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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide
Release 9.3.3
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36 Task Monitor and Task Configuration

This chapter explains what tasks can be monitored in Agile PLM and how to configure these tasks.

36.1 Task Monitor

The Task Monitor node is used to track the progress of certain scheduled tasks. These include:

  • Report tasks – standard and custom reports that are scheduled to be executed

    Administrator reports cannot be scheduled.

  • User tasks – refreshes user list from Directory Server (for example, LDAP server)

  • Full Text Search task – indexing of attachments for full text search

  • Attachment Purge task – periodic purging of attachments in the DFM server

  • PPM-specific tasks – there are several Activity tasks

  • PCM-specific tasks – there are several RFQ Notification tasks

  • PG&C-specific task – the Compliance Rollup task has been added to manage scheduled compliance rollups.

You can use the Thread Status drop-down list to display only the tasks matching the following criteria:

  • All – shows all tasks

  • Scheduled – shows tasks scheduled when it's generating schedule results.

  • Running – shows tasks currently running; this is the default filter

  • Finished – shows tasks that have been successfully executed

  • Failed – shows tasks that failed during execution

  • Timed Out – shows tasks that timed out before full execution. Compliance Rollup task cannot time-out.

Thread status criteria (except for All) do not apply to all types of tasks. For example, report tasks are listed in the Task Monitor window only when the selected Thread Status is All or Finished.

The following table lists the properties of the Task Monitor window. The properties are read-only.

Table 36-1 Task Monitor properties

Property Notes


Name of the scheduled report (custom or standard). Null for all other tasks.

Task Type

Report Task, FTS Task, or Attachment Purge Task.


Name of the owner of the report schedule. Null for all other tasks.

Time Executed

When the task began.

The Purge button permits you to delete tasks listed in the Task Monitor window. The Purge action applies only to selected tasks that fall within the specified date range.

To purge tasks from the Task Monitor:

  1. Select a Thread Status to list certain tasks, such as all tasks or finished tasks.

  2. Select one or more tasks.

  3. Click the Purge button.

  4. Specify values for From Date and To Date. Tasks that fall within the date range will be purged. Click the calendar button to select a date and time for each field.

  5. Click OK.

36.2 Task Configuration

From the Task Configuration node, you can manage various scheduled server-side activities such as reports and full text search indexing. Tasks never "time-out" before completion.

Table 36-2 Task Configuration

Name Description Default interval (minutes)

Refresh User List From Directory Server

Updates the Agile PLM user list with information from the Directory Server.

1440 (1 day)

Report Task

Checks if there are any scheduled report tasks to run. If so, it generates the report in the background, saves it on the file server, and sends an email notification to the report's owner and shared users.


Activity Summary Task

In PPM solution, identifies the list of activities scheduled for the coming week and notifies the owners in a summary format.


Full Text Search Scheduler

Indexes the content in files for full text search capability.

600 (10 hours)

Attachment Purging Task

Moves outdated files into a special folder and cleans up metadata in the database.

  • The task runs when the server is restarted, and will run 24-hours later (when Task Interval is set to the default 1440). Therefore, the interval is 24-hours from the time the server is started.

  • The task will run when the server is restarted only if it did not run that day. Otherwise, it will run after 24-hours.

  • 6:00 AM GMT is the reference time used to ascertain if the task has already run that day. The duration of a day is 6:00 AM to 6:00 AM the next day.

For a particular use case of Attachment Purging Task, see "Use Case for Attachment Purging Task."

1440 (1 day)

Activity Reminder Task

In PPM solution, identifies the list of activities that should start today and reminds the owners of these activities.


Activity Health Task

In PPM solution, updates the "health" for all activities. It also updates the actual duration, variance, and estimated variance for these activities.


Compliance Rollup Task

In PG&C solution, runs compliance rollup calculations.

Note: Even if the Product Governance & Compliance server license is disabled and not available, "Compliance Rollup Task" still appears in this list of tasks.


Due Tomorrow Notifications Task

In PCM solution, this sets how often the server checks for new RFQ-related notifications.


Admin Cache Synchronization Task

Synchronizes servers through Web Client > Tools > Administration > Cache Health Monitor.


Schedule Event Task

The settings for this task run in support of triggered events that use the Scheduled Event event type.


Compliance Migration Task

This task sorts all legacy compositions into three categories: Fully Disclosed, Partially Disclosed, or Undisclosed.

Note: In PG&C solution, for upgrades in the 9.2.x releases, this task must be enabled and run once; then this task can be disabled and is not needed.

1 (this task is run only once by upgrade customers)

Account Lockout Notify Task

The settings of this task run in support of account lockout email notification.


Specification Management Task

When users select objects to add or replace a specification, they are added to a queue to be processed when this task starts.

If more than one user selects objects, all of the objects are added to the same queue. Duplicates are filtered out of the queue.


External Rollup Task

For PG&C: Time interval and other settings (see table below) for PG&C scheduled External Rollup. Includes a Notification field where you can specify users and user groups who receive External Rollup notifications.


OneTime PX Token Cleanup Task

Housekeeping task to periodically delete all expired tokens in the ONETIME_PX_TOKENS table.

It is configured by default to run once a day to check all entries in the ONETIME_PX_TOKENS table, and remove those tokens whose lifetime has expired compared to the value of agile.sso.expirationTime set in the agile.properties.

The settings of this task can be reconfigured.


When you double-click a task in the Task Configuration page (anywhere in the row), the Task Configuration General Info window appears. It has the following properties; you can modify the properties and save the new settings.

Table 36-3 Task Configuration - General Info tab properties

Property Description


Name of the task being configured.

Task Interval

Periodic time interval in minutes after which the server updates the status of the task.

In general, the value for Task Lookback Window should always bigger than the value for Task Interval to ensure that no event is skipped.

Task Delay Time

How many minutes the event is delayed before it starts to run.

Task Lookback Window

How far back in minutes the task manager is to look to retrieve the events that can be run now.

For a particular use case that involves temporarily re-setting Task Lookback Window, see "Use Case for Attachment Purging Task."

In general, the value for Task Lookback Window should always bigger than the value for Task Interval to ensure that no event is skipped.

For the Attachment Purge Task, the shortest default time is 15. For example, if you set the Task Lookback Window to 0, the system uses 15 minutes regardless of the 0 setting.

Task Max Event Number

Number of events that can be running at the same time on one server.

Task Restart Upon Failure

Indicates whether the event should be restarted after it failed. Yes or No.

Task Load Across Server

Indicates whether the event can be executed at the same time in different servers of a cluster. Yes or No.

Task Disabled

Indicates whether this task is disabled (Yes) or enabled (No).

Notes: In order for a given task to be executed, this property must be set to No. Also, when this property is changed for any task, it is no longer required to restart the system.

Task Start Time

For tasks that include a Task Start Time: Permits you to specify the exact time a task should start. For example, you can specify that an Activity Reminder Task or an Activity Summary Task should be triggered at 8 a.m every morning.

Note: Once you reset the time, you must restart the server for the changes to apply.

To disable a task in the Task Configuration window:

  1. Double-click the task to open it.

  2. In the Task Disabled list, select Yes.

  3. Click Save.