2 Stopping and Starting Contacts Server

This chapter explains how to stop and start Oracle Communications Contacts Server.

Overview of Stopping and Starting Contacts Server

Stopping and starting Contacts Server involves stopping and starting processes and databases on the Contacts Server front-end and back-end hosts.

To stop and start the Contacts Server process on the front-end hosts, you must stop and start the application server domain in which Contacts Server is deployed.

To stop and start the Contacts Server database on the back-end hosts, you use the appropriate MySQL or Oracle Database command. See the following documentation for more information:

  • "Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically" in MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual

  • "Stopping and Starting Oracle Software" in Oracle Database Administrator's Reference 19c for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems

When you start Contacts Server, you must first start the Contacts Server back-end database hosts, as well as the remote document stores, before starting the Contacts Server front-end hosts.

Stopping and Starting Contacts Server

The following examples show how to stop and start Contacts Server deployed on GlassFish Server and WebLogic Server.

For GlassFish Server:

Example of a default GlassFish Server installation with Contacts Server deployed in domain1:

  • To stop Contacts Server:

    GlassFish_home/bin/asadmin stop-domain domain1
  • To start Contacts Server:

    GlassFish_home/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1

For WebLogic Server:

You can stop or start the domains in WebLogic Server Administration Console. You can also stop or start the domains using the scripts provided in the bin directory of the domain. You should restart the Administration Server and Managed Server on which Contacts Server is deployed. For more information, see the discussion about starting and stopping servers in Administering Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Stopping and Starting the Remote Document Store Server

The Contacts Server document store is used to store and retrieve large data, such as photos and logos.

To stop and start the Contacts Server remote document store server, use the stop-as and start-as commands.

  • To stop the remote document store server:

  • To start the remote document store server:
