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Oracle® Health Sciences Clinical Development Analytics User's Guide
Release 3.1

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OCDA, 2.2
action links, 3.3
printing, 2.4.4
refreshing, 2.4.7
viewing descriptions, 2.4.2
OCDA, 1.2


cache, definition, 2.4.7
dashboard, A.1.1
dashboard pages, A.1.1.1
CRA Overview, A.
eCRF Workload, A.
Initiating & Recruiting Sites, A.
Monitoring Metrics, A.
Performance, A.
Site Document List, A.
Sites to Monitor, A.
Study-Site Milestones, A., A.
Top Investigators, A.
CRA Overview
CRA dashboard page, A.
custom reports in OCDA, 3.2


Dashboard Page & Analysis Index
Index dashboard page, A., A.
dashboard pages
CRA, A.1.1.1
CRA Overview, A.
eCRF Workload, A.
Initiating & Recruiting Sites, A.
Monitoring Metrics, A.
Performance, A.
Site Document List, A.
Sites to Monitor, A.
Study-Site Milestones, A., A.
Top Investigators, A.
Data Manager - EDC, A.1.2.1
Discrepancy Workload, A.
eCRF Workload, A.
Home, A.
Key Rates, A.
Page Workload, A.
Performance, A.
Quality, A.
Study Discrepancies, A.
Study Processing Detail, A.
Study Processing Summary, A.
Data Manager - Paper, A.1.3.1
Discrepancy Workload, A.
Home, A.
Performance, A.
Quality, A.
Study Processing Detail, A.
Study Processing Summary, A.
definition, 2.1
Index, A.1.10.1
Dashboard Page & Analysis Index, A., A.
Study Manager, A.1.6.1
Initiating & Recruiting Studies, A.
Monitoring Metrics, A.
Study Manager Overview, A.
Top Investigators, A.
Study Overview, A.1.7.1
Monitoring Metrics, A.
Non Performing Investigators, A.
Recruitment Overview, A.
Retention Overview, A.
Screening Overview, A.
Site Document List, A.
Site Document Metrics, A.
Site Performance, A.
Site Region Performance, A.
Study Overview, A.
Study-Site Milestones, A.
Study-Site Overview, A.
Top Investigators, A.
Study-Site Overview, A.1.9.1
Monitoring Metrics, A.
Retention Overview, A.
Screening & Recruitment Overview, A.
Site Document List, A.
Site Document Metrics, A.
Study-Site Team, A.
Visit Reports & Follow Up Items, A.
about, A.1
CRA, A.1.1
Data Manager - EDC, A.1.2
Data Manager - Paper, A.1.3
definition, 2.1
Index, A.1.10
printing, 2.4.4
refreshing, 2.4.7
Study Manager, A.1.6
Study Overview, A.1.7
Study-Site Overview, A.1.9
viewing, 2.2.2
viewing descriptions, 2.4.2
Data Manager - EDC
dashboard, A.1.2
dashboard pages, A.1.2.1
Discrepancy Workload, A.
eCRF Workload, A.
Home, A.
Key Rates, A.
Page Workload, A.
Performance, A.
Quality, A.
Study Discrepancies, A.
Study Processing Detail, A.
Study Processing Summary, A.
Data Manager - Paper
dashboard, A.1.3
dashboard pages, A.1.3.1
Discrepancy Workload, A.
Home, A.
Performance, A.
Quality, A.
Study Processing Detail, A.
Study Processing Summary, A.
data tracking
See tracking data
descriptions of dashboards and analyses, viewing, 2.4.2
dimensions in the presentation catalog, B.1
Discrepancy Workload
Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.
Data Manager - Paper dashboard page, A.
drilling down results, 2.5.3


eCRF Workload
CRA dashboard page, A.
Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.
ETL programs
version management, 1.4.2
exiting, Oracle BI, 2.4.1


facts in the presentation catalog, B.2
filters, definition, 2.1


Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.
Data Manager - Paper dashboard page, A.


dashboard, A.1.10
dashboard pages, A.1.10.1
Dashboard Page & Analysis Index, A., A.
Initiating & Recruiting Sites
CRA dashboard page, A.
Initiating & Recruiting Studies
Study Manager dashboard page, A.
introducing, OCDA, 1.1


Key Rates
Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.


logging in, OCDA, 2.2.1
logging out, Oracle BI See exiting, Oracle BI


managing ETL versions, 1.4.2
Monitoring Metrics
CRA dashboard page, A.
Study Manager dashboard page, A.
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
Study-Site Overview dashboard page, A.
Top Investigators dashboard page, A.
My Account page, using, 2.6


navigation in Oracle BI, 2.5
Non Performing Investigators
Study Overview dashboard page, A.


accessing, 2.2
architecture, 1.2
custom reports, 3.2
logging in, 2.2.1
overview, 1.1
predefined reports, 3.1
online help, using, 2.4.3
Oracle BI
drilling down, 2.5.3
exiting, 2.4.1
navigating, 2.5
setting preferences, 2.6.1
setting time zone, 2.6.2
sorting table columns, 2.5.4
using, 2.3
Oracle BI Analysis Editor,
Oracle BI Delivers,
Oracle BI features links, using, 2.5.2
Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards,
Oracle BI interactive home page,
Oracle BI Presentation Services, 2.3.1
Oracle BI Analysis Editor,
Oracle BI Delivers,
Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards,
Oracle BI interactive Home Page,
Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog,
overview, OCDA, 1.1
overview, using OCDA, 2.1


Page Workload
Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.
See dashboard pages, definition
parameters, definition, 2.1
patches, Preface
CRA dashboard page, A.
Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.
Data Manager - Paper dashboard page, A.
reports, 3.1
presentation catalog
dimensions, B.1
facts, B.2
oracle clinical sources, B.3.1
siebel clinical sources, B.4
printing dashboards and analyses, 2.4.4
prompts, definition, 3.1


Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.
Data Manager - Paper dashboard page, A.


Recruitment Overview
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
dashboards and analyses, 2.4.7
information in selection pane, 2.4.8
regulatory compliance, 1.4
data tracking, 1.4.1
ETL version management, 1.4.2
security, 1.4.3
reporting, using OCDA, 1.3
custom, 3.2
defined, 3.1
parameters, 2.1
predefined, 3.1
view, 3.1.1
view on Apple iPhone, 3.4
downloading, downloading results, 2.4.6
Retention Overview
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
Study-Site Overview dashboard page, A.


Screening & Recruitment Overview
Study-Site Overview dashboard page, A.
Screening Overview
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
security, 1.4.3
setting preferences, Oracle BI, 2.6.1
setting time zone, Oracle BI, 2.6.2
Site Document List
CRA dashboard page, A.
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
Site Document Metrics
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
Study-Site Overview dashboard page, A.
Site Performance
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
Site Region Performance
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
Sites to Monitor
CRA dashboard page, A.
sorting table columns in Oracle BI, 2.5.4
Study Discrepancies
Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.
Study Manager
dashboard, A.1.6
dashboard pages, A.1.6.1
Initiating & Recruiting Studies, A.
Monitoring Metrics, A.
Study Manager Overview, A.
Top Investigators, A.
Study Manager Overview
Study Manager dashboard page, A.
Study Overview
dashboard, A.1.7
dashboard pages, A.1.7.1
Monitoring Metrics, A.
Non Performing Investigators, A.
Recruitment Overview, A.
Retention Overview, A.
Screening Overview, A.
Site Document List, A.
Site Document Metrics, A.
Site Performance, A.
Site Region Performance, A.
Study Overview, A.
Study-Site Milestones, A.
Study-Site Overview, A.
Top Investigators, A.
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
Study-Site Overview dashboard page, A.
Study Processing Detail
Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.
Data Manager - Paper dashboard page, A.
Study Processing Summary
Data Manager - EDC dashboard page, A.
Data Manager - Paper dashboard page, A.
Study-Site Document List
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
Study-Site Milestones
CRA dashboard page, A., A.
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
Study-Site Overview
dashboard, A.1.9
dashboard pages, A.1.9.1
Monitoring Metrics, A.
Retention Overview, A.
Screening & Recruitment Overview, A.
Site Document List, A.
Site Document Metrics, A.
Study-Site Team, A.
Visit Reports & Follow Up Items, A.
Study-Site Team
Study-Site Overview dashboard page, A.


Top Investigators
CRA dashboard page, A.
Study Overview dashboard page, A.
tracking data, 1.4.1


My Account Page, 2.6
Oracle BI, 2.3
using OCDA, 2.1
using online help, 2.4.3
using Oracle BI features links, 2.5.2


dashboards, 2.2.2
descriptions of dashboards and analyses, 2.4.2
predefined reports, 3.1.1
reports on Apple iPhone, 3.4
saved requests, 3.6
Visit Reports & Follow Up Items
Study-Site Overview dashboard page, A.


what can i do using Oracle Clinical Development Analytics, 1.1.1
what is available to you after accessing Oracle BI, 2.5.1