Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01

Class ClientIdentityFeature

  extended by
      extended by weblogic.jws.jaxws.WLSWebServiceFeature
          extended by weblogic.jws.jaxws.client.ClientIdentityFeature

public class ClientIdentityFeature
extends WLSWebServiceFeature

Client-side feature to track the identity for a client (client is a location in the code that creates client instances (Port/Stub instances) for a particular business purpose. If you decide to use durable client instances (client instances that are re-initialized if they don't complete before the current VM is restarted), you should take care to call the 'dispose' method on this class when you are done using any of the durable client instances you may have created using this ClientIdentityFeature.

Best practice is to initialize a ClientIdentityFeature as a VM singleton, and to dispose it when the 'container' for the code exits (for example in a PreDestroy annotated method).

Nested Class Summary
static interface ClientIdentityFeature.ParentIdCalculator
          Used to calculate the ID value for a parent of a client instance.
static class ClientIdentityFeature.Type
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Create a ClientIdentityFeature with a null raw client ID.
ClientIdentityFeature(String rawClientId)
          Create a ClientIdentityFeature with the given raw client ID.
Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
 String calculateParentId()
          Calculates the ID of the parent container for this client.
 void dispose()
          Dispose of any resources held by the client identified by this feature, thus allowing the ID for this client to be reused later in the lifetime of the current VM.
 boolean equals(Object other)
 String getClientId()
          The unique ID for this client.
 String getID()
          Get the ID for this feature type
 String getParentId()
          Get the portion of the clientId for this feature that was prepended to the rawClientId (if any).
 String getRawClientId()
          The unique ID for this client.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isGeneratedRawClientId()
          Returns an indication of whether the raw client ID for this feature was system generated (true) or not (false).
 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
 void setClientId(String clientId)
          Allows a client to set its own unique client ID.
 void setClientId(String clientId, boolean prependContext)
          Allows a client to set its own unique client ID.
 void setGeneratedRawClientId(String rawClientId)
          System use only.
static void setParentIdCalculator(ClientIdentityFeature.ParentIdCalculator calc)
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class weblogic.jws.jaxws.WLSWebServiceFeature
featuresAreEqual, getClientIdComponent, isKnownTubelineImpactingFeature, isTubelineImpact, setTubelineImpact
Methods inherited from class
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClientIdentityFeature()
Create a ClientIdentityFeature with a null raw client ID. If the caller doesn't immediately assign a client ID via setClientId, a default ID will be assigned.


public ClientIdentityFeature(String rawClientId)
Create a ClientIdentityFeature with the given raw client ID. This raw ID will be combined with any context qualifier we find from the current environment (e.g. app/module name) to yield a server-wide unique ID.

Method Detail


public static void setParentIdCalculator(ClientIdentityFeature.ParentIdCalculator calc)


public String getID()
Get the ID for this feature type

Specified by:
getID in class WebServiceFeature
the ID


public void setClientId(String clientId)
Allows a client to set its own unique client ID. This ID should be given any time the same client is constructed (for the same purpose, same variable, same code, etc.). This method is equivalent to calling setClientId(clientId, true). This method will fire a PropertyChangeEvent with the name ClientId.

clientId - The ID to use. Must not be null.
See Also:
ClientIdentityFeature.setClientId(String, boolean)


public void setClientId(String clientId,
                        boolean prependContext)
Allows a client to set its own unique client ID. This ID should be given any time the same client is constructed (for the same purpose, same variable, same code, etc.). If prependContext is true, this name must be unique within the component or module within an application. The client-supplied ID is combined with the current context of this feture (e.g. on-server this is the name/version of the host application and component/module) to generate a server-wide unique ID. The getClientId() method returns this generated server-wide unique ID. The getRawClientId() method returns the raw client ID given to this method. If prependContext is false, the given ID is used directly as the client ID, and getClientId() and getRawClientId() will return the same value. This method will fire a PropertyChangeEvent with the name ClientId.

clientId - The ID to use. This will be the value returned by getRawClientId (and getClientId() too if prependContext is false). Must not be null.
prependContext - If true, the actual client ID used for this feature will be <context>:clientId where <context> is the context in which this client is being initialized. On-server, this context is <server name>:<app name>[_<app version>]:<component name> Off-server this context is empty. If prependContext is false, the clientID param is used directly as the full client ID of the feature


public void setGeneratedRawClientId(String rawClientId)
System use only. Sets a generated ID as needed.


public boolean isGeneratedRawClientId()
Returns an indication of whether the raw client ID for this feature was system generated (true) or not (false).


public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)


public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)


public void dispose()
Dispose of any resources held by the client identified by this feature, thus allowing the ID for this client to be reused later in the lifetime of the current VM.


public String calculateParentId()
Calculates the ID of the parent container for this client.

The ID of the parent or null if none could be determined.


public String getClientId()
The unique ID for this client. This can be a system-generated ID or one that was specified directly by the client (in the latter case, the ID returned is the ID generated to contain both the client specified ID and the host application name/version.

the unique id


public String getRawClientId()
The unique ID for this client. This can be a system-generated ID or one that was specified directly by the client (and does not include any app name/version so will not generally be unique in the server).

the unique id


public String getParentId()
Get the portion of the clientId for this feature that was prepended to the rawClientId (if any).

The prepended ID that together with rawClientId was used to form the full clientId for this feature, or null if no context was prepended.


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object other)
equals in class Object


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01