To create a log file of the Configuration Wizard session, include the -log=config.log -priority=debug parameter in the command. You can specify any file name for the log file, such as config_today.log. The log file is stored in the logs directory of the Oracle Middleware home directory.
  2. Click Browse to navigate to the home directory for the IBM WebSphere installation for which you want to configure a new cell, update an existing cell, or federate a machine. After navigating to the directory, click Open.

    Click Next to Continue.

    The Select Configuration Option screen is displayed.

  3. Select Create and Configure Cell to create a new cell.

    Click Next.

    The Specify Cell, Profile and Node Name Information screen is displayed.

  4. Enter the appropriate values in the following fields. Each field is required. Use only alphanumeric characters in each field.

    • Cell Name: Enter a unique name for the new cell. This is the name of the directory in which the cell is created, under the following two directories:

      • IBM WebSphere ND only: WAS_HOME/profiles/DepMgrProfile/config/cells, where WAS_HOME is the IBM WebSphere ND installation directory and DepMgrProfile is the name of the Deployment Manager profile.

      • Both IBM WebSphere AS and IBM WebSphere ND: WAS_HOME/profiles/AppSrvrProfile/config/cells, where WAS_HOME is the IBM WebSphere installation directory and AppSrvrProfile is the name of the Application Server profile.

      The default name is machine_nameCelln, where machine_name is the name of the current machine, and n is the next two-digit number in the sequence on that machine. For example, if the machine name is machine1 and Cell01 already exists, the default cell name is machine1Cell02.

    • Deployment Manager Profile Name: Enter a unique Deployment Manager profile name for this cell. This is the name of the directory in which the Deployment Manager profile is created, under WAS_HOME/profiles.

      The default name is Dmgrn, where n is the next two-digit number in the sequence. For example, if Deployment Manager profile Dmgr01 already exists, the default for this field is Dmgr02.

    • Deployment Manager Node Name: Enter a unique Deployment Manager node name for this cell.

      The default name is machine_nameCellManagern, where machine_name is the name of the current machine, and n is the next two-digit number in the sequence. For example, if the machine name is machine1 and CellManager01 already exists, the default node name is machine1CellManager02.

    • Application Server Profile Name: Enter a unique Application Server profile name for this cell. This is the name of the directory in which the Application Server profile is created, under WAS_HOME/profiles.

      The default name for IBM WebSphere ND is Customn, where n is the next two-digit number in the sequence. For example, if Application Server profile Custom01 already exists, the default for this field is Custom02.

    • Application Server Node Name: Enter a unique Application Server node name for this cell.

      The default name is machine_nameNoden, where machine_name is the name of the current machine, and n is the next two-digit number in the sequence on the machine. For example, if the machine name is machine1 and Node01 already exists, the default node name is machine1Node02.

    Click Next.

    The Specify Deployment Manager Information screen is displayed.

  5. Enter the following details:

    • Deployment Manager Host Name: When you are creating a new cell, this field defaults to the host name of the current machine.

      When you are federating a machine, enter the host name of the Deployment Manager that will manage the remote node.

    • Admin User Name: When creating a new cell, enter the administrator user name that you want to use to start or stop the Deployment Manager.

      When you are federating a machine, enter the administrator user name that was configured for the Deployment Manager on the specified host.

    • Password: When you are creating a new cell, enter the administrator password that you want to use for the cell.

      When you are federating a machine, enter the administrator password that was configured for the Deployment Manager on the specified host.


      The password for the IBM WebSphere Administrator account. The password must be at least eight characters, and must contain at least one numeric character or at least one of the following characters:

      ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

    • Confirm Password: This field is displayed only when you are creating a new cell. Reenter the administrator password to confirm it. This entry must exactly match the entry in the Password field.


      The Administrator user name and password that you enter here are used to connect to the Deployment Manager, and to stop the Deployment Manager, Node Managers, Administration Server, or Application Servers.

    Click Next.

    The Cell Progress screen is displayed.

  6. This screen displays the status of the cell creation, cell loading, or federating machine process. The screen title differs depending on your current task:

    • When you are creating a new cell, the screen title is Creating Cell.

    • When you are updating an existing cell, the screen title is Loading Cell Information.

    • When you are federating a remote machine to a cell, the screen title is Federating Machine.

    When the progress bar reaches 100% and the message Cell information read successfully, please click Next is displayed in the lower window, click Next.

    The Add Products to Cell screen is displayed.

  7. Select Oracle Directory Services Manager for WebSphere - [Oracle_common] and click Next to continue.

    The Select Optional Configuration screen is displayed.

  8. Select the categories (if any) for which you want to perform advanced configuration. For each category that you select, the appropriate configuration screen is displayed to allow you to perform advanced configuration. If you do not select any items on this screen, the Configuration Summary screen is displayed next.


    The categories that are listed on this screen depend on the resources defined in the templates that you selected for the cell.
    • Application Servers, Clusters and End Points: Select this option to perform any of the following tasks:

      • Add, delete, or clone an Application Server

      • Change the name of an Application Server

      • Toggle development mode on or off for an Application Server

      • Add clusters to the cell, and add servers to a cluster

      • Configure end points (ports) for the Administration Server or any Application Server

      • Change the file store shared directory locations for your clusters, including the log directory, permanent store directory, and temporary store directory

    • Deployments and Services: Select this option to perform any of the following tasks.

      • Change the deployment targets for your clusters or servers

      • Change the service targets for your clusters or servers

      • Change the custom service targets for your servers

      • Change the resource adapter targets for your servers

    • JDBC: Select this option to change the JDBC data source targets for your clusters or servers.

    • JMS: Select this option to change the JMS resource targets for your clusters or servers.

    After selecting the appropriate configuration options, click Next to continue. The screen that is displayed next differs depending on the options that you selected.

    The Configuration Summary screen is displayed.

  9. Review the detailed configuration settings of your cell before continuing.

    In the Summary section on the left, select an item to display details about that item in the Details section on the right.

    You can limit the items that are displayed in the Summary section by selecting a filter option from the Summary View list. For example, to view the JDBC data sources that are assigned to each of your clusters and servers, select JDBC from the Summary View list.

    To change the configuration, click Previous to return to the appropriate screen.

    When you are done reviewing the configuration, click:

    • Create (if you are creating a new cell)

    • Extend (if you are modifying an existing cell or federating a machine)

    The Configuring Cell screen is displayed.

  10. This screen shows the progress of the cell configuration process.

    When the cell configuration process completes, click Done to close the Configuration Wizard.

    On Windows operating systems, to start the Deployment Manager after closing the Configuration Wizard, select the Start Deployment Manager check box. This check box is not available on UNIX operating systems. Accessing Oracle Directory Services Manager for IBM WebSphere

When you have created the IBM WebSphere domain, as described previously, you can start the IBM WebSphere Deployment Manager, Node, and Oracle Directory Services Manager.

The following procedure shows the sequence you must use to start the deployment manager, the node, and the servers in the cell.

In the following examples, replace the names of the deployment manager and profile name with the values you entered in the Configuration Wizard in Section, "Running Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to Configure Component in a New IBM WebSphere Cell":

  1. Start the Deployment Manager:

    Navigate to the following directory in the IBM WebSphere home and enter the following command:

    (UNIX) profiles/deployment_mgr_name/bin/startManager.sh 
                     -profileName dmgr_profileName
    (Windows) profiles\deployment_mgr_name\bin\startManager.cmd 
                     -profileName dmgr_profileName
  2. Start the node:

    Navigate to the following directory in the IBM WebSphere home and enter the following command:

    (UNIX) profiles/profile_name/bin/startNode.sh -profileName profileName
    (Windows) profiles\profile_name\bin\startNode.cmd -profileName profileName
  3. Start the OracleAdminServer server:

    Navigate to the following directory in the IBM WebSphere home and enter the following command:

    (UNIX) profiles/profile_name/bin/startServer.sh OracleAdminServer
             -profileName profileName
    (Windows) profiles\profile_name\bin\startServer.cmd OracleAdminServer
             -profileName profileName
  4. Access Oracle Directory Services Manager through a browser, using the following URL:


    where hostname is the name of the server on which IBM WebSphere is installed. 9003 is the ODSM port.

2.4 Configuring Oracle Unified Directory with Oracle Directory Integration Platform

Oracle Directory Integration Platform is a Java EE application that enables you to integrate your applications and directories, including third-party LDAP directories, with Oracle Unified Directory.

Oracle Directory Integration Platform includes services and interfaces that allow you to deploy synchronization solutions with other enterprise repositories. It can also be used to provide Oracle Unified Directory interoperability with third party metadirectory solutions.

For example, in an Oracle Fusion Middleware environment, where access to Oracle components relies on data stored in an Oracle directory, you can still use Microsoft Active Directory as the central enterprise directory. Users of that directory can still access Oracle components because Oracle Directory Integration Platform can synchronize the data in Microsoft Active Directory with that in Oracle Unified Directory.

You can configure Oracle Unified Directory, Oracle Directory Services Manager, Oracle Directory Integration Platform, and Fusion Middleware Control in an Oracle WebLogic Server domain, as described in the section "Configuring OUD/ODSM/ODIP/Fusion Middleware Control and OVD/ODSM" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Integration Platform.