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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide
Release 9.3.3
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35 Licenses

The Licenses node appears under Server Settings. This node provides information about your company's Agile PLM license configuration.

Agile's "User Licenses" are tabulated in General Info tab. User licenses are assigned to each user by the Agile PLM administrator. The combination of licenses and assigned roles and privileges determines which specific tasks a user can perform in certain Agile PLM solutions.

To view licenses information:

  1. Under Server Settings, double-click Licenses node. The Licenses window appears.

  2. Click the General Information, Modules, or History tab.

35.1 General Info Tab

Agile PLM has three types of user licenses: Named (formerly "Power"), Concurrent*, and Restricted.

Restricted users are people outside your company (such as distributors and suppliers) who are given limited access to the Agile PLM system.

Named users and Concurrent* users have access to the same Agile PLM functionality based on their roles and privileges and the company's licensing.

The key difference is that users with a Named license are not applied against concurrency counts. This means that a Named user can log in to the system at any time. All users who are not Named or Restricted are subject to concurrency counts, and may be locked out of the system due to a concurrency limit.

The User Category field in every user's profile displays which user license has been assigned to the user. For more information, see "User Properties Defined."


*Concurrent user assignments and counts may not apply to your current installation and upgrade of the Agile product. For more information contact Oracle Consulting - Agile Practice or your Oracle Agile PLM sales representative.

The General Info tab of the Licenses window includes the information shown in the following table. You cannot edit this information.

Table 35-1 Licenses window, General Info tab

"Name" field Description

Count of Named Users

Shows the number of users who are active.

Count of Restricted Users

Keeps track of how many Restricted User licenses have been assigned.

Count of Concurrent* Users

Shows the number of Concurrent User licenses. Concurrent users can access all Agile PLM functionality purchased by the company, but are subject to concurrency counts, and may be locked out of the system due to a concurrency limit.

Total Count of Users

Keeps track of how many PLM users of all types have been created by the company.

35.2 Modules Tab

The biggest change to "licensing" in Agile PLM is the removal of Agile's "Server Licenses". An Oracle "license key" was obtained (at http://licensecodes.oracle.com/agile.html#PLM) and was input at install time.

Now the administrator uses the Modules tab of the Licenses node to simply select the PLM solutions that his company has purchased. This will enable those PLM Classes and other solution-based functions that pertain to your company's business, while disabling those classes and functions that do not pertain.

For Product Collaboration, select Yes from the drop-down list. Then open each of the remaining drop-down lists and select Yes or No, as appropriate. When you are finished and click the Save button, you will be prompted "Please verify your company is contractually licensed to use the modules [PLM solutions] selected." You will need to restart the system for a module selection to take effect.

Product Portfolio Management (PPM) is the only PLM solution that can operate without Product Collaboration (PC); however, it is likely that even a company using only PPM will also use PC.


While it is possible to enable a PLM solution (by selecting Yes in Licenses > Modules) that your company has not purchased, it is not a Best Practice to attempt to do business using an unpurchased solution. You are likely working closely with an Oracle Consulting - Agile Practice representative, and you will likely need Support services at some point. However, if a problem you have encountered has been caused in the course of deploying and creating business objects from a PLM solution that your company has not purchased, you will find it more difficult to obtain the support for PLM that you and your company require.

If you encounter difficulties in enabling the PLM solutions that your company has purchased, contact your Agile PLM representative.

35.2.1 Recipe and Material Workspace Module

Recipe & Material Workspace (RMW) has fields to select under Licenses > Modules. There is a Recipe Management and also a Material and Equipment Management option to enable. Once the administrator selects Yes from the drop-down menu, there are other steps that need to be taken to enable the Recipe & Material Workspace menu option in Web Client for Agile PLM users to access the RMW solution.

The pharma.sql file must be run on the Agile PLM database, which adds the required privilege types for users to work in RMW. For more information, see the Recipe & Material Workspace Administrator Guide. In addition, RMW users need to be granted the Recipe & Material Workspace Access privilege. For more information, see "Default Agile PLM Privileges." After enabling the RMW module under Licenses and completing these other tasks, the Agile PLM Web Client displays the Recipe & Material Workspace option in the drop-down menu for Tools and Settings.

If the Recipe Management and Material and Equipment Management options are both disabled in Java Client, users are no longer able to see the Recipe & Material Workspace option in the drop-down menu for Tools and Settings.