Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01

Uses of Class

Packages that use KeyPurpose Provides interfaces and classes for

Uses of KeyPurpose in

Fields in declared as KeyPurpose
static KeyPurpose[] KeyPurpose.ALL_PURPOSES
static KeyPurpose KeyPurpose.DECRYPT
static KeyPurpose[] KeyPurpose.DSA_PRIVATE_KEY_PURPOSES
static KeyPurpose[] KeyPurpose.DSA_PUBLIC_KEY_PURPOSES
static KeyPurpose KeyPurpose.ENCRYPT
static KeyPurpose[] KeyPurpose.PRIVATE_KEY_PURPOSES
static KeyPurpose[] KeyPurpose.PUBLIC_KEY_PURPOSES
static KeyPurpose KeyPurpose.SIGN
static KeyPurpose KeyPurpose.VERIFY

Methods in that return KeyPurpose
static KeyPurpose[] KeyPurpose.getPurposes(Key key)

Methods in with parameters of type KeyPurpose
 KeyResult KeyProvider.getKey(String alg, KeyPurpose purpose)
 KeyResult KeyResolver.Accessor.getKey(Object key, String alg, KeyPurpose purpose, KeyProvider provider)
 KeyResult KeyProvider.getKeyByIdentifier(byte[] identifier, String alg, KeyPurpose purpose)
 KeyResult KeyProvider.getKeyByIssuerSerial(String issuerName, BigInteger serial, String alg, KeyPurpose purpose)
 KeyResult KeyProvider.getKeyByName(String keyName, String alg, KeyPurpose purpose)
 KeyResult KeyProvider.getKeyBySubjectName(String subjectDN, String alg, KeyPurpose purpose)
 KeyResult KeyProvider.getKeyByURI(String uri, String alg, KeyPurpose purpose)
 KeyResult KeyResolver.resolveKey(KeyPurpose purpose, String algorithm, KeyInfo keyInfo)
 boolean KeyPurpose.served(KeyPurpose[] purposes)
protected static boolean KeyPurpose.serves(KeyPurpose[] purposes, KeyPurpose purpose)
protected static boolean KeyPurpose.serves(KeyPurpose[] purposes, KeyPurpose purpose)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-01