Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01

Interface ForeignServerBean

All Superinterfaces:
NamedEntityBean, SettableBean, TargetableBean

public interface ForeignServerBean
extends TargetableBean

This bean represents foreign resources.

Access limited to the following security roles:

Method Summary
 ForeignConnectionFactoryBean createForeignConnectionFactory(String name)
          Creates a foreign connection factory and adds it to this foreign server.
 ForeignDestinationBean createForeignDestination(String name)
          Creates a foreign destination and adds it to this foreign server
 PropertyBean createJNDIProperty(String key)
          Creates a JNDI property bean and adds it to this foreign server.
 void destroyForeignConnectionFactory(ForeignConnectionFactoryBean foreignConnectionFactory)
          Removes a foreign connection factory from this foreign server.
 void destroyForeignDestination(ForeignDestinationBean foreignDestination)
          Removes a foreign destination from this foreign server.
 void destroyJNDIProperty(PropertyBean jndiProperty)
          Removes a JNDI property bean from this foreign server.
 String getConnectionURL()
          The URL that WebLogic Server will use to contact the JNDI provider.
 ForeignConnectionFactoryBean[] getForeignConnectionFactories()
          Gets an array of all foreign connection factories associated with this foreign server.
 ForeignDestinationBean[] getForeignDestinations()
          Gets an array of all foreign destinations associated with this foreign server.
 String getInitialContextFactory()
          The name of the class that must be instantiated to access the JNDI provider.
 PropertyBean[] getJNDIProperties()
          Any additional properties that must be set for the JNDI provider.
 String getJNDIPropertiesCredential()
          Any Credentials that must be set for the JNDI provider.
 byte[] getJNDIPropertiesCredentialEncrypted()
           This should not be called by anyone.
 ForeignConnectionFactoryBean lookupForeignConnectionFactory(String name)
          Finds a foreign connection factory bean with the given name.
 ForeignDestinationBean lookupForeignDestination(String name)
          Finds a foreign destination with the given name.
 PropertyBean lookupJNDIProperty(String key)
          Finds a JNDI Property with the given key.
 void setConnectionURL(String connectionUrl)
          Sets the value of the ConnectionURL attribute.
 void setInitialContextFactory(String initialContextFactory)
          Sets the value of the InitialContextFactory attribute.
 void setJNDIPropertiesCredential(String value)
 void setJNDIPropertiesCredentialEncrypted(byte[] eBytes)
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TargetableBean
getSubDeploymentName, isDefaultTargetingEnabled, setDefaultTargetingEnabled, setSubDeploymentName
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.NamedEntityBean
getId, getName, getNotes, setName, setNotes
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean
isSet, unSet

Method Detail


ForeignDestinationBean[] getForeignDestinations()
Gets an array of all foreign destinations associated with this foreign server.

An array of all foreign destinations associated with this foreign server
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


ForeignDestinationBean createForeignDestination(String name)
Creates a foreign destination and adds it to this foreign server

name - The name of the foreign destination to add to this foreign server.
The foreign destination added to this foreign server


void destroyForeignDestination(ForeignDestinationBean foreignDestination)
Removes a foreign destination from this foreign server.

foreignDestination - The specific destination to remove from this foreign server


ForeignDestinationBean lookupForeignDestination(String name)
Finds a foreign destination with the given name.

name - The name of the destination to find
A foreign destination with the given name, or null if one could not be found


ForeignConnectionFactoryBean[] getForeignConnectionFactories()
Gets an array of all foreign connection factories associated with this foreign server.

An array of all foreign connection factories associated with this foreign server
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


ForeignConnectionFactoryBean createForeignConnectionFactory(String name)
Creates a foreign connection factory and adds it to this foreign server.

name - The name of the foreign connection factory to add to this foreign server
The foreign connection factory added to this foreign server


void destroyForeignConnectionFactory(ForeignConnectionFactoryBean foreignConnectionFactory)
Removes a foreign connection factory from this foreign server.

foreignConnectionFactory - The specific factory to remove from this foreign server


ForeignConnectionFactoryBean lookupForeignConnectionFactory(String name)
Finds a foreign connection factory bean with the given name.

name - The name of the foreign connection factory to find
A foreign connection factory bean with the given name, or null if one is not found


String getInitialContextFactory()

The name of the class that must be instantiated to access the JNDI provider. This class name depends on the JNDI provider and the vendor that are being used.

This value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.factory.initial.

Note: This value defaults to weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory, which is the correct value for WebLogic Server.

The initialContextFactory value
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setInitialContextFactory(String initialContextFactory)
                              throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the InitialContextFactory attribute.

initialContextFactory - The new initialContextFactory value
See Also:
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
This method can NOT set a value of zero length.


String getConnectionURL()

The URL that WebLogic Server will use to contact the JNDI provider. The syntax of this URL depends on which JNDI provider is being used. For WebLogic JMS, leave this field blank if you are referencing WebLogic JMS objects within the same cluster.

This value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.provider.url.

Note: If this value is not specified, look-ups will be performed on the JNDI server within the WebLogic Server instance where this connection factory is deployed.

The connectionURL value


void setConnectionURL(String connectionUrl)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the ConnectionURL attribute.

connectionUrl - The new connectionURL value
IllegalArgumentException - If the argument is not legal


byte[] getJNDIPropertiesCredentialEncrypted()

This should not be called by anyone. It's required when using the encrypted tag

A byte array of the Credential associated with this foreign server
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


void setJNDIPropertiesCredentialEncrypted(byte[] eBytes)


String getJNDIPropertiesCredential()

Any Credentials that must be set for the JNDI provider. These Credentials will be part of the properties will be passed directly to the constructor for the JNDI provider's InitialContext class.

Some foreign providers require other properties to be set while obtaining an initial naming context. These properties can be set with a property bean

A byte array of the Credential associated with this foreign server
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


void setJNDIPropertiesCredential(String value)


PropertyBean[] getJNDIProperties()

Any additional properties that must be set for the JNDI provider. These properties will be passed directly to the constructor for the JNDI provider's InitialContext class.

Some foreign providers require other properties to be set while obtaining an initial naming context. These properties can be set with a property bean

An array of all JNDI properties associated with this foreign server


PropertyBean createJNDIProperty(String key)
Creates a JNDI property bean and adds it to this foreign server.

Some foreign providers require other properties to be set while obtaining an initial naming context. These properties can be set with a property bean

key - The key of the property to add to this foreign server
The property bean added to this foreign server


void destroyJNDIProperty(PropertyBean jndiProperty)
Removes a JNDI property bean from this foreign server.

Some foreign providers require other properties to be set while obtaining an initial naming context. These properties can be set with a property bean

jndiProperty - The property to remove from this foreign server


PropertyBean lookupJNDIProperty(String key)
Finds a JNDI Property with the given key.

key - name The name of the JNDIProperty to find
A JNDI Property with the given key, or null if one could not be found

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01