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Agile Product Lifecycle Management AutoVue for Agile Installation and User Guide
Release 20.2.2
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2 Configuring AutoVue for Agile

AutoVue for Agile allows users to view and mark up documents, drawings, and CAD files using a Web browser.

AutoVue for Agile consists of two installable components:

AutoVue for Agile requires no maintenance on the client computer. A Web browser downloads the applet from the File Manager and stores it in the browser cache. The next time the AutoVue for Agile is launched, the applet is loaded from the cache, unless a new version is found on the File Manager.

The AutoVue for Agile servlet (VueServlet) is packaged and deployed as part of the File Manager installation. The VueLink Servlet is also deployed on the File Manager and tunnels the requests to the Agile Application Server using HTTP protocol. Because of this communication, each File Manager should have an associated Viewer on the same machine or separate machines. No additional configuration is required except that specified for the Agile Web client and the caching Viewer. The VueServlet is used to access AutoVue for Agile across firewalls from external clients, such as the Agile Web client, on standard HTTP/HTTPS ports.

2.1 Client Requirements


Please refer to the AutoVue System Requirements section of the AutoVue Installation and Configuration Guide.

2.2 Architecture

AutoVue for Agile was designed to provide server scalability to support increasing demand for file viewing and markup on intranets and the Internet. Doubling the capacity is as simple as adding one more computer. The servers automatically divide up the load in a "peer-to-peer" fashion to avoid any bottlenecks. For more details, please refer the AutoVue Deployment Guide.

AutoVue for Agile embeds several different rendering schemes to accommodate multiple environments. These schemes allow the server to take into account issues such as network bandwidth, load balancing between server and client, server configuration and performance, intranet/extranet/Internet use, and file size and format to be viewed. However, in all rendering options, AutoVue for Agile keeps all necessary information for querying purposes; the "intelligence" of drawings is preserved. For example, users can perform text searches on text and CAD files, or perform queries based on drawing attributes in a CAD file.

Depending on your network configuration (for example, existing firewalls, DMZ, secure connections and proxy servers), a client is able to connect to the AutoVue for Agile server using direct sockets or the HTTP/HTTPS protocol (through a Java servlet) and avoid any security breach in your system.

2.3 Security

During the viewing process, documents available for viewing are rendered on AutoVue for Agile, and an intelligent and displayable data stream is delivered to the client. In this way, the AutoVue for Agile implementation eliminates any concerns about security since the original document is not transferred to the client computer. While the viewable data is being transmitted, AutoVue for Agile uses compression and streaming algorithms to achieve a quick and responsive feedback to the client side for large and multi-page documents.

The server has complete control over the functions available to clients. For example, users may be granted or denied rights to perform printing, redlining, or any other functions depending on their access permissions.

AutoVue for Agile uses cookies to track the number of users. The cookie is a unique number assigned to each browser that defines a user as a single session, regardless of the number of files a user consecutively or simultaneously opens.


If you disable or refuse cookies in your browser, AutoVue for Agile will continue to work. However, each new instance of the browser creates a new session in AutoVue for Agile.

HTTPS can be used for secure communications if you tunnel all communications between the viewer client and the server through HTTPS, which uses SSL. The applet must communicate with the AutoVue for Agile server through the AutoVue for Agile servlet. Any Agile communications that are tunneled are encrypted using SSL.

2.4 Configuring Thumbnail Datum Planes

To configure Datum Planes Visibility in AutoVue, add the following:


This configuration modification prevents the visibility of the datum planes for the Administration user when generating thumbnails.




























2.5 Verifying the Firewall Configuration

The firewall on the Agile PLM side must be configured to allow:

  • Incoming HTTP/HTTPS connections from the Internet to the Web server.

  • Outgoing TCP/IP connections from the Web server in the DMZ to the Application Server inside the firewall on port 7001 or 7002 (SSL) for BEA WebLogic, port 7777 or 8888 (SSL) for Oracle Application Server, and port 8009 for the File Manager.

2.6 Starting AutoVue for Agile

Note After installation, the AutoVue Server service is set to 'Manual'. To start AutoVue for Agile when the machine boots, set the service to 'Automatic'.

To start the AutoVue for Agile on Windows:

Start the AutoVue Server service or Choose Start > All Programs > AutoVue for Agile PLM > Start AutoVue Server.

To start AutoVue for Agile on Linux:

  1. In a console window, go to the AGILE_HOME/AVS/bin directory.

  2. Type the following command to initialize the server:

jvueserver &

2.7 Running the AutoVue Server as a Service


For more information about AutoVue configuration, see Installation and Configuration Guide, Oracle AutoVue, Client/Server Deployment, which can be found on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site

When running the AutoVue server as a service, you must run it as a named user and not as Local System Account, as the local system account has more privileges than a named account.

2.7.1 On Windows Operating Systems

For more information about AutoVue configuration, see Installation and Configuration Guide, Oracle AutoVue, Client/Server Deployment, which can be found on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site

AutoVue server can be run as a Windows Service. The advantage is that it continues to run even after you log off of Windows. Before running the AutoVue service, verify that it runs properly in "non-service" mode (for example, run by clicking the Start AutoVue Server button in the Start menu).

To install the service, go to the \bin folder of the directory where the AutoVue server is installed and enter the following:

jvueserverX.exe -install <user information>

where <user information> is in the form "domain\username password". This ensures that the AutoVue Server service runs as a named user instead of the local system account.


The user account information you enter must be registered in the Log on as a service local security policy. If the user information is not there, the Oracle AutoVue service does not start.

To check or edit the security policy:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.

  2. Double-click Administrative Tools.

  3. Double-click Local Security Policy.

    The Local Security Settings window appears.

  4. Expand Local Policies and then select User Rights Assignment.

  5. Double-click on Log on as service.

    The Log on as a service Properties window opens.

  6. Verify that the user account is listed under the Local Security Setting tab. If not, click Add User or Group to add the user account information.

To remove the service:

  1. Go to the <AutoVue Install Root>\bin directory and enter the following:

    jvueserverX.exe -remove Starting and Stopping the Service


For more information about AutoVue configuration, see Installation and Configuration Guide, Oracle AutoVue, Client/Server Deployment, which can be found on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site

To start the service on Windows Operating Systems:

  1. In the Control Panel start Services.

  2. Select the Oracle AutoVue Server service.

  3. Click Startup.

  4. Select whether you want the service started automatically on re-boot or manually. The default is Manual.

  5. If you select Manual, you can start the service by doing one of the following:

    • Click Start in the Services dialog


    • Use the sc.exe utility.

      For example: SC start "Oracle AutoVue Server"


    • Use the NET program.

      For example: NET start "Oracle AutoVue Server"

    Once the Service starts it behaves exactly as if running in "non-service" mode. The AutoVue server icon appears in the System Tray.

To stop the service:

Click Shutdown.

2.7.2 On Linux Operating Systems


For more information about AutoVue configuration, see Installation and Configuration Guide, Oracle AutoVue, Client/Server Deployment, which can be found on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site

Oracle provides an RC-Script to manage the AutoVue server on Linux.

The AutoVue server can be configured to startup automatically when you restart the machine.

To configure the AutoVue Server to startup automatically:

  1. Edit file <AutoVue Install Root>/etc/jvueserver_rc and locate the following lines:



  2. Replace $USER_INSTALL_DIR$ with the path to AutoVue installation and __JVUEUSER__ with the name of the user that will be running the AutoVue server.

  3. Rename jvueserver_rc to autovue.

  4. Login as a root and copy autovue to /etc/init.d folder.

  5. As root, go to the /etc/init.d folder and add AutoVue as a service:

    chkconfig --add autovue

  6. Configure autovue to startup automatically:

    chkconfig autovue on

    AutoVue now starts up automatically when the machine starts up.

    To start the AutoVue service manually:


    service autovue start

    To stop the AutoVue service manually:


    service autovue stop

    To remove the AutoVue service:


    chkconfig -del AutoVue

2.7.3 Launching jvueserver on a Linux Machine Using X-Manager

To launch a Linux OS machine using X-Manager:

  1. Start Xstart.

  2. In the Xstart dialog, specify the Linux machine details:

    Session Choose a session, if necessary.
    Host Host IP address
    Protocol SSH
    User Name Your user name
    Password Your password
    Save Check to select
    Execution Command /user/bin/xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY
    Show status dialog box Check to select

  3. Click the Run button.

    The xterm popup window is displayed.

  4. In the xterm window, to launch the X-manager browser, at the Command prompt, enter:


  5. When the Terminal window opens, navigate to the bin directory of the AutoVue installation (i.e. AUTOVUE_HOME/bin) and start the AutoVue server as: ./jvueserver

    AutoVue starts once the port verification is completed.

2.8 Testing the VueServlet


The Agile View servlet (VueServlet) is packaged and deployed as part of the File Manager installation. The VueLink Servlet is deployed on the File Manager and tunnels the requests to the Agile Application Server using HTTP protocol. No additional configuration is required.

The VueServlet is used to access AutoVue for Agile across firewalls from external clients on standard HTTP/HTTPS ports.

On the Application Server, you must ensure that the VueServlet has been loaded from the AutoVue for Agile home directory and that the VueServlet communicates with the Viewer. Open a browser and type the following URL in the location bar:

http://FileManager_hostname or LoadBalancer:port/Filemgr/VueServlet

A message appears indicating that JVueServer is up and running. The sample page appears displaying information about servlet tunneling and licensing.

  • On Windows, if you receive the message "The page cannot be displayed," ensure the World Wide Web server service is running on the computer. If not running, start the service from the Services window.

  • If you specify this URL in the browser and receive the message "Page not found," check the following:

    • Ensure that the Web server is accessible.

    • Check the web proxy configuration to ensure the virtual path and port number are correct. On Oracle Application Server, check the 9ias.conf file. On WebLogic, check the iisproxy.ini file.

2.9 Managing Multiple Viewers for Load Balancing

AutoVue for Agile is designed to provide server scalability to support increasing demand for file viewing and markup on intranets and the Internet. It can run in a process pool on a single computer that improves the responsiveness for simultaneous connections and balances the load across a multi-CPU computer.

The default process pools four concurrent services. It is specified in the file located in the AutoVue for Agile home folder at \\AGILE_HOME\AVS\bin:


The system allows you to add servers to support more users while the servers are online, without restarting or disconnecting existing servers. Doubling the capacity is as simple as adding another computer. When using multiple viewers, the load can be efficiently balanced across the servers by manually directing the viewer client requests to different viewers.

Dynamic and static load balancing are supported. For more information, see the AutoVue Client-Server Edition Installation and Administration Manual.

Multiple viewer functionality must be configured as follows:

  • Each viewer computer acts independently.

  • Each viewer computer can point to the same Agile Application Server computer or to a different Agile Application Server computer in a single or distributed Agile PLM system.

  • The viewers are not clustered, so there is no single entry point computer for all Java clients to connect into any viewer.

For Agile Web clients outside the corporate firewall, the functionality for multiple viewers must be configured as follows:

  • The AutoVue for Agile client applet can communicate across firewalls on a standard HTTP/HTTPS port.

  • Each AutoVue for Agile computer acts independently.

  • Each AutoVue for Agile computer can point to the same Agile Application Server computer or to a different Agile Application Server computer in a single or distributed Agile PLM system.

  • External Agile Web clients are given different URLs that point to different Web servers hosting an Agile Web client with an AutoVue for Agile client and an AutoVue for Agile servlet. In turn, each AutoVue for Agile client and AutoVue for Agile servlet points to the different viewer to distribute the load.

  • The viewers are not clustered, so there is no single entry point computer for all Agile Web clients to connect into any viewer.

To configure AutoVue for Agile server and AutoVue for Agile client communication across firewalls on specific ports, use standard HTTP ports.

2.9.1 Client-Server Communications

For AutoVue for Agile, the issue of using IP addresses for client-server communication at runtime (rather than hostnames or DNS names) is resolved because the application server also hosts the VueServlet. The VueServlet acts as a proxy for AutoVue for Agile, and it is placed on the intranet with other Agile server components. In addition, since the VueServlet is running on the application server with an Agile Web client, the Web server proxies also forward external requests to the intranet. The VueServlet comes as part of the File Manager installation.

2.9.2 Removing AutoVue for Agile

Follow these instructions to remove AutoVue.

To remove AutoVue for Agile on Windows:

  1. Stop the AutoVue service.

    1. Open the Services dialog box.

    2. Select AutoVue Server and stop the service.

    3. Close the Services dialog box.

  2. Choose to Start > Settings > Control Panel.

  3. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.

    The Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog appears.

  4. Scroll down the window and select AutoVue Web Edition.

  5. Click Change/Remove.

  6. Click Uninstall, and click ok to confirm the deletion.

  7. Click Exit.

To remove AutoVue for Agile from the Start menu:

  1. Choose Start > All Programs > AutoVue for Agile PLM > Setup > Uninstall AutoVue.

  2. Select and delete the installation folders from the location of Agile home directory.

To remove AutoVue for Agile on Linux:

  1. Stop the AutoVue server by clicking Shutdown on the View Server applet or killing the jvueserver process.

  2. Go to the VIEWER_HOME/AVS/_uninst directory.

  3. Run the uninstall_linux2.bin file to uninstall AutoVue for Agile.

2.10 Troubleshooting AutoVue for Agile

This section provides information for troubleshooting your AutoVue for Agile installation.

2.10.1 Errors Which May Occur While Using AutoVue for Agile

Common errors that occur while using AutoVue for Agile are listed in the table below along with solutions.

While the Web or Java client tries to start Autovue for Agile PLM:

Errors Reasons Solutions
jVue not found Viewer Content URL in Admin > Server Settings > Locations > File Manager is incorrect.

Incorrect client applet alias specified instead of mandatory "jVue."

Confirm that the Viewer Content URL is accessible and the jVue.jar file is listed.
An error occurred while connecting to the server. Restart the applet? AutoVue for Agile or File Manager is down.

Incorrect View Server URL in Admin > Server Settings > Locations > File Manager.

AutoVue for Agile is configured incorrectly, or is unavailable

Confirm that the Viewer Server URL is accessible and returns a successful connection status.

When the Web Client or the Java Client tries to connect to a file manager:

File not found The file manager is down.

The VueServer.ini file points to incorrect file manager.

Confirm that the file manager is up and running.

If an attachment uses special fonts:

Fonts may not appear correctly or a file error may occur or an incorrect font substitution may occur with viewing or printing the attachment. The computer where the Viewer is installed does not have the fonts installed. The computer where Viewer is installed must have those special fonts installed locally.

For fonts other than the ones used by the operating system, the user's profile should include a reference to the location of the fonts in the XFONTPATHS parameter.

2.10.2 Changing Port Numbers

Some AutoVue for Agile PLM port numbers can be changed in the event of a port conflict. It is important to change the port number in all referenced locations. For more details on 'Port Numbers', please refer to the AutoVue Installation and Administration Manual.

2.11 Additional AutoVue for Agile PLM Documentation

The AutoVue Installation and Administration Manual (install.pdf) is installed in the following location on the computer where you have installed AutoVue for Agile PLM:


Please refer to the AutoVue Installation and Administration Manual for the following information:

  • How to use the AutoVue Server Console.

  • How to enable debugging information (logging) for AutoVue for Agile PLM.

  • How to further configure AutoVue for Agile PLM.