Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01

Interface ClientEnvironment

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ClientEnvironment

This is an environment that can be used on a thinner client. The server implementation may do things that the client implementation cannot do. In order to keep the thin client thin, this class may not pull in any weblogic specific classes.

Method Summary
 Context getContext()
          Returns a context that can be used with this environment.
 Hashtable getProperties()
          Gets the environment hashtable associated with this environment
 void setEnableServerAffinity(boolean enableServerAffinity)
          Sets the WLContext.ENABLE_SERVER_AFFINITY property
 void setProviderURL(String providerURL)
          Sets the Context.PROVIDER_URL property
 void setSecurityCredentials(Object password)
          Sets the Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS property
 void setSecurityPrincipal(String username)
          Sets the Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL property

Method Detail


void setProviderURL(String providerURL)
Sets the Context.PROVIDER_URL property

providerURL - The url to use with this environment


void setSecurityPrincipal(String username)
Sets the Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL property

username - The username to use with this environment


void setSecurityCredentials(Object password)
Sets the Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS property

password - The password to use with this environment


void setEnableServerAffinity(boolean enableServerAffinity)
Sets the WLContext.ENABLE_SERVER_AFFINITY property

enableServerAffinity -


Context getContext()
                   throws NamingException
Returns a context that can be used with this environment. Note that the context to the system identified in the properties is only gotten once. Subsequent calls to this method will always return the previously returned context. No new context will be gotten once the initial context has been established. Create a new ClientEnvironment if you want to attempt a different connection to a remote naming context.

A naming context that can be used by this client


Hashtable getProperties()
Gets the environment hashtable associated with this environment

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01