1 ELS Command Interfaces

This chapter describes the various interfaces you can use to issue ELS commands. It is organized in the following sections:

Unified User Interface (UUI) Support

Certain SMC, HSC, and VTCS commands described in this publication include support for the ELS UUI (Unified User Interface).

The UUI interface is designed to standardize both internal and external interfaces into SMC, HSC and VTCS functions. The UUI enables you to do the following:

  • Execute commands from a utility.

  • Invoke commands from a programmatic interface.

  • Request output in text, XML or Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.

  • Invoke commands to an HSC server from a remote client.

ELS expands the commands available through the UUI interface to include all functions previously supported by the HSC PGMI and batch API interfaces. Although the existing interfaces will continue to be supported for an undetermined number of future releases, these interfaces will not be enhanced to add new data items.


  • Refer to the ELS Programming Reference for detailed information about the UUI.

  • See "Unified User Interface Utility (SMCUUUI)" for information about the SMCUUUI utility, used to issue UUI supported SMC, HSC, and VTCS commands from a batch job.

SMC Command Interfaces

This section includes the following topics:

Issuing SMC Commands from the Console

This section describes how to issue SMC commands from the console.

Issuing Commands Using an SMC Command Prefix

Use an SMC command prefix to issue a command from the SMC console.

To define your prefix, specify the SMC CMDDef command with the PREFix parameter in the SMCPARMS data set.

In the following example, the command prefix is defined as B@F$:



The PREFix parameter can only be specified in the SMCPARMS data set. See "CMDDef" for more information about the CMDDef command.

Use the following format to issue an SMC command using a command prefix:

PREFIXcommand-name [parameter]
  • PREFIX is the command prefix.

  • command-name indicates a SMC operator command.

  • parameter indicates an optional or required command parameter.

The command must appear immediately following (concatenated to) the prefix character.

A null character can be specified as the command prefix character. In this case, you must use the MSP Modify command to issue commands. See "Issuing SMC Commands Using the MSP Modify Command".

Issuing SMC Commands Using the MSP Modify Command

Use the following command format to issue an SMC command from the MSP console using the MSP Modify (F) command:

F started-task-name,command-name [parameter]
  • F indicates the MSP Modify command

  • started-task-name indicates the SMC started task name.

  • command-name indicates a SMC operator command.

  • parameter indicates an optional or required command parameter.


  • The started task name and command name must be separated with a comma. Spaces are not allowed between the subsystem name and command name.

  • Parameters and values may be separated with any number of spaces, and may optionally include an equal (=) sign. Values may also be included in parentheses.

    The following are equivalent commands:


Keyword Parameters

Keyword parameters that require or allow a user-supplied value can be specified in either of following formats:

  • Enclosing the user-supplied value(s) in parentheses and concatenating it to the keyword. For example:

  • Concatenating the user-supplied value(s) to the keyword with an equal sign. For example:



  • Unless otherwise specified, a list of user-supplied values must be enclosed in parentheses. See ”Lists” on page 43 for more information about specifying lists.

  • Except as noted, parameters can be separated by a comma or a blank. Consecutive blanks following either of these delimiters are ignored.

  • Commands and parameters can be entered in any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.

  • Command replies are always sent to the issuing console and, in some cases such as mounts and dismounts, are routed to other consoles such as the tape library console and tape pool console.

Specifying SMC Commands in the SMCCMDS or SMCPARMS Data Sets

SMC operator commands specified in the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data set are automatically processed at startup.

The SMCCMDS data set specifies user-configured settings that can be changed while the SMC is active. Issue the READ command from the console to reprocess the SMCCMDS data set at any time.

The following is a sample SMCCMDS member entry:


The SMCPARMS data set specifies user-configured items that cannot be changed while the SMC is active. SMCPARMS cannot be reprocessed using the READ command.

The following is a sample SMCPARMS member entry:



  • It is recommended that you include only the CMDDef PREFix and USERMsg ID parameter settings in the SMCPARMS data set. Specify all other commands in the SMCCMDS data set.

  • See ”Control Statements” on page 43 for syntax conventions used when specifying commands in the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data set.

SMC Commands that Specify JOBname, STEPname, and PROCstep

SMC ALLOCJOB, MSGJOB, and TRACE commands allow specification of JOBname, STEPname, or PROCstep. These commands are evaluated by the SMC in order of most specific to least specific job name specification. Therefore, commands can be entered in any order. Consider the following example:

Two ALLOCJob commands are entered:


Regardless of the order in which these commands are entered, job name NOALLOC1 is processed with MINLVL 3 because this command's job name is more specific than job name NOALLOC*.


  • If an SMC ALLOCJOB or MSGJOB command is entered specifying only JOBname, STEPname, or PROCstep, the command is interpreted as if LIST had also been specified.

  • The above behavior does not apply to TAPEREQ statements, which are always evaluated in the order in which they appear in the TREQDEF DD.

Issuing SMC Commands from a Utility

Use the SMCUUUI utility to issue UUI-supported SMC, HSC, and VTCS commands in a batch job. These commands can be routed to a local or remote HSC TapePlex.

The SMCUUUI utility can generate several types of output, including plain text, structured XML, and Comma Separated Values (CSV).

See "Unified User Interface Utility (SMCUUUI)" for more information about the SMCUUUI utility.


SMC commands cannot be issued from the utility administrator (SLUADMIN).

HSC and VTCS Command Interfaces

This section includes the following topics:

Issuing HSC and VTCS Commands from the Console

You can use either the MSP Modify command or a command prefix to issue HSC and VTCS operator commands.

Issuing HSC and VTCS Commands Using a Command Prefix

Use a command prefix to issue a HSC or VTCS command from the console. This prefix is assigned during the LIBGEN process. Examples include ".," and "#".

Use the SET COMPRFX command to define a new prefix. This command specifies the 2-character hexadecimal code of the command prefix.

  • The command prefix is not valid until the HSC or VTCS system is recycled.

  • See Table 3-14 under the SET COMPRFX command for a list of characters associated with each code.

  • See "SET COMPRFX" for more information about the SET COMPRFX command and prefix restrictions.

Use the following format to issue a command using a command prefix:

PREFIX command-name [parameter]
  • PREFIX is the command prefix.

  • command-name indicates a HSC or VTCS operator command.

  • parameter indicates an optional or required command parameter.

The command must appear immediately following (concatenated to) the prefix character.

A null character can be specified as the command prefix character. In this case, you must use the MSP Modify command to issue commands.


The VT command prefix is no longer required for VTCS commands. If entered, it is ignored.

Issuing HSC and VTCS Commands Using the MSP Modify Command

Use the following format to issue a command from the console using the MSP Modify (F) command:

F started-task-name,command-name [parameter]
  • F indicates the MSP Modify command

  • started-task-name indicates the entry in the subsystem name table for the HSC.

    A system programmer specifies this one- to four-character HSC subsystem name by adding an element to the IEFSSNxx entry in the SYS1.PARMLIB. For example, SLS0).

  • command-name indicates a HSC or VTCS operator command.

  • parameter indicates an optional or required command parameter.

Keyword Parameters

Keyword parameters that require or allow a user-supplied value can be specified in either of following formats:

  • Enclosing the user-supplied value(s) in parentheses and concatenating it to the keyword. For example:

  • Concatenating the user-supplied value(s) to the keyword with an equal sign. For example:



  • Unless otherwise specified, a list of user-supplied values must be enclosed in parentheses. See ”Lists” on page 43 for more information about specifying lists.

  • Except as noted, parameters can be separated by a comma or a blank. Consecutive blanks following either of these delimiters are ignored.

  • Commands and parameters can be entered in any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.

  • Command replies are always sent to the issuing console and, in some cases such as mounts and dismounts, are routed to other consoles such as the tape library console and tape pool console.

Issuing HSC and VTCS Commands from a Utility

HSC and VTCS contain utility functions designed to help you manage library resources. Certain HSC and VTCS commands initiate these utilities. These commands are specified using the utility administrator (SLUADMIN).

Additionally, you can use the SMCUUUI utility to issue UUI-supported SMC, HSC, and VTCS commands in a batch job. These commands can be routed to a local or remote HSC TapePlex.

Both SLUADMIN and SMCUUUI can generate several types of output, including plain text, structured XML, and Comma Separated Values (CSV).


Issuing HSC and VTCS Commands from PARMLIB

Certain HSC or VTCS commands can be defined in a user-defined sequential data set or single partitioned data set (PDS) member that is processed when HSC is initialized. These commands enable you to tailor HSC startup options to meet your requirements.

Unless otherwise specified, options defined in this user-defined PARMLIB data set can be dynamically changed during normal operations by issuing the corresponding operator command from the console.

PARMLIB commands are invoked by specifying MEMBER(xx) or M(xx) on the input parameter in the startup procedure. The suffix ’’xx'' is concatenated with SLSSYS to form a name. The name is used as the ddname in the startup procedure.

  • If the data set named in the SLSSYSxx DD is a partitioned data set (PDS), you MUST specify the member name containing the commands.

  • If the SLSSYSxx DD is a sequential data set, only the data set name (DSN) must be specified.

  • If the ddname is not specified in the startup procedure, then the SYS1.PARMLIB data set is dynamically allocated and a search for the member name is made in that data set.

When HSC is initialized, it reads the PARMLIB data set to obtain its operating parameters.


Although you can define PARMLIB commands in SYS1.PARMLIB, it is recommended that a user-defined data set, other than SYS1.PARMLIB, be used.

The following JCL examples for HSC execution contain DD statements defining data sets and members that contain PARMLIB command definitions:

Example 1-1 JCL Defining Sequential PARMLIB Data Sets

// TIME=1440,
// REGION=2000K,
// DPRTY=(7,5),
// PARM='E(E086) F(23) M(00)'
//SLSSYS00 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=parmlib0data set
//SLSSYS01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=parmlib1data set
//SLSSYS02 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=parmlib2data set

Example 1-2 JCL Defining Partitioned PARMLIB Data Sets

// TIME=1440,
// REGION=2000K,
// DPRTY=(7,5),
// PARM='E(E086) F(23) M(00)'
//SLSSYS00 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=parmlib0data set(member)
//SLSSYS01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=parmlib1data set(member)
//SLSSYS02 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=parmlib2data set(member)


  • At HSC startup, a specific PARMLIB member can be specified at your discretion by specifying the 'M(nn)' startup parameter.

  • Sample SLSSYSxx command streams and PARMLIB commands are contained in member SLSSYS00 of the ELS SAMPLIB.

HSC Service Levels

The HSC subsystem can operate at either BASE or FULL service level.

Base Service Level Functions

The BASE service level is the nucleus of the HSC subsystem. It provides the functions necessary to execute as an extension of the operating system, and satisfies the requirements defined by the operating environment in place at the time of execution.

All HSC commands can be issued with the HSC executing at the BASE service level. However, commands that involve library hardware cannot perform their function completely.

VTCS commands cannot be issued with the HSC executing at the BASE service level.

Mount Requests Intercepted During Base Service Level Operations

Mount messages intercepted by the SMC while the HSC is operating at the BASE service level are not sent to the HSC, but are left pending until the HSC reaches the FULL service level.

When the SMC recognizes that the HSC has reached the FULL service level, the mounts are redriven. These mount messages that occur with SMC intervention, and that are subsequently redriven when the HSC reaches the FULL service level, have their subpool specification honored.

Full Service Level Functions

The FULL service level of operation for the HSC provides all of the functions available and necessary to invoke and sustain complete library operations. These functions include:

  • mount/dismount processing

  • CAP processing

  • cartridge and cell inventory management

  • LMU access

  • library resource recovery

  • support for all library utilities

  • support for all HSC and VTCS commands


All VTCS commands require a HSC executing at FULL service level.