What's New?

This revision includes the following updates:

  • The new SET VOLPARM UPDATE command defines the changes to the volume and pool information for a server complex.


  • The new POOLPARM Change control statement defines new pool information for a server complex in the form of named pools of specific types.

    See "POOLPARM Change Control Statement".

  • The new VOLPARM Change control statement defines or remove a specific volser, volser list, or volser range associated with the previous POOLPARM UPDATE change statement.

    See "VOLPARM Change Control Statement"

  • The new SET VOLPARM JOIN utility command merges contiguous volume ranges defined on multiple VOLPARM statements into one new VOLPARM statement.


  • Updated the STORclas control statement to indicate that you can specify both STORMNGR and ACS parameters to restrict selection of MVCs to the library in the remote tapeplex with the designated ACS number.

    See "STORclas Control Statement".

  • Display RTD output is enhanced to display the VTSS that has paths to the Storage Manager containing the vRTD, along with new associated status values.

    See "Display RTD".

  • The SET VOLPARM command APPLY(YES) parameter has been enhanced to store the date and time in the CDS. This information is output by the Display CDS command.

    See "SET VOLPARM".

  • Updated the MGMTDEF CONTGT parameter description.

    See "MGMTDEF".

  • Updated CONFIg CLINK IPIF parameter values.

    See "CONFIg CLINK Statement".

  • Updated numeric and alphabetic VOLSER range conventions for VTV and MVC six-digit numeric ranges. See "Ranges".