Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01

Interface JdbcServicesDef


public interface JdbcServicesDef

Interface for JdbcT3 services. T3Clients get access to these services through the T3ClientServices class in weblogic.common.

Method Summary
 void resetPool(String poolName)
 void shrinkPool(String poolName)

Method Detail


void resetPool(String poolName)
               throws Exception

Resets the named database ConnectionPool by shutting down and reestablishing all the allocated connections. This method should only be called when the connection pool is known to be in a bad state, such as after the database has gone down and been brought back up.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a T3Client that has specified a T3User of "system" and supplies the system password.

poolName - Name of the pool to reset
Exception - if there is an error


void shrinkPool(String poolName)
                throws Exception

Shrinks the named database ConnectionPool to the max of the currently reserved connections of the initial size.

This is a privileged method, and can only be invoked on a T3Client that has specified a T3User of "system" and supplies the system password.

poolName - Name of the pool to reset
Exception - if there is an error

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01