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Oracle® Argus Mart Installation and Administration Guide
Release 7.0.3
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5 Configuring ODI Settings

Once you have installed Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), you must configure certain settings to be able to use it for running the ETL process.

All the ODI related data has been zipped into a file, which is a part of the installation package and is available at the following path:


However, there are certain tasks that you need to execute before and after importing this zip file. All these tasks are covered in sequence in the later sections.

This chapter explains the step-by-step procedure to configure all the ODI related tasks using the ODI Studio. The configuration of these tasks using the ODI Console is not supported for this release.

The following figure depicts your progress in the complete installation process:

Figure 5-1 Installation Progress: Configuring ODI Settings

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-1 .

This chapter comprises the following sub-sections:

5.1 Minimum Components Required

The following are the minimum components required to setup ODI for Argus Mart:

  • ODI Studio

  • ODI Agent

Figure 5-2 Minimum Components Required for Setting-up ODI

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-2 .

5.2 Before Configuring ODI Settings

There are certain tasks that you need to execute before configuring the ODI settings. All these tasks are explained in this section.

This section comprises the following sub-sections:

5.2.1 Creating the Database Users for Master and Work Repositories

You must create two separate database users for Master and Work Repositories and grant them the necessary privileges. You need to create these users in the Argus Mart instance that maintains the ODI metadata.

To do so, you must log on to the SQL developer as a SYS user and execute the following commands to create the users:

CREATE USER <odi_master> IDENTIFIED BY <password>;CREATE USER <odi_work> IDENTIFIED BY <password>;

Where <odi_master> refers to the Master Repository User Name and <odi_work> refers to the Work Repository User Name.

Oracle Recommends:

While creating ODI Master and Work schemas, the database administrator must create a new default Tablespace for these schemas. In addition, the administrator must ensure that no objects of ODI Master and Work schemas exist in any other Tablespace.

5.2.2 Granting Privileges to the Database Users

Once you have created two separate database users for Master and Work Repositories, you must grant them the necessary privileges using the following commands:




Where odi_master refers to the Master Repository User Name and odi_work refers to the Work Repository User Name.

5.3 Creating Master Repository

To create the Master Repository, execute the following steps:

  1. Open the ODI, and select File > New.

    This displays the New Gallery dialog box, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-3 Creating Master Repository

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-3 .
  2. Click OK. This displays the Master Repository Creation Wizard with the Repository Connection selected in the left pane.

  3. In the Database Connection section:

    1. Enter the required JDBC Driver in the JDBC Driver field. You can click the Search icon close to the JDBC Driver field to search for the available list of drivers.

    2. Enter the required JDBC URL in the JDBC Url field. You can click the Search icon close to the JDBC Url field to search for the available list of URL.

    3. Enter the name of the ODI Master Repository User Name in the User field. You have already created the ODI Master Repository User Name (for example, odi_master) using Section 5.2.1, "Creating the Database Users for Master and Work Repositories" of this chapter.

    4. Enter the password for the ODI Master Repository User in the Password field. You have already created the ODI Master Repository Password using Section 6.1.1, Creating the Database Users for Master and Work Repositories of this guide.

    5. Enter the name of the ODI DBA User Name in the DBA User field.

    6. Enter the password for the ODI DBA User in the Password field.

    7. In the Repository Configuration section, specify the ID for the Master Repository. For example, 386. You must not enter 588 in this field as it would result in an error message while importing the file. This ID has already been used while creating the file, which you will be importing in the subsequent sections of this guide.

    8. Click Test Connection, as highlighted in the following figure:

      Figure 5-4 Master Repository Creation Wizard

      Surrounding text describes Figure 5-4 .

      If successful, the Information dialog box is displayed with the Successful Connection message, as depicted in the following figure:

      Figure 5-5 Connection Successful Confirmation Message

      Surrounding text describes Figure 5-5 .
    9. Click OK.

    10. Click Next on the Master Repository Creation Wizard. This displays the Authentication screen on the Master Repository Creation Wizard, as depicted in the following figure:

      Figure 5-6 Authentication Screen

      Surrounding text describes Figure 5-6 .
  4. On the Authentication screen:

    1. Enter the password for the SUPERVISOR user in the Supervisor Password field. The Password that you enter in this field will be used later in the configuration process.

    2. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.

    3. Click Next. This displays the Password Storage screen, as shown in the following figure:

      Figure 5-7 Password Storage Screen

      Surrounding text describes Figure 5-7 .
  5. Click Finish. This displays the Master Repository Creation Wizard with the ODI is creating your master repository message, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-8 Creating Master Repository

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-8 .

    Subsequently, this displays the Information dialog box with the confirmation of the successful Master Repository Creation, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-9 Master Repository Creation Successful Confirmation Message

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-9 .
  6. Click OK to complete the creation of the Master Repository.

Once you have created the Master Repository, you also need to create a login for the repository. To do so, execute the following steps:

  1. On the Oracle Data Integrator Login screen, click the + icon, as highlighted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-10 Creating Login for Master Repository

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-10 .

    This displays the Repository Connection Information screen, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-11 Repository Connection Information

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-11 .
  2. On the Repository Connection Information screen:

    1. Specify the login name for the Repository in the Login Name field.

    2. Enter the name of the SUPERVISOR user in the User field.

    3. Enter the password for the SUPERVISOR user in the Password field. This password was specified in step 4 (a) of the steps to create the Master Repository section.

    4. In the Database Connection section, enter the Master Repository User Name and Password in the User and Password fields respectively. You have already created the ODI Master Repository User Name (for example, odi_master) and Password using Section 6.1.1, Creating the Database Users for Master and Work Repositories of this guide.

    5. Enter the database details in the Driver List, Driver Name and URL fields. You can also click the Search icon adjacent to the Driver List and URL fields to search for the required Driver List and URL.

    6. Click OK. This creates a login for the Master Repository.

5.4 Creating Work Repository

To create the Work Repository, execute the following steps:

  1. Open the ODI, and connect to the repository using the Master Repository credentials that you have just created, as mentioned in the previous section.

  2. Select the Topology tab.

  3. In the Repositories section, right-click Work Repositories and select New Work Repository, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-12 New Work Repository Option

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-12 .

    This displays the Specify ODI Work Repository connection properties screen, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-13 Specify ODI Work Repository connection properties screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-13 .
  4. Enter the database details in the JDBC Driver and JDBC Url fields. You can also click the Search icon close to the fields to search for the required JDBC Driver and JDBC URL.

  5. Enter the Work Repository User Name in the User field. You have already created the ODI Work Repository User Name (for example, odi_work) using Section 6.1.1, Creating the Database Users for Master and Work Repositories of this guide.

  6. Enter the password for the Work Repository User in the Password field. You have already created the ODI Work Repository User Name using Section 6.1.1, Creating the Database Users for Master and Work Repositories of this guide.

  7. Click Next. This displays the Specify ODI Work Repository properties screen, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-14 Specify ODI Work Repository properties screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-14 .
  8. Specify the ID for the Work Repository in the Id field. For example, 564. You must not enter 589 in this field as it would result in an error message while importing the file. This ID has already been used while creating the file, which you will be importing in the subsequent sections of this guide.

  9. Enter the name for the Work Repository in the Name field. For example, AM_Work_Repository.

  10. Enter the password for the Work Repository in the Password field.

  11. Select Development from the Work Repository Type drop-down list.

  12. Click Finish. This displays the Starting ODI Action dialog box with the ODI is creating your work repository message, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-15 Creating Work Repository

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-15 .

    Subsequently, this displays the Confirmation dialog box with the option to create a login for the Work Repository, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-16 Displaying the Option to Create Work Repository Login

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-16 .
  13. Click Yes if you want to create a login for the Work Repository. If you click No, you can perform the steps for creating a login for the Repository, as mentioned below (Figure 5-18).

    Once done, this creates a Work Repository in the Work Repositories folder of the Repositories section, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-17 Viewing New Work Repository

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-17 .

    Once you have created the Work Repository, you also need to create a login for the repository. To do so, execute the following steps:

    1. On the Oracle Data Integrator Login screen, click the + icon, as highlighted in the following figure:

      Figure 5-18 Creating Login for Work Repository

      Surrounding text describes Figure 5-18 .

      This displays the Repository Connection Information screen, as depicted in the following figure:

      Figure 5-19 Repository Connection Information

      Surrounding text describes Figure 5-19 .
    2. On the Repository Connection Information screen:

      1. Specify the login name for the Repository in the Login Name field.

      2. Enter the name of the SUPERVISOR user in the User field.

      3. Enter the password for the SUPERVISOR user in the Password field. This password was specified in step 4 (a) of the steps to create the Master Repository section.

      4. In the Database Connection section, enter the Master Repository User Name and Password in the User and Password fields respectively. You have already created the ODI Master Repository User Name (for example, odi_master) and Password using Section 6.1.1, Creating the Database Users for Master and Work Repositories, of this guide.

      5. Enter the database details in the Driver List, Driver Name, and URL fields. You can also click the Search icon adjacent to the Driver List and URL fields to search for the required Driver List and URL.

      6. In the Work Repository section:

        Select the Work Repository radio button and enter the name of the Work Repository in the adjacent text box (for example, AM_Work_Repository), which you have created in the previous section. You can also click the Search icon adjacent to the Work Repository name text box.

      7. Click OK. This creates a login for the Work Repository.

5.5 Importing Argus Mart Schema Object

Once you have created the Master and Work Repositories, you can now import the file using the following procedure:

  1. Open the ODI, and connect to the repository using the Work Repository credentials that you have just created, as mentioned in the previous section.

  2. Click the down arrow under the Designer tab. This displays a menu, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-20 Import Link

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-20 .
  3. Click Import. This displays the Import Selection dialog box, as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 5-21 Import Selection Dialog Box

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-21 .
  4. Select Smart Import and click OK. This displays the Smart Import window, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-22 Smart Import Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-22 .
  5. Click the Search icon close to the File Selection field. This displays the Select an import file window.

  6. Navigate to the file, saved at the following location:


  7. Select the file and click Open. This displays the complete path of the zip file in the File Selection field. Keep the Response file field as blank.

  8. Click Next. This displays the Please wait window with a Matching Import Objects message. Subsequently, this again displays the Smart Import window listing the components that will be imported from the zip file using the Import Actions screen, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-23 Displaying Components Imported from the Zip File

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-23 .
  9. Click Next. This displays the Summary screen with the No issues message if there are no errors in the import process, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-24 Import Summary Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-24 .
  10. Click Finish. This displays the Please wait window with a Import in progress message. Subsequently, this displays the Smart Import Report window listing the objects imported using the zip file, as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 5-25 Smart Import Report

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-25 .
  11. Click Save. This displays the Save Report window, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-26 Save Report Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-26 .
  12. Click the Search icon close to the Name of the target file field. This displays the Save window.

  13. Navigate to the path where you want to save the report and enter the name for the report in the File Name field.

  14. Click Save. This displays the name of the report file along with the complete path in the Name of the target file field, as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 5-27 Path of the Saved Report File

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-27 .
  15. Click OK. This displays the Information dialog box displaying the path where the report file has been saved, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-28 Report File Saved Confirmation

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-28 .
  16. Click OK. This completes the steps to import the AM zip file. You can verify this using the Designer tab of ODI. You can now view Argus Mart specific folders in the Designer tab such as ARGUSMART703 in the Projects section, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-29 Verifying the Smart Import

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-29 .

5.6 Creating and Testing Data Server Connection

To create and test the Data Server connection, execute the following procedure:

  1. Select the Topology tab and double-click DS_AM_ARGUSMART in the Oracle folder of the Physical Architecture section, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-30 Creating Data Server Connection

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-30 .

    This displays the connection details in the right pane, with Definition selected by default, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-31 Entering Connection Details

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-31 .
  2. Enter the name of the Argus ETL User (AM_ETL_USER) in the User field. This user was created in the Creating the Database Schema section of this guide.

  3. Enter the password for the Argus ETL User in the Password field.

  4. Select JDBC and enter database details of the Argus Mart schema in the JDBC Driver and JDBC Url fields, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-32 Entering Database Details

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-32 .

    You can also click the Search icon close to the JDBC Driver and JDBC Url fields to search for the required JDBC Driver and JDBC Url.

  5. Click Test Connection, as highlighted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-33 Testing the Connection

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-33 .

    This displays a Confirmation to save data before testing the connection.

  6. Click OK. This displays the Test Connection dialog box, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-34 Test Connection Dialog Box

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-34 .
  7. Select Local from the Physical Agent drop-down list.

  8. Click OK. This displays an Information dialog box with the Successful Connection message, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-35 Successful Connection Confirmation

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-35 .
  9. Click OK. This completes the steps to create and test the Data Server connection.

5.7 Creating New Physical Schema

To create a new physical schema, execute the following steps:

  1. Select the Topology tab and right-click DS_AM_ARGUSMART in the Oracle folder of the Physical Architecture section. This displays a menu, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-36 Selecting New Physical Schema

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-36 .
  2. Select New Physical Schema.

    This displays the Physical Schema screen, where Definition is selected by default.

  3. Select the Argus ETL User (AM_ETL_USER) from the Schema drop-down list. This user was created in Creating the Database Schema section of the guide.

  4. Select the Argus ETL User (AM_ETL_USER) again from the Schema (Work Schema) drop-down list, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-37 Selecting Argus ETL User in Definition Section

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-37 .
  5. Select Context and click the + symbol. This adds a row in the empty space below the Context and Logical Schema options, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-38 Selecting Context for the Data Server

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-38 .
  6. Select CTX_ARGUSMART from the Context drop-down list.

  7. Select LS_AM_ARGUSMART from the Logical Schema drop-down list, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-39 Selecting Context and Logical Schema

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-39 .
  8. Click Save on the menu bar.

    This displays the new physical schema in the Oracle folder of the Physical Architecture section, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-40 Viewing the New Physical Schema

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-40 .

5.8 Validating Load Plan

To validate the Load Plan, execute the following steps:

  1. Double-click the LP_INI_AM Load Plan in the Load Plans and Scenarios > SCN_LP_ARGUSMART703 section of the Operator tab, as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 5-41 Double-clicking the LP_INI_AM Load Plan

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-41 .

    If the Object Locking screen is displayed, you can click No and proceed with the Validation process, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-42 Selecting No in the Object Locking Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-42 .

    This displays the Load Plan details in the right pane, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-43 Load Plan Details

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-43 .
  2. Click Validate. This displays the following confirmation, if there are no issues associated with the Load Plan:

    Figure 5-44 No Errors Confirmation for the Load Plan

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-44 .

5.9 Managing the ODI Agent

This section explains the tasks that you need to execute to manage the ODI Agent.

This section comprises the following sub-sections:

5.9.1 Managing the Standalone ODI Agent

This section explains the tasks that you need to execute to manage the Standalone ODI Agent.

This section comprises the following sub-sections: Setting up the Standalone ODI Agent

Once you have installed the standalone ODI Agent, you also need to set it up using the following steps:

  1. Open the ODI, and connect to the repository using the Work Repository credentials.

  2. Navigate to Topology > Physical Architecture > Agents and double-click PA_AM. This displays the Agent details in the right pane.

  3. Enter the Standalone Agent IP Address in the Host field, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-45 Setting the Standalone Agent IP Address

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-45 .


    You can change the default port for Argus Mart using this screen, if required.

  4. Navigate to the location, where ODI is installed and open the bin sub-folder.

    Example: <ODI_AGENT_HOME>\oracledi\agent\bin

  5. Open the odiparams.bat file in a text editor.

  6. Edit the odiparams.bat file according to the list of changes mentioned in Table 5-1. The following are the contents of a sample odiparams.bat file:

    set ODI_MASTER_DRIVER=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
    set ODI_MASTER_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOST>:<PORT>:<SID>
    set ODI_MASTER_USER=<ODI Master Repository User Name>
    set ODI_MASTER_ENCODED_PASS=<encoded password>
    REM #
    REM # User credentials for agent startup program
    REM #
    set ODI_SUPERVISOR_ENCODED_PASS=<encoded password>
    REM #
    REM # User credentials for ODI tools
    REM #
    REM #
    REM # Work Repository Name
    REM #
    set ODI_SECU_WORK_REP=<Work Repository>

    The following table lists the required modifications in the odiparams.bat file:

    Table 5-1 Required Modifications in the odiparams.bat file

    Parameter Description


    Refers to the database details.


    Refers to the ODI Master Repository User Name, which you have created using Section 5.2.1.


    Refers to the ODI Master Repository User Password, which must encode using the steps given in Section


    Refers to the ODI SUPERVISOR User Name.


    Refers to the ODI SUPERVISOR User Password, which must encode using the steps given in Section


    Refers to the Work Repository Name. For example, AM_Work_Repository. Encoding User's Password

The following are steps that you need to execute to encode the ODI Master Repository and SUPERVISOR user password:

  1. Open the Command window and change the directory to the ODI_AGENT_HOME\oracledi\agent\bin directory.

    Where ODI_AGENT_HOME refers to the location, where ODI is installed.

    The password information is always stored as an encrypted string in the odiparams.bat file. You need to encrypt the ODI Master Repository as well as the SUPERVISOR Password using the encode command.

  2. Encode the ODI Master Repository User password using the encode command, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-46 Encoding the ODI Master Repository Password

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-46 .

    Here password refers to the Password for the ODI Master Repository User.

  3. Similarly, encode the SUPERVISOR user password using the encode command, as shown in step 2 of this procedure. Starting the Standalone ODI Agent

Once you have made the required modifications to the odiparams.bat file, you can start the ODI Agent.

To start the ODI Agent:

  1. Navigating to the bin folder using the CD command.

  2. Execute the agent.bat file using the following command in the Command Prompt:

    CD/d <ODI_AGENT_HOME>\oracledi\agent\bin
    agent.bat -NAME=PA_AM -PORT=20588

    Where C:\ODI_AGENT_HOME\oracledi\agent\bin refers to the local file system path where the ODI Agent is installed.

5.9.2 Creating the Java EE Agent

Create the Java EE Agent for ODI with OracleDIAgent, using the following tutorial link:


You must create the Java EE Agent for ODI with OracleDIAgent (Case-sensitive) as the name.

5.10 Executing Steps of a Load Plan in Parallel

The Load Plan comprises a list of steps, which can be executed in sequence or in parallel. You can reduce the time taken by the ETL process by selecting to run the steps of a Load Plan in parallel.

This section explains the procedure for parallel execution of the steps of a Load Plan. In addition, this section also suggests the list of tables of a Load Plan that you can select for parallel execution.


The steps mentioned in this section enable you to reduce the total time taken to complete the ETL process. This is not a mandatory step to configure Argus Mart.

To execute the steps of a Load Plan in parallel, execute the following procedure:

  1. Double-click the LP_INI_AM Load Plan in the Load Plans and Scenarios section of the Designer tab, as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 5-47 Double-clicking the LP_INI_AM Load Plan

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-47 .

    This displays the Load Plan details in the right pane.

  2. Select Steps. This lists all the steps of a Load Plan.

  3. Click the down arrow next to the + icon. This displays a menu, as depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 5-48 Adding Parallel Step to the List of Steps

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-48 .
  4. Select Parallel Step. This adds a Parallel step to the existing list of steps.

  5. Use the Navigation buttons (Up, Down, Right, and Left arrow keys) adjacent to the + icon, to move the Parallel Step, according to the requirements.

    You can move all the steps that you want to execute in parallel, below the Parallel Step and use the Right Arrow key, to enable all those steps for parallel execution, as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 5-49 Executing Load Plan Steps in Parallel

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-49 .

    The file, which you have imported using Importing Argus Mart Schema Object section of this chapter has the provision to execute the Staging Case Table Truncation and Population in parallel, as highlighted in Figure 5-49. The process of Truncation comprises of various tables, which have been divided into different categories. These categories have been named as SCN_truncate_stage_tables_CASE01, SCN_truncate_stage_tables_CASE02, and so on. Each category contains a list of tables, which are sorted based on size. The larger tables are executed first as compared to the smaller ones.

    Similarly, the process of Population also consists of various tables, which are divided into different categories. These categories have been named as SCN_populate_stage_tables_CASE01, SCN_populate_stage_tables_CASE02, and so on.