
This guide provides planning, overview, configuration, and administration information for the Oracle Key Manager (OKM) software. This guide is intended for storage administrators, system programmers, and operators responsible for configuring and maintaining the OKM software at their site.

What's New

This section summarizes new and enhanced features for Oracle Key Manager 3.

Release 3.3, May 2017 

  • A nCipher nShield Solo module, a hardware security module, can be installed in an Oracle SPARC key management appliance (KMA).

Release 3.3.2, October 2018 

  • New replication version 16

  • Support for IBM LTO 8

  • Option to set accepted TLS versions

  • Support for X.509v3 certificates signed using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm

  • Oracle Key Manager GUI and CLIs can be installed on Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Windows 10, and Microsoft Windows 8 systems

  • Changed password policy for Technical Support account

  • New System Dump subcommand on the OKM CLI

Related Documentation

Go to the Storage Software section of the Oracle Help Center ( for additional OKM documentation.

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