Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01

Interface UniformDistributedDestinationBean

All Superinterfaces:
DestinationBean, NamedEntityBean, SettableBean, TargetableBean
All Known Subinterfaces:
UniformDistributedQueueBean, UniformDistributedTopicBean

public interface UniformDistributedDestinationBean
extends DestinationBean

A uniform distributed destination is a distributed destination whose members are configured as part of its configuration; since members share the same configuration, they are uniform. There is one member on each JMS Server that conforms to the targeting criteria of the uniform distributed destination. For example, if a uniform distributed destination is targeted to a cluster, then one member will be created on each JMS server in the cluster. Members are created and destroyed as the targeting is changed.

Method Summary
 String getLoadBalancingPolicy()
          Determines how messages are distributed to the members of this destination.
 String getUnitOfOrderRouting()
          Determines how a distributed destination member is selected as the destination for a message that is part of a unit-of-order.
 void setLoadBalancingPolicy(String loadBalancingPolicy)
          Sets the value of the LoadBalancingPolicy attribute.
 void setUnitOfOrderRouting(String unitOfOrderRouting)
          Sets the value of the UnitOfOrderRouting attribute.
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DestinationBean
addDestinationKey, getAttachSender, getDeliveryFailureParams, getDeliveryParamsOverrides, getDestinationKeys, getIncompleteWorkExpirationTime, getJMSCreateDestinationIdentifier, getJNDIName, getLocalJNDIName, getMaximumMessageSize, getMessageLoggingParams, getMessagingPerformancePreference, getQuota, getSAFExportPolicy, getTemplate, getThresholds, getUnitOfWorkHandlingPolicy, isConsumptionPausedAtStartup, isDefaultUnitOfOrder, isInsertionPausedAtStartup, isProductionPausedAtStartup, removeDestinationKey, setAttachSender, setConsumptionPausedAtStartup, setDefaultUnitOfOrder, setDestinationKeys, setIncompleteWorkExpirationTime, setInsertionPausedAtStartup, setJMSCreateDestinationIdentifier, setJNDIName, setLocalJNDIName, setMaximumMessageSize, setMessagingPerformancePreference, setProductionPausedAtStartup, setQuota, setSAFExportPolicy, setTemplate, setUnitOfWorkHandlingPolicy
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TargetableBean
getSubDeploymentName, isDefaultTargetingEnabled, setDefaultTargetingEnabled, setSubDeploymentName
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.NamedEntityBean
getId, getName, getNotes, setName, setNotes
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean
isSet, unSet

Method Detail


String getLoadBalancingPolicy()

Determines how messages are distributed to the members of this destination.

Choose from the following distribution techniques:

The loadBalancingPolicy value
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setLoadBalancingPolicy(String loadBalancingPolicy)
                            throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the value of the LoadBalancingPolicy attribute.

loadBalancingPolicy -
See Also:
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Valid Values:


String getUnitOfOrderRouting()

Determines how a distributed destination member is selected as the destination for a message that is part of a unit-of-order. Hash, indicates that a message producer computes the member destination from the hashCode of the unit-of-order. PathService indicates that the configured Path Service determines the member destination.

Unit-of-Order Routing can be set programmatically with WLProducer, or administratively on the connection factory or destination.

Unit of Order Routing is not dynamically configurable.

Default Value:


void setUnitOfOrderRouting(String unitOfOrderRouting)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the value of the UnitOfOrderRouting attribute.

unitOfOrderRouting -
See Also:

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01