6 Accessing Service Data with the RESTful API

This chapter describes how to use the Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server (OCECAS) RESTful APIs to create and access service data.

For a complete description of the OCECAS RESTful API, see Oracle Communications Evolved Communications Application Server RESTful API Reference.

About Accessing Service Data

You can create and access OCECAS service data by using HTTP RESTful API commands.


You must first log in to the Management domain before you can use the other APIs.

This section provides examples for performing the following operations on the OCECAS Management domain:

Logging In to the Management Domain

To log in to the OCECAS Management domain, issue a POST command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the management domain server. Replace the encoded authorization code with the encoded authorization code for your username and password:

POST /api/session HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjp1c2VyNHNkYw==
Cache-Control: no-cache

The response indicates the outcome of the login attempt.

The following example uses a Python script to obtain the encoded authorization pass code. Replace name and password with an actual username and password.

$ cat pass.py
import base64
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)).replace('\n', '')
print base64string

The following command displays the pass code:

$ python pass.py

Obtaining a CSRF Token

A Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token is used to prevent cross site request forgeries. A CSRF token is required in all PUT and POST operations in the service-related RESTful APIs.

To obtain a CSRF token, issue the following GET command after logging into the management domain. Replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain:

GET /api/session HTTP/1.1 
Host: hostname:port 
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjp1c2VyNHNkYw==
Cache-Control: no-cache 

The CSRF token is returned in the response:

    "name": "user",
    "fullName": "user",
    "userSession": {
        "name": null,
        "attributes": [
                "key": "csrfToken",
                "value": "2c3890b3bb4431a1b47465fbfc58a7d6830c3dbf03b80630767b44225c184ae5"


You must submit the CSRF token for all POST and PUT commands in service-related APIs. Otherwise you will receive a '403 Forbidden' error.

Submitting the CSRF Token

For a description of the CSRF token and information on how to obtain it, see "Obtaining a CSRF Token".

You can submit the CSRF token in a POST or PUT command either in an X-ORA-OCECAS-csrfToken header, as shown here, or in attached JSON content.

POST /api/pipelines/{pipe}/environments/{env}/deployments/ HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
X-ORA-OCECAS-csrfToken: 2c3890b3bb4431a1b47465fbfc58a7d6830c3dbf03b80630767b44225c184ae5
Cache-Control: no-cache

Submit the CSRF token in JSON content as shown in the following example:

POST /api/pipelines/{pipe}/environments/{env}/deployments/ HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache


    "csrfToken": 2c3890b3bb4431a1b47465fbfc58a7d6830c3dbf03b80630767b44225c184ae5
    "name": "Test",
    "description": "A new test change set"

Creating a Change Set

To create a change set, issue a POST command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain:

POST /api/change-sets HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

Attach JSON content like that shown in the following example to specify the name of the change set and a description. Replace the csrfToken value with the value for your authorization credentials. See "Obtaining a CSRF Token" for more information.

    "csrfToken": 2c3890b3bb4431a1b47465fbfc58a7d6830c3dbf03b80630767b44225c184ae5
    "name": "Test",
    "description": "A new test change set"

Getting Change Set Details

To retrieve change-set details, including the change set ID, issue a GET command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain:

GET /api/change-sets HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

Returns a changeSets object that contains a list of currently available change sets.

Getting a Change Set

To retrieve a change set, issue a GET command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain, and replacing {ChangeSetID} with the ID of the target change set. See "Getting Change Set Details" for information about finding a change set ID.

GET /api/change-sets/{ChangeSetID} HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

The response returns a changeSet object for the named change set.

Getting Change Set Differences

To get a list of differences for a change set, compared with its base change set, issue a GET command like the one in the following example. Replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain, and replace {ChangeSetID} with the ID of the target change set. See "Getting Change Set Details" for information about finding a change set ID.

GET /api/change-sets/{ChangeSetID}/diffs HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

The response returns the differences for the specified change set, a list of the control flows and resources either added or changed as part of that change set.

Getting a List of Environments

To retrieve a list of environment details, including environment IDs, issue a GET command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain:

GET /api/environments HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

Returns a list of all environments.

Getting a List of Pipelines

To retrieve a list of all pipelines, including IDs, issue a GET command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain:

GET /api/pipelines HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

Returns a list of all pipelines.

Deploying a Change Set

To deploy a change set, issue a POST command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain. Replace {pipe} with the pipeline ID and {env} with the environment ID in the pipeline to which you want to deploy the change set. See "Getting a List of Pipelines" for information on finding a pipeline ID and "Getting a List of Environments" for information on finding an environment ID.

POST /api/pipelines/{pipe}/environments/{env}/deployments/ HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

Attach JSON content that describes the deployment object. For example the following lines define the deployment object for the OCECAS "VoLTE, VoWiFi, and eSRVCC" change set. Replace the csrfToken value with the value for your authorization credentials. See "Obtaining a CSRF Token" for more information.

    "csrfToken": 2c3890b3bb4431a1b47465fbfc58a7d6830c3dbf03b80630767b44225c184ae5,
    "id": 41,
    "changeSet": {
        "csrfToken": null,
        "id": 2,
        "name": "VoLTE, VoWiFi and eSRVCC",
        "description": "VoLTE, VoWiFi and eSRVCC change set",
        "serviceProviderId": 1,
        "baselineId": 1,
        "pipelineId": null,
        "creationDate": 1437615562000,
        "lastUpdated": 1437615562000,
        "deleted": false,
        "editable": false,
        "inactive": false,
        "active": true,
        "scheduled": false,
        "retracted": false,
        "open": false,
        "erroredObjects": [],
        "username": "VoLTE Installer"
    "baselineId": 1,
    "state": "A",
    "creationDate": 1437615744000,
    "scheduledDate": 1437615744000,
    "lastUpdated": 1437615744000,
    "environment": 1,
    "productionEnvironment": false,
    "pipeline": 1,
    "conflictPotential": null,
    "active": true,
    "scheduled": false,
    "editable": true

The response returns the deployment object for the specified change set.

Getting Telemetry Records

To retrieve telemetry records, including the record names, issue a GET command like the one in the following example. Replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain:

GET /api/telemetry/records HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

Returns a telemetrys object that contains a list of telemetry records.

Getting a Named Telemetry Record

To get the details of a telemetry record for a given name, issue a GET command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain, and replacing {name} with the telemetry name. See "Getting Telemetry Records" for information about finding a telemetry name.

GET /api/telemetry/records/name/{name} HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

The response returns the details of the telemetry record of the given name.

Getting Statistics Definitions

To retrieve statistics definitions for a change set, including the names of statistics, issue a GET command like the one in the following example. Replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain, and replace {changeSetID} with the ID of the change set for which you want statistics definitions. See "Getting Change Set Details" for information on finding a change set ID.

GET /api/statistics/definitions/{changeSetID} HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

Returns a Statistics object that contains the statistics definitions.

Getting Statistics

To get statistics, issue a GET command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain, and replacing {name} with the statistic name. See "Getting Statistics Definitions" for information on finding a statistic name.

GET /api/statistics/records/name/{name} HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Cache-Control: no-cache

The response returns a statistics object containing all of the statistics records matching the given name.

Getting a Control Flow

To retrieve a control flow, issue a GET command like the one in the following example, replacing hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain. Replace {changeSetID} in the header with the change set ID and {name} with the name of the control flow. You can obtain the control flow name from the response returned in "Getting Change Set Differences".

GET /api/change-sets/{changeSetID}/access-control-flows/{name} HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port 
Accept: text/xml
Cache-Control: no-cache

The response returns a controlFlow instance that represents the latest version of the control flow.

Adding a Control Flow

To add a control flow, issue a POST command like the one in the following example. Replace hostname and port with the host name and port number of the OCECAS management domain. Replace {ChangeSetID} with the ID of the target change set and attach XML content like that shown in the example to describe the control flow:

POST /api/change-sets/{ChangeSetID}/access-control-flows HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:port
Content-Type: text/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

The following JSON content describes a simple control flow with Start, Release, and End Activities. Replace the csrfToken value with the value for your authorization credentials. See "Obtaining a CSRF Token" for more information.

    "csrfToken": 2c3890b3bb4431a1b47465fbfc58a7d6830c3dbf03b80630767b44225c184ae5,
    "name": "example",
    "description": null,
    "loopsAllowed": false,
    "allowedAsLinkedControlFlow": true,
    "activities": [
            "version": 1,
            "activityNumber": 1,
            "name": "Start",
            "activityType": "Start",
            "fastKey": "ST",
            "location": "420,98,100,60",
            "comments": null,
            "parameterList": [
                    "key": null,
                    "attributeList": []
                    "key": "Loop Limit",
                    "attributeList": [
                            "name": "int",
                            "value": "100"
                    "key": "Loop Limit External",
                    "attributeList": [
                            "name": "int",
                            "value": "100"
                    "key": "Loops Allowed",
                    "attributeList": [
                            "name": "check",
                            "value": "false"
            "linkedFlowName": null,
            "serviceName": null,
            "exit": [
                    "branchNumber": 0,
                    "branchName": null,
                    "linkedControlFlowExitActivityNumber": "",
                    "linkedControlFlowExitActivityName": null,
                    "connection": [
            "version": 1,
            "activityNumber": 2,
            "name": "Release",
            "activityType": "Release",
            "fastKey": "REL",
            "location": "421,196,100,60",
            "comments": null,
            "parameterList": [
                    "key": null,
                    "attributeList": []
                    "key": "Session Endpoint",
                    "attributeList": [
                            "name": "Entries",
                            "value": "IE:DE"
                            "name": "EntriesType",
                            "value": "EventSource"
                            "name": "string",
                            "value": "IE"
                    "key": "Code",
                    "attributeList": [
                            "name": "int",
                            "value": "480"
                            "name": "MIN",
                            "value": "100"
                            "name": "MAX",
                            "value": "699"
                            "name": "CORRECTING",
                            "value": "1"
            "linkedFlowName": null,
            "serviceName": null,
            "exit": [
                    "branchNumber": 0,
                    "branchName": null,
                    "linkedControlFlowExitActivityNumber": null,
                    "linkedControlFlowExitActivityName": null,
                    "connection": [
                    "branchNumber": 0,
                    "branchName": null,
                    "linkedControlFlowExitActivityNumber": null,
                    "linkedControlFlowExitActivityName": null,
                    "connection": [
            "version": 1,
            "activityNumber": 3,
            "name": "End",
            "activityType": "End",
            "fastKey": "END",
            "location": "426,315,100,60",
            "comments": null,
            "parameterList": [
                    "key": null,
                    "attributeList": []
            "linkedFlowName": null,
            "serviceName": null,
            "exit": []