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Oracle® Health Sciences Clinical Development Analytics User's Guide
Release 3.1

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3 Working with Analyses

Using the Oracle BI Analysis Editor, you can run or display predefined reports (delivered with OHSCDA), and you can also create or modify custom analyses.

This chapter contains the following topics:

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1

For ease of reference, the subsequent sections contain excerpts from Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), altered to include specific information related to OHSCDA.

Predefined Analyses

OHSCDA is delivered with 109 predefined analyses. A subset of these analyses is displayed on your dashboard pages based on the user group you are assigned to.

A analysis can contain data in a tabular format, pivot table, or graph. You can filter the data visible on the analysis based on certain criteria such as Study, Study Site, CRA. These filters are called prompts. Some analyses let you drill down to a more detailed analysis.

Following are some of the analysis-related tasks that you can perform:

  • Create and modify analyses.

  • Refresh the results.

  • Print and Save analyses.

  • Add analyses to the briefing book.

  • Copy analyses.

See Also:

Viewing a Predefined Analysis

Perform the following steps to view a predefined analysis:

  1. Log in to OHSCDA.

  2. Using the global header, select the dashboard page that contains the analysis you want to view.

    Figure 3-1 displays the CRA dashboard of an administrator.

    Figure 3-1 The CRA Dashboard

    Description of Figure 3-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-1 The CRA Dashboard"


    Every predefined dashboard page displays the ETL Refresh Date at the bottom of the page. This date indicates the date when the data warehouse was last refreshed.

    Parameters are displayed if you can filter the analyses. Figure 3-2 displays the parameters in the eCRF Workload page.

    Figure 3-2 Parameters Displayed in the CRA Overview Tab of the CRA Dashboard

    Description of Figure 3-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-2 Parameters Displayed in the CRA Overview Tab of the CRA Dashboard"

  3. To filter the analysis based on selected criteria:

    1. Select the value from the parameters displayed.

    2. Click Apply.

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Custom Analyses

You can create a custom analysis if you have been assigned the required permissions and responsibilities. If you prefer, you can copy a pre-defined analysis and use it as a template for the new analysis.

Use the Oracle BI Answers user interface to create your own analysis. But before you proceed, consider the following points:

  • Do not modify a predefined analysis. If you do, your changes will be overwritten when a new release of OHSCDA is installed. Alternatively, you can make a copy, and modify the copy.

  • Define a Catalog Folder hierarchy that gives each Answers user a unique folder tree. Limit the right to move analyses into public folders to members of the OHSCDA Administrators group.

  • Limit the right to place analyses onto shared dashboards to members of the OHSCDA Administrators group.

Action Links

An action link is a link to an action that you can embed in an analysis that, when clicked, runs an associated action. For more information, refer to Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide.

You can create action links for the following columns in OHSCDA

  • AD05-19 Investigator Action Link

  • AD07-09 Product Action Link

  • AD08-06 Site Action Link

  • AD09-15 Study Action Link

  • AD10-39 Study-Site Action Link

  • AD14-08 Team Member Action Link

  • AD15-19 Contact Action Link

  • AD16-04 Program Action Link

  • AD17-04 Region Action Link

  • TD01-30 Subject Action Link

Viewing Analyses With Your Apple iPhone and iPad

Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile allows you to view Oracle BI EE content on supported mobile devices such as the Apple iPhone and Apple iPad. Using Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile, you can view and analyze BI content such as analyses and dashboards, BI Publisher content, scorecard content, and content delivered by agents. Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile for Apple iPhone and Apple iPad can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes App Store. Refer to the Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for further information.

Catalog Page

The Catalog page lets you locate objects in the catalog and perform tasks specific to those objects. The objects and options that are available to you are determined by your system privileges and the permissions assigned to individual folders and objects. You can get to the Catalog page by clicking Catalog in the Oracle BI global header.

Figure 3-4 shows an example of a Catalog page.

Figure 3-3 Example of a Catalog Page

Description of Figure 3-3 follows
Description of "Figure 3-3 Example of a Catalog Page"

The following table lists the components of the Catalog page:

Table 3-1 Components of the Catalog Page

Component Description

Folders Pane

Displays the catalog as a directory hierarchy or only those folders and objects that you created or marked as your favorites.

Search Pane

Provides search criteria and initiates a catalog search. The search pane appears by default when you click Advanced on the global toolbar.

Tasks Pane

Initiate tasks specific to an object. Following are the options in the tasks pane:

  • Expand — Use this button to display the contents of a selected folder.

  • RSS - Use this option to subscribe to RSS feed.

  • Delete — Use this button to remove a folder or object that you created from the catalog. If you delete shared folders or objects, then other users who have added shared objects will lose access.

  • Copy — Use to duplicate a folder or object and paste it in another directory.

  • Rename — Use to change the name of a folder or object.

  • Create Shortcut— Use to create a shortcut to the object or folder.

  • Properties — Use to view or modify the selected object's properties.

  • Permissions — Use to enable users privileges to view folders and objects.

Preview Pane

Provides a preview of the object that you selected in the Catalog area. This pane is not visible until you click the button to display it.


Displays the directory path of a selected object. Use as a way to determine where you are within the directory structure.

Show Hidden Items

When you select this option, hidden folders, are displayed.


Following are the buttons in the toolbar. The buttons vary between object types.

  • New — Use to create new objects. After you select the object to create, the object's editor displays where you can begin building the object.

  • Refresh — Use to update the catalog with content or folder changes.

  • Up — Use to navigate to a parent folder or directory.

  • Show/Hide folders panes — Use to hide or show the Folders pane and Tasks pane.

  • Search — Use to display the Search pane. Deselect this button to display the Folders pane.

  • Change list view type — Use this list to select how much information about folders and objects to display in the Catalog area.

    • Descriptive — Select to display the object or folder's name, type, owner, and date modified and Expand, Open, Edit, and More links. This view enables you to perform tasks directly from the object's listing.

    • Details — Select to display the object or folder's name, type, owner, and date modified.

    • List — Select to display object and folder name, only.

  • View — Use to view the selected object.

  • Edit — Use to modify a selected object using the associated editor or run a script, URL, or Web service action.

  • Print — Use to print the current page or the information in the Preview pane.

  • Export — Use to export a copy of an object or the object's data to a variety of formats (for example, PDF or XLS).

  • Delete — Use to remove a selected object or folder from the catalog.

  • Copy — Use to copy a selected object or folder to paste in another directory.

  • Paste — Use to paste a copied object to another location.

Catalog Area

Workspace that displays the results of your search, opens folders to browse content, and initiates tasks specific to an object. Following are the components of the catalog area:

  • Type - Use this list to specify which object type to display in the catalog area.

  • Sort - This field displays if you selected either the List or Descriptive view type in the Change list view type list located in the "Catalog Page" toolbar. Use this list to specify how you want to sort the objects in the Catalog area.

  • Show More Details - This field displays if you selected the Descriptive view type in the Change list view type list located in the "Catalog Page" toolbar. Use this to display more information about specific object types.

  • Object/Folder Links - Use to view a list of catalog objects and to initiate a specific tasks from an object.

To view saved analyses as stored in the Catalog:

  1. Log in to OHSCDA and click the Catalog link in the global header.

  2. Expand the appropriate folder in the catalog area and select the analysis you want to view.

See Also:

Appendix B, Oracle Health Sciences Clinical Development Analytics Presentation Catalog

Dashboard Page

The dashboard page lets you view and navigate a dashboard. Figure 3-9 shows an example of a dashboard page.

Figure 3-4 Example of a Dashboard Page

Description of Figure 3-4 follows
Description of "Figure 3-4 Example of a Dashboard Page"

Following are the components of a dashboard page:

  • Page Tabs: Use the tabs across the top of the viewer to select the dashboard page to view and navigate.

  • Toolbar: Contains the Page Options button, which displays the following options:


    You might not see some of the options depending on you user privileges.
    • Edit Dashboard — Use this button to display the Dashboard builder, where you modify the dashboard, if you have the appropriate permissions.

    • Print — Use this option to print the current dashboard page as either HTML or PDF.

    • Refresh — Use this option to refresh the results of analyses included in the dashboard page.

    • Add to Briefing Book — Use this option to add the contents of a dashboard page to a briefing book. (This option is not available on an empty dashboard page or if the Show Add to Briefing Book box in the "Dashboard Properties dialog", has not been selected for the page.)

    • Create Bookmark Link — Use this option to create a bookmark link.

    • Create Prompted Link — Use this option to create a prompted link.

    • Apply Saved Customization — Use this option to apply a saved customization — either a personal saved customization or a shared saved customization.

    • Save Current Customization — Use this option to save your current customization.

    • Edit Saved Customizations — Displays the Edit Saved Customizations dialog where you edit details of your saved customizations.

    • Clear My Customization — Use this option to clear your current customization.

To view saved analyses organized by dashboard:

  1. Log in to OHSCDA and click Dashboard in the global header. A drop-down of saved analyses appears.

  2. Select the analysis you wish to view.


This section describes the indicators in OHSCDA 2.2.

Study Indicators

The following section describes indicators for studies.

Study KPI Flag

The Study Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates that one or more study-level KPIs is at risk of missing a target (yellow) or has missed a target (red). If none of the KPIs is red or yellow, the Study KPI Flag shows green.

The Study KPI Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. Consequently, it only evaluates cycles that have not yet completed. For example, Protocol Approved to 1st Subject Enrolled is only evaluated if the 1st Subject has not yet been enrolled.

The Study KPI Flag evaluates the following KPIs:

  • Last Subject Last Visit to Database Lock

  • Protocol Approved to 1st Subject Enrolled

  • Protocol Approved to 1st Site Initiated

Each KPI is evaluated based on the following rules:

Last Subject Last Visit to DB Lock

Last Subject Last Visit (LSLV) to Database (DB) Lock calculation is evaluated when LSLV is complete but DB Lock has not yet been reached.


KPI at risk of missing target. The Target cycle time will be reached in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Missed KPI (s)

Detail Reason - Missed KPI: Last Subject Last Visit to Database Lock


KPI has missed target. The time since LSLV is greater than the Target cycle time.

High Level Reason - KPI(s) at Risk

Detail Reason - KPI(s) at Risk (30 days): Last Subject Last Visit to Database Lock

Protocol Approved to 1st Subject Enrolled

Protocol Approved to 1st Subject Enrolled is evaluated when protocol has been approved but 1st subject has not yet been enrolled.


KPI has missed target. The time since protocol approved is greater than the Target cycle time.

High Level Reason - Missed KPI (s)

Detail Reason - Missed KPI: Protocol Approved to 1st Subject Enrolled


KPI at risk of missing target. The Target cycle time will be reached in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - KPI(s) at Risk

Detail Reason - KPI(s) at Risk (30 days): Protocol Approved to 1st Subject Enrolled

Protocol Approved to 1st Site Initiated

Protocol Approved to 1st Site Initiated is evaluated when protocol has been approved but 1st site has not yet been initiated. If protocol has been approved and neither has the 1st site been initiated nor 1st subject enrolled, the system evaluates Protocol Approved to 1st Subject Enrolled before evaluating Protocol Approved to 1st Site Initiated.


KPI has missed target. The time since protocol approved is greater than the Target cycle time.

High Level Reason - Missed KPI (s)

Detail Reason - Missed KPI: Protocol Approved to 1st Site Initiated


KPI at risk of missing target. The Target cycle time will be reached in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - KPI(s) at Risk

Detail Reason - KPI(s) at Risk (30 days): Protocol Approved to 1st Site Initiated

Study Milestones Flag

The Study Milestone Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates that one or more study-level milestones is at risk of missing a planned/latest estimate (LE) date (yellow) or has missed a planned/LE date (red). If none of the milestones is red or yellow, the Study Milestone Flag shows green.

All dates evaluate the LE date, if populated. If the LE date is not populated, the planned date is used. If neither the Planned nor LE dates is populated, the milestone is not evaluated.

The Study Milestone Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. Consequently, it only evaluates milestones where a planned or LE date exists but an actual date has not yet been entered.

The Study Milestone Flag evaluates the following milestones:

  • Protocol Approved Date

  • 1st Site Initiated Date

  • 1st Critical Document Package Completed Date

  • 1st Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date

  • Database Lock Date

  • Clinical Study Report Date

Each milestone is evaluated based on the following rules:

Protocol Approved Date

Protocol Approved Date is evaluated only when none of the following post-protocol approval activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • 1st Site Initiated Date

  • 1st Critical Document Package Completed Date

  • 1st Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date

  • Database Lock Date

  • Clinical Study Report Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Protocol Approved Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Protocol Approved Date

1st Site Initiated Date

1st Site Initiated Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • 1st Critical Document Package Completed Date

  • 1st Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date

  • Database Lock Date

  • Clinical Study Report Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: 1st Site Initiated Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: 1st Site Initiated Date

1st Critical Document Package Completed Date

1st Critical Document Package Completed Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • 1st Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date

  • Database Lock Date

  • Clinical Study Report Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: 1st Critical Document Package Completed Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: 1st Critical Document Package Completed Date

Last Subject Enrolled Date

Last Subject Enrolled Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date

  • Database Lock Date

  • Clinical Study Report Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Last Subject Enrolled Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Last Subject Enrolled Date

Last Subject Last Visit Date

Last Subject Last Visit Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • Database Lock Date

  • Clinical Study Report Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Last Subject Last Visit Date

Database Lock Date

Database Lock Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • Clinical Study Report Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Last Subject Last Visit Date

Last Subject Last Visit Date

Last Subject Last Visit Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • Database Lock Date

  • Clinical Study Report Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Last Subject Last Visit Date

Study Recruitment Flag

The Study Recruitment Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates whether recruitment is progressing normally. The Study Recruitment Flag is set up to evaluate three different scenarios:

  • Enrollment Delay - The enrollment delay flag is triggered when there hasn't been an enrollment within 120 days (red) or 90 days (yellow) of 1st Site Initiated.

  • Screen Failure Rate - The screen failure rate flag is triggered when the screen fail rate is 20% or more (red) or 10-20% more than the expected screen failure rate for the study.

  • Enrollment Lag - The enrollment lag flag is triggered based on how much of the planned enrollment period is remaining, using Planned / LE and Actual 1st Subject Enrolled Date, and Planned / LE Last Subject Enrolled Date:

    • Late Enrollment (25% or less of planned enrollment period remaining) - triggered when less than 100% of planned subjects have been enrolled and it has been more than 30 days (red) or 15-30 days (yellow) since the last enrollment.

    • Mid Enrollment (25-50% of planned enrollment period remaining) - triggered when less than 100% of planned subjects have been enrolled and it has been more than 45 days (red) or 30-45 days (yellow) since the last enrollment.

    • Early Enrollment (50% or more of planned enrollment period remaining) - triggered when less than 100% of planned subjects have been enrolled and it has been more than 60 days (red) or 45-60 days (yellow) since the last enrollment.

If any one of the scenarios above is red, the Study Recruitment Flag is red. If none are red and one or more is yellow, the Study Recruitment Flag is yellow. If none is red or yellow, the Study Recruitment Flag shows green.

The Study Recruitment Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. As a result, it only evaluates recruitment if the Last Subject Enrolled Date and Database Lock Dates have not yet been populated.

Each milestone is evaluated based on the following rules:

Study Enrollment Delay


120 days or more have passed since 1st Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Delay

Detail Reason - 1st Site Initiated > 120 Days Ago but no 1st Subject Enrolled


90-120 days have passed since 1st Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Delay

Detail Reason - 1st Site Initiated > 90 Days Ago but no 1st Subject Enrolled

Study Screen Failure Rate


120 days or more have passed since 1st Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Screen Fail Rate

Detail Reason - Screen Fail Rate > 20% Variance from Expected for Study


90-120 days have passed since 1st Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Screen Fail Rate

Detail Reason - Fail Rate between 10-20% Variance from Expected for Study

Study Enrollment Lag - Late Enrollment


Less than 100% planned enrollment completed, 30 days or more have passed since last enrollment and 25% or less of enrollment period remains.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - 30 Days Since Last Enrollment and Less than 25% of Enrollment Period Remaining (includes % planned enrollment completed)


Less than 100% planned enrollment completed, 15-30 days have passed since last enrollment and 25% or less of enrollment period remains.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - 15 Days Since Last Enrollment and Less than 25% of Enrollment Period Remaining (includes % planned enrollment completed)

Study Enrollment Lag - Mid-Enrollment


Less than 100% planned enrollment completed, 45 days or more have passed since last enrollment and 25-50% of enrollment period remains.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - 45 Days Since Last Enrollment and 25-50% of Enrollment Period Remaining (includes % planned enrollment completed)


Less than 100% planned enrollment completed, 30 days have passed since last enrollment and 25-50% of enrollment period remains.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - 30 Days Since Last Enrollment and 25-50% of Enrollment Period Remaining (includes % planned enrollment completed)

Study Enrollment Lag - Early Enrollment


Less than 100% planned enrollment completed, 60 days or more have passed since last enrollment and more than 50% of enrollment period remains.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - 60 Days Since Last Enrollment and more than 50% of Enrollment Period Remaining (includes % planned enrollment completed)


Less than 100% planned enrollment completed, 45-60 days have passed since last enrollment and more than 50% of enrollment period remains.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - 45 Days Since Last Enrollment and more than 50% of Enrollment Period Remaining (includes % planned enrollment completed)

Study Retention Flag

The Study Retention Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates that the early termination rate for the study is more than 20% (red) or 1-20% more than the expected early termination rate. If the actual early termination rate for the study is less than or equal to the expected rate, the Study Retention Flag shows green.

The Study Retention Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. As a result, it only evaluates studies that have an actual early term rate and where 25% or more of planned subjects have been enrolled.

Study Retention

Study Retention is evaluated when % Subjects Early Terminated is not null and where % Planned Subjects Enrolled in the study is greater than or equal to 25%.


Actual early termination rate is 20% or more over expected early termination rate for the study.

High Level Reason - Early Term Rate

Detail Reason - Early Termination Rate > 20% over Expected for Study


Actual early termination rate is between 1-20% over expected early termination rate for the study.

High Level Reason - Early Term Rate

Detail Reason - Early Termination Rate between 1-20% over Expected for Study

Study-Region Indicators

The following section describes indicators for study-regions.

Study-Region Milestones Flag

The Study-Region Milestone Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates that one or more study-region-level milestones is at risk of missing a planned/latest estimate (LE) date (yellow) or has missed a planned/LE date (red). If none of the milestones is red or yellow, the Study-Region Milestone Flag shows green.

All dates evaluate the LE date, if populated. If the LE date is not populated, the planned date is used. If neither the Planned nor LE dates are populated, the milestone is not evaluated.

The Study-Region Milestone Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. As a result, it only evaluates milestones where a planned or LE date exists but an actual date has not yet been entered.

The Study Milestone Flag evaluates the following milestones:

  • 1st Site Initiated Date

  • 1st Critical Document Package Completed Date

  • 1st Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date

Each milestone is evaluated based on the following rules:

1st Site Initiated Date

1st Site Initiated Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • 1st Critical Document Package Completed Date

  • 1st Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: 1st Site Initiated Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: 1st Site Initiated Date

1st Critical Document Package Completed Date

1st Critical Document Package Completed Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • 1st Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: 1st Critical Document Package Completed Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: 1st Critical Document Package Completed Date

Last Subject Enrolled Date

Last Subject Enrolled Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Last Subject Enrolled Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Last Subject Enrolled Date

Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Last Subject Last Visit Date

Study-Region Recruitment Flag

The Study-Region Recruitment Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates whether recruitment is progressing normally. The Study Recruitment Flag is set up to evaluate three different scenarios:

  • Screening Delay - The screening delay flag is triggered when there hasn't been a first subject screened within 90 days (red) or 60 days (yellow) of 1st Site Initiated for this study-region.

  • Enrollment Delay - The enrollment delay flag is triggered when there hasn't been an enrollment within 120 days (red) or 90 days (yellow) of 1st Site Initiated for this study-region.

  • Screen Failure Rate - The screen failure rate flag is triggered when the screen fail rate for this study-region is 20% or more (red) or 10-20% more than the expected screen failure rate for the study.

  • Enrollment Lag - The enrollment lag flag is triggered when there is at least one subject enrolled, there is less than 50% planned enrollment completed, and it's been more than 60 days (red) or 90 days (yellow) since the last enrollment for this study-region.

If any one of the scenarios above is red, the Study Recruitment Flag is red. If none are red and one or more is yellow, the Study Recruitment Flag is yellow. If none is red or yellow, the Study Recruitment Flag shows green.

The Study Recruitment Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. As a result, it only evaluates recruitment if the Last Subject Enrolled Date and Database Lock Dates have not yet been populated.

Each milestone is evaluated based on the following rules:

Study-Region Enrollment Delay


120 days or more have passed since 1st Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Delay

Detail Reason - 1st Site Initiated > 120 Days Ago but no 1st Subject Enrolled


90-120 days have passed since 1st Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Delay

Detail Reason - 1st Site Initiated > 90 Days Ago but no 1st Subject Enrolled

Study-Region Screen Failure Rate


120 days or more have passed since 1st Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Screen Fail Rate

Detail Reason - Screen Fail Rate > 20% Variance from Expected for Study


90-120 days have passed since 1st Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Screen Fail Rate

Detail Reason - Fail Rate between 10-20% Variance from Expected for Study

Study-Region Enrollment Lag


Site enrollment is less than 50% and more than 60 days have passed since last enrollment.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - Site Enrollment Under 50% and > 60 Days Since Last Enrollment


Site enrollment is less than 50% and 30-60 days have passed since last enrollment.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - Site Enrollment Under 50% and > 30 Days Since Last Enrollment

Study-Region Retention Flag

The Study-Region Retention Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates that the early termination rate for the study-region is more than 20% (red) or 1-20% more than the expected early termination rate for the study. If the actual early termination rate for the study is less than or equal to the expected rate, the Study-Region Retention Flag shows green.

The Study-Region Retention Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. As a result, it only evaluates study-regions that have an actual early term rate and where 25% or more of planned subjects have been enrolled.

Study-Region Retention

Study-Region Retention is evaluated when % Subjects Early Terminated is not null and where % Planned Subjects Enrolled in the study-region is greater than or equal to 25%.


Actual early termination rate is 20% or more over expected early termination rate for the study.

High Level Reason - Early Term Rate

Detail Reason - Early Termination Rate > 20% over Expected for Study


Actual early termination rate is between 1-20% over expected early termination rate for the study.

High Level Reason - Early Term Rate

Detail Reason - Early Termination Rate between 1-20% over Expected for Study

Study-Site Indicators

The following section describes indicators for study-sites.

Study-Site Milestones Flag

The Study-Site Milestone Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates that one or more study-site-level milestones is at risk of missing a planned/latest estimate (LE) date (yellow) or has missed a planned/LE date (red). If none of the milestones is red or yellow, the Study-Site Milestone Flag shows green.

All dates evaluate the LE date, if populated. If the LE date is not populated, the planned date is used. If neither the Planned nor LE dates are populated, the milestone is not evaluated.

The Study-Site Milestone Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. As a result, it only evaluates milestones where a planned or LE date exists but an actual date has not yet been entered.

The Study Milestone Flag evaluates the following milestones:

  • Site Initiated Date

  • Critical Document Package Completed Date

  • 1st Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date

Each milestone is evaluated based on the following rules:

Site Initiated Date

Site Initiated Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • Critical Document Package Completed Date

  • Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Site Initiated Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Site Initiated Date

Critical Document Package Completed Date

Critical Document Package Completed Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Enrolled Date

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Critical Document Package Completed Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Critical Document Package Completed Date

Last Subject Enrolled Date

Last Subject Enrolled Date is evaluated only when none of the following activities have occurred (Actual date is null):

  • Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Last Subject Enrolled Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Last Subject Enrolled Date

Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE date is in the past.

High Level Reason - Missed Milestone(s)

Detail Reason - Missed Milestone: Last Subject Last Visit Date


The Planned or LE Date is in the next 30 days.

High Level Reason - Milestone at Risk

Detail Reason - Milestone at Risk: Last Subject Last Visit Date

Study-Site Recruitment Flag

The Study-Site Recruitment Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates whether recruitment is progressing normally. The Study Recruitment Flag is set up to evaluate four different scenarios:

  • Screening Delay - The screening delay flag is triggered when there hasn't been a first subject screened within 90 days (red) or 60 days (yellow) of Site Initiated for this study-site.

  • Enrollment Delay - The enrollment delay flag is triggered when there hasn't been an enrollment within 120 days (red) or 90 days (yellow) of Site Initiated for this study-site.

  • Screen Failure Rate - The screen failure rate flag is triggered when the screen fail rate for this study-site is 20% or more (red) or 10-20% more than the expected screen failure rate for the study.

  • Enrollment Lag - The enrollment lag flag is triggered when there is at least one subject enrolled, there is less than 50% planned enrollment completed, and it's been more than 60 days (red) or 90 days (yellow) since the last enrollment for this study-site.

If any one of the scenarios above is red, the Study Recruitment Flag is red. If none are red and one or more is yellow, the Study Recruitment Flag is yellow. If none is red or yellow, the Study Recruitment Flag shows green.

The Study Recruitment Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. As a result, it only evaluates recruitment if the Last Subject Enrolled Date and Database Lock Dates have not yet been populated.

Each milestone is evaluated based on the following rules:

Study-Site Enrollment Delay


120 days or more have passed since Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Delay

Detail Reason - 1st Site Initiated > 120 Days Ago but no 1st Subject Enrolled


90-120 days have passed since Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Delay

Detail Reason - 1st Site Initiated > 90 Days Ago but no 1st Subject Enrolled

Study-Site Screen Failure Rate


120 days or more have passed since Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Screen Fail Rate

Detail Reason - Screen Fail Rate > 20% Variance from Expected for Study


90-120 days have passed since Site Initiated and there are no subjects enrolled.

High Level Reason - Screen Fail Rate

Detail Reason - Fail Rate between 10-20% Variance from Expected for Study

Study-Site Enrollment Lag


Site enrollment is less than 50% and more than 60 days have passed since last enrollment.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - Site Enrollment Under 50% and > 60 Days Since Last Enrollment


Site enrollment is less than 50% and 30-60 days have passed since last enrollment.

High Level Reason - Enrollment Lag

Detail Reason - Site Enrollment Under 50% and > 30 Days Since Last Enrollment

Study-Site Retention Flag

The Study-Site Retention Flag provides a single red, yellow or green icon, which indicates that the early termination rate for the study-site is more than 20% (red) or 1-20% more than the expected early termination rate for the study. If the actual early termination rate for the study is less than or equal to the expected rate, the Study-Site Retention Flag shows green.

The Study-Site Retention Flag is intended for use as an actionable measure, identifying situations where you may be able to affect the outcome in some way. As a result, it only evaluates study-sites that have an actual early term rate and where 25% or more of planned subjects have been enrolled.

Study-Site Retention

Study-Site Retention is evaluated when % Subjects Early Terminated is not null and where % Planned Subjects Enrolled in the study-site is greater than or equal to 25%.


Actual early termination rate is 20% or more over expected early termination rate for the study.

High Level Reason - Early Term Rate

Detail Reason - Early Termination Rate > 20% over Expected for Study


Actual early termination rate is between 1-20% over expected early termination rate for the study.

High Level Reason - Early Term Rate

Detail Reason - Early Termination Rate between 1-20% over Expected for Study