13 Command Line Utilities

This section describes command line utilities that allow users to launch backups, export keys, import keys, and list data units from the command line instead of from the OKM Manager GUI.


The OKM Command Line utility supersedes the Backup Command Line utility. Oracle recommends you use the OKM Command Line utility whenever possible.

OKM Command Line Supported Platforms

  • Oracle Solaris 11

  • Oracle Linux 6.x and 7

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and 2012

  • Microsoft Windows 10

  • Microsoft Windows 8

OKM Command Line Utility

The OKM Command Line utility allows you to:

  • Schedule automated backups

  • Back up OKM core security

  • Import and export keys

  • Destroy keys

  • List audit events

  • List data units

  • Create or modify multiple agents.

Unlike the Backup Command Line utility, this utility can use X.509 certificates to authenticate itself as a valid OKM user instead of a username and passphrase, so you are not required to enter a passphrase on the command line.

The following table details the roles that can perform these functions:

Table 13-1 OKM Command Line Utility - User Role Access

Action: Role:


Backup Operator

Back up OKM Core Security

Security Officer

Import/Export Keys


Destroy Keys


List Audit Events

All RolesFoot 1 

List Data Units

Operator/Compliance Officer

Create Agents


Set/Change Agent Default Key Group

Compliance Officer

Change Agent Properties


List Agents

Operator/Compliance Officer

Footnote 1 If you specify agent IDs, data unit IDs, or key IDs, you must have the Operator or Compliance Officer role.

This utility is installed with the OKM Manager GUI using the same installer.


If you want to enter link-local IPv6 addresses, invoke the OKM Command Line Utility and specify the link-local IPv6 address. Include the Zone ID (for example, "%4") at the end of the address. Refer to "IPv6 Addresses with Zone IDs" to see what steps you must follow for the initial setup.

If you are using Solaris, and wish to specify or display characters than cannot be represented in ASCII, then ensure that the appropriate Solaris locale has been installed on your Solaris system and then your environment has been configured to use this locale. Refer to the Solaris locale(1) and localeadm(1M) man pages for more information.

OKM Command Line Subcommand Descriptions


Generates a backup of the OKM data and downloads this backup to a backup data file and a backup key file in the specified output directory.

okm backup [ [ [ --cacert=filename ]     [ --usercert=filename ] ]
               [ --directory=dirname ] ] | --oper=username 
               [ --retries=retries ]     [ --timeout=timeout ]
               [ --verbose=boolean ]

Generates a backup of the OKM core security and stores this backup in an output file.

okm backupcs [ [ [ --cacert=filename ]   [ --usercert=filename ]]
                 [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                 [ --retries=retries ]   [ --timeout=timeout ]
                 [ --verbose=boolean ]

Creates a new agent.

okm createagent[ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                   [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                   [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
                   [ --verbose=boolean ]
                   [ --description=description ] 
                   [ --site=siteid ]
                   [ --keygroup=defaultkeygroupid ]
                   [ --onetimepassphrase=boolean ]

Displays load information about a KMA.

okm currload [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                 [ --directory=dirname ] ] | --oper=username
                 [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
               [ --verbose=boolean ]

Destroys deactivated or compromised keys.

okm destroykeys [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                    [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                    [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
                    [ --verbose=boolean ]
                      --duids=filename | --all=true

Creates a secure key file for a transfer partner that has been established with the OKM. All keys associated with a list of data units are exported using this key file and are protected using an AES-256-bit key that signs the key file. This list of data units is the result of the given filter string or file name. This key file can then be used to import the keys into the transfer partner's OKM using the import subcommand. Up to 1,000 data units can be exported on a single invocation of the kms command.

okm export [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
               [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
               [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
               [ --listwait=waittime ] [ --verbose=boolean ]
                 --filter=filter | --duids=filename 

Reads a secure key file for a transfer partner that has been established with the OKM. Keys and their associated data units are imported using this key file. The key transfer private key of the importing OKM is used to validate the key file. This file must be one that was previously exported from another OKM using the export subcommand.

okm import [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
               [ --directory=dirname ] ] | --oper=username 
               [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
               [ --verbose=boolean ]
               [ --overrideeuiconflict=boolean ]

Lists agents and performance information about them. This performance information includes rate or count values and average processing time for various create and retrieve key requests. You can filter the list to produce a specific report containing just a subset of the agents.

okm listagentperformance [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                             [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                             [ --filter=filter ]
                             [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
                             [ --listwait=waittime ] [ --verbose=boolean ]
                             [ --output=filename ]
                             [ --startdate=date ] [ --enddate=date ]
                             [ --localtimezone=boolean ]
                             [ --rateinterval=rateinterval ]

Lists agents and their properties. You can filter the list to produce a specific report containing just a subset of the agents.

okm listagents[ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                  [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                  [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
                  [ --listwait=waittime ] [ --verbose=boolean ]
                  [ --filter=filter ] [ --output=filename ]

Lists audit events.

okm listauditevents [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] 
                        [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                        [ --directory=dirname ] | 
                        [ --oper=username ]
                        [ --filter=filter ]
                        [ --localtimezone=boolean ] 
                        [ --maxcount=count ]
                        [ --retries=retries ] 
                        [ --timeout=timeout ]
                        [ --verbose=boolean ]
                        [ --output=filename ]
                        [ --agentids=agentids | 
                          --dataunitids=dataunitds | 
                          --keyids=keyids ]

Lists data units and their properties. This subcommand can be invoked before executing the export subcommand to determine the data units that are exported using the specified filter (if any).

okm listdu [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
               [ --directory=dirname ] ] | --oper=username 
               [ --filter=filter ]
               [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
               [ --listwait=waittime ] [ --verbose=boolean ]
               [ --output=filename ]

Lists data units that have associated keys and a count of these keys. You can filter the list to produce a specific report containing just a subset of the data units.

okm listdukeycount[ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                  [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                  [ --filter=filter ]
                  [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
                  [ --listwait=waittime ] [ --verbose=boolean ]
                  [ --output=filename ]
                    --duids=filename | --all=true

Lists keys and their properties. You can filter the list to produce a specific report containing just a subset of the keys.

okm listkeys [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                 [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                 [ --filter=filter ]
                 [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
                 [ --listwait=waittime ] [ --verbose=boolean ]
                 [ --output=filename ]

Lists KMAs and performance information about them. This performance information includes rate or count values and average processing time for key requests from agents, replication requests from peer KMAs, requests from users, and Server Busy conditions on the local KMA. You can filter the list to produce a specific report containing just a subset of the KMAs.

okm listkmaperformance [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                           [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                           [ --filter=filter ]
                           [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
                           [ --listwait=waittime ] [ --verbose=boolean ]
                           [ --output=filename ]
                           [ --startdate=date ] [ --enddate=date ]
                           [ --localtimezone=boolean ]
                           [ --rateinterval=rateinterval ]

Changes properties of an existing agent, including its default key group. You must also specify at least one of the following options: --enabled, --site, --description, --keygroup, --passphrase, --onetimepassphrase

okm modifyagent[ [ [ --cacert=filename ]   [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                   [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                   [ --retries=retries ]   [ --timeout=timeout ]
                   [ --verbose=boolean ]
                   [ --description=description ] | 
                   [ --site=siteid ] |
                   [ --keygroup=defaultkeygroupid ] | 
                   [ --passphrase=agentpassphrase ] |
                   [ --enabled=boolean ] |
                   [ --onetimepassphrase=boolean ]

Generates and downloads a system dump file.

okm systemdump [ [ [ --cacert=filename ] [ --usercert=filename ] ]
                   [ --directory=dirname ] | --oper=username ]
                   [ --retries=retries ] [ --timeout=timeout ]
                   [ --verbose=boolean ]
                   [ --contents=contents ]

OKM Command Line Options

The lists of options below show the long and short option name. A long option name is separated from its value by an equals sign (=); a short option name is separated from its value by a space.


Users must first export the Root CA and user X.509 certificates from the OKM Manager GUI before invoking this utility with the --cacert, --directory, and --usercert options.
Long Option Name Short Name Description
--agent=agentid -B Specifies an agent ID to be created or modified. This agent ID must be between 1 and 64 characters in length, inclusive.
--agentids=agentids -A Specifies a comma-separated list of agent IDs for associated audit events. Each agent ID must be between 1 and 64 characters in length. The OKM user must have the Operator or Compliance Officer role to be able to specify this option. This option is mutually exclusive with the --dataunitids and --keyids options.
--all=true -l Indicates that this utility destroys all deactivated or compromised keys, as indicated by the --keystate option, for all data units. This option is mutually exclusive with the --duids option.
--cacert=filename -a Specifies a OKM Root CA X.509 certificate PEM file for this utility to use to authenticate itself with the OKM. If not specified, then the utility looks for a ca.crt file in the directory specified by the --directory option. This option is mutually exclusive with the --oper option.
--comment="text" -C Specifies a comment describing the key destruction. This comment must be between 1 and 64 characters in length.
--contents=contents - c Specifies which types of information to include in the system dump file.

"default" or not specifying this value results in the system dump containing the type of information included in OKM releases prior to 3.3.2.

"stig" results in a report of Security Technical Implementation Guide analysis in a checklist file (in Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF) .xml format) and an osss.txt file containing output (stdout and stderr) from running the Oracle Solaris 11 Security Scripts (OSSS) tool.

"all" will include both the default and stig information.

--dataunitids=datunitids -D Specifies a comma-separated list of data unit IDs for associated audit events. Each data unit ID must be 32 hexadecimal characters. The OKM user must have the Operator or Compliance Officer role to be able to specify this option. This option is mutually exclusive with the --agentids and --keyids options.
--description=description -R Specifies a description of the agent being created or modified. The description must be between 1 and 64 characters in length, inclusive.
--directory=dirname -d Specifies a directory in which to search for a PEM file containing a OKM Root CA X.509 certificate and a PEM file containing a OKM user X.509 certificate. If not specified, then this utility looks for the certificate files in the current working directory. This option is mutually exclusive with the --oper option.
--duids=filename -i For key export or destruction, this option specifies a filename containing a set of data unit IDs, one per line, new line delimited. Each data unit ID must be 32 hexadecimal characters. On the destroykeys subcommand, if a particular data unit does not have any deactivated or compromised keys, then that data unit is ignored. If the specified file is empty, then the destroykeys subcommand destroys all deactivated or compromised keys for all data units (see the --all option). This option is mutually exclusive with the --filter and --all options.
--enddate -e Specifies the end date and time of a performance query in the format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, representing a value in universal coordinated time (UTC) or local time if the localtimezone option is true. The default value is the present.
--filter=filter -f Specifies a filter string that is processed to generate either a list of data unit IDs to display or export or a list of audit events to display. The string must be enclosed in quotes (double quotes on Windows) if it contains white space (see "OKM Command Line Examples").

Exporting takes time proportional to the number of data units and keys, so typically you should specify a filter that reduces the set of data units.

See "OKM Command Line Filter Parameters" for more information.

--help -h Displays help information.
--input=filename -i Specifies the file name from which data units and keys are to be imported. This file is also known as the key transfer file.
--keygroup=keygroupid -g Specifies the ID of a key group that is defined to the OKM.
--keyids=keyids -K Specifies a comma-separated list of key IDs for associated audit events. The OKM user must have the Operator or Compliance Officer role to be able to specify this option. This option is mutually exclusive with the --agentids and --dataunitids options.
--keystate=keystate -s Specifies the state of keys to be destroyed. The keystate value can be "deact" for deactivated keys, "comp" for compromised keys, or "deact+comp" for deactivated or compromised keys.
--kma=networkaddress -k Specifies the network address of the KMA to issue the request. The network address can be a host name, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address.
--listwait=waittime -w Specifies the number of seconds between List Data Units requests issued by the export and listdu subcommands. The default value is 2.
--localtimezone=boolean -L Displays timestamps of audit events in the local time zone instead of in universal coordinated time (UTC). Also, the StartDate and EndDate filters are interpreted to be in local time.
--localtimezone -L Specifies a boolean value to determine whether input and output times are in the local time zone instead of in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). This affects the interpretation of input values such as start and end dates and the display of audit event timestamps. The boolean value can be "true" or "false."
--maxcount=count -c Specifies the maximum number of audit events to list. The default value is 20,000.
--onetimepassphrase=boolean -O Specifies a boolean value to determine whether the enrollment passphrase may be used only once for authentication. The boolean value can be "true" or "false".
--oper=username -b Specifies the OKM User ID for this utility to use to authenticate itself with the OKM. If specified, it prompts for the user's passphrase since certificates are not being used. This option is mutually exclusive with the --cacert, --usercert, and --directory options.
--output=filename or dirname -o Specifies the file name where the results are stored. These results are the backup on backup and backupcs requests, the key transfer file on export requests, a listing of the data units and their properties on listdu requests, and a listing of audit events on listauditevents requests. On listdu and listauditevents requests, "-" may be specified for stdout, which is also the default. On backup requests, this option specifies the directory where the backup data file and backup key file are downloaded.
--overrideeuiconflict=boolean -O Specifies a boolean value to determine whether to override a conflict where an existing data unit has the same external unique ID as a data unit being imported. If this value is "true," then the existing data unit is updated to clear its external unique ID and the importing data unit retains its external unique ID. Otherwise, the import request fails. The boolean value can be "true" or "false."
--partner=transferpartnerid -p Specifies the ID of the transfer partner that is defined to the OKM and that is eligible to send or receive exported keys.
--passphrase=passphrase -P Specifies a passphrase for the agent being created or modified. Passphrases can be from 8 to 64 characters in length, inclusive. Passphrases must follow OKM passphrase rules.
--rateinterval -I Specifies the rate display interval. Request rates will be extrapolated over the selected rate display interval and displayed as the average number of requests per that selected interval (for example, extrapolated average number of Create Key requests per day). Possible values are "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month" "year" or "entire." Selecting "entire" causes the counts of each request type to be displayed instead of their rates. The default value is "entire".
--rclientcert=filename -C Specifies an X.509 certificate PEM file that has been issued by a Certificate Authority for this KMA.
--rclientkey=filename -K Specifies a private key file that accompanies the client certificate file.
--rclientpassword=password -P Specifies a password (if any) that protects the private key.
--retries=retries -r Specifies the number of times that this utility tries to connect to the KMA, if the KMA is busy. The default value is 60.
--server=networkaddress -S Specify the network address (IP address or, if DNS is configured, host name) of the remote syslog system.
--site=siteid -S Specifies the site ID for the agent being created or modified. This site ID must be between 1 and 64 characters in length, inclusive.
--startdate -s Specifies the start date and time of a performance query in the format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, representing a value in universal coordinated time (UTC) or local time if the localtimezone option is true. The default value is the beginning of data collection.
--timeout=timeout -t Specifies the timeout value in seconds between these retries. The default value is 60.
--usercert=filename -u Specifies a OKM user's X.509 certificate PEM file for this utility to use to authenticate itself with the OKM. This certificate file must also contain the user's private key. If not specified, then the utility looks for a clientkey.pem file in the directory specified by the --directory option. This option is mutually exclusive with the --oper option.
--verbose=boolean -n Indicates that this utility generates verbose output, including progress status during the processing of the request. The boolean value can be "true" or "false."
--version -v Displays command-line usage.

OKM Command Line Filter Parameters

export and listdu

On the export subcommand, this option is mutually exclusive with the --duids option.

On the export and listdu subcommands, the syntax of this filter string is:

DUState=state[, Exported=boolean ][, Imported=boolean]
[, DataUnitID=duid][, ExternalTag=tag]
[, ExternalUniqueID=euid] 
  • DUState=state — Where state can be "normal," "needs-rekey," or "normal+needs-rekey." If the DUState filter is not specified, then the default is "DUState=normal+needs-rekey."

  • Exported=boolean — Where boolean can be "true" or "false." If the Exported filter condition is not specified, then data unit selection does not consider the exported state, so both exported data units and data units that have not been exported yet are eligible for selection.

  • Imported=boolean — Where boolean can be "true" or "false." If the Imported filter condition is not specified, then data unit selection does not consider the imported state, so both imported data units and data units that have not been imported yet are eligible for selection.

  • DataUnitID=duid — Where duid is a data unit ID.

  • ExternalTag=tag — Where tag is an External Tag (must be padded to 32 characters with spaces for data units created for LTO tape drives).

  • ExternalUniqueID=euid — Where euid is an External Unique ID.


On the listagentperformance subcommand, the syntax of this filter string is:

AgentID=agentid[, SiteID=siteid][, DefaultKeyGroupID=kgid]
  • AgentID=agentid — Where agentid is an agent name. The CLI uses the "starts with" operator (instead of equality) when matching on this field as some agents supply trailing blanks to the value for this field.

  • SiteID=siteid — Where siteid is a Site ID.

  • DefaultKeyGroupID=kgid — Where kgid is a key group ID.


On the listauditevents subcommand, the syntax of this filter string is:

StartDate=date[, EndDate=date ][, Severity=text]
[, Operation=text][, Condition=text] [, Class=text]
[, RetentionTerm=text] [, KMAName=kmaname]
[, EntityID=entityid][, EntityNetworkAddress=netaddress] 
[, SortOrder=order][, ShowShortTerm=boolean] 
  • StartDate=date — Where date has the format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss and represents UTC time.

  • EndDate=date — Where date has the format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss and represents UTC time.

  • Severity=text — Where text is an audit severity string (for example, "Error").

  • Operation=text — Where text is an audit operation string (for example, "Retrieve Root CA Certificate").

  • Condition=text — Where text is an audit condition string (for example, "Success").

  • Class=text — Where text is an audit class string (for example, "Security Violation").

  • RetentionTerm=text — Where text is an audit retention term string (for example, "MEDIUM TERM RETENTION").

  • KMAName=kmaname — Where kmaname is a KMA name.

  • EntityID=entityid — Where entityid is an Entity ID.

  • EntityNetworkAddress=netaddress — Where netaddress is an IP address or host name.

  • SortOrder=order — Where order can be "asc" or "desc." By default, audit events are displayed in descending order by Created Date.

  • ShowShortTerm=boolean — Where boolean can be "true" or "false." By default, audit events that have a short term retention are not displayed.


On the listkeys subcommand, the syntax of this filter string is:

KeyState=state[, KeyID=keyid][, KeyGroupID=kgid]
              [, Exported=boolean][, Imported=boolean]
              [, Revoked=boolean]
  • KeyState=state — Where state can be one of the following: gen, ready, pnp, proc, deact, comp, dest

  • KeyID=keyid — Where keyid is a Key ID.

  • KeyGroupID=kgid — Where kgid is a key group ID.

  • Exported=boolean — Where boolean can be "true" or "false".

  • Imported=boolean — Where boolean can be "true" or "false".

  • Revoked=boolean — Where boolean can be "true" or "false".


On the listkmaperformance subcommand, the syntax of this filter string is:

KMAName=kmaname[, SiteID=siteid]
  • KMAName=kmaname — Where kmaname is a KMA name.

  • SiteID=siteid — Where siteid is a Site ID.

OKM Command Line Examples

These examples show a single command line. In some cases, the command line appears on multiple lines for readability. In Solaris examples, backslashes denote the continuation of a command line.

Generating Backups

Generating backup using certificates in the ca.crt and clientkey.pem files in the given directory for authentication:


okm backup --kma=mykma1 \
           --directory/export/home/Joe/.sunw/kms/BackupOperatorCertificates \


okm backup --kma=mykma1

Generating a backup using the user ID and passphrase of a OKM user for authentication:


okm backup -k mykma1 -o /export/home/KMSBackups -b Joe


okm backup -k mykma1 -o D:\KMS\KMSBackups -b Joe
Exporting Keys

Exporting keys using certificates in the ca.pem and op.pem files in the current working directory for authentication:


okm export -k -d "." -a ca.pem -u op.pem \
           -f "DUState = normal+needs-rekey, Exported = false" \
           -o Partner.dat -p Partner


okm export -k -d "." -a ca.pem -u op.pem
           -f "DUState = normal+needs-rekey, Exported = false"
           -o Partner.dat -p Partner

Exporting keys using the user ID and passphrase of a OKM user for authentication:


okm export --kma=mykma1 --oper=tpFreddy \
           --filter="Exported = false" --output=Partner.dat \ 


okm export --kma=mykma1 --oper=tpFreddy
           --filter="Exported = false" --output=Partner.dat 
Importing Keys

Importing keys using certificates in the ca.crt and clientkey.pem files in the current working directory for authentication:


okm import --kma= --directory="." \
           --input=DRKeys.dat --partner=Partner \


okm import --kma= --directory="."
           --input=DRKeys.dat --partner=Partner

Importing keys using the user ID and passphrase of a OKM user for authentication.


okm import --kma=mykma1 --oper=Joe --input=DRKeys.dat \
           --partner=Partner --keygroup=OpenSysBackupKeyGroup


okm import --kma=mykma1 --oper=Joe --input=DRKeys.dat
           --partner=Partner --keygroup=OpenSysBackupKeyGroup
Listing Data Units

Listing data units using certificates in the ca.crt and clientkey.pem files in the given directory for authentication:


okm listdu --kma= \
            --directory=/export/home/Joe/.sunw/kms/OperatorCertificates \


okm listdu --kma=

Listing data units using the user ID and passphrase of a OKM user for authentication:


okm listdu -k mykma1 -b Joe -f "Exported=false" \


okm listdu -k mykma1 -b Joe -f "Exported=false"
Listing Audit Events

Listing audit events using certificates in the ca.crt and clientkey.pem files in the given directory for authentication.


okm listauditevents --kma= \
                    --directory=/export/home/Joe/.sunw/kms/OperatorCertificates \
                    --filter=Severity=Error \


okm listauditevents --kma=

Listing audit events using the user ID and passphrase of a OKM user for authentication.


okm listauditevents -k mykma1 -b Joe -f "Severity=Error" \


okm listauditevents -k mykma1 -b Joe -f "Severity=Error"
Destroying Keys

The following examples destroy all compromised keys using certificates in the ca.crt and clientkey.pem files in the given directory for authentication.


okm destroykeys --kma= \
                --directory=/export/home/Joe/.sunw/kms/OperatorCertificates \
                --all=true --keystate=comp \
                --comment="Joe destroyed compromised keys"

Using the user ID and passphrase of a OKM user for authentication:


okm destroykeys --kma=
                --all=true --keystate=comp
                --comment="Joe destroyed compromised keys"

The following examples destroy deactivated keys associated with a list of data unit IDs using the user ID and passphrase of a OKM user for authentication.


okm destroykeys -k mykma1 -b Joe -i DeactivatedDUIDs.txt \
                -s deact -C "Joe destroyed deactivated keys"


okm destroykeys -k mykma1 -b Joe -i DeactivatedDUIDs.txt
                -s deact -C "Joe destroyed deactivated keys"
Backing Up Core Security

The following examples back up core security using certificates in the ca.crt and clientkey.pem files in the given directory for authentication.


okm backupcs --kma= \
             --directory=/export/home/Joe/.sunw/kms/SecurityOfficerCertificates \


okm backupcs --kma=

The following examples back up core security using the user ID and passphrase of a OKM user for authentication.


okm backupcs -k mykma1 -b Joe -o /export/home/KMSCoreSecurity.xml


okm backupcs -k mykma1 -b Joe -o D:\KMS\KMSCoreSecurity.xml

OKM Command Line Exit Values

The following exit values are returned:

 0    Successful completion
 >0   An error occurred

OKM Command Line Sample Perl Scripts

The following are some basic perl scripts that you can customize and run on either Solaris or Windows. These examples all use certificate-based authentication and require that the Root CA certificate and user's certificate reside in the current working directory.


The perl scripts are not installed with the OKM Command Line utility. If you want to invoke the OKM Command Line utility from a perl script, use a text editor to create one that looks similar to one of the perl scripts shown here.
## the kms CLI utility must be in your path
system("$cmd listdu --verbose=true --directory=$DIRECTORY --kma=$KMA $FILTER
## the kms CLI utility must be in your path
system("$cmd export --verbose=true --kma=$KMA --directory=. --filter=$FILTER
       --partner=$TP --output=$OUTPUT");
## the kms CLI utility must be in your path
system("$cmd import --verbose=true --kma=$KMA --directory=. --partner=$TP 
       --keygroup=$KEYGROUP --input=$INPUT");
## the following must be in your path
system("$cmd backup --verbose=true --directory=$DIRECTORY --kma=$KMA 

Backup Command Line Utility

The Backup Command Line utility allows you to launch a backup from the command line instead of from the Backup List menu. You can also schedule automated backups. This utility is installed with the OKM Manager GUI using the same installer.


If you want to enter link-local IPv6 addresses, invoke the Backup Utility and specify the link-local IPv6 address. Include the Zone ID (for example, "%4") at the end of the address.

Refer to "IPv6 Addresses with Zone IDs" to see what steps you must follow for the initial setup.

Backup Command Line Solaris Syntax

OKM_Backup [-UserID userid] [-Passphrase passphrase]
           -KMAIPAddress IPaddress -BackupFilePath pathname 
           [-Retries retries] [-Timeout timeout]

Backup Command Line Windows Syntax

OKMBackupUtility [-UserID userid] [-Passphrase passphrase]
                 -KMAIPAddress IPaddress -BackupFilePath pathname 
                 [-Retries retries] [-Timeout timeout]

Backup Command Line Parameter Descriptions

userid — The Backup Operator user ID. This must be a Backup Operator.

passphrase — The passphrase for the user ID. If the userid or passphrase value is not specified, the utility prompts you for these values.

IPaddress — The KMA Management Network Address on which to launch the backup.

pathname — The location where the backup file and backup key file should be downloaded on your system.

retries — The number of times that this utility tries to connect to the KMA, if the KMA is busy. The default is 60.

timeout — The timeout value in seconds between these entries. The default is 60.

Backup Command Line Example

The following example creates a backup file (format: OKM-Backup-backupid-timestamp.dat) and a backup key file (format: OKM-BackupKey-backupid-timestamp.xml).

OKM_Backup -UserID MyBackupOperator \
           -KMAIPAddress \
           -BackupFilePath /tmp/MyKMSDownloads
OKM Backup Utility  Version 3.0.0 (build2020)
Copyright (c) 2007, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved.
Enter Passphrase:


The passphrase can optionally be specified on the command line using the -Passphrase parameter.