Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ListerMBean Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control, and monitoring of SAML 2.0 security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Authentication security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Authorization, Adjudication, and Role Mapping security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Credential Mapping security providers in a WebLogic security realm. This package includes interfaces and exceptions for developers who are interested in creating custom applications that use BEA WebLogic Server facilities to monitor and configure applications and WebLogic Server instances. Provides the UsernameMapperInterface, which is used to perform certificate-based and distinguished name user authentication. Provides interfaces for Provides interfaces for Provides interfaces for Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control, and monitoring of SAML 1.1 security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Abstract interfaces for SAML 1.1 Asserting Parties, Relying Parties, and metadata.   

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface SAML2CredentialMapperMBean
          This MBean represents configuration information for the SAML2 Credential Mapping provider.
 interface SAML2IdentityAsserterMBean
          This MBean represents configuration information for the SAML2 Identity Assertion provider.
 interface SAML2IdPPartnerRegistryMBean
          The SAMLIdPPartnerRegistry is used manage a registry of SAML 2.0 Identity Provider partners.
 interface SAML2PartnerRegistryMBean
          The SAMLPartnerRegistry provides utilities common to a registry of SAML partners.
 interface SAML2SPPartnerRegistryMBean
          The SAML2SPPartnerRegistry is used manage a registry of SAML 2.0 SP partners.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface GroupEditorMBean
          Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing groups.
 interface GroupMemberListerMBean
          Provides a method for listing a group's members.
 interface GroupReaderMBean
          Provides a set of methods for reading data about groups.
 interface GroupUserListerMBean
          Provides a method for listing a group's user members.
 interface MemberGroupListerMBean
          Provides a method for listing the groups that contain a member.
 interface UserEditorMBean
          Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing users.
 interface UserReaderMBean
          Provides a set of methods for reading data about users.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface PolicyListerMBean
          Provides a set of methods for listing data about policies.
 interface PolicyStoreMBean
          Provides a set of methods for managing policies in a policy store.
 interface RoleListerMBean
          Provides a set of methods for listing data about roles.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface PKICredentialMapEditorMBean
          Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing a credential map that matches users, resources and credential action to keystore aliases and the corresponding passwords.
 interface PKICredentialMapReaderMBean
          Provides a set of methods for reading a credential map that matches users and resources to aliases and their corresponding passwords that can then be used to retrieve key information or public certificate information from the configured keystores.
 interface UserPasswordCredentialMapEditorMBean
          Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing a credential map that matches WebLogic users to remote usernames and their corresponding passwords.
 interface UserPasswordCredentialMapExtendedReaderMBean
          Provides a set of methods for reading the credential mappings.
 interface UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean
          Provides a set of methods for reading credentials and credential mappings.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface NameListerMBean
          The NameListerMBean interface defines a method used to return lists of names.
 interface PropertiesListerMBean
          The PropertiesListerMBean interface defines a method used to return a java.util.Properties of key=value pairs.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface ActiveDirectoryAuthenticatorMBean
          The MBean that represents LDAP schema definitions for the Active Directory LDAP Authentication provider.
 interface DefaultAuthenticatorMBean
          The MBean that represents configuration attributes for the WebLogic Authentication provider.
 interface IPlanetAuthenticatorMBean
          This MBean represents LDAP schema definitions for the iPlanet LDAP provider.
 interface LDAPAuthenticatorMBean
          This MBean contains attributes for the LDAP servers supported by the LDAP Authentication providers.
 interface NovellAuthenticatorMBean
          This MBean represents the LDAP schema definitions for the Novell NDS LDAP provider.
 interface OpenLDAPAuthenticatorMBean
          This MBean specifies the LDAP schema definitions for the Open LDAP Authentication provider.
 interface OracleInternetDirectoryAuthenticatorMBean
          This MBean specifies the LDAP schema definitions for the Oracle Internet Directory LDAP Authentication provider.
 interface OracleVirtualDirectoryAuthenticatorMBean
          This MBean specifies the LDAP schema definitions for the Oracle Virtual Directory Authentication provider.
 interface ReadOnlySQLAuthenticatorMBean
          This MBean contains configuration information for the Read-Only SQL Authentication provider.
 interface SQLAuthenticatorMBean
          This MBean contains configuration information for the SQL Authentication Provider.
 interface WindowsNTAuthenticatorMBean
          This MBean contains configuration information for the Windows NT Authetication Provider

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface DefaultAuthorizerMBean
          This MBean represents configuration attributes for the WebLogic Authorization provider.
 interface DefaultRoleMapperMBean
          This MBean represents configuration attributes for the WebLogic Role Mapping provider.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface DefaultCredentialMapperMBean
          This MBean represents configuration attributes for the WebLogic Credential Mapping provider.
 interface PKICredentialMapperMBean
          This MBean represents configuration attributes for the PKI Credential Mapping provider.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface CertificateRegistryMBean
          The CertificateRegistryMBean is used to configure and manage the Certificate registry.
 interface GroupCertRegManagerMBean
          The GroupCertRegManager is used to manage a certificate trust group in the certificate registry that is stored in the embedded LDAP server.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface SAMLCredentialMapperV2MBean
          This MBean represents configuration information for the SAML Credential Mapper V2 provider.
 interface SAMLIdentityAsserterMBean
          This MBean represents configuration information for the SAML Identity Assertion provider.
 interface SAMLIdentityAsserterV2MBean
          This MBean represents configuration information for the SAML Identity Assertion V2 provider.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface SAMLAssertingPartyRegistryMBean
          The SAMLAssertingPartyRegistry is used manage a registry of SAML 1.1 Asserting Parties and associated trusted certificates.
 interface SAMLPartnerRegistryMBean
          The SAMLPartnerRegistry is used manage a registry of SAML partners and associated trusted certificates that is stored in the embedded LDAP server.
 interface SAMLRelyingPartyRegistryMBean
          The SAMLRelyingPartyRegistry is used manage a registry of SAML 1.1 Relying Parties and associated trusted certificates.

Uses of ListerMBean in

Subinterfaces of ListerMBean in
 interface CertRegManagerMBean
          The CertRegManager is used manage a certificate registry that is stored in the embedded LDAP server.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01