Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01

Class GlobalAnnotations

  extended by weblogic.descriptor.annotation.GlobalAnnotations
Direct Known Subclasses:
BeanAnnotations, MethodAnnotations, PropertyAnnotations

public class GlobalAnnotations
extends Object

Defines annotations that can be specified on any element in a bean interface as well as the interface itself.

Field Summary
static AnnotationDefinition CONFIGURABLE
          When present on a property, indicates that this property may be changed during configuration.
static AnnotationDefinition DYNAMIC
          When present on a property, indicates that property can be changed without redeploy/reboot.
static AnnotationDefinition EXCLUDE
          Specifies that the annotated element should not appear in the public docs.
static AnnotationDefinition OBSOLETE
          Indicates that the annotated element is not functional in any product at or beyond versionNumber.
static AnnotationDefinition ROLE_ALLOWED
          When present on a property, indicates the default allowed security roles for the property.
static AnnotationDefinition ROLE_PERMIT_ALL
          When present on a property, indicates the default is to allow access for all roles.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final AnnotationDefinition EXCLUDE
Specifies that the annotated element should not appear in the public docs.

Usage: @exclude


public static final AnnotationDefinition DYNAMIC
When present on a property, indicates that property can be changed without redeploy/reboot. When present on an interface, indicates that all properties defined by this interface have this characteristic by default.

Default: false

Usage: @dynamic booleanValue


public static final AnnotationDefinition CONFIGURABLE
When present on a property, indicates that this property may be changed during configuration. This annotation is typically used on deployment descriptors to distinuish configurable properties from properties that are fixed at development time. When present on an interface indicates that all properties defined by interface are configurable by default. This is typically used on MBeans and other beans that exclusively contain configuration. Note that this annotation may be inherited from a superinterface.

Default: false

Usage: @configurable booleanValue


public static final AnnotationDefinition OBSOLETE
Indicates that the annotated element is not functional in any product at or beyond versionNumber. This is different than @deprecated which indicates that the element may not be funtional in a future release.

In most cases an element that is obsolete should be removed entirely. This is not possible for MBeans given the current approach for supporting compatibility with older versions. In this approach, the compatibility layer is generated off of the same interfaces that define the current API. This means that properties that are unsupported in the new API are still visible in the API.

Usage: @obsolete [versionNumber]


public static final AnnotationDefinition ROLE_ALLOWED
When present on a property, indicates the default allowed security roles for the property. When present on an interface, indicates the default allowed security roles for this interface and all properties defined by this interface. Note: when present on an interface, this does not apply to encrypted properties. You must explicitly specify a roleAllowed annotation on the encrypted property.

Usage: @roleAllowed roleName


public static final AnnotationDefinition ROLE_PERMIT_ALL
When present on a property, indicates the default is to allow access for all roles. When present on an interface, indicates the default is to allow access for all security roles for this interface and all properties defined by this interface. Note: when present on an interface, this does not apply to encrypted properties. You must explicitly specify a rolePermitAll annotation on the encrypted property.

Usage: @rolePermitAll

Constructor Detail


public GlobalAnnotations()

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01