5 Working with Subscriber Data

This chapter explains how Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server (OCECAS) stores subscriber information and how applications retrieve that data. It includes a description of the default subscriber data store configuration, and explains how you can customize it for your implementation.

See ”About Managing Subscribers and Subscriber Data” for an overview of how OCECAS stores subscriber data records.

Understanding Configuring Subscriber Data Stores

OCECAS uses a configurable view to federate various data stores. The view is aware of the data storage location and format, the format expected by the application, and uses federation scripts to translate between the two. If you use subscriber data from multiple data sources, you use the view to adjust for the different data formats and translate it into a format that the calling application can use.

Figure 5-1 shows how OCECAS uses data stores in a single view. OCECAS accepts subscriber data from an external HSS and an internal ESS NoSQL database.

Figure 5-1 OCECAS Data Stores

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of "Figure 5-1 OCECAS Data Stores"

If you use the default ESS inside an OCECAS runtime domain, the views and their Groovy federation scripts are loaded each time you start the runtime domain. If you locate the ESS inside the runtime domain using the dedicated UDR domain, the views and their federation scripts are loaded each time you start the runtime domain.

If you need to, you can also change the federation instructions during runtime. See "Updating Federation Script Behavior During Runtime" for details.

Accessing SRVCC Data from the Data Stores

OCECAS generally accesses these subscriber date fields to support Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) features:

  • To obtain the IMS Voice Over Packet-Switched-Session Support indicator, which indicates whether the subscriber is currently waiting on an IMS Voice over packet-switched-capable access.

  • To obtain or update the Session Transfer Number.

About Configuring OCECAS Data Stores

The procedures in this chapter assume that you have already installed OCECAS and your ESS NoSQL database and completed the post-installation tasks in these sections of Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server Installation Guide:

If the applications that your OCECAS serves only need to read data, use the instructions in "Adding an HSS Subscriber Data Store" to configure your data stores.

The ESS NoSQL database you installed during installation requires more configuration. See "Advanced Configuration of Your ESS Subscriber Data Store" to set up the ESS.

If your OCECAS implementation requires that you use a different ESS than the default, see "Replacing the ESS NoSQL Database" for instructions.

If your OCECAS implementation requires that you make changes to the ESS schema, see "Changing the Default ESS NoSQL Schema" for details.

The "Updating Federation Script Behavior During Runtime" explains how to update your federation scripts without shutting down the runtime environments.

The "Configuring Subscriber Data Quickly for a Test or Demonstration System" and "Provisioning the ESS with Subscriber Data" sections explain how to provision the ESS with Subscriber data using the RESTful interface.

See Appendix A, "The Default ESS Subscriber Store Schema" for details on the default schema for the OCECAS subscriber UDR.

Adding an HSS Subscriber Data Store

If you have an existing HSS that you use for subscriber data, use the instructions in this section to make it available to OCECAS. You can skip this section if your OCECAS implementation only uses the ESS for subscriber data.

Configuring OCECAS to Accept Data from a Diameter Sh HSS

You configure your Diameter Sh HSS using the OCECAS Administration Console, and in the csp.xml file in each runtime environment as described in this section.

See ”Managing Diameter Interfaces” in Evolved Communications Application Server Administrator's Guide for instructions on how to configure the Diameter interface.

To configure a Diameter Sh HSS:

  1. Open the OCECAS Administration Console.

    See ”About the OCECAS Administration Console” in Evolved Communications Application Server Administrator's Guide instructions.

  2. Click Lock & Edit.

  3. In the Domain Structure pane, navigate to domain_name then Diameter.

    The General tab appears.

  4. Fill in this tab to meet the needs of your implementation.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Navigate to Applications.

  7. Click New.

  8. Fill in the Application Name, Class Name, and any optional parameters for the new Diameter application.

  9. Click Finish.

  10. Finish configuring Diameter using the Peers, Routes, and Message Debug tabs as necessary for your implementation.

  11. Click Release Configuration.

  12. Open the domain_home/config/custom/csp.xml file for editing.

  13. If needed, change the data-source parameters in the <provider> element to specify the HSS to use for read-request data source, read-response data source, update-request data source, and update response data source.

  14. Edit the script_HSS federation script as necessary to manipulate the HSS data to satisfy the calling application:

    • Translate the HSS date into a format that the calling application requires.

    • Federates the data with any other HSSs that your implementation uses.

    • Any other data manipulation that your implementation requires.

  15. Save and close csp.xml.


    After updating the csp.xml file, if you update the configuration through the WebLogic administration console, the changes made in csp.xml will be lost.

  16. Restart the servers in the runtime environment.

  17. Repeat this procedure for all runtime environments that use the HSS.

Advanced Configuration of Your ESS Subscriber Data Store

This section assumes that you have already followed the instructions in Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server Installation Guide and installed your ESS and specified where it should connected it to a runtime domain. This section takes up where that one left off.

This section requires that you know what format your calling applications require data in, and knowledge of Groovy/Java to modify the federation scripts.

By default, the csp.xml file includes an ESS, defined as udr1 of type NoSQLProvicerFactory:

Also by default, an adapter is defined that specifies the ESS nosql1 connection information:


You can use these default values, or change them to meet the needs of your implementation.

To finish configuring your ESS:

  1. In a runtime domain, open the domain_home/config/custom/csp.xml file for editing.

  2. Optional. Edit the <provider> element for the ESS, specifying the type of traffic it will be used for. The default ESS nosql1 is designated for all of the read, update, request, and response messages:


    Change this as necessary for your implementation.

  3. Change the federation scripts as necessary to modify the data from the ESS so that the calling application can accept the data. The exact configuration will be unique to your implementation.

  4. Save and close the cspl.xml file.

  5. Restart the domain that contains the ESS.

Adding Additional Data Sources and Formats to the View

This section explains how to change the default subscriber store configuration.

Replacing the ESS NoSQL Database

The default OCECAS subscriber data storage paradigm retrieves data stored in an HSS that you specify, and if the data changes, it is stored in the ESS NoSQL database.You replace the ESS with a different database if your implementation requires it. However this requires a strong knowledge of the database you wish to use, and significant work to change the Groovy federation scripts in the csp.xml file.

See "The Default ESS Subscriber Store Schema" for details on the default ESS data schema.

Adding a New UDR Using a New Data Type

To add a new UDR provider using a completely different data type, edit the csp.xml file, adding a new provider and adapter to specify the UDR name and location and the types of messages that can access them. Then create a new view, data-source, and federation script to translate the data.

Using Different Types of Data from the Same Data Provider

You can obtain different data types from a single data store. In a single pipeline, define one provider and adapter to reference the data store. Then define different view/data source/federation scripts for each of the data types.

Changing the Default ESS NoSQL Schema

You can modify some part of the OCECAS default ESS schema if your implementation requires it. However you have these restrictions:

  • Some properties can not be changed because they are specified in the UDR MBean. These include the top level property names:

    • userIdentifier

    • mapData

    • JsonData

  • You must correct any references to properties that you change in the data federation scripts in the csp.xml file. After correcting this file, restart the domain administration servers that use the csp.xml file to make your changes take effect.

Changing the Default ESS Schema

To change the default UDR Schema for a production pipeline:

  1. Create a new change set in the test domain for changing the UdrSubscriberSchema and record the new change set ID.

  2. Use the SchemaResource class operations in the RESTful API to change UdrSubscriberSchema for the new change set:


    Where changeset_ID is the ID of the change set you created in Step 1.

    See the SchemaResource class in Evolved Communications Application Server RESTful API Reference for details on the RESTful APIs.

  3. Open the domain_home/config/custom/csp.xml file for editing.

  4. Search the Groovy data federation script in csp.xml for any of the properties that you changed in the UdrSubscriberSchema table, and replace them with the new values you created.

  5. Save and close the file.

  6. Restart the domain servers.

  7. Propagate the changes you made to the staging and production environments in your pipeline.

Updating Federation Script Behavior During Runtime

You can change the federation script behavior at runtime by using this WebLogic Scripting (WLST) command from the default script location in domain_name/bin:

java weblogic.WLST ./csp.py -u admin_username addsrc federation_scriptname federation_script_filename


admin_username is a WebLogic user with administration privileges.

federation_scriptname is the name of the federation script to change. The default is script_initialProfile.

federation_script_filename is the replacement script with the instructions you want to use.

For details on WLST, see ”Using the WebLogic Scripting Tool” in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool.

About the OCECAS Diameter Sh Interface

See ”3GPP_TS_29.328” in Evolved Communications Application Server Compliance Guide for a list of the supported Diameter Sh messages. If your implementation uses custom AVPs, add them to the Groovy scripts in csp.xml. See "Configuring OCECAS to Accept Data from a Diameter Sh HSS" for instructions on editing this file.

Configuring Subscriber Data Quickly for a Test or Demonstration System

If you are just creating a test and evaluation system, the fastest and easiest way to add subscriber data to OCECAS is to provision the ESS NoSQL database using the REST interface. This does not make any subscriber information from an HSS available, but it is faster. See "Provisioning the ESS with Subscriber Data" for instructions.

Provisioning the ESS with Subscriber Data

You create and manage subscribers by writing provisioning tools that use RESTful HTTP commands to interact with RESTful APIs. This allows for easy integration with external systems.

For a complete description of the OCECAS RESTful APIs, see Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server RESTful API Reference.

This section explains how to provision and manage subscriber data in your ESS, including the following tasks:

When creating or modifying subscriber data, the data must adhere to the ESS subscriber schema. See "Understanding the Default ESS Objects" for a description of the schema.

Connecting to the ESS Server

To log in to the ESS server, issue a POST command like the following one, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the ESS server, and authorization_value with user credentials. The default port number of the ESS server is 6052.

POST /api/session HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Authorization: Basic authorization_value==
Cache-Control: no-cache

See "Logging In to the Management Domain" for information on how to obtain an authorization pass code.

Creating a New Subscriber

To create a new subscriber, issue a POST command like the one in this example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the ESS server:

POST /api/subscriber HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

Include content to describe the subscriber, as shown in this example:

    "userIdentifiers": [
            "id": "sip:6175551002@oracle.com",
            "type": "END_USER_SIP_URI"
            "id": "tel:6175551002",
            "type": "END_USER_SIP_URI"
            "id": "sip:+6175551002@oracle.com",
            "type": "END_USER_SIP_URI"
    "jsonData": {
        "oracle.occas.csp.app.sdc.OCECASUser": {
            "Description": "subscriber: sip:6175551002@oracle.com",
            "ServiceProviders": {
                "MVNO1": {
                    "profile_data": {
                        "CallCount": 0,
                        "CallFwdCompany": "",
                        "Language": "en_GB",
                        "ToNumber": "",
                        "Translations": {},
                        "VMRedirect": ""
                    "services": {
                        "REGISTRATION": "VoLTE and VoWiFi",
                        "VOICE": "VoLTE and VoWiFi"

In this example, the subscriber is given three IDs of type END_USER_SIP_URI and a basic profile that specifies the user's language as Great Britain English. The example also registers the user for VoLTE and VoWiFi services.

Getting Subscriber Data

To get subscriber data, issue a GET request like the one in this example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the ESS server:

GET /api/subscriber?user_id=sip:6175551002@oracle.com&type=END_USER_SIP_URI 
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

This example request retrieves a globally unique identifier (GUID) for the subscriber with a user_id value of sip:6175551002@oracle.com, the same subscriber created in "Creating a New Subscriber".

The request returns these fields:

  • id (example: dWRyMQAAAUuht5PxqzIelnGoEY81150AAAAH)

  • userIdentifiers

  • mapData (optional)

  • jsonData

The details of userIdentifiers and jsonData depend on the schema defined for the UdrSubscriberSchema record in the SDC_SCHEMA database table. If the mapData field has no data, it is not returned.

Amending Subscriber Data

To amend subscriber data, issue a PUT command identifying the subscriber with a GUID. See "Getting Subscriber Data" for information on obtaining a GUID.

This example changes the subscriber's jsonData field. To use this example, replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the ESS server. Replace dWRyMQAAAUuht5PxqzIelnGoEY81150AAAAH with the subscriber's GUID

PUT /api/subscriber/dWRyMQAAAUuht5PxqzIelnGoEY81150AAAAH/json/oracle.occas.csp.app.sdc.OCSDCUserDataSchema HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

This command writes a specific jsonData field to the subscriber's service data. For example:

  "ServiceProviders": {
    "MVNO1": {
      "profile_data": {
        "TIR": {
          "Active": true,
          "Mode": "Permanent",
          "Default": "Restricted",
          "Restriction": "AssertedIdentity"

Deleting a Subscriber

To delete a subscriber, issue a DELETE command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the ESS server and identifying the subscriber with a GUID. See "Getting Subscriber Data" for information on getting a subscriber's GUID.

DELETE /api/subscriber/dWRyMQAAAUuht5PxqzIelnGoEY81150AAAAH HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

This example deletes the subscriber created in "Creating a New Subscriber."

Getting Subscriber Aliases

To get all aliases for a subscriber, issue a GET command like the one shown in the following example, specifying the subscriber with a GUID. Replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the ESS server and replace dWRyMQAAAUuht5PxqzIelnGoEY81150AAAAH with the subscriber's GUID.

GET /api/subscriber/dWRyMQAAAUuht5PxqzIelnGoEY81150AAAAH/alias HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

This example returns all aliases for the subscriber in an array of userIdentifiers:

    "userIdentifiers": [
            "id": "sip:6175551002@oracle.com",
            "type": "END_USER_SIP_URI"
            "id": "tel:6175551002",
            "type": "END_USER_SIP_URI"
            "id": "sip:+6175551002@oracle.com",
            "type": "END_USER_SIP_URI"

Updating a Subscriber Alias

To update the alias of a subscriber, issue a PUT command like the one shown in the following example, specifying the subscriber with a GUID. Replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the ESS server and replace dWRyMQAAAU6pL51CsE9QWg4Z3LXrX3sAAAAM with the subscriber's GUID.

PUT /api/subscriber/dWRyMQAAAU6pL51CsE9QWg4Z3LXrX3sAAAAM/alias
Host: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

Attach content to specify the subscriber's alias in a userIdentifiers array, as shown in this example:

  "userIdentifiers" : [ {
    "id" : "sip:subA@",
    "type" : "END_USER_SIP_URI"
  } ]


JSON data other than useridentifiers is ignored.

A subsequent GET of the subscriber's data returns:

    "id": "dWRyMQAAAU6pL51CsE9QWg4Z3LXrX3sAAAAM",
    "userIdentifiers": [
            "id": "sip:subA@",    <--- updated
            "type": "END_USER_SIP_URI"
    "jsonData": {
        "oracle.occas.csp.app.sdc.OCECASUser": {
            "Description": "subscriber: sip:subscriberA024652@",
            "ServiceProviders": {
                "MVNO1": {
                    "profile_data": {
                        "CallCount": 0,
                        "CallFwdCompany": "",
                        "Language": "en_GB",
                        "ToNumber": "",
                        "Translations": {},
                        "VMRedirect": ""
                    "services": {
                        "VOICE": "ExtractStringProfileTagOk"

Getting jsonData for a Subscriber

To retrieve specific jsonData for a subscriber, for instance the oracle.occas.csp.app.sdc.OCECASUser jsonData, issue a GET command like the one shown in the following example, specifying the subscriber with a GUID. Replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the ESS server and replace dWRyMQAAAU6pL51CsE9QWg4Z3LXrX3sAAAAM with the subscriber's GUID.

GET /api/subscriber/dWRyMQAAAU6pL51CsE9QWg4Z3LXrX3sAAAAM/json/oracle.occas.csp.app.sdc.OCECASUser
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

The response returns the following JSON data:

    "Description": "subscriber: sip:subscriberA024652@",
    "ServiceProviders": {
        "MVNO1": {
            "profile_data": {
                "CallCount": 0,
                "CallFwdCompany": "",
                "Language": "en_GB",
                "ToNumber": "",
                "Translations": {},
                "VMRedirect": ""
            "services": {
                "VOICE": "ExtractStringProfileTagOk"

Adding jsonData for a Subscriber

To add specific jsonData to a field for a subscriber, issue a PUT command like the one shown in the following example, specifying the subscriber with a GUID, and attaching content in JSON format. Replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the ESS server and replace dWRyMQAAAU6pL51CsE9QWg4Z3LXrX3sAAAAM with the subscriber's GUID.

PUT /api/subscriber/dWRyMQAAAU6pL51CsE9QWg4Z3LXrX3sAAAAM/json/oracle.occas.csp.app.sdc.OCECASUser
Host: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache


    "Description": "subscriber: sip:subscriberA024652@",
    "ServiceProviders": {
        "MVNO1": {
            "profile_data": {
                "CallCount": 0,
                "CallFwdCompany": "",
                "Language": "Chinese",
                "ToNumber": "",
                "Translations": {},
                "VMRedirect": ""
            "services": {
                "VOICE": "ExtractStringProfileTagOk"

A subsequent GET of subscriber data then returns the following data, in which the subscriber's language has been changed to Chinese.

    "id": "dWRyMQAAAU6pL51CsE9QWg4Z3LXrX3sAAAAM",
    "userIdentifiers": [
            "id": "sip:subA@",
            "type": "END_USER_SIP_URI"
    "jsonData": {
        "oracle.occas.csp.app.sdc.OCECASUser": {
            "Description": "subscriber: sip:subscriberA024652@",
            "ServiceProviders": {
                "MVNO1": {
                    "profile_data": {
                        "CallCount": 0,
                        "CallFwdCompany": "",
                        "Language": "Chinese",               <--- updated
                        "ToNumber": "",
                        "Translations": {},
                        "VMRedirect": ""
                    "services": {
                        "VOICE": "ExtractStringProfileTagOk"