Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01
Class OwnerImpl

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Owner
Direct Known Subclasses:

Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 7.0. Replaced by the rules-based Authorization Provider in the Pluggable Security Infrastructure.

public class OwnerImpl
extends Object
implements Owner, Serializable

OwnerImpl implements Owner to manage owners of Access Control Lists (ACLs) or ACL configurations. (Note that the Acl interface in the package extends this Owner interface.)

An ACL must always have at least one owner.

See Also:
Owner, Acl, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
OwnerImpl(Principal principal)
          Deprecated. Constructs an owner with an initial principal.
Method Summary
 boolean addOwner(Principal caller, Principal principal)
          Deprecated. Adds an owner.
 boolean deleteOwner(Principal caller, Principal principal)
          Deprecated. Deletes an owner.
 boolean isOwner(Principal principal)
          Deprecated. Determines whether the given principal is an owner of the ACL.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OwnerImpl(Principal principal)
Constructs an owner with an initial principal.

Method Detail


public boolean addOwner(Principal caller,
                        Principal principal)
                 throws NotOwnerException
Adds an owner. Only owners can modify ACL contents. The caller principal must be an owner of the ACL in order to invoke this method; that is, only an owner can add another owner. The initial owner is configured when the ACL is constructed.

The method returns false if the proposed owner is already an owner. An exception is thrown if the Principal caller is not an owner of the ACL.

Specified by:
addOwner in interface Owner
caller - Principal that is an owner of the ACL
principal - Principal that should be added to the list of owners
true if successful, false if owner is already an owner.
NotOwnerException - if the caller Principal is not an owner of the ACL


public boolean deleteOwner(Principal caller,
                           Principal principal)
                    throws NotOwnerException,
Deletes an owner. If this is the last owner in the ACL, an exception is raised, since an ACL must have at least one owner. The method returns true if the operation is successful, false if the proposed owner to be deleted is not found in the list of owners.

The caller principal must be an owner of the ACL to invoke this method.

Specified by:
deleteOwner in interface Owner
caller - Principal that is an owner of the ACL
principal - Principal to be removed from the list of owners
true if the owner is removed
NotOwnerException - if the caller Principal is not an owner of the ACL
LastOwnerException - if the owner proposed for deletion is the last owner


public boolean isOwner(Principal principal)
Determines whether the given principal is an owner of the ACL.

Specified by:
isOwner in interface Owner
principal - Principal to be verified as an owner
true if the Principal is in the list of owners

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01