
A REST Web Service for managing service data objects.

The following resources are applicable:


Mount Point: /change-sets/{csId}/service-data-objects/{objectType}


Returns either a full digest of specified fields or array of group names for the specified object type.


name description type default
csId The change set ID path
objectType The type of a service data object, must match the names specified in the sdc_schema table in order to pass the validation. Supported types include: NotificationTemplate, WebServiceTemplate, ChargingTemplate, PrefixTree, Locale, MediaServer, MediaResource, CountryCodeMapping, and Parameters. path
digest If true, the method will digest containing requested fields, otherwise returns an array of matching object names. Default = false query false
fields If digest is true, fields is a comma separated list of fields which should be included in the digest (default = all) query all
environment An optional environment ID. If provided, use the latest deployed change set for the specified environment, rather than the change set ID specified in the path. query

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

ObjectNode schema


Mount Point: /change-sets/{csId}/service-data-objects/{objectType}/{objectGroup}


Returns either a digest of specified fields or array of names for the specified object type and group.


name description type default
csId The change set ID path
objectType The type of a service data object, must match the names specified in the sdc_schema table in order to pass the validation. Supported types include: NotificationTemplate, WebServiceTemplate, ChargingTemplate, PrefixTree, Locale, MediaServer, MediaResource, CountryCodeMapping, and Parameters. path
objectGroup The object group name (any alphanumeric characters including '_') path
digest If true, the method will digest containing requested fields if digest, otherwise returns an array of matching object names. Default = false query false
fields If digest is true, fields is a comma separated list of fields which should be included in the digest (default = all) query all
environment An optional environment ID. If provided, use the latest deployed change set for the specified environment, rather than the change set ID specified in the path. query

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

ObjectNode schema


Mount Point: /change-sets/{csId}/service-data-objects/{objectType}/{objectGroup}/{objectName}

The following operations are supported on this resource:


Creates a Service Data Object which is a service data item of the OBJECT type. Note: PrefixTree is an object but treated separately.


name description type default
JSESSIONID The user session ID cookie
csId The change set ID path
objectType The type of a service data object, must match the names specified in the sdc_schema table in order to pass the validation. Supported types include: NotificationTemplate, WebServiceTemplate, ChargingTemplate, PrefixTree, Locale, MediaServer, MediaResource, CountryCodeMapping, and Parameters. path
objectGroup The object group name (any alphanumeric characters including '_') path
objectName The name of the object path

Request Body

element: object
media types: application/xml

JSON string received in request

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

Response object


Deletes a Service Data Object.


name description type default
JSESSIONID The user session ID cookie
csId The change set ID. path
objectType The type of a service data object, must match the names specified in the sdc_schema table in order to pass the validation. Supported types include: NotificationTemplate, WebServiceTemplate, ChargingTemplate, PrefixTree, Locale, MediaServer, MediaResource, CountryCodeMapping, and Parameters. path
objectGroup The object group name (any alphanumeric characters including '_') path
objectName Name of the object path

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

Response object


Gets a Service Data Object.


name description type default
csId The change set ID path
objectType The type of a service data object, must match the names specified in the sdc_schema table in order to pass the validation. Supported types include: NotificationTemplate, WebServiceTemplate, ChargingTemplate, PrefixTree, Locale, MediaServer, MediaResource, CountryCodeMapping, and Parameters. path
objectGroup The object group name (any alphanumeric characters including '_') path
objectName The name of the scheme path
environment An optional environment ID. If provided, use the latest deployed change set for the specified environment, rather than the change set ID specified in the path. query

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

ObjectNode schema


Mount Point: /change-sets/{csId}/service-data-objects/{objectType}/{objectGroup}/{objectName}/buildStatus


Gets the build status for a Service Data Object.


name description type default
csId change set ID path
objectType The type of a service data object, must match the names specified in the sdc_schema table in order to pass the validation. Supported types include: NotificationTemplate, WebServiceTemplate, ChargingTemplate, PrefixTree, Locale, MediaServer, MediaResource, CountryCodeMapping, and Parameters. path
objectGroup The object group name (any alphanumeric characters including '_') path
objectName The name of the schema path
environment An optional environment ID. If provided, use the latest deployed change set for the specified environment, rather than the change set ID specified in the path. query

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: application/xml

The build status