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StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and StorageTek QFS Software samu User Interface Guide
Release 5.4
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3 Operator Commands

This section lists detailed summaries of samu operator commands in alphabetical order.

a (Display Archiver Status Screen)

The a command opens the Archiver status screen and displays current archiver activity.

When issued without a parameter, the a command displays archiver status for all file systems. When the command is issued with the name of a file system, the command displays status for the specified file system only.

Command Synopsis

:a filesystem


Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one file system.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one file system.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down one archive copy.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up one archive copy.

Ctrl-J (^j)

Toggle between binary and decimal units of size.


The following example shows a typical archiver status screen. The archiver is idle:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date

sam-archiverd: Idle

sam-arfind:  samqfs1 mounted at /export/samqfs1
Files waiting to start 32         schedule 0         archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

The next example shows the same file system, but the archiver is actively archiving:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind:  samqfs1 mounted at /export/samqfs1
Files waiting to start 149        schedule 0         archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy:  samqfs1.archset1.1.83 li.VOL119
Copying file /export/samqfs1/2014/data/A00876.dat

Field Descriptions

The screen lists status information for all SAM-QFS file systems by file-system name and mount point.The fields in the detail display are explained below.


The sam-archiverd field displays the current status of the SAM archiver daemon, the software component that copies modified files to backup media:

  • Idle means that SAM-QFS is waiting for archive-ready files

  • Archiving means that SAM-QFS is copying files to archival storage.

  • Waiting for resources means that SAM-QFS is ready to copy files to archival storage, but is waiting for a drive to become available or for a volume to mount.

  • Various other messages indicate errors.


The sam-arfind field displays the most recent results reported by the software component that monitors a file system and locates candidates for archiving. The results include:

  • the name that you assign to the SAM-QFS file system (samqfs1 in the example)

  • the mount-point directory for the SAM-QFS file system (/export/samqfs1 in the example)

  • the number of archive-ready Files waiting to start archiving (32 in the example)

  • the number of archive-ready files currently in the archiving schedule (0 in the example)

  • the number of archive-ready files that are currently archiving (0 in the example).


The sam-arcopy field displays the current activity reported by the software component that copies archive-ready files to archival media. It reports the following:

  • the name of the file system (samqfs1 in the example)

    The files in an archive request file are members of the same archive set and thus share the same archiving characteristics and requirements. The filename consists of the name of the copy directive (the archiving rule that sets the criteria for copying and retaining a file on specified media) and a sequence number set by the archiver.

  • the name of the archive set (archset1 in the example)

  • the copy number of the current copy (1 in the example)

  • a sequence number (83 in the example)

  • the volume serial number of the media volume that is being used to store the current copy (VOL119 in the example).

  • the path and file name of the file that is currently being copied (/export/samqfs1/2014/data/A00876.dat in the example).

abr (Enable Application Based Recovery)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the abr command lets Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) use the Application Based Recovery feature of Solaris Volume Manager to handle recovery of databases stored in SAM-QFS file systems that use asynchronous I/O with Solaris Volume Manager mirrored volumes.

By default, ABR is enabled.

Command Synopsis

:abr family-set-equipment-number


The following example enables ABR on family-set device 20:

File systems                          samu                version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam2
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
ma  10 on      sam1          m----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam1
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA000009594E1565E8d0s0
 mr 12 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CA64E156793d0s0
 mr 13 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CAA4E156897d0s0
 mr 14 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095B4E1568C8d0s0
 mr 15 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095D4E156948d0s0
command:abr 20

add (Add Equipment to a Mounted File System)

When issued with a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number, the add command updates the corresponding file system so that it can use disk devices that have been added to the family set definition in the mcf (SAM-QFS Master Configuration File) and set up with the samd config command.

See remove (Move Data and Remove Equipment from a File System).

Command Synopsis

:add equipment-number


For example, assume that we need to add an additional disk slice to file system family set qfs1. We start by adding a line to the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file that identifies the slice, /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3, as SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number 13 (the selected equipment number must be unique within the SAM-QFS system):

root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf 
# Section 1: File Systems
# Equipment          Equipment  Equipment Family          Device  Additional
# Identifier         Ordinal    Type      Set             State   Parameters
# -----------------  ---------  --------- --------------  -----   ----------
qfs1                 10         ma        qfs1            on      
/dev/dsk/c5t8d0s0    11         mm        qfs1            on
/dev/dsk/c5t8d0s1    12         md        qfs1            on
/dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3    13         md        qfs1            on

Then we reconfigure the running SAM-QFS daemon to incorporate the changes in the file:

root@solaris:~# samd config

At this point, the File systems screen shows that the equipment is off and thus not yet available. So we enter the add command with the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment number of the new slice:

File systems                          samu                version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  10 on      qfs1          -----2---r-   80%    70%
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s0
 md 12 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s1
 md 13 off     /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3
command:add 13

The device state changes to on:

File systems                          samu                version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  10 on      qfs1          -----2---r-   80%    70%
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s0
 md 12 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s1
 md 13 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3

alloc (Enable Storage Allocation on a Device)

When issued with a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number, the alloc command starts storage allocation on the specified data device. See noalloc (Disable Storage Allocation on a Device).

Command Synopsis

:alloc  equipment-number


The following example starts storage allocation on disk device 14:

File systems                          samu                version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
ma  10 on      sam1          m----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam1
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA000009594E1565E8d0s0
 mr 12 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CA64E156793d0s0
 mr 13 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CAA4E156897d0s0
 mr 14 noalloc /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095B4E1568C8d0s0
 mr 15 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095D4E156948d0s0
command:alloc 14

The device state changes to on:

File systems                          samu                version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam2
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
ma  10 on      sam1          m----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam1
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA000009594E1565E8d0s0
 mr 12 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CA64E156793d0s0
 mr 13 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CAA4E156897d0s0
 mr 14 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095B4E1568C8d0s0
 mr 15 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095D4E156948d0s0

aplease (Set Append Lease Expiration Time for a Shared File System)

Before appending data to a shared file, a host must request and obtain an append lease that grants it exclusive access to the file. The aplease command defines the number of seconds during which this lease remains valid on the specified device. If the specified time runs out before the append operation is complete, the host must reacquire the lease before proceeding.

The specified number of seconds must fall in the range [15-600]. The default is 30 seconds.

For related information, see rdlease (Set the Read Lease Time for a Shared File System), wrlease (Set the Write Lease Time for a Shared File System), and lease_timeo (Set the Unused Lease Timeout for a Shared File System).

Command Synopsis

:aplease family-set-equipment-number interval_in_seconds


The following example sets the append lease time to 2 minutes (120 seconds) on family set device 800:

File systems                     samu                   version time date
ty   eq   state device_name           status      high low mountpoint server
ma   800  on    shareqfs1             m----2c--r-  80% 70% /shareqfs1 
 mm   801  on    /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
 mr   802  on    /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma    810  on   shareqfs2             m----2c--r-  80% 70% /shareqfs2 
 mm   811  on    /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
 mr   812  on    /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:aplease 800 120

aridle (Stop Archiving Gracefully)

The aridle command stops archiving at the next logical point (such as the end of the current archive tar file). The command is typically used prior to disruptive maintenance, such as unmounting, growing, or shrinking file systems. Archiving remains inactive until the arrun command is entered.

When entered with no parameters, aridle stops all archiver activity.

When entered with the dk parameter, aridle stops all archiving to disk media.

When entered with the rm parameter, aridle stops all archiving to removable media, such as tape.

When entered with the fs. parameter and a file-system name, aridle stops all archiver activity on the specified file system.

Command Synopsis

:aridle dk 
:aridle rm 
:aridle fs.file-system-identifier 


In the first example, aridle stops all archiving:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename

After the aridle command is entered, the archiver daemon is Idle until the arrun command is entered:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Idle

sam-arfind:  sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Waiting for :arrun

In the second example. aridle stops archiving on the sam1 file system only:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename
command:aridle fs.sam1

After the aridle command is entered, the archiver daemon is Waiting... until the arrun command is entered with the file-system directive fs.sam1:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Waiting for :arrun fs.sam1 

sam-arfind:  sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Waiting for :arrun fs.sam1 

In the third example. aridle stops archiving to disk:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename
command:aridle dk

After the aridle command is entered, the archiver daemon is now Waiting... until the arrun command is entered with the dk (disk) directive:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd:  Waiting     for :arrun dk

sam-arfind:  sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Waiting for :arrun dk

arrerun (Restart the Archiver Non-Disruptively)

The arrerun command restarts archiving without disrupting ongoing operations. The archiver daemons are restarted, and all work in progress is recovered. Compare arrerun to arrestart (Restart the Archiver Disruptively).

Command Synopsis



In the example, arrerun restarts archiving and recovers work in progress:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename

arrestart (Restart the Archiver Disruptively)

The arrestart command stops and restarts the archiver regardless of the state of the archiver. Compare the command with arrerun (Restart the Archiver Non-Disruptively).

Use arrestart with caution, because it stops operations immediately, and any copy operations that fail to complete will need to be repeated. This waste space on archival media.

Command Synopsis



Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename

arrmarchreq (Remove Archive Requests)

When issued with a file-system name and either the name of an archive-request file or a wildcard, the arrmarchreq command deletes the specified archive requests.

An archive-request filename consists of the name of the copy directive (the archiving rule that sets the criteria for copying and retaining a file on specified media) and a sequence number set by the archiver.

Command Synopsis

:arrmarchreq file-system-name.archive-request-file-name
:arrmarchreq file-system-name.*


In the first example, arrmarchreq deletes archive request file data0.1.83 from the sam1 file system:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Idle

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 0            archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.
command:arrmarchreq sam1.data0.1.83

In the second example, arrmarchreq deletes all archive request files from the sam1 file system:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Idle

sam-arfind: sam2 mounted at /sam2
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 0            archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.
command:arrmarchreq sam2.*

arrun (Start Archiving)

The arrun command starts archiving.

When entered with no parameters, arrun starts all archiver activities.

When entered with the dk parameter, arrun starts archiving to disk media.

When entered with the rm parameter, arrun starts archiving to removable media.

When entered with the fs. parameter and a file-system name, arrun starts archiver activity on the specified file system.

Command Synopsis

:arrun dk 
:arrun rm 
:arrun fs.file-system-identifier 


In the first example, arrun starts all archiving:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Idle

sam-arfind:  sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0

Waiting for :arrun

After the arrun command is entered, the archiver daemon resumes Archiving:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename

In the second example. arrun starts archiving on the sam1 file system:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Waiting for :arrun fs.sam1 

sam-arfind:  sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Waiting for :arrun fs.sam1 
command:arrun fs.sam1

After the arrun command is entered, the archiver daemon resumes archiving file system sam1:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename

In the third example. arrun starts archiving to disk media:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd:  Waiting     for :arrun dk

sam-arfind:  sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
command:arrun dk

After the arrun command is entered, the resumes archiving to disk:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename

arscan (Scan a File System for Unarchived Files)

When issued with the name of a SAM-QFS file system, the arscan command scans the specified file system for unarchived files.

When entered with no parameters other than the file-system name, arscan recursively scans all directories in the specified file system.

When entered with the file-system name and a directory, arscan recursively scans all directories in the specified file system starting at the specified directory.

When entered with the file-system name and the .inodes key word, arscan scans the .inodes file. If most files in a file system are already archived, this is faster than scanning directories.

Entering an integer representing a number of seconds with any of the other parameters delays the scan for the specified number of seconds.

Command Synopsis

:arscan file-system-name
:arscan file-system-name delay-in-seconds
:arscan file-system-name.starting-directory
:arscan file-system-name.starting-directory delay-in-seconds
:arscan file-system-name..inodes
:arscan file-system-name..inodes delay-in-seconds


In the example, arscan:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Idle

sam-arfind:  sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0

arstop (Stop All Archiving Immediately)

The arstop command stops archiving immediately.

When entered with no parameters, arstop stops all archiver activities.

When entered with the dk parameter, arstop stops archiving to disk media.

When entered with the rm parameter, arstop stops archiving to removable media.

When entered with the fs. parameter and a file-system name, arstop stops archiver activity on the specified file system.

Command Synopsis

:arstop dk 
:arstop rm 
:arstop fs.file-system-identifier 


In the first example, arstop stops all archiving:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.
sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename

In the second example, the arstop command stops archiving on file system sam1:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename
command:arstop fs.sam1

artrace (Perform Archiver Tracing)

The artrace command starts archive tracing.

Tracing writes a detailed log of archiver activity to the sam-archiverd file in the /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/ subdirectory.

When entered with no parameters, artrace traces archiver activities on all file systems.

When entered with the fs. parameter and a file-system name, artrace traces archiver activity on the specified file system.

Command Synopsis

:artrace fs.file-system-identifier 


In the first example, artrace starts archiver tracing for all file systems:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.
sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename

In the second example, the artrace command starts archiver tracing for file system sam1:

Archiver Status                   samu               version time date
sam-archiverd: Archiving

sam-arfind: sam1 mounted at /sam1
Files waiting to start 0        schedule 482          archiving 0
Monitoring file system activity.

sam-arcopy: sam1.copy-directive.sequence-number vol-ser
Copying file path/filename
command:artrace fs.sam1

atime (Configure Access Time Updates for a File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device -1, 0, or 1, the atime command controls how and when the access time attribute is updated for files in the corresponding file system.

Setting a 0 (zero) value enables caching and delayed writes up to one minute for access time updates. Access time updates are only written to disk immediately when utilization of a SAM file system is above the low water mark, when the access time change coincides with updates to the creation time (ctime) or modification time (mtime), or when the file system is unmounted. This setting reduces disk I/O and thus improves performance.

Setting a 1 value immediately updates the access time on disk whenever a file is accessed. This increases disk I/O and reduces performance accordingly.

Setting a -1 value or executing the noatime command disables access time updates. If access times are unimportant, this can significantly reduce I/O and thus improve performance. However, the POSIX standard requires that access times be marked on files. Never use this setting with an archiving, SAM file system.

The default is value is 0 (caching and delayed writes enabled).

For more information, see the mount_samfs and stat man pages for further information.

Command Synopsis

:atime family-set-equipment-number -1|0|1


The following example disables caching and forces immediate access time updates to disk on family set device 100:

File systems                samu                   version time date
ty    eq  state device_name           status       high low   mountpoint server
ma    100  on   qfs1                  m----2----d   90% 70%   /qfs1
 mm    101  on   /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md    102  on   /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md    103  on   /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md    104  on   /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command:atime 100 1

audit (Audit Library or Library Slot)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a robotic library and, optionally, a slot identifier, the audit command causes the specified automated library to mount volumes, read the volume serial number (VSN) of each volume, and rebuild the library catalog. If specified, the slot must be in use and physically occupied by media.

If the specified slot contains a tape cartridge, the -e parameter tells the audit to skip to the end of data (EOD) and determine the space available. Note, however, that this process is not interruptible and may take hours to complete.

If the specified slot contains a two-sided optical cartridge, identify the desired side as 1 or 2. If a side is not specified, both sides are audited.

For more information, see the auditslot(1M), mount_samfs and stat man pages for further information.

Command Synopsis

:audit equipment-number 
:audit equipment-number:slot
:audit -e equipment-number:slot
:audit equipment-number:slot:side
:audit -e equipment-number:slot:side


The following example audits slot 17 in the robotic library with SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number 900:

Robot VSN catalog by slot : eq 900  samu       version time date    
                                                            count 32
slot     access     time count  use  flags         ty vsn 
   0     2013/07/02 12:53    3  96%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL001
   1     2013/07/02 12:53    2  98%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL002
   2     2013/07/02 12:52    1  86%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL003
   3     2013/07/02 12:52    1  95%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL004
   4     2013/07/02 12:51    1  79%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL005
   5     2013/07/02 12:45    0  14%  -ilEo-b----f  li VOL006 MEDIA ERROR
   6     2013/07/02 12:46    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL007
   7     2013/07/02 12:46    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL008           
   8     2013/07/02 12:47    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL009         
   9     2013/07/02 12:47    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL010
  10     2013/07/02 12:48    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL011
  11     2013/07/02 12:48    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL012
  12     2013/07/02 12:48    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL013
  13     2013/07/02 12:49    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL014
  14     2013/07/02 12:49    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL015
  15     2013/07/02 12:50    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL016
  16     2013/07/02 12:50    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL017
  17     2013/07/02 12:51    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL018
  18     2013/07/02 12:51    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL019
  19     none               50   0%  -il-oCb-----  li CLN020
command: audit 900:17

c (Display Device Configuration Screen)

The c command opens the Device configuration screen, which lists all device names and equipment ordinal numbers.

Command Synopsis



Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.


The following example shows the device configuration screen:

Device configuration:             samu         version time date
ty   eq state   device_name                           fs   family_set
sk  100 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/SL8500_T10K_parms  100  SL8500
ti  101 down    /dev/rmt/0cbn                         100  SL8500
ti  102 down    /dev/rmt/1cbn                         100  SL8500
ti  103 down    /dev/rmt/2cbn                         100  SL8500
hy  104 on      historian                             104

Field Descriptions


The ty field displays the SAM-QFS device type. Device-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The eq field displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of the device.


The state field displays the current operating state of the device, which may include any of the following:

  • on means that the device is available.

  • ro means that the device is available read-only.

  • off means that the device is not available.

  • down means that the device is available for maintenance only.

  • idle means that the device is completing operations that are already in progress but is not accepting new connections.

  • noalloc means that no more storage can be allocated on this device. An administrator has run the noalloc command (see noalloc (Disable Storage Allocation on a Device)). The noalloc state persists until an administrator issues an alloc command (see alloc (Enable Storage Allocation on a Device)).


The device_name field displays the path and file name of the device.

In this instance, the family set equipment type, sk, indicates an Oracle StorageTek ACSLS interface to a network-attached library. So the device name is the path to the parameters file for the library, SL8500_T10K_parms. For detailed information on network-attached libraries and parameter files, see the mcf man page.


The fs field displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number for the family-set that contains a device.


The family_set field displays the user-assigned name of the SAM-QFS family set that contains the device. Family sets represent the equipment associated with a SAM-QFS component, such as the group of disk devices associated with a SAM-QFS file system or the tape library associated with archiving.

clear (Clear a Load Request for a Removable Storage Volume)

When issued with a volume serial number (VSN) and, optionally, an index value, the clear command cancels pending load requests for the specified VSN, clears any reference to the VSN from the Removable media load requests screen, and aborts any processes that are waiting for the volume to mount.

Optionally, you may specify the value of the index column of the row that corresponds to the VSN on the screen.

See p (Display the Removable Media Load Requests Screen) and load (Load a Cartridge into a Drive) for further information.

Command Synopsis

:clear vsn
:clear vsn index


The following example clears a load request for VSN VOL005:

Removable media load requests all both     samu               version time date
                                                              count: 0index type pid    user        rb   flags     wait count  vsn
    0   li   0    root        900  -b-f---   0:00        VOL005
command: clear VOL005

d (Display Daemon Trace Controls Screen)

The d command opens the Daemon trace controls screen, which displays the events that SAM-QFS is currently tracing, as specified in the defaults.conf file. For more information about enabling trace files, see the defaults.conf man page.

Command Synopsis



Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.


The following example shows trace file information. It includes information about the daemons being traced, the paths to the trace files, the events being traced, and information about the size and age of the trace files.

Daemon trace controls             samu                version time date

sam-amld    /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-amld
        cust err fatal misc proc debug date
        size  10  age 0
sam-archiverd /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-archiverd
        cust err fatal misc proc debug date
        size  10  age 0
sam-catserverd /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-catserverd
        cust err fatal misc proc debug date
        size  10  age 0
sam-fsd    /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-fsd
        cust err fatal misc proc debug date
        size  10  age 0
sam-rftd    /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-rftd
        cust err fatal misc proc debug date
        size  10  age 0
sam-recycler  /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-recycler
        cust err fatal misc proc debug date
        size  10  age 0

def_retention (Set Default WORM Retention Time)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device and a time interval, the def_retention command changes the default retention period for WORM-enabled files that do not have a specified retention period to the specified time interval.

The data and path of a WORM (Write Once Read Many) file cannot be changed or deleted until the retention period expires. Specify the retention period in any of three ways:

  • To indicate that the file should never be deleted or changed, enter the string permanent or 0.

  • To specify an interval in years, days, hours, and/or minutes, enter a string of the form


    where YEARS is the specified number of years (if any), MONTHS is the specified number of months (if any), DAYS is the specified number of days (if any), HOURS is the specified number of hours (if any), and MINUTES is the specified number of minutes (if any). For example, 5y3d1h4m specifies 5 years, days, 1 hour, and 4 minutes, 10y specifies 10 years, and 60d12h specifies 60 days and 12 hours.

  • To specify retention as a number of minutes, enter an integer in the range [1-2147483647].

If left unchanged, the default retention period for WORM files is 43,200 minutes (30 days).

For additional information on WORM options, see the mount_samfs and sam_worm man page.

Command Synopsis

:def_retention family-set-equipment-number retention-interval


The following example sets the default retention period for WORM files stored in equipment ordinal number 10 (file system samfs1) to 7 years:

File systems                  samu                   version time date
ty    eq  state device_name           status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  10    on    samfs1                m----2----d   90% 70%   /samfs1
 mm  11    on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  12    on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  13    on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  14    on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command:def_retention 10 7y 

devlog (Set Device Logging Options)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a device and a space-delimited list of event-logging options, the devlog command configures logging for the specified device.

Specify event-logging options using one or more of the following key words:

  • all logs all events.

  • none disables logging.

  • default restores the default logging settings.

  • detail logs events that help track the progress of operations.

  • err logs error messages.

  • label logs labeling operations.

  • mig logs migration toolkit messages.

  • msg logs thread and process communications.

  • retry logs retries of device operations.

  • syserr logs system library errors.

  • time logs time device operations.

  • module includes module names and source lines in log messages.

  • event includes event names in the message in log messages.

  • date includes event dates in the message.

  • - keyword (a minus sign preceding one of the keywords above) clears removes the keyword from the current logging specification.

The default logging specification is err retry syserr date. For additional information, see the samset man page.

Command Synopsis

:devlog equipment-number option [next-option]...
:devlog all option [next-option]...
:devlog equipment-number -option [-next-option]...
:devlog all -option [-next-option]...


The following example logs the event name in addition to the standard options for device 101:

Removable media status: all             samu                   version time date
ty  eq   status      act  use  state    vsn
ti  101  ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
ti  102  ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
command:devlog 101 event err retry syserr date 

dio_rd_consec (Limit the Number of Consecutive Direct Reads)

The dio_rd_consec command specifies the number of consecutive reads larger than dio_rd_form_min or dio_rd_ill_min that SAM-QFS should perform using direct I/O.

The default value is 0, which disables direct reads based on I/O size and causes SAM-QFS to ignore dio_rd_form_min or dio_rd_ill_min.

For more information, see dio_rd_form_min (Set the Size of Well-Aligned Direct I/O Reads) and dio_szero (Zero Uninitialized Areas of Sparse Files During Direct I/O).

Command Synopsis

:dio_rd_consec family-set-equipment-number  number_of_consecutive_IOs


The following example sets minimum size of well-formed direct reads for family set device 100 to 16:

Mass storage status                samu                version time date
ty  eq   status      use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:dio_rd_consec 100 16 

dio_rd_form_min (Set the Size of Well-Aligned Direct I/O Reads)

The dio_rd_form_min command makes a specified number of kilobytes the minimum size at which SAM-QFS will automatically switch from paged I/O to direct I/O when reading well-aligned data on a specified family-set disk device (see "Switched I/O").

The default value is 256 kilobytes. Setting the value to 0 disables switched I/O during reads of well-aligned data.

Command Synopsis

:dio_rd_form_min family-set-equipment-number  number_kilobytes


The following example sets minimum size of well-formed direct reads for family set device 100 to 1024 kilobytes:

Mass storage status                   samu                version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:dio_rd_form_min 100 1024 

dio_rd_ill_min (Set the Size of Misaligned Direct I/O Reads)

The dio_rd_ill_min command makes a specified number of kilobytes the minimum size at which SAM-QFS will automatically switch from paged I/O to direct I/O when reading misaligned data on a specified family-set disk device (see "Switched I/O").

The default value is 0 kilobytes which disables switched I/O during reads of misaligned data.

Command Synopsis

:dio_rd_ill_min family-set-equipment-number  number_kilobytes


The following example sets minimum size of malformed direct reads for family set device 100 to 4096 kilobytes:

Mass storage status                samu                version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:dio_rd_form_min 100 4096 

dio_szero (Zero Uninitialized Areas of Sparse Files During Direct I/O)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the dio_szero command makes direct I/O to the specified device handle sparse files in the same way that paged I/O handles them. Uninitialized areas are zeroed as the areas are accessed. Sparse file behavior the same as that for paged I/O. This reduces performance when writing sparse files directly.

The default is nodio_szero (Do Not Zero Uninitialized Areas of Sparse Files with Direct I/O).

Command Synopsis

:dio_szero family-set-equipment-number


The following example zeroes sparse files on family set device 100:

Mass storage status                  samu                version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:dio_szero 100 

dio_wr_consec (Limit the Number of Consecutive Direct Writes)

The dio_wr_consec command specifies the number of consecutive writes larger than dio_wr_form_min or dio_wr_ill_min that SAM-QFS should perform using direct I/O.

The default value is 0, which disables direct writes based on I/O size and causes SAM-QFS to ignore dio_wr_form_min or dio_wr_ill_min.

For further details, see dio_wr_form_min (Set the Size of Well-Formed Direct I/O Writes) and dio_wr_ill_min (Set the Size of Misaligned Direct I/O Writes).

Command Synopsis

:dio_wr_consec family-set-equipment-number  number_of_consecutive_IOs


The following example sets minimum size of well-formed direct reads for family set device 100 to 16:

Mass storage status                 samu                version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:dio_wr_consec 100 16 

dio_wr_form_min (Set the Size of Well-Formed Direct I/O Writes)

The dio_wr_form_min command makes a specified number of kilobytes the minimum size at which SAM-QFS will automatically switch from paged I/O to direct I/O when writing well-aligned data to a specified family-set disk device (see "Switched I/O").

The default value is 256 kilobytes. Setting the value to 0 disables switched I/O during writes of well-aligned data.

Command Synopsis

:dio_wr_form_min  family-set-equipment-number  number_kilobytes


The following example sets minimum size of well-formed direct writes for family set device 100 to 1024 kilobytes:

Mass storage status              samu                version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:dio_wr_form_min 100 1024 

dio_wr_ill_min (Set the Size of Misaligned Direct I/O Writes)

The dio_wr_ill_min command makes a specified number of kilobytes the minimum size at which SAM-QFS will automatically switch from paged I/O to direct I/O when writing misaligned data to a specified family-set disk device (see "Switched I/O").

The default value is 0 kilobytes which disables switched I/O during reads of misaligned data.

Command Synopsis

:dio_wr_ill_min family-set-equipment-number  number_kilobytes


The following example sets minimum size of malformed direct writes for family set device 100 to 4096 kilobytes:

Mass storage status               samu                version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:dio_wr_form_min 100 4096

diskvols (Set/Clear Flags on Disk Volumes Used for Archiving)

When issued with the name of an archival disk volume, a plus or a minus, and one of the flags listed below, the diskvols command sets or clears the specified flag on the specified volume. When troubleshooting hardware issues, you may want to change the values of the U and E flags. But leave the remainder alone:

  • l means that the volume is labeled; a seqnum file has already been created.

  • r means that the volume is defined on a remote host.

  • U means that the volume is unavailable.

  • R means that the volume is read only.

  • E means that a media error occurred when writing to the disk archive directory.

  • A means that the volume needs to be audited.

  • F means that the volume is full.

  • c means that the volume is ready for recycling.

Command Synopsis

:diskvols volume +flag  
:diskvols volume -flag 


The following example sets the U (unavailable) flag on the archival storage volume disk01:

Disk volume dictionary         samu           version time date
version 460
magic 340322 version 9 nkeys 2 ndata 2
index  space        capacity     used      flags  volume
    0  12882411520  12887785472  10291200  -----  disk01
    1  6443827200   6443892736      70656  -----  disk02
magic 340322 version 9 nkeys 1 ndata 1
command:diskvols disk01 +U

The flag is set:

Disk volume dictionary         samu           version time date
version 460
magic 340322 version 9 nkeys 2 ndata 2
index  space        capacity     used      flags  volume
    0  12882411520  12887785472  10291200  --U--  disk01
    1  6443827200   6443892736      70656  -----  disk02
magic 340322 version 9 nkeys 1 ndata 1

dmr (Enable Directed Mirror Reads of Software Mirrors)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the dmr command lets Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) use the Directed Mirror Reads feature of Solaris Volume Manager when databases are stored on SAM-QFS file systems that use asynchronous I/O with Solaris Volume Manager mirrored volumes. See nodmr (Disable Directed Mirror Reads of Software Mirrors).

By default, DMR is enabled.

Command Synopsis

:dmr family-set-equipment-number


The following example enables DMR on family-set device 20:

File systems                          samu                version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam2
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
ma  10 on      sam1          m----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam1
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA000009594E1565E8d0s0
 mr 12 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CA64E156793d0s0
 mr 13 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CAA4E156897d0s0
 mr 14 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095B4E1568C8d0s0
 mr 15 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095D4E156948d0s0
command:dmr 10

dtrace (Enable/Configure Tracing for SAM-QFS Daemons)

When issued with a SAM-QFS daemon specifier plus the keyword on or off or a variable name and value, the dtrace command controls how trace information is written to trace files.

Specify daemons using the keyword all (for all SAM-QFS daemons) or the name of a particular daemon. Valid daemon names include sam-archiverd, sam-catserverd, sam-fsd, sam-rftd, sam-recycler, sam-sharefsd, sam-stagerd, sam-serverd, sam-clientd, and fsmgmt.

Use the on keyword to enable tracing for the specified daemon(s).

Use the off keyword to disable tracing for the specified daemon(s).

Use a variable name with a value to control the tracing process for the specified daemon. Set the variable using the syntax daemon-specifier.variable value.

Command Synopsis

:dtrace daemon-specifier on
:dtrace daemon-specifier off
:dtrace daemon-specifier.file path-filename
:dtrace daemon-specifier.options option_name1 option_name2 -option_name3 ... 



The file variable takes a path or file-name value:

  • all.file path-filename names the directory that holds the trace files path-filename.

    By default, trace files reside in /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace.

  • daemon-name.filepath-filename names the trace file path-filename.

    By default, trace files are named for the daemon they trace.


The options variable takes a space-separated list of trace options, events to be traced or elements to be included in trace output. To deselect an option, use a minus sign with the option (-option_name).

The pre-defined event types are cust, err, fatal, misc, proc, and rft. The message elements program[pid] and time are always included and can't be deselected.

Optional events include the following:

  • none excludes all event types.

  • all includes the most useful events: cust, err, fatal, ipc, misc, proc, and rft.

  • alloc includes memory allocation events.

  • cust includes customer-notification, syslog and notify file messages.

  • err includes non-fatal program errors.

  • fatal includes fatal syslog messages.

  • files includes file actions.

  • rft includes file transfer events.

  • ipc includes inter-process communications.

  • misc includes miscellaneous, otherwise uncategorized events.

  • oprmsg includes operator messages.

  • proc process initiation and completion.

  • queue archiver queue contents when changed.

Optional message elements include:

  • date includes the date in the message (the time is always included).

  • module includes the source file name and line number in the message.

  • type includes the event type in the message.


The age variable sets the time between trace file rotations to the specified value (rotating trace files keeps their size within manageable limits). Set the value of age to a number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and/or years greater than 2 minutes.

A value of two minutes or less disables trace-file rotation.


The size variable sets the file size at which trace file rotations occur. Set the value of size as an integer with one of the following suffixes specifying the units: b for bytes, k for kilobytes, M for megabytes, G for gigabytes, or T for terabytes.


The following example excludes non-fatal errors from the sam-archiverd trace file and includes the event date and the source file and line number where the error occurred in each trace file entry:

Help information            page 1/15  samu                version time date
    a   Archiver status                 w       Pending stage queue
    c   Device configuration            C       Memory
    d   Daemon trace controls           D       Disk volume dictionary
    f   File systems                    F       Optical disk label
    g   Shared clients                  I       Inode
    h   Help information                J       Preview shared memory
    l   Usage information               K       Kernel statistics
    m   Mass storage status             L       Shared memory tables
    n   Staging status                  M       Shared memory
    o   Optical disk status             N       File system parameters
    p   Removable media load requests   P       Active Services
    r   Removable media                 R       SAM-Remote
    s   Device status                   S       Sector data
    t   Tape drive status               T       SCSI sense data
    u   Staging queue                   U       Device table
    v   Robot catalog
command:dtrace sam-archiverd.options -err date module 

export (Move Removable Media to the Robotic Library's Mailbox)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a robotic library and a slot identifier, the export command moves the cartridge that resides in the specified slot to the mailbox. If specified, the slot must be in use and physically occupied by media. If the slot contains a two-sided optical cartridge and no side is specified, both sides are audited.

When issued with a SAM-QFS media-type identifier and the Volume Serial Number (VSN) of a cartridge, the export command moves the specified cartridge to the mailbox.

If the specified equipment ordinal number identifies a StorageTek network-attached library, the -f parameter exports the cartridge to the library's Cartridge Access Port (CAP) and updates the SAM-QFS catalog. The CAPID parameter must be defined in the library parameters file. See the stk man page for details.

If the specified equipment ordinal number identifies some other network-attached library, the export command updates the SAM-QFS catalog but leaves physical movement of the cartridge to the library's control software.

See also import (Move Removable Media from the Mailbox into the Robotic Library).

Note that, by default, exported volumes are tracked by the SAM-QFS in the historian. The historian acts is a virtual library that can handle staging and archiving requests for volumes that are no longer resident in the library. An operator can then import the required cartridges to satisfy the load requests. Exporting cartridges from the historian itself deletes all information on the exported cartridge. The information about volumes on this cartridge will be lost. See the historian man page for further information.

Command Synopsis

:export equipment-number:slot
:export -f equipment-number:slot
:export media-type.vsn
:export -f media-type.vsn


In the following example, the first form of the command exports the contents of slot 1 in the robotic library with SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number 900. The second form exports the LTO cartridge with VSN VOL004.

Robot VSN catalog by slot : eq 900  samu       version time date    
                                                            count 32
slot     access     time count  use  flags         ty vsn 
   0     2013/07/02 12:53    3  96%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL001
   1     2013/07/02 12:53    2  98%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL002
   2     2013/07/02 12:52    1  86%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL003
   3     2013/07/02 12:52    1  95%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL004
command:export 900:1
command:export li.VOL004

f (Display File Systems Screen)

The f command opens the File systems screen and displays the components of SAM-QFS file systems.

Command Synopsis





The following example shows the file systems screen. Note that member drives are indented one space and appear directly below the file system to which they belong.

File systems                   samu                      version time date

ty   eq  state  device_name         status      high low  mountpoint server
ms   10  on     sam1                m----2----d  90%  70% /sam1
 md   11  on     /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3
 md   12  on     /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s4
 md   13  on     /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s5
 md   14  on     /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s6
 md   15  on     /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s7
ms   20  on     sam2                m----2----d  90%  70%  /sam2
 md   21  on     /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s3
 md   22  on     /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s4
 md   23  on     /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s5
 md   24  on     /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s6
 md   25  on     /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s7
ma   30  on     qfs1                m----2----d  90%  70%  /qfs1
 mm   31  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md   32  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
ma   40  on     qfs2                m----2----d  90%  70%  /qfs2
 mm   41  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md   42  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
ma   50  on     qfs3                m----2---r-  90%  70%  /qfs3
 mm   51  on     /dev/dsk/c5t12d0s0
 mr   52  on     /dev/dsk/c5t12d0s1
ma   60  on     qfs4                m----2---r-  90%  70%  /qfs4
 mm   61  on     /dev/dsk/c5t13d0s0
 mr   62  on     /dev/dsk/c5t13d0s1
ma  100  on     shareqfs1           m----2c--r-  80%  70%  /shareqfs1 server
 mm  101  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
 mr  102  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma  110  on     shareqfs2           m----2c--r-  80%  70%  /shareqfs2 server
 mm  111  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
 mr  112  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7

Field Descriptions


The ty field displays the SAM-QFS device type. Device-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The eq field displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment number of the device.


The state field displays the current operating state of the device:

  • on means that the device is available.

  • ro means that the device is available read-only.

  • off means that the device is not available.

  • down means that the device is available for maintenance only.

  • idle means that the device is completing operations that are already in progress but is not accepting new connections.

  • noalloc means that no more storage can be allocated on this device. An administrator has run the noalloc (Disable Storage Allocation on a Device) command. The noalloc state persists until an administrator issues an alloc (Enable Storage Allocation on a Device) command.


The device_name field displays the path and file name of the device.


The status field displays an eleven-character string where each character position represents the value of a different file-system attribute. Character positions are numbered starting from the left, position 1, and ending at the right, position 11. The following table defines the possible state codes for each position in the status string.

Position Value Meaning
1 m---------- A lowercase m in position 1 means that the file system is mounted.
1 M---------- An uppercase M in position 1 means that the file system is being mounted.
2 -u--------- A lowercase u in position 2 means that the file system is being unmounted.
3 --A-------- An uppercase A in position 3 means that data is being archived (copied to nearline or offline storage).
4 ---R------- An uppercase R in position 4 means that previously archived data is being released from online disk storage to free space for new files.
5 ----S------ An uppercase S in position 5 means that previously released data is being staged (copied from archival media to online disk storage).
6 -----1----- The numeral 1 in position 6 means that this is a version-1 file system.
6 -----2----- The numeral 2 in position 6 means that this is a version-2 file system.
7 ------c---- A lowercase c in position 7 means that this is a shared file system.
8 -------W--- An uppercase W in position 8 means that this is a single-writer file system.
9 --------R-- An uppercase R in position 9 means that this is a multi-reader file system.
10 ---------r- A lowercase r in position 10 means that the file system stores data on single-allocation mr devices.
11 ----------d A lowercase d in position 11 means that the file system stores data on dual-allocation md devices.


The high field displays the high-water mark, a storage utilization threshold expressed as the percentage of the file system's total capacity. When percent utilization exceeds the high-water mark, SAM-QFS starts deleting files that have been archived to backup media, starting with the largest and least recently used files. If users subsequently access the deleted files, SAM-QFS restores them to disk from an archival copy.


The low-water mark, a storage utilization threshold expressed as the percentage of the file system's total capacity. When percent utilization drops below the low-water mark, SAM-QFS stops deleting files from the disk. The low-water mark balances the need to maintain free disk space for new files against file-system performance by keeping files resident on disk and avoiding the need for excessive staging from archival media.


The directory where the file system attaches to the host's root file system.


The name of the metadata server (MDS) for a file system that is shared by multiple hosts.

flush_behind (Set the Flush-Behind Parameter)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device and a number of kilobytes, the flush_behind command configures the corresponding file system to asynchronously write the specified number of kilobytes from dirty (modified) cache memory pages to disk.

As files change in memory, flush-behind insures that the changes are quickly saved to non-volatile storage media. When a process writes modified data to cache memory pages, the flushing follows close behind, copying the changes to disk even as the main write process continues. Unsaved, dirty cache pages are kept to a minimum, which helps to maintain the integrity of the file data.

On the other hand, flush-behind increases overhead and can reduce write performance. The process of flushing a data block may delay subsequent re-writes of that block. So flush-behind is disabled by default.

Set the specified value in the range [0-8192] kilobytes, where 0—the default—disables the flush-behind capability.

Command Synopsis

:stage_flush_behind family-set-equipment-number number_kilobytes


The following example sets staging flush-behind for family set device 100 to 1024 kilobytes:

Mass storage status                 samu                version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:flush_behind 100 1024

forcedirectio (Use Direct I/O by Default)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the forcedirectio command makes direct I/O the default for all input/output operations on the specified device.

Paged I/O is the default.

For more information, see "Understanding I/O Performance Tuning Objectives and Options", the noforcedirectio (Do Not Use Direct I/O by Default) command, and the directio, setfa, sam_setfa, and sam_advise man pages.

Command Synopsis

:forcedirectio  family-set-equipment-number 


The following example makes direct I/O the default for family set device 100:

Mass storage status                samu                version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:forcedirectio 100 

force_nfs_async (Force Asynchronous NFS)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the force_nfs_async command causes the specified device to override the SAM-QFS default and cache NFS (Network File System) data on the server, even if NFS has requested that the data be written through to disk.

The force_nfs_async command is effective only if the file system is mounted as an NFS server and only if the clients are mounted with the noac NFS mount option. For more information about mounting an NFS file system, see the mount_nfs man page.


Use this command with caution. In the event of a server interruption, data can be lost!

The force_nfs_async option violates NFS protocols. Data is cached on the NFS server and cannot be seen immediately by all the clients when multiple NFS servers are present (multiple NFS servers can be enabled within the QFS shared file system).

Command Synopsis

:force_nfs_async family-set-equipment-number  


The following example sets force_nfs_async on family set 100:

Mass storage status             samu               version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:force_nfs_async 100

g (Display Shared File System Clients)

The g command opens the Shared clients screen and displays current configuration information.

When issued without a parameter, the a command displays archiver status for all file systems. When the command is issued with the name of a file system, the command displays status for the specified file system only.

Command Synopsis



Ctrl-I (^I)

Toggle between the abbreviated and detailed views.


Move back one page.

Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.

Field Descriptions


The ord field displays the SAM-QFS server ordinal number. The server ordinal distinguishes the currently active metadata server from potential metadata servers and clients:

  • Ordinal 1 indicates the active metadata server.

  • Ordinal 2 or higher indicates a potential metadata server.

  • Ordinal 0 indicates a client.


The hostname field displays the name of the server, potential server, or client host.


The status field displays the mount status, host type (server or client), file system type, and distributed I/O (datamover) status. In the abbreviated view, the field is displayed in bit-mask form. In the detailed view, they are expanded as shown in the example.

config and conf1

The config and conf1 fields display file system configuration details. In the abbreviated view, the fields are displayed in bit-mask form. In the detailed view, they are expanded as shown in the example.


The flags field displays abbreviated, textual status information such as mount status (MNT) and host type (SVR or CLI).


The following example shows the default, abbreviated view:

Shared clients               samu                  version time date
samsharefs is shared, server is samsharefs-mds, 2 clients 3 max

ord hostname              seqno nomsgs status  config   conf1  flags
  1 samsharefs-mds           14      0   8091  808540d   4051  0 MNT SVR
  2 samsharefs-client1       71      0   a0a1  808540d   4041  0 MNT CLI

This example shows the detailed view:

Shared clients               samu                  version time date
samsharefs is shared, server is samsharefs-mds, 2 clients 3 max

ord hostname             seqno nomsgs status  config   conf1  flags
  1 samsharefs-mds          14      0   8091  808540d   4051  0 MNT SVR
    "        :   SYNC_META   TRACE   SAM_ENABLED     SHARED_MO
    config1  :   NFSV4_ACL   MD_DEVICES      SMALL_DAUS      SHARED_FS
    flags    :
    status   :   MOUNTED     SERVER  SAM     DATAMOVER
    last_msg :  Wed Jul  2 10:13:50 2014
  2 samsharefs-client1     127      0   a0a1  808540d   4041      0 MNT CLI
    "        :   SYNC_META   TRACE   SAM_ENABLED     SHARED_MO
    config1  :   NFSV4_ACL   MD_DEVICES      SHARED_FS
    flags    :
    status   :   MOUNTED     CLIENT  SAM     SRVR_BYTEREV
    "        :   DATAMOVER
    last_msg :  Wed Jul  2 11:09:04 2014

h (Display the Help Screen)

The h command opens the Help information screen. The help screen summarizes samu displays and controls. By default, this is the first display that the system presents when you enter the samu command at the command line.

Command Synopsis




Move back one page.

Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.


There are fifteen SAM-QFS help screens in all, but archive-related displays are not shown if Storage Archive Manager (SAM) is not installed.

Help for Display Commands

The first example shows the first page that appears by default whenever you launch samu. Subsequent help screens show samu commands.

Help information       page 1/15       samu                   version time date
  a  Archiver status                w  Pending stage queue
  c  Device configuration           C  Memory
  d  Daemon trace controls          D  Disk volume dictionary
  f  File systems                   F  Optical disk label
  h  Help information               I  Inode
  l  Usage information              J  Preview shared memory
  m  Mass storage status            K  Kernel statistics
  n  Staging status                 L  Shared memory tables
  o  Optical disk status            M  Shared memory
  p  Removable media load requests  N  File system Parameters
  r  Removable media                P  Active Services
  s  Device status                  R  SAM-Remote
  t  Tape drive status              S  Sector data
  u  Staging queue                  T  SCSI sense data
  v  Robot catalog                  U  Device table

  more (ctrl-f)

Help for samu Interface Controls

The second page of the help shows the hot keys that control the samu interface. Note that some controls are only applicable to certain displays:

Help information              page 2/15   samu                   version time date
Hot Keys:
    q   Quit
    :   Enter command
    sp  Refresh display
    ^f  Page display forward
    ^b  Page display backward
    ^d  Half-page display forward
    ^u  Half-page display backward
    ^i  Show details (selected displays)
    ^j  Toggle power for size, base 2 or 10 (selected displays)
    ^k  Advance display format
    ^l  Refresh display (clear)
    ^r  Toggle refresh
    /   Search for VSN (v display)
    %   Search for barcode (v display)
    $   Search for slot (v display)
    more (ctrl-f)

Help for Controlling Displays from the samu Command Prompt

The third page of the help shows display-control commands that can be entered at the same command prompt that control the displays. Note that some controls are only applicable to certain displays:

Help information            page 3/15   samu                   version time date
Display control commands:
    a [filesystem]        Archiver status
    n [media]             Staging status
    p [media]             Removable media load requests
    r [media]             Removable media
    u [media]             Staging queue
    v [eq]                Robot catalog
    w [media]             Pending stage queue
    C address             Memory
    I [inode]             Inode
    J [address]           Preview shared memory
    M [address]           Shared memory
    R [eq]                SAM-Remote
    S [address]           Sector data
    T [eq]                SCSI sense data
    U [eq]                Device table
    more (ctrl-f) 

To view the archive display for a specified file system, you would enter the command-prompt hot key : (the colon). Then, at the samu command prompt, you would enter a filesystem-equipment-identifier as shown below:

    T [eq]                SCSI sense data
    U [eq]                Device table
    more (ctrl-f) 
Command:a filesystem-equipment-identifier

The samu interface then displays a detailed archiving status report for the specified file system:

Archiver status                 samu                   version time date

sam-archiverd: Waiting for resourcessam-arfind:  filesystem-equipment-identifier mounted at /mountpoint-directory
Files waiting to start 0  schedule 482  archiving  0
Monitoring file system activity.
Examine: noscan  Interval: 4m
Logfile: /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.log
events          12,138  syscalls 41,537  buffers  2
 archive             0
 change              3
 close           7,961
 create          3,927
 hwm                29
 modify              0
 rearchive           0
 rename              9
 remove            209
 unarchive           0
idstat          18,101 opendir  28 getdents  28 cached

Help for Miscellaneous File System Commands

The fourth page of the help shows various file-system commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 4/15   samu                   version time date
File System commands - miscellaneous:
    stripe eq value                Set stripe width
    suid eq                        Turn on setuid capability
    nosuid eq                      Turn off setuid capability
    sync_meta eq value             Set sync_meta mode
    atime eq value                 Set access time (atime) update mode
    trace eq                       Turn on file system tracing
    notrace eq                     Turn off file system tracing
    add eq                         Add eq to mounted file system
    remove eq                      Remove eq; copy files to ON eqs
    release eq                     Release eq and mark files offline
    alloc eq                       Enable allocation on partition
    noalloc eq                     Disable allocation on partition
    def_retention eq interval      Set default WORM retention time
    more (ctrl-f)

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for SAM File System Commands

The fifth page of the help shows SAM file-system commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 5/15   samu                   version time date
File System commands - SAM:
    hwm_archive eq                 Turn on hwm archiver start
    nohwm_archive eq               Turn off hwm archiver start
    maxpartial eq value            Set maximum partial size in kilobytes
    partial eq value               Set size to remain online in kilobytes
    partial_stage eq value         Set partial stage-ahead point in kilobytes
    stage_flush_behind eq value    Set stage flush behind size in kilobytes
    stage_n_window eq value        Set direct stage size in kilobytes
    thresh eq high low             Set high and low release thresholds
    more (ctrl-f)

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for File System I/O Commands

The sixth page of the help summarizes file-system input/output (I/O) commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 6/15   samu                   version time date
File System commands - I/O:
    dio_rd_consec eq value         Set number of consecutive dio reads
    dio_rd_form_min eq value       Set size of well-formed dio reads
    dio_rd_ill_min eq value        Set size of ill-formed dio reads
    dio_wr_consec eq value         Set number of consecutive dio writes
    dio_wr_form_min eq value       Set size of well-formed dio writes
    dio_wr_ill_min eq value        Set size of ill-formed dio writes
    flush_behind eq value          Set flush behind value in kilobytes
    forcedirectio eq               Turn on directio mode
    noforcedirectio eq             Turn off directio mode
    force_nfs_async eq             Turn on NFS async
    noforce_nfs_async eq           Turn off NFS async
    readahead eq value             Set maximum readahead in kilobytes
    writebehind eq value           Set maximum writebehind in kilobytes
    sw_raid eq                     Turn on software RAID mode
    nosw_raid eq                   Turn off software RAID mode
    wr_throttle eq value           Set outstanding write size in kilobytes
    abr eq                         Enable Application Based Recovery
    noabr eq                       Disable Application Based Recovery
    dmr eq                         Enable Directed Mirror Reads20a
    nodmr eq                       Disable Directed Mirror Reads

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for QFS File System Commands

The seventh page of the help summarizes QFS file-system commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 7/15   samu                   version time date
File System commands - QFS:
    mm_stripe eq value             Set meta stripe width
    qwrite eq                      Turn on qwrite mode
    noqwrite eq                    Turn off qwrite mode
    more (ctrl-f)

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for Multi-Reader File System Commands

The eighth page of the help summarizes multi-reader file-system commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 8/15   samu                   version time date
File System commands - multireader:
    invalid eq value               Set multireader invalidate cache delay
    refresh_at_eof eq              Turn on refresh at eof mode
    norefresh_at_eof eq            Turn off refresh at eof mode
    more (ctrl-f)

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for Shared File-System Commands

The ninth page of the help summarizes shared file-system commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 9/15   samu                   version time date
File System commands - shared fs:
    minoallocsz eq value           Set minimum allocation size
    maxallocsz eq value            Set maximum allocation size
    meta_timeo eq interval         Set shared fs meta cache timeout
    lease_timeo eq interval        Set shared fs lease relinquish timeout
    min_pool eq value              Set shared fs minimum threads count
    mh_write eq                    Turn on multihost read/write
    nomh_write eq                  Turn off multihost read/write
    aplease eq interval            Set append lease time
    rdlease eq interval            Set read lease time
    wrlease eq interval            Set write lease time
    more (ctrl-f)

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for Device Commands

The tenth page of the help summarizes shared device commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 10/15   samu                   version time date
Device commands:
    devlog eq [option ...]         Set device logging options
    idle eq                        Idle device
    off eq                         Turn off device
    on eq                          Turn on device
    readonly eq                    Make device read only
    ro eq                          Make device read only
    unavail eq                     Make device unavailable
    unload eq                      Unload device
    more (ctrl-f)

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for Robot Commands

The eleventh page of the help summarizes robot commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 11/15  samu                    version time date
Robot commands:
    audit [-e] eq[:slot[:side]]    Audit slot or library
    import eq                      Import cartridge from mailbox
    export [-f] eq:slot            Export cartridge to mailbox
    export [-f] mt.vsn             Export cartridge to mailbox
    load eq:slot[:side]            Load cartridge in drive
    load [-f] mt.vsn               Load cartridge in drive
    priority pid priority          Set priority in preview queue
    more (ctrl-f)

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for Archiver Commands

The twelfth page of the help summarizes archiver commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 12/15  samu                   version time date

Archiver commands:
    aridle [dk | rm | fs.fsname]         Idle archiving
    arrerun                              Soft restart archiver
    arrestart                            Restart archiver
    arrmarchreq fsname.[* | arname]      Remove ArchReq(s)
    arrun [dk | rm | fs.fsname]          Start archiving
    arscan fsname[.dir | ..inodes][int]  Scan filesystem
    arstop [dk | rm | fs.fsname]         Stop archiving
    artrace [fs.fsname]                  Trace archiver
    more (ctrl-f)

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for Stager Commands

The thirteenth page of the help summarizes stager commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 13/15  samu                   version time date
Stager commands:
    stclear mt.vsn                 Clear stage request
    stidle                         Idle staging
    strun                          Start staging

    more (ctrl-f)

For more information on individual commands, see the full descriptions listed below:

Help for Miscellaneous Commands

The fourteenth page of the help summarizes miscellaneous commands that can be entered at the samu command prompt:

Help information            page 14/15  samu                   version time date
Miscellaneous commands:
    clear vsn [index]              Clear load request
    dtrace daemon[.variable] value Daemon trace controls
    fs [filesystem]                Select a filesystem name (ex samfs1)
    mount mountpoint               Select a mount point
    open eq                        Open device
    q                              Exit from samu
    refresh [interval]             Set display refresh interval in seconds
    read address                   Read sector from device
    snap [filename]                Snapshot screen to file
    diskvols volume +flag | -flag  Set or clear disk volume flags
    !shell-command                 Run command in a shell
    more (ctrl-f)

See the full descriptions for more information on the commands listed below:

Help for Media Types

The fifteenth page of the help lists media type codes recognized by the samu interface:

Help information            page 15/15  samu                    version time date
Media types:
    all All media types                     tp  tape
    at  Sony AIT tape                       sa  Sony Super AIT tape
    d2  Ampex DST310 (D2) tape
    d3  STK SD-3 tape
    dt  4mm digital tape (DAT)
    fd  Fujitsu M8100 128track tape
    i7  IBM 3570 tape                       ib  IBM 3590 tape
    li  IBM 3580, Seagate Viper 200 (LTO    m2  IBM 3592 tape
    lt  digital linear tape (DLT)
    se  STK 9490 tape                       sf  STK T9940 tape
    sg  STK 9840 tape                       st  STK 3480 tape
    so  Sony DTF tape
    vt  Metrum VHS tape
    xm  Exabyte Mammoth-2 8mm tape          xt  Exabyte 8mm tape
    od  optical
    mo  5 1/4 in. erasable optical disk
    wo  5 1/4 in. WORM optical disk         o2  12 in. WORM optical disk

hwm_archive (Start Archiving When the High Water Mark is Reached)

When issued with a SAM-QFS family-set equipment ordinal number, the hwm_archive command configures the corresponding file system to start archiving automatically when the total size of the stored files passes the high water mark, the maximum space-utilization threshold specified for the file system. See nohwm_archive (Do Not Start Archiving at the High Water Mark).

Command Synopsis

:hwm_archive equipment-number


The following example configures disk family-set device 20 to automatically start archiving when the corresponding file-system is 80% full:

File systems                          samu                   version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam/sam2
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:hwm_archive 20

idle (Idle Device)

The idle command blocks new connections to the device specified by a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number. Operations that are already in progress continue.

Command Synopsis

:idle equipment-number


The example below idles device 103:

Device configuration:             samu                version time date
ty  eq  state   device_name                           fs   family_set
sk  100 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/ libraryB_T10K_parms  100   libraryB
ti  101 on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                         100   libraryB
ti  102 on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                         100   libraryB
ti  103 on      /dev/rmt/2cbn                         100   libraryB
hy  104 on      historian                             104
command:idle 103

The device state changes to idle:

Device configuration:             samu                version time date
ty   eq state   device_name                           fs   family_set
sk  100 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/ libraryB_T10K_parms  100   libraryB
ti  101 on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                         100   libraryB
ti  102 on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                         100   libraryB
ti  103 idle    /dev/rmt/2cbn                         100   libraryB
hy  104 on      historian                             104

import (Move Removable Media from the Mailbox into the Robotic Library)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a robotic library, the import command tells the library to move media from the library's mailbox to the first available slot in the library.

See also export (Move Removable Media to the Robotic Library's Mailbox).

Command Synopsis

:import equipment-number


The following example below imports the contents of the mailbox in the robotic library with SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number 900:

Robot VSN catalog by slot : eq 900  samu       version time date    
                                                            count 32
slot     access     time count  use  flags         ty vsn 
   0     2013/07/02 12:53    3  96%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL001
   1     2013/07/02 12:53    2  98%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL002
   2     2013/07/02 12:52    1  86%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL003
   3     2013/07/02 12:52    1  95%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL004
   4     2013/07/02 12:51    1  79%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL005
   5     2013/07/02 12:45    0  14%  -ilEo-b----f  li VOL006 MEDIA ERROR
command: import 900

invalid (Set the Invalidate-Cache Delay for a Multi-Reader File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device that is mounted read-only in a single-writer/multi-reader file system, the invalid command tells the readers of a single-writer/multi-reader file system to delay invalidating their file-system metadata caches for a specified number of seconds. When files are modified, the host waits the prescribed interval before checking the metadata server for updates.


Setting a non-zero delay value keeps stale file-system metadata cached, so the host may not have a consistent, current view of a read-only file system during the delay.

The specified number of seconds must fall in the range [0-60]. The default is 0 seconds.

Command Synopsis

:invalid family-set-equipment-number interval_in_seconds


The following example sets the cache invalidation delay to 30 seconds on family set device 900:

File systems                       samu                   version time date
ty    eq   state  device_name           status       high  low  mountpoint server
ma    900  on     qfs1                  m----2--R-d   90%  70%  /qfs1
 mm    901  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md    902  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md    903  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md    904  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command:invalid 900 30

l (Display Utilization Information)

The l command opens the Usage information screen. The screen displays storage utilization statistics for the file systems and associated archival storage.

Command Synopsis



Ctrl-J (^j)

Toggle between binary and decimal units of size.


The following example shows a sample usage screen.

Usage information                   samu                   version time date

hostid = 0xID      OS name: SunOS   Architecture: SPARC   CPUs: 2 (2 online)
library    40:     capacity 389.3G  bytes   space 291.1G  bytes, usage  25%
library    51:     capacity   9.5G  bytes   space   9.5G  bytes, usage   0%
library    55:     capacity   0     bytes   space   0     bytes, usage   0%
library    56:     capacity  10.7G  bytes   space  10.7G  bytes, usage   0%
library totals:    capacity 409.5G  bytes   space 311.3G  bytes, usage  24%

filesystem samfs3: capacity  54.5M  bytes   space  13.4M  bytes, usage  75%
filesystem samfs4: capacity 319.5M  bytes   space 298.0M  bytes, usage   7%
filesystem samfs7: capacity  96.6M  bytes   space  69.6M  bytes, usage  28%
filesystem samfs6: capacity   5.0G  bytes   space   4.9G  bytes, usage   3%
filesystem samfs8: capacity   5.0G  bytes   space   4.9G  bytes, usage   2%
filesystem totals: capacity  10.5G  bytes   space  10.2G  bytes, usage   3%

lease_timeo (Set the Unused Lease Timeout for a Shared File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a shared disk family-set device and a number, the lease_timeo command configures the way in which the corresponding shared file system manages unused read, write, and append leases.

Specify a number in the range [0-15] to force processes to relinquish leases that remain unused for the specified number of seconds.

Specify the number -1 to disable unused lease timeouts and let processes hold unused leases for the full terms specified by aplease (Set Append Lease Expiration Time for a Shared File System), rdlease (Set the Read Lease Time for a Shared File System), and "wrlease (Set the Write Lease Time for a Shared File System)". The default is 0.

Note that read and write leases are not relinquished if mh_write (Turn on Multi-Host Read/Write) is enabled.

Command Synopsis

:lease_timeo family-set-equipment-number 0-to-15-seconds
:lease_timeo family-set-equipment-number -1


The following example sets the unused lease timeout for shared file system shareqfs1 on family set device 800 to 5 seconds:

File systems                         samu                    version time date
ty  eq  state  device_name               status      high low  mountpoint server
ma 800  on     shareqfs1                 m----2c--r-  80% 70%  /shareqfs1  
mm 801  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
mr 802  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma 810  on     shareqfs2                 m----2c--r-  80% 70%  /shareqfs2  
mm 811  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
mr 812  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:lease_timeo 800 5

load (Load a Cartridge into a Drive)

The load command loads media into the drive specified by either a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number and slot location or a specified SAM-QFS media type and volume serial number (VSN). Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.

Command Synopsis

:load equipment-number:slot[:side]
:load media-type.vsn


The following example loads the LTO (li) with volume serial number VOL001:

Device configuration:                 samu                   version time date
ty   eq state   device_name                           fs   family_set
sk  100 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/SL8500_T10K_parms  100  SL8500
li  101 on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                         100  SL8500
li  102 on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                         100  SL8500
li  103 on      /dev/rmt/2cbn                         100  SL8500
hy  104 on      historian                             104
command:load li.VOL001

m (Display the Mass Storage Status Screen)

The m command opens the Mass storage status screen. The screen displays the status of mounted file systems and their member drives.

Command Synopsis



Ctrl-J (^j)

Toggle between binary and decimal units of size.


In the following example, note that member drives are indented one space and appear directly below the file system to which they belong.

Mass storage status                  samu                    version time date

ty   eq  status       use state ord  capacity   free     ra part high low
ms   10  m----2----d   1% on          68.354G   68.343G  1M   16  90% 70%
 md   11               1% on      0   13.669G   13.666G
 md   12               1% on      1   13.669G   13.667G
 md   13               1% on      2   13.669G   13.667G
 md   14               1% on      3   13.674G   13.672G
 md   15               1% on      4   13.674G   13.672G
ms   20  m----2----d   1% on          68.354G   68.344G  1M   16  90% 70%
 md   21               1% on      0   13.669G   13.667G
 md   22               1% on      1   13.669G   13.667G
 md   23               1% on      2   13.669G   13.667G
 md   24               1% on      3   13.674G   13.672G
 md   25               1% on      4   13.674G   13.672G
ma   30  m----2----d   4% on          64.351G   61.917G  1M   16  90% 70%
 mm   31               1% on      0    4.003G   3.988G [8363840 inodes]
 md   32               4% on      1   64.351G  61.917G
ma   40  m----2----d   1% on          64.351G  64.333G   1M   16  90% 70%
 mm   41               1% on      0    4.003G   3.997G [8382784 inodes]
 md   42               1% on      1   64.351G  64.333G

Field Descriptions


The ty field displays the SAM-QFS device type. Device-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The eq field displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number for the mass storage device.


The status field displays an eleven-character string in which each character position represents the value of a different file-system attribute. Character positions are numbered starting from the left, position 1, and ending at the right, position 11. The following table defines the possible state codes for each position in the status string.

Position Value Meaning
1 m---------- A lowercase m in position 1 means that the file system is mounted.
1 M---------- An uppercase M in position 1 means that the file system is being mounted.
2 -u--------- A lowercase u in position 2 means that the file system is being unmounted.
3 --A-------- An uppercase A in position 3 means that data is being archived (copied to nearline or offline storage).
4 ---R------- An uppercase R in position 4 means that previously archived data is being released from online disk storage to free space for new files.
5 ----S------ An uppercase S in position 5 means that previously released data is being staged (copied from archival media to online disk storage).
6 -----1----- The numeral 1 in position 6 means that this is a version-1 file system.
6 -----2----- The numeral 2 in position 6 means that this is a version-2 file system.
7 ------c---- A lowercase c in position 7 means that this is a shared file system.
8 -------W--- An uppercase W in position 8 means that this is a single-writer file system.
9 --------R-- An uppercase R in position 9 means that this is a multi-reader file system.
10 ---------r- A lowercase r in position 10 means that the file system stores data on single-allocation mr devices.
11 ----------d A lowercase d in position 11 means that the file system stores data on dual-allocation md devices.


The use field displays the percentage of disk space in use.


The state field displays the current operating state of the device:

  • on means that the device is available.

  • ro means that the device is available read-only.

  • off means that the device is not available.

  • down means that the device is available for maintenance only.

  • idle means that the device is completing operations that are already in progress but is not accepting new connections.

  • noalloc means that no more storage can be allocated on this device. An administrator has run the noalloc (Disable Storage Allocation on a Device) command. The noalloc state persists until an administrator issues an alloc (Enable Storage Allocation on a Device) command.


The ord field displays the ordinal number of the device within the user-defined SAM-QFS family set (family sets represent the equipment associated with a SAM-QFS component, such as the group of disk devices associated with a SAM-QFS file system or the tape library associated with archiving).


The capacity field displays the number of 1024-byte blocks of usable space on the disk.


The free field displays the number of 1024-byte blocks of disk space available.


The ra field displays the read-ahead size in kilobytes.


The part field displays the partial stage size in kilobytes.


The high field displays the high water mark for the file system. The high water mark is the percentage disk utilization at which SAM-QFS starts to delete files that have archive copies from disk, so that there is space for new files.


The low displays the low water mark for the file system. The low water mark is the percentage disk utilization at which SAM-QFS has freed enough space for new files and stops deleting archived files.

maxallocsz (Set the Maximum Allocation Size for a Shared File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a shared disk family-set device and a kilobyte value, the maxallocsz command sets maximum number of kilobytes that are allocated ahead of a write to the specified shared file system. See minallocsz (Set the Minimum Allocation Size for a Shared File System).

The specified allocation size must be a multiple of 8 kilobytes in the range [16-4194304]. The default value is 8 times the device allocation unit (DAU). See the discussion of the -a option on the sammkfs man page for additional information on DAUs.

Command Synopsis

:maxallocsz family-set-equipment-number  number_kilobytes


The following example sets the maximum allocation to 1024 kilobytes on family set device 800:

File systems                          samu                   version time date

ty  eq   state  device_name               status      high low  mountpoint server
ma 800   on     shareqfs1                 m----2c--r-  80% 70%  /shareqfs1  
mm  801  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
mr  802  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma  810  on     shareqfs2                 m----2c--r-  80%  70% /shareqfs2  
mm  811  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
mr  812  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:maxallocsz 800 1024

maxpartial (Set the Maximum Partial Release Size for the File System)

When issued with a SAM-QFS family-set equipment ordinal number and a number of kilobytes, the maxpartial command sets the maximum number of bytes from the start of a file that can be retained in disk cache when the file is released.

A large file that has been designated for partial release can open more quickly when restaged from archival media because the beginning of the file is already on disk when staging begins. For further information, see partial (Set the Default Partial Release Size for the File System), partial_stage (Set Partial Stage-Ahead Point for the File System), and the release man page.

The specified kilobyte value must be an integer in the range [8-2097152]. The default is 16 kilobytes.

Command Synopsis

:maxpartial equipment-number number_of_kilobytes


The following example configures disk family-set device 20 to allow retention of a maximum of 512 kilobytes on disk for each file designated for partial release:

File systems                          samu                   version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name              status      high  low  mountpoint server
ma  20   on      sam2                    -----2---r-   80% 70%  /sam1       
 mm 21   on       /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22   on       /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23   on       /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:maxpartial 20 512

meta_timeo (Set the Metadata Cache Timeout for a Shared File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a shared disk family-set device and a number of seconds, the meta_timeo command sets the maximum metadata cache age for the specified device to the value supplied. Hosts use cached file-system attributes and directory data for the specified number of seconds, then refresh the cache by checking with the metadata server (MDS).

The default caching interval is 3 seconds. An interval of 0 disables metadata caching.

Command Synopsis

:meta_timeo family-set-equipment-number interval_in_seconds


The following example sets the cache interval on family set device 800 to 0 seconds, so that the host checks metadata consistency with the MDS prior to each use of the file system:

File systems                         samu                   version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name               status      high low  mountpoint server
ma  800  on     shareqfs1                 m----2c--r-  80% 70%  /shareqfs1  
mm  801  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
mr  802  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma  810  on     shareqfs2                 m----2c--r-  80%  70% /shareqfs2  
mm  811  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
mr  812  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:meta_timeo 800 0 

mh_write (Turn on Multi-Host Read/Write)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a shared disk family-set device, the mh_write command enables simultaneous reads and writes to the same file from multiple hosts.

By default, shared SAM-QFS file systems allow simultaneous reads from multiple hosts but not writes. To reverse the effects of the mh_write command, use nomh_write (Turn Off Multi-Host Read/Write).

Command Synopsis

:mh_write family-set-equipment-number


The following example enables multi-host reads on family set device 800:

File systems                      samu                    version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name               status      high low  mountpoint server
ma  800  on     shareqfs1                 m----2c--r-  80% 70%  /shareqfs1  
mm  801  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
mr  802  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma  810  on     shareqfs2                 m----2c--r-  80%  70% /shareqfs2  
mm  811  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
mr  812  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:mh_write 800 

min_pool (Set the Minimum Number of Shared File System Threads)

The number of execution threads associated with a shared file system grows and shrinks dynamically based on load. The min_pool command sets a minimum number of shared file system threads that the system must maintain.

For the number of threads, specify an integer in the range [8-2048]. For Solaris systems, the default is 64 threads. For Linux clients, the default is 8 threads.

Command Synopsis

:min_pool family-set-equipment-number number_of_threads


The following example sets the minimum number of threads to 128 on family set device 800:

File systems                      samu                    version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name               status      high low  mountpoint server
ma  800  on     shareqfs1                 m----2c--r-  80% 70%  /shareqfs1  
mm  801  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
mr  802  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma  810  on     shareqfs2                 m----2c--r-  80%  70% /shareqfs2  
mm  811  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
mr  812  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:min_pool 800 128

minallocsz (Set the Minimum Allocation Size for a Shared File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a shared disk family-set device and a kilobyte value, the minallocsz command sets minimum number of kilobytes that are allocated ahead of a write to the specified shared file system. See maxallocsz (Set the Maximum Allocation Size for a Shared File System).

The specified allocation size must be a multiple of 8 kilobytes in the range [16-4194304]. The default value is 8 times the device allocation unit (DAU). See the discussion of the -a option on the sammkfs man page for additional information on DAUs.

Command Synopsis

:minallocsz family-set-equipment-number number_kilobytes


The following example sets the minimum allocation to 512 kilobytes on family set device 800:

File systems                      samu                    version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name               status      high low  mountpoint server
ma  800  on     shareqfs1                 m----2c--r-  80% 70%  /shareqfs1  
mm  801  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
mr  802  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma  810  on     shareqfs2                 m----2c--r-  80%  70% /shareqfs2  
mm  811  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
mr  812  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:minallocsz 800 512

mm_stripe (Set the Metadata Stripe Width)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device and a number of disk allocation units (DAUs) per stripe, the mm_stripe command configures the corresponding file system to write the specified number of 16-kilobyte disk allocation units (DAUs) to each logical unit number (LUN) that is available for metadata storage.

The default value, 1 DAU, writes one DAU of metadata to one LUN before switching to another LUN. A 0 (zero) value disables striping and writes metadata DAUs to metadata LUNs round-robin.

See also stripe (Set the Stripe Width for a File System) and the mount_samfs man page.

Command Synopsis

:mm_stripe family-set-equipment-number number_DAUs


The following example disables metadata striping on family set device 10:

File systems                      samu                    version time date
ty  eq state  device_name               status      high low  mountpoint server
ma  10 on     sam2                      -----2---r-   80% 70% /sam2      /server3
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 12 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 13 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:mm_stripe 20 0

n (Display the Staging Status Screen)

The n command opens the Staging status screen. The screen displays the status of the stager and a list of outstanding stage requests.

When issued without a parameter, the n command displays staging status for all media types. When the command is issued with a SAM-QFS media-type identifier, the command displays status for the specified media type only. Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.

Command Synopsis

:n mediatype


Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.


The following example shows the staging status screen.

Staging status                   samu                    version time date

Log output to: /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/stager/log

Stage request: li.VOL001
Loading VSN VOL001

Staging queues
ty pid   user     status   wait files  vsn
li 16097 root     active   0:00    12  VOL001

noabr (Disable Application Based Recovery)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the noabr command does not let Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) use the Application Based Recovery feature of Solaris Volume Manager to handle recovery of databases stored in SAM-QFS file systems that use asynchronous I/O with Solaris Volume Manager mirrored volumes.

By default, ABR is enabled. See abr (Enable Application Based Recovery).

Command Synopsis

:noabr family-set-equipment-number


The following example disables ABR on family-set device 20:

File systems                      samu                    version time date
ty  eq state  device_name               status      high low  mountpoint server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam2
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
ma  10 on      sam1          m----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam1
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA000009594E1565E8d0s0
 mr 12 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CA64E156793d0s0
 mr 13 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CAA4E156897d0s0
 mr 14 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095B4E1568C8d0s0
 mr 15 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095D4E156948d0s0
command:noabr 20

noalloc (Disable Storage Allocation on a Device)

When issued with a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number, the noalloc command stops storage allocation on the specified data device until an administrator issues an alloc (Enable Storage Allocation on a Device) command.

Command Synopsis

:noalloc  equipment-number


The following example stops storage allocation on disk device 14:

File systems                      samu                     version time date
ty  eq state  device_name             status      high low  mountpoint server
ma  20 on     sam2                    -----2---r-  80% 70%  /sam/sam2  server4
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
ma  10 on     sam1                    m----2---r-  80% 70%  /sam/sam1  server4
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA000009594E1565E8d0s0
 mr 12 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CA64E156793d0s0
 mr 13 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CAA4E156897d0s0
 mr 14 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095B4E1568C8d0s0
 mr 15 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095D4E156948d0s0
command:noalloc 14

The device state changes to noalloc:

File systems                      samu                    version time date
ty  eq state  device_name             status      high low  mountpoint server
ma  20 on     sam2                    -----2---r-  80% 70%  /sam/sam2  server4
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
ma  10 on     sam1                    m----2---r-  80% 70%  /sam/sam1  server4
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA000009594E1565E8d0s0
 mr 12 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CA64E156793d0s0
 mr 13 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CAA4E156897d0s0
 mr 14 noalloc /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095B4E1568C8d0s0
 mr 15 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095D4E156948d0s0

noatime (Disable Access Time Updates for a File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the noatime command disables updates to the access time attribute on the corresponding file system. It is equivalent to the command atime -1. See atime (Configure Access Time Updates for a File System).

Never use the noatime command with an archiving, SAM file system.

nodio_szero (Do Not Zero Uninitialized Areas of Sparse Files with Direct I/O)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the nodio_szero command makes direct I/O to the specified device skip the zeroing of uninitialized areas. This improves performance when writing sparse files directly.

The default is nodio_szero.

For further information, see dio_szero (Zero Uninitialized Areas of Sparse Files During Direct I/O).

Command Synopsis

:nodio_szero family-set-equipment-number


The following example disables the zeroing of sparse files on family set device 100:

Mass storage status                  samu                   version time date
ty  eq   status      use  state  ord  capacity       free ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on            7.270T     7.270T 1M  16    80% 70%
 mm  110              1%   on      0  465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr  120              1%   on      1    1.817T     1.817T
 mr  130              1%   on      2    1.817T     1.817T
 mr  140              1%   on      3    1.817T     1.817T
 mr  150              1%   on      4    1.817T     1.817T
command:nodio_szero 100 

nodmr (Disable Directed Mirror Reads of Software Mirrors)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the dmr command does not let Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) use the Directed Mirror Reads feature of Solaris Volume Manager when databases are stored on SAM-QFS file systems that use asynchronous I/O with Solaris Volume Manager mirrored volumes. See dmr (Enable Directed Mirror Reads of Software Mirrors).

By default, DMR is enabled.

Command Synopsis

:nodmr family-set-equipment-number


The following example disables DMR on family-set device 20:

File systems                   samu                   version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam2
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
ma  10 on      sam1          m----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam1
 mm 11 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA000009594E1565E8d0s0
 mr 12 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CA64E156793d0s0
 mr 13 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000114D5400000CAA4E156897d0s0
 mr 14 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095B4E1568C8d0s0
 mr 15 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B8000118ACA0000095D4E156948d0s0
command:nodmr 20

noforcedirectio (Do Not Use Direct I/O by Default)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the noforcedirectio command restores the usual default I/O method, Direct I/O, on the specified device.

For more information, see "Understanding I/O Performance Tuning Objectives and Options", the forcedirectio (Use Direct I/O by Default) command, and the directio, setfa, sam_setfa, and sam_advise man pages.

Command Synopsis

:noforcedirectio family-set-equipment-number 


The following example restores the default, paged I/O, on family set device 100:

Mass storage status                  samu                    version time date

ty  eq   status      use  state  ord   capacity      free   ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r- 1%   on             7.270T    7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G  465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T    1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T    1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T    1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T    1.817T
command:noforcedirectio 100 

noforce_nfs_async (Do Not Force Asynchronous NFS)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the noforce_nfs_async command causes the specified device to write NFS (Network File System) data through to disk unless NFS has requested that the data be cached.

Command Synopsis

:noforce_nfs_async family-set-equipment-number


The following example sets noforce_nfs_async on family set 100:

Mass storage status                 samu                    version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity   free       ra  part high low
ma  100 m----2---r-  1%   on             7.270T   7.270T     1M  16    80% 70%
 mm  110              1%   on       0  465.253G 465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr  120              1%   on       1    1.817T   1.817T
 mr  130              1%   on       2    1.817T   1.817T
 mr  140              1%   on       3    1.817T   1.817T
 mr  150              1%   on       4    1.817T   1.817T
command:noforce_nfs_async 100

nohwm_archive (Do Not Start Archiving at the High Water Mark)

When issued with a SAM-QFS family-set equipment ordinal number, the nohwm_archive command configures the corresponding file system so that it does not start archiving automatically when the total size of the stored files passes the high water mark, the maximum space-utilization threshold specified for the file system. See maxpartial (Set the Maximum Partial Release Size for the File System).

Command Synopsis

:nohwm_archive equipment-number


The following example configures disk family-set device 20 so that it does not automatically start archiving when the corresponding file-system is 80% full:

File systems                          samu                    version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam2         
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:nohwm_archive 20

nomh_write (Turn Off Multi-Host Read/Write)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a shared disk family-set device, the nomh_write command disables simultaneous reads and writes to the same file from multiple hosts and restores the default setting for the specified device.

By default, shared SAM-QFS file systems allow simultaneous reads from multiple hosts but not writes. Use nomh_write to restore the default after running mh_write (Turn on Multi-Host Read/Write).

Command Synopsis

:nomh_write  family-set-equipment-number


The following example disables multi-host reads on family set device 800:

File systems                          samu                    version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name           status      high low  mountpoint server
ma  800  on     shareqfs1             m----2c--r-  80%  70% /shareqfs1  
 mm  801  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
 mr  802  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma  810  on     shareqfs2             m----2c--r-  80%  70% /shareqfs2  
 mm  811  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
 mr  812  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:mh_write 800 

norefresh_at_eof (Do Not Refresh at EOF in a Multi-Reader File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device that is mounted read-only in a single-writer/multi-reader file system, the norefresh_at_eof command disables automatic updates of the file size attribute when the read buffer exceeds the end of file. See refresh_at_eof (Refresh at EOF in a Multi-Reader File System).

Command Synopsis

:norefresh_at_eof family-set-equipment-number interval_in_seconds


The following example disables automatic refresh of the file size attribute on family set device 900:

File systems                          samu                version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name          status       high  low  mountpoint server
ma  900  on    qfs1                  m----2--R-d   90%  70%  /qfs1      
 mm  901  on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  902  on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  903  on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  904  on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: norefresh_at_eof 900

noqwrite (Disable Simultaneous Reads/Writes from Different Threads)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the noqwrite command disables simultaneous read and write operations to a single file from different threads. One writer has exclusive access to the file and other writers and readers must wait for the file to be released, per the UNIX standard.

While simultaneous multi-thread reads and writes to a single file can be useful in database applications (see qwrite (Enable Simultaneous Reads/Writes to a File from Different Threads), this capability is not generally useful or desirable. So noqwrite is the default setting.

Command Synopsis

:noqwrite family-set-equipment-number


The following example disables simultaneous read and write operations to a single file on family set device 100:

File systems                          samu                version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name          status       high  low  mountpoint server
ma  100  on     qfs1                 m----2--R-d   90%  70%  /qfs1
 mm  101  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  102  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  103  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  104  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: noqwrite 100

nosuid (Mount a File System with setuid Execution Disabled)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the nosuid command mounts the file system with the setuid file attribute disabled. The setuid attribute (set user ID upon execution) lets file system users run executables with the temporarily elevated permissions that may be required when using the files.

See suid (Mount a File System with setuid Execution Enabled) and the mount man page for further information.

The default is suid, mount the file system with the setuid attribute enabled.

Command Synopsis

:nosuid family-set-equipment-number


The following example mounts the file system on family set device 100 with the setuid attribute disabled:

File systems                          samu                version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name          status       high  low  mountpoint server
ma  100  on     qfs1                 m----2--R-d   90%  70%  /qfs1
 mm  101  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  102  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  103  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  104  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: nosuid 100

nosw_raid (Turn Off Software RAID Mode)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the nosw_raid command disables software RAID mode on the specified device and restores the SAM-QFS default.

Command Synopsis

:nosw_raid family-set-equipment-number


The following example disables software-RAID mode for family set device 100:

Mass storage status                  samu                   version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state  ord   capacity     free     ra  part high low
ma  100 m----2---r-  1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm 110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr 120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr 150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:nosw_raid 100

notrace (Disable File System Tracing)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the notrace command disables tracing for the corresponding file system.

The default is trace (enabled).

For more information about file system tracing, see "trace (Enable File System Tracing)" and the defaults.conf man page.

Command Synopsis

trace family-set-equipment-number


The following example disables tracing for the file system on family set device 100:

File systems                          samu                   version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name          status       high  low  mountpoint server
ma  100  on     qfs1                 m----2--R-d   90%  70%  /qfs1
 mm  101  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  102  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  103  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  104  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: notrace 100

o (Display the Optical Disk Status Screen)

The o command opens the Optical disk status screen. The screen displays the status of all optical disk drives configured within the environment.

Command Synopsis



Ctrl-K (^k)

Select (manual, automated library, both, priority)

Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.


The following example shows the optical disc drive status display.

Optical disk status             samu                   version time date

ty  eq  status      act use  state  vsn
mo  35  --l---wo-r  1   29%  ready  OPD004

Field Descriptions

The following table shows the field descriptions for this display.


The ty field displays the SAM-QFS media type. Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The eq field displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of the optical disc drive.


The status field displays a ten-character string in which each character position represents the value of a different removable-media device attribute. Character positions are numbered starting from the left, position 1, and ending at the right, position 10. The following table defines the possible state codes for each position in the status string.

Position Value Meaning
1 s--------- A lowercase s in position 1 means that media is being scanned.
1 m--------- A lowercase m in position 1 means that the automated library is operational.
1 M--------- An uppercase M in position 1 means that the device is in maintenance mode.
2 -E-------- An uppercase E in position 2 means that the device encountered an unrecoverable error during scanning.
2 -a-------- A lowercase a in position 2 means that the device is in audit mode.
3 --l------- A lowercase l in position 3 means that media has a label.
3 --L------- An uppercase L in position 3 means that the media is being labeled
3 --N------- An uppercase N in position 3 means that the media is foreign (not part of the SAM-QFS archive).
4 ---I------ An uppercase I in position 4 means that the device is idle and not available for new connections. But operations already in progress are continuing until completion.
4 ---A------ An uppercase A in position 4 means that the device needs operator attention.
5 ----C----- An uppercase C in position 5 means that the device needs cleaning.
5 ----U----- An uppercase U in position 5 means that an unload has been requested.
6 -----R---- An uppercase R in position 6 means that the device is reserved.
7 ------w--- A lowercase w in position 7 means that a process is writing to the media.
8 -------o-- A lowercase o in position 8 means that the device is open.
9 --------P- An uppercase P in position 9 means that the device is positioning a tape volume.
9 --------F- For a tape library, an uppercase F in position 9 means that all storage slots are occupied.

For a drive, an uppercase F in position 9 means that the currently mounted removable media is full.

10 ---------R An uppercase R in position 10 means that the device is ready and the media is read-only.
10 ---------r A lowercase r in position 10 means that the device is spun up and ready.
10 ---------p A lowercase p in position 10 means that the device is present.
10 ---------W An uppercase W in position 10 means that the device is write protected.


The act field displays the activity count.


The use field displays the percentage of cartridge space used.


The state field displays the current operating state of the optical disc drive:

  • ready means that the device is on and media are loaded.

  • notrdy means that the device is on, but media are not loaded.

  • idle means that the device is completing operations that are already in progress but is not accepting new connections.

  • off The device is not available.

  • down means that the device is available for maintenance only.


The vsn field displays either the volume serial number assigned to the media volume or the keyword nolabel if the volume is not labeled.

off (Turn Off A Device)

The off command sets the device specified by a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number offline. All operations stop.

Command Synopsis

:off equipment-number


Device configuration:             samu                   version time date

ty  eq  state  device_name                           fs   family_set
sk  100 on     /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/SL8500_T10K_parms  100  libraryA
ti  101 on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                         100  libraryA
ti  102 on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                         100  libraryA
ti  103 on      /dev/rmt/2cbn                         100  libraryA
hy  104 on      historian                             104
command:off 103

The device state changes to off:

Device configuration:             samu                    version time date
ty   eq state   device_name                           fs   family_set
sk  100 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/SL8500_T10K_parms  100  libraryA
ti  101 on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                         100  libraryA
ti  102 on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                         100  libraryA
ti  103 off     /dev/rmt/2cbn                         100  libraryA
hy  104 on      historian                             104

on (Turn On A Device)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a device, the on command brings the device specified by a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number online.

Command Synopsis

:on equipment-number


Device configuration:             samu                   version time date

ty  eq  state  device_name                           fs   family_set
sk  100  on    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/SL8500_T10K_parms  100  libraryA
ti  101  on    /dev/rmt/0cbn                         100  libraryA
ti  102  on    /dev/rmt/1cbn                         100  libraryA
ti  103  off   /dev/rmt/2cbn                         100  libraryA
hy  104 on     historian                             104
command:on 103

The device state changes to on:

Device configuration:             samu                   version time date

ty  eq  state  device_name                           fs   family_set
sk  100  on    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/SL8500_T10K_parms  100  libraryA
ti  101  on    /dev/rmt/0cbn                         100  libraryA
ti  102  on    /dev/rmt/1cbn                         100  libraryA
ti  103  on    /dev/rmt/2cbn                         100  libraryA
hy  104 on     historian                             104

open (Open a Disk Storage Device for Reading)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk device, the open command opens the device for the read (Read Sectors On a Disk Storage Device) command.

Command Synopsis

:open equipment-number


The following example opens device 23:

File systems                  samu                    version time date
ty      eq   state  device_name     status      high low mountpoint server
ma      20      on  sam2            -----2---r-  80% 70% /sam/sam2
 mm      21      on  /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr      22      on  /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr      23      on  /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:open 23

The screen switches to displaying disk sectors, starting at sector 0:

Sector:   00000000 (0)    raw       samu                   version time date
00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000010  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000020  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000030  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000040  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000050  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000060  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000070  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................

p (Display the Removable Media Load Requests Screen)

The p command opens the Removable media load requests screen. The screen displays information about pending load requests for removable media. Four different screen formats are available:

  • Both manual and automated library requests sorted by user

  • Both manual and automated library requests sorted by priority.

  • Manual requests only

  • Automated library requests only.

When issued without a parameter, the p command displays load requests for all media. When the command is issued with a SAM-QFS media-type identifier, the command displays load requests for the specified media type only. Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.

Command Synopsis

:p mediatype


You can use the following control keys on this screen:

Ctrl-K (^k)

Toggle between the different display formats.

Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.


The following example shows the removable media load requests display.

Removable media load requests all both    samu                 version time date
  count: 1

index type pid    user     rb   flags    wait count vsn
    0 li   15533  root     150  W--f---  0:00       VOL002

Field Descriptions


The index field displays the corresponding request's position in the preview table.


The type field displays the media type code assigned to the removable media.


The pid field displays the UNIX process identifier. A process identifier of 1 indicates NFS access.


The user field displays the name assigned to the user requesting the load.


The priority field displays the degree to which the request may take precedence over other requests.


The rb field displays the user-assigned equipment ordinal number of the automated library in which the requested VSN resides.


The flags field displays a seven-character strings in which each character position represents the value of a property of the request. Character positions are numbered starting from the left, position 1, and ending at the right, position 7. The following table defines the possible flag codes for each position in the status string.

Position Flag Meaning
1 W------ An uppercase W in position 1 means that write access has been requested.
2 -b----- A lowercase b in position 2 means that the request is busy.
3 --C---- An uppercase C in position 3 means that the request for the VSN has been cleared.
4 ---f--- A lowercase f in position 4 means that file-system access has been requested.
5 ----N-- An uppercase N in position 5 means that the requested media is foreign to the SAM-QFS file system.
6 -----S- An uppercase S in position 6 means that the flip side of a two-sided optical-media volume is mounted.
7 ------s A lowercase s in position 7 means that a file is to be staged from removable media to the file system.


The wait field displays the elapsed time since the mount request was received.


The count field displays the number of requests for this VSN, if a file is being staged.


The vsn field displays the volume serial name of the removable media volume.

partial (Set the Default Partial Release Size for the File System)

When issued with a SAM-QFS family-set equipment ordinal number and a number of kilobytes, the partial command sets the default number of bytes from the start of a file that can be retained in disk cache when the file is released.

A large file that has been designated for partial release can open more quickly when restaged from archival media because the beginning of the file is already on disk when staging begins. Users can override the default on a file-by-file basis by specifying a size when marking a file for partial release. For further information, see maxpartial (Set the Maximum Partial Release Size for the File System), partial_stage (Set Partial Stage-Ahead Point for the File System), and the release man page.

The specified kilobyte value must be an integer in the range [8-maximumpartial], where maximumpartial is the value set by the maxpartial command. The default is 16 kilobytes.

Command Synopsis

:partial equipment-number number_of_kilobytes


The following example configures disk family-set device 20 to retain 256 kilobytes on disk for each file designated for partial release:

File systems                          samu                    version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam2
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:partial 20 256

partial_stage (Set Partial Stage-Ahead Point for the File System)

When issued with a SAM-QFS family-set equipment ordinal number and a number of kilobytes, the partial_stage command defines a file offset beyond which a file designated for partial release is staged to disk in its entirety rather than in part.

Partially staging a large file can give users access to data more quickly because the file can open before it is fully staged from archival media to the disk cache. But, once enough data is in cache to start opening the file, there is no further advantage to partial staging. For further information, see maxpartial (Set the Maximum Partial Release Size for the File System), partial (Set the Default Partial Release Size for the File System), and the release man page.

The specified kilobyte value must be an integer in the range [8-maximumpartial], where maximumpartial is the value set by the maxpartial command. The default is the value set by the partial command.

Command Synopsis

:partial_stage equipment-number number_of_kilobytes


The following example sets the partial stage-ahead point for disk family-set device 20 to 5124 kilobytes (5 megabytes):

File systems                   samu                   version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20 on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam2
 mm 21 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr 22 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr 23 on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:partial_stage 20 5124

priority (Set Priority in Load-Request Preview Queue)

When issued with the process identifier (pid) of a load request and an integer value, the priority command moves the load request to the specified position in the list of waiting jobs. Specify the pid for one of the load requests listed by the p (Display the Removable Media Load Requests Screen) command. Specify the desired priority as an integer, with 0 (zero) being first in line (the highest priority).

Command Synopsis

:priority pid priority


The following example gives the load request with pid 17708 (for volume VOL202) a priority of 0:

Removable media load requests all both   samu                 version time date
                                                           count: 4
index  type pid    user  rb   flags     wait count  vsn
    0  li   13850  root  900  W--f---   0:42        VOL002
    1  li   15533  root  900  ---f---   0:28        VOL001
    2  li   17708  root  900  ---f---   0:28        VOL202
    3  li   19937  root  900  ---f---   0:05        VOL015
command:priority 17708 0

With its new priority, pid 17708 moves from third in the queue (index 2) to first (index 0):

index  type pid    user  rb   flags     wait count  vsn
    0  li   17708  root  900  ---f---   0:28        VOL202
    1  li  15533   root  900  ---f---   0:28        VOL001
    2  li   15533  root  900  ---f---   0:28        VOL001
    3  li   19937  root  900  ---f---   0:05        VOL015

qwrite (Enable Simultaneous Reads/Writes to a File from Different Threads)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the qwrite command enables simultaneous read and write operations to a single file from different threads.

In databases and other applications that handle multiple simultaneous transactions to the same file, simultaneous reads and writes improve I/O performance by queuing multiple requests at the drive level.

The default is noqwrite (Disable Simultaneous Reads/Writes from Different Threads).

Command Synopsis

:qwrite family-set-equipment-number


The following example enables simultaneous read and write operations to a single file on family set device 100:

File systems                     samu                   version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name           status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  100  on     qfs1                  m----2----d   90% 70%   /qfs1
 mm  101  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  102  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  103  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  104  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: qwrite 100

r (Display the Removable Media Status Screen

The r command opens the Removable media status screen. The screen displays the activity on removable media devices such as tape drives. You can monitor either a specific type of device or a family of devices such as all tape devices.

When issued without a parameter, the r command displays the status for all removable media devices. When the command is issued with a SAM-QFS media type identifier, the command displays the status of the specified media type only. Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.

Command Synopsis

:r mediatype


The following example shows the removable media status display.

Removable media status: all         samu                   version time date

ty  eq  status     act use state  vsn
li  150 --l------r   0 63% ready  VOL004

Field Descriptions

The following table shows the field descriptions for this display.


The ty field displays SAM-QFS media type. Device-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The eq field displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of the mass storage device.


The status field displays a ten-character string in which each character position represents the value of a different removable-media device attribute. Character positions are numbered starting from the left, position 1, and ending at the right, position 10. The following table defines the possible state codes for each position in the status string.

Position Value Meaning
1 s--------- A lowercase s in position 1 means that media is being scanned.
1 m--------- A lowercase m in position 1 means that the automated library is operational.
1 M--------- An uppercase M in position 1 means that the device is in maintenance mode.
2 -E-------- An uppercase E in position 2 means that the device encountered an unrecoverable error during scanning.
2 -a-------- A lowercase a in position 2 means that the device is in audit mode.
3 --l------- A lowercase l in position 3 means that media has a label.
3 --L------- An uppercase L in position 3 means that the media is being labeled
3 --N------- An uppercase N in position 3 means that the media is foreign (not part of the SAM-QFS archive).
4 ---I------ An uppercase I in position 4 means that the device is idle and not available for new connections. But operations already in progress are continuing until completion.
4 ---A------ An uppercase A in position 4 means that the device needs operator attention.
5 ----C----- An uppercase C in position 5 means that the device needs cleaning.
5 ----U----- An uppercase U in position 5 means that an unload has been requested.
6 -----R---- An uppercase R in position 6 means that the device is reserved.
7 ------w--- A lowercase w in position 7 means that a process is writing to the media.
8 -------o-- A lowercase o in position 8 means that the device is open.
9 --------P- An uppercase P in position 9 means that the device is positioning a tape volume.
9 --------F- For a tape library, an uppercase F in position 9 means that all storage slots are occupied.

For a drive, an uppercase F in position 9 means that the currently mounted removable media is full.

10 ---------R An uppercase R in position 10 means that the device is ready and the media is read-only.
10 ---------r A lowercase r in position 10 means that the device is spun up and ready.
10 ---------p A lowercase p in position 10 means that the device is present.
10 ---------W An uppercase W in position 10 means that the device is write protected.

rdlease (Set the Read Lease Time for a Shared File System)

Before reading a shared file, a host must request and obtain an read lease that grants it exclusive access to the file. The rdlease command defines the number of seconds during which this lease remains valid on the specified device. If the specified time runs out before the read operation is complete, the host must reacquire the lease before proceeding.

The specified number of seconds must fall in the range [15-600]. The default is 30 seconds.

For related information, see aplease (Set Append Lease Expiration Time for a Shared File System), wrlease (Set the Write Lease Time for a Shared File System), and lease_timeo (Set the Unused Lease Timeout for a Shared File System).

Command Synopsis

:rdlease family-set-equipment-number interval_in_seconds


The following example sets the read lease time to 2 minutes (120 seconds) on family set device 800:

File systems                      samu                    version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name           status      high low mountpoint server
ma  800  on     shareqfs1             m----2c--r-  80% 70% /shareqfs1 
 mm  801  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
 mr  802  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma  810  on     shareqfs2            m----2c--r-   80% 70% /shareqfs2 
 mm  811  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
 mr  812  on     /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:rdlease 800 120

read (Read Sectors On a Disk Storage Device)

When issued with a hexadecimal sector address on a previously opened disk device, the read command displays disk sectors starting at the specified address.

See also open (Open a Disk Storage Device for Reading).

Command Synopsis

:read hexadecimal-address 


The following example reads device 23 starting at sector 1f4 (500):

Sector:   00000000 (0)        raw       samu       version time date
00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000010  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000020  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000030  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000040  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000050  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000060  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000070  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
command:read 1f4

The screen displaying disk sectors starting at sector 1f4:

Sector:   000001f4 (500)      raw      samu       version time date
00000000  0a01c1c1 e39ce073 8e00e319 39e80195  ..AAc.`s..c.9h..
00000010  a40cd199 bfd5285f ba1509f9 41c03820  $.Q.?U(_:..yA@8
00000020  90780583 7f78825b 9fa0a58b 4a519c5d  .x...x.[. %.JQ.]
00000030  d2774afa bb256497 569bd2fb b775ddf2  RwJz;%d.V.R{7u]r
00000040  ba5cd1b7 2a56d93d 6e9dafab ba8b5e56  :\Q7*VY=n./+:.^V
00000050  d5686a5b 334d1f96 70060ec1 b46483c8  Uhj[3M..p..A4d.H
00000060  190339e7 3ce3e5e7 a702ff00 9394528c  ..9g<ceg'.....R.
00000070  4c9f3990 6dc05c1e b907e6dd 918e14e4  L.9.m@\.9.f]...d

readahead (Set The Maximum Read-Ahead Parameter)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the readahead command specifies the minimum number of contiguous bytes that the device should read into memory. When correctly configured, read-ahead improves file-system performance by reducing disk I/O and making larger, contiguous blocks of information immediately available in memory.

Specify a read-ahead value in the range [1-8192] kilobytes. The default is 1024 kilobytes (1 megabyte).

You can also set a readahead directive in the samfs.cmd file. See the samfs.cmd man page for details.

Command Synopsis

:readahead family-set-equipment-number number_kilobytes 


The following example sets the read-ahead value for family set device 100 to 1 megabyte (1024 kilobytes):

Mass storage status                 samu                   version time date
ty  eq   status       use  state  ord   capacity     free   ra    part high low
ma  100  m----2---r-  1%   on             7.270T     7.270T 128K  16    80% 70%
 mm  110               1%   on      0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr  120               1%   on      1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  130               1%   on      2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  140               1%   on      3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  150               1%   on      4     1.817T     1.817T
command:readahead 100 1024 

The read-ahead value changes to 1 megabyte.

Mass storage status                 samu                   version time date
ty  eq   status       use  state  ord   capacity     free     ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r-  1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm  110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr  120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T

readonly | ro (Make Device Read Only)

The readonly or ro command applies the read-only attribute to the device specified by a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number.

Command Synopsis

:readonly device-equipment-number  
:ro device-equipment-number 


The following example makes device 12 read-only:

Mass storage status                samu                version time date

ty      eq  status        use state  ord  capacity      free    ra  part high low
ma      10  m----2---r-    1% on            7.270T    7.270T    1M    16  80% 70%
 mm      11                1% on       0  465.253G  465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr      12                1% on       1    1.817T    1.817T
 mr      13                1% on       2    1.817T    1.817T
 mr      14                1% on       3    1.817T    1.817T
 mr      15                1% on       4    1.817T    1.817T
command:readonly 12

refresh (Set the Automatic Refresh Interval for the samu Display)

When issued with a number of seconds, the refresh command configures samu to refresh screens after the specified number of seconds has passed.

Command Synopsis

:refresh interval_in_seconds


The following example configures samu to refresh the display every 20 seconds:

File systems                       samu                   version time date
ty  eq   state device_name          status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  900  on    qfs1                 m----2--R-d   90%  70%  /qfs1
 mm  901  on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  902  on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  903  on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  904  on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: refresh 20

refresh_at_eof (Refresh at EOF in a Multi-Reader File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device that is mounted read-only in a single-writer/multi-reader file system, the refresh_at_eof command forces an update of the file size attribute whenever the read buffer exceeds the end of file. See norefresh_at_eof (Do Not Refresh at EOF in a Multi-Reader File System).

Command Synopsis

:refresh_at_eof family-set-equipment-number interval_in_seconds


The following example enables automatic refresh of the file size attribute on family set device 900:

File systems                          samu                    version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name           status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  900  on     qfs1                  m----2--R-d   90%  70%  /qfs1
 mm  901  on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  902  on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  903  on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  904  on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: refresh_at_eof 900

release (Release Archived Data Files and Disable Allocation on a Device)

When issued with a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number, the release command releases all archived files that are stored on the device, including any space associated with files otherwise designated for partial release, and turns the specified device off.

The release command sets the specified device to the noalloc (Disable Storage Allocation on a Device) state and has the sam-fsd daemon run a sub-process, sam-shrink. The sam-shrink process places all archived files that reside on the specified device in the offline state, so that the data are available from archival media only. When the process completes successfully, the specified device is left in the off state. If the process encounters any unarchived files or files that are in the process of being archived or staged back from archive to disk, the process fails and the specified equipment remains in the noalloc state.

The release process can take a significant amount of time. Monitor its progress via samu and/or via the /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-shrink file and the log file configured in /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/shrink.cmd (if any).

Note that both remove (Move Data and Remove Equipment from a File System) and release shrink a file system by taking disk devices from a family set without losing data. They differ because the remove command has to consolidate files on the remaining disk devices in the set before freeing the specified device. The release command does not: in an archiving file system, all data is already duplicated on removable media. See add (Add Equipment to a Mounted File System), remove (Move Data and Remove Equipment from a File System), and the sam-shrink man page for related information.

Command Synopsis

:release equipment-number


The following example, releases all files on disk slice /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s8 and shrinks family set samfs4:

File systems                          samu                    version time date
ty  eq  state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20  on      samfs4        -----2---r-   80%    70%
 mm  21  on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s6
 md  22  on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s7
 md  23  on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s8
command:release 23

The device state changes to noalloc:

 md 23 noalloc /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s8

Finally, when the process completes successfully, the device state changes to off:

 md 23 off     /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s8

remove (Move Data and Remove Equipment from a File System)

When issued with a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number, the remove command moves data from the specified device to the remaining devices in the file system and then turns the specified device off.

The remove command sets the specified device to the noalloc (Disable Storage Allocation on a Device) state and has the sam-fsd daemon run a sub-process, sam-shrink, to carry out the actual work. The sam-shrink process moves data from the specified equipment to the file system's other, on storage devices (if the specified equipment is a stripe group, there has to be another stripe group with the same number of devices). When the process completes successfully, the specified device is left in the off state. If data could not be moved for any reason, the equipment is not removed and remains in the noalloc state.

The removal process can take a significant amount of time. Monitor its progress via samu and/or via the /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-shrink file and the log file configured in /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/shrink.cmd (if any).

Note that both release (Release Archived Data Files and Disable Allocation on a Device) and remove shrink a file system by taking disk devices from a family set without losing data. They differ because the remove command has to consolidate files on the remaining disk devices in the set before freeing the specified device. The release command does not: in an archiving file system, all data is already duplicated on removable media. See add (Add Equipment to a Mounted File System), and the sam-shrink man page for related information.

Command Synopsis

:remove equipment-number


The following example moves all files from disk slice /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3 and shrinks family set qfs1:

File systems                          samu                   version time date
ty  eq state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  10 on      qfs1          -----2---r-   80%    70%
 mm  11 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s0
 md  12 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s1
 md  13 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3
command:remove 13

The device state changes to noalloc:

 md 13 noalloc /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3

Finally, when the process completes successfully, the device state changes to off:

 md 13 off      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3

s (Display Device Status Screen)

The s command opens the Device status screen. The screen displays the status for all devices configured within the environment.

Command Synopsis



You can use the following control keys on this screen:

Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.


The following example shows the device status display.

Device status                    samu                    version time date

ty  eq    state  device_name                     fs  status
sk  100   on     /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/dcstkconf    100 m--------r 
        stk_dismount / (2275) 0, volser VOL073
sg  120   on     /dev/rmt/2cbn                   100 ---------p
sg  130   on     /dev/rmt/5cbn                   100 --l----o-r  
        Ready for data transfer
sg  140   on     /dev/rmt/6cbn                   100 ---------p
sg  150   on     /dev/rmt/4cbn                   100 ---------p
hy  151   on     historian                       151 ----------

Field Descriptions


The ty field displays SAM-QFS media type. Device-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The eq displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of the mass storage device.


The state field displays the current operating state of the device.


The device_name field displays the path to the device. For file system devices, this is the file system name.


The fs field displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment number of the family set to which the device belongs.


The status field displays a ten-character string in which each character position represents the value of a different removable-media device attribute. Character positions are numbered starting from the left, position 1, and ending at the right, position 10. The following table defines the possible state codes for each position in the status string.

Position Value Meaning
1 s--------- A lowercase s in position 1 means that media is being scanned.
1 m--------- A lowercase m in position 1 means that the automated library is operational.
1 M--------- An uppercase M in position 1 means that the device is in maintenance mode.
2 -E-------- An uppercase E in position 2 means that the device encountered an unrecoverable error during scanning.
2 -a-------- A lowercase a in position 2 means that the device is in audit mode.
3 --l------- A lowercase l in position 3 means that media has a label.
3 --L------- An uppercase L in position 3 means that the media is being labeled
3 --N------- An uppercase N in position 3 means that the media is foreign (not part of the SAM-QFS archive).
4 ---I------ An uppercase I in position 4 means that the device is idle and not available for new connections. But operations already in progress are continuing until completion.
4 ---A------ An uppercase A in position 4 means that the device needs operator attention.
5 ----C----- An uppercase C in position 5 means that the device needs cleaning.
5 ----U----- An uppercase U in position 5 means that an unload has been requested.
6 -----R---- An uppercase R in position 6 means that the device is reserved.
7 ------w--- A lowercase w in position 7 means that a process is writing to the media.
8 -------o-- A lowercase o in position 8 means that the device is open.
9 --------P- An uppercase P in position 9 means that the device is positioning a tape volume.
9 --------F- For a tape library, an uppercase F in position 9 means that all storage slots are occupied.

For a drive, an uppercase F in position 9 means that the currently mounted removable media is full.

10 ---------R An uppercase R in position 10 means that the device is ready and the media is read-only.
10 ---------r A lowercase r in position 10 means that the device is spun up and ready.
10 ---------p A lowercase p in position 10 means that the device is present.
10 ---------W An uppercase W in position 10 means that the device is write protected.

snap (Save a Snapshot of the Current Screen to a File)

When issued with a file path and name, the snap command saves the current screen as a text file with the specified name.

Command Synopsis

:snap file-path-and-name


The following example saves a snap shot of the File systems screen to the file /export/home/samadmin/filsysscrn.txt:

File systems                          samu                    version time date
ty  eq  state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20  on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%
 mm  21  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr  22  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr  23  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:snap /export/home/samadmin/filsysscrn.txt

stage_flush_behind (Set the Stage Flush Behind Size)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device and a number of kilobytes, the stage_flush_behind command configures the corresponding file system to asynchronously write the specified number of kilobytes from dirty (modified) stage memory pages to disk.

As staged files are copied from archival media into memory, flush-behind insures that the staged data are quickly saved to the file system's non-volatile primary disk cache. Unsaved, dirty cache pages are kept to a minimum during staging, which helps to maintain the integrity of the file data.

On the other hand, flush-behind increases overhead and can reduce I/O performance. The process of flushing a data block may delay subsequent re-writes of that block. So flush-behind is disabled by default.

Set the specified value in the range [0-8192] kilobytes, where 0—the default—disables the flush-behind capability.

Command Synopsis

:stage_flush_behind equipment-number number_of_kilobytes


The following example sets the stage_flush_behind for disk family-set device 20 to 5124 kilobytes (5 megabytes):

File systems                          samu                    version time date
ty  eq  state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20  on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%
 mm  21  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr  22  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr  23  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:stage_flush_behind 20 5124

stage_n_window (Size the Buffer for Reading Directly from Archival Media)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device and a number of kilobytes, the stage_n_window command sets the buffer size that SAM-QFS uses when reading files from the corresponding file system that are configured to never automatically stage to disk. SAM-QFS reads such files directly from the archival media to memory in chunks of the specified number of kilobytes.

Specify a number of kilobytes in the range [64-2097152]. The default is 8192 kilobytes.

Command Synopsis

:stage_n_window family-set-equipment-number number_of_kilobytes


The following example sets the stage_n_window for disk family-set device 20 to 16384 kilobytes (16 megabytes):

File systems                          samu                    version time date
ty  eq  state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  20  on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%
 mm  21  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr  22  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr  23  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:stage_n_window 20 16384

stclear (Clear a Stage Request)

When entered with a SAM-QFS media-type identifier and the volume serial number (VSN) of a removable media cartridge, the stclear command removes the corresponding staging request from the staging queue. Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.

Command Synopsis

:stclear mediatype.volume-serial-number


In the example, stclear clears the staging request for the LTO (li) volume with VSN VOL001 from the staging queue:

Staging queue by media type: all       samu                    version time date

ty  length   fseq    ino    position   offset  vsn
li  451.611k   20    1030      207cc      473  VOL001
li  341.676k   20    1031      207cc      7fc  VOL002
li  419.861k   20    1032      207cc      aa9  VOL003
li  384.760k   20    1033      207cc      df2  VOL004
li  263.475k   20    1034      207cc     10f5  VOL005
li  452.901k   20    1035      207cc     1305  VOL006
li  404.598k   20    1036      207cc     1690  VOL007
command:stclear li.VOL001

The staging request for the LTO (li) volume VOL001 has been cleared:

Staging queue by media type: all       samu                    version time date

ty  length   fseq    ino    position   offset  vsn
li  341.676k   20    1031      207cc     7fc   VOL002
li  419.861k   20    1032      207cc     aa9   VOL003
li  384.760k   20    1033      207cc     df2   VOL004
li  263.475k   20    1034      207cc    10f5   VOL005
li  452.901k   20    1035      207cc    1305   VOL006
li  404.598k   20    1036      207cc    1690   VOL007

stidle (Stop Staging as Soon as Possible)

The stidle command idles the stager as soon as current staging operations are complete.

Command Synopsis



In the example, stidle idles staging:

Staging queue by media type: all       samu                    version time date

ty  length   fseq    ino    position   offset vsn
li  451.611k   20    1030      207cc      473 VOL001
li  341.676k   20    1031      207cc      7fc VOL002
li  419.861k   20    1032      207cc      aa9 VOL003
li  384.760k   20    1033      207cc      df2 VOL004
li  263.475k   20    1034      207cc     10f5 VOL005
li  452.901k   20    1035      207cc     1305 VOL006
li  404.598k   20    1036      207cc     1690 VOL007

stripe (Set the Stripe Width for a File System)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device and a number of disk allocation units (DAUs), the stripe command configures the corresponding file system to write the specified number of DAUs to each logical unit number (LUN) that is available for data storage.

Specify a number of DAUs in the range [0-255], where a 0 (zero) value disables striping and writes DAUs to LUNs round-robin.

For file systems of the ms equipment type and file systems of the ma type that do not include striped group equipment (gXXX), the default value is 1 DAU with a minimum DAU size of 128 kilobytes. For shared file systems and for ma file systems that include striped groups, the default is 0.

The system also sets stripe width to 0 automatically if a file system contains mismatched striped groups.

For more information about file system types, see the mcf man page and mm_stripe (Set the Metadata Stripe Width).

Command Synopsis

:mm_stripe family-set-equipment-number number_DAUs


The following example changes data striping on family set device 10 to two DAUs:

File systems           samu                   version time date
ty  eq  state   device_name   status        high   low   mountpoint   server
ma  10  on      sam2          -----2---r-   80%    70%   /sam/sam2
 mm  11  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026B6F000001F0F4CCFF833d0s0
 mr  12  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E584000021864C4943AAd0s0
 mr  13  on      /dev/dsk/c0t600A0B800026E5840000218B4CBD9C4Ed0s0
command:stripe 20 2

strun (Start Staging)

The strun command starts the stager.

Command Synopsis



In the example, strun starts staging:

Staging queue by media type: all      samu                    version time date

ty  length   fseq    ino  position   offset  vsn
li  451.611k   20    1030    207cc      473  VOL001
li  341.676k   20    1031    207cc      7fc  VOL002
li  419.861k   20    1032    207cc      aa9  VOL003
li  384.760k   20    1033    207cc      df2  VOL004
li  263.475k   20    1034    207cc      10f5 VOL005
li  452.901k   20    1035    207cc      1305 VOL006
li  404.598k   20    1036    207cc      1690 VOL007

suid (Mount a File System with setuid Execution Enabled)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the suid command mounts the file system with the setuid attribute enabled. The setuid attribute (set user ID upon execution) lets file system users run executables with the temporarily elevated permissions that may be required when using the files.

See nosuid (Mount a File System with setuid Execution Disabled) and the mount man page for further information.

The default is suid, mount the file system with the setuid attribute enabled.

Command Synopsis

:suid family-set-equipment-number


The following example mounts the file system on family set device 100 with the setuid attribute enabled:

File systems                        samu                    version time date
ty  eq   state   device_name          status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  100  on      qfs1                 m----2----d   90% 70%   /qfs1
 mm  101  on      /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  102  on      /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  103  on      /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  104  on      /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: suid 100

sw_raid (Turn On Software RAID Mode)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the sw_raid command enables software RAID mode on the specified device.

Command Synopsis

:sw_raid family-set-equipment-number 


The following example enables software-RAID mode for family set device 100:

Mass storage status                   samu                    version time date
ty  eq   status       use  state  ord   capacity     free     ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r-  1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm  110              1%   on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr  120              1%   on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  130              1%   on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  140              1%   on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  150              1%   on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:sw_raid 100

sync_meta (Synchronize File System Metadata)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device and a Boolean value (0 for no or 1 for yes), the sync_meta command determines whether metadata is written to disk every time it changes. A 0 (no) value configures the file system to cache metadata changes in a buffer prior to writing. This reduces the amount of physical I/O, improves I/O efficiency, and thus improves overall performance. A 1 (yes) value configures SAM-QFS to write metadata changes to disk immediately. This sacrifices performance in order to maximize data consistency.

For SAM-QFS file systems that are neither shared nor mounted multi-reader, the default is 0. For shared and multi-reader file systems, the default is 1. If a shared file system is configured for failover, the value must be 1.

Command Synopsis

:sync_meta family-set-equipment-number 0|1


The following example configures the file system on family set device 100 to synchronize metadata for maximal data consistency:

File systems                     samu                    version time date
ty  eq  state   device_name      status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  100 on      qfs1             m----2----d   90% 70%   /qfs1
 mm  101 on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  102 on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  103 on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  104 on /    dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: sync_meta 100 1

The second example configures the file system on family set device 200 to cache metadata changes for best performance:

File systems                     samu                    version time date
ty  eq  state   device_name      status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  200  on qfs2                 m----2----d   90% 70%   /qfs2
 mm  201  on /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s3
 md  202  on /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s4
 md  203  on /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s3
 md  204  on /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s4
command: sync_meta 200 0

t (Display Tape Drive Status Screen)

The t command opens the Tape drive status screen. The screen displays status information for all tape drives configured within the environment.

Command Synopsis



You can use the following control keys on this screen:

Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.


The following example shows the tape drive status display.

Tape drive status                    samu                    version time date

ty eq  status     act use  state   vsn
sg 120 ---------p   0  0%  notrdy
sg 130 ---------p   0  0%  notrdy
sg 140 ---------p   0  0%  down
         drive set down due to ACS reported state
sg 150 --l------r   0 41%  ready   VOL014

Field Descriptions


The ty field displays SAM-QFS media type. Device-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The eq displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of the mass storage device.


The status field displays a ten-character string in which each character position represents the value of a different removable-media device attribute. Character positions are numbered starting from the left, position 1, and ending at the right, position 10. The following table defines the possible state codes for each position in the status string.

Position Value Meaning
1 s--------- A lowercase s in position 1 means that media is being scanned.
1 m--------- A lowercase m in position 1 means that the automated library is operational.
1 M--------- An uppercase M in position 1 means that the device is in maintenance mode.
2 -E-------- An uppercase E in position 2 means that the device encountered an unrecoverable error during scanning.
2 -a-------- A lowercase a in position 2 means that the device is in audit mode.
3 --l------- A lowercase l in position 3 means that media has a label.
3 --L------- An uppercase L in position 3 means that the media is being labeled
3 --N------- An uppercase N in position 3 means that the media is foreign (not part of the SAM-QFS archive).
4 ---I------ An uppercase I in position 4 means that the device is idle and not available for new connections. But operations already in progress are continuing until completion.
4 ---A------ An uppercase A in position 4 means that the device needs operator attention.
5 ----C----- An uppercase C in position 5 means that the device needs cleaning.
5 ----U----- An uppercase U in position 5 means that an unload has been requested.
6 -----R---- An uppercase R in position 6 means that the device is reserved.
7 ------w--- A lowercase w in position 7 means that a process is writing to the media.
8 -------o-- A lowercase o in position 8 means that the device is open.
9 --------P- An uppercase P in position 9 means that the device is positioning a tape volume.
9 --------F- For a tape library, an uppercase F in position 9 means that all storage slots are occupied.

For a drive, an uppercase F in position 9 means that the currently mounted removable media is full.

10 ---------R An uppercase R in position 10 means that the device is ready and the media is read-only.
10 ---------r A lowercase r in position 10 means that the device is spun up and ready.
10 ---------p A lowercase p in position 10 means that the device is present.
10 ---------W An uppercase W in position 10 means that the device is write protected.


The status field displays the activity count.


The use field displays the percentage of cartridge space used.


The state field displays the current operating state of the device. Valid device states include:

  • on means that the device is available.

  • ro means that the device is available read-only.

  • off means that the device is not available.

  • down means that the device is available for maintenance only.

  • idle means that the device is completing operations that are already in progress but is not accepting new connections.

  • noalloc means that no more storage can be allocated on this device. An administrator has run the noalloc eq command, where eq is the equipment ordinal number of the device. The noalloc state persists until an administrator issues an alloc eq command.


The vsn field displays the volume serial number assigned to a media volume, the keyword nolabel if a volume is not labeled, or a blank if a volume is not loaded or if the device is off.

thresh (Set High and Low Watermarks)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device and two percentages, the thresh (threshold) command defines the high and low water marks for the corresponding file system.

The high water mark is the percentage disk utilization where the SAM-QFS releaser process starts to delete archived (backed-up) files from disk in order to make space for new files. The low-water mark is the percentage of disk utilization where the SAM-QFS releaser has freed enough space for new files and stops deleting archived files from the disk. When properly configured, these two parameters insure that the largest possible number of files are kept available on disk while maintaining sufficient space for new and enlarged files, thus minimizing excessive staging activity and maximizing performance and capacity.

For each watermark, specify an integer value in the range [0-100]. A highs of 80% and a low of 70% is a typical setting.

Command Synopsis

:thresh family-set-equipment-number high% low%


The following example sets the high and low water marks to 80% and 70% percent for the sam1 file system on family set device 100:

File systems                         samu                    version time date
ty  eq    state device_name          status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  100   on    sam1                 m----2----d   90% 60%   /sam1
 mm  101   on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  102   on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  103   on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  104   on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: thresh 100 80 70
File systems                         samu                    version time date
ty  eq   state device_name      status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  100  on    sam1             m----2----d   80% 70%   /sam1
 mm  101  on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  102  on    /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  103  on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  104  on    /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1

trace (Enable File System Tracing)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the trace command enables tracing for the corresponding file system.

The default is trace (enabled).

For more information about file system tracing, see notrace (Disable File System Tracing) and the defaults.conf man page.

Command Synopsis

:trace family-set-equipment-number


The following example enables tracing for the file system on family set device 100:

File systems                         samu                    version time date
ty  eq   state  device_name           status       high low   mountpoint server
ma  100  on     qfs1                  m----2----d   90% 70%   /qfs1
 mm  101  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0
 md  102  on     /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1
 md  103  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md  104  on     /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
command: trace 100

u (Display Staging Queue Screen)

The u command opens the Staging queue screen. The screen lists all files in the staging queue.

When issued without a parameter, the u command displays the staging queue for all media. When the command is issued with a SAM-QFS media-type identifier, the command displays the staging queue for the specified media type only. Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.

Command Synopsis

:u mediatype


You can use the following control keys on this screen:

Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.

Ctrl-K (^k)

Display the path on the second line of each entry


The following example shows the staging queue display.

Staging queue by media type: all        samu                    version time date

ty  length   fseq    ino  position offset  vsn
li  451.611k   20    1030    207cc    473  VOL001
li  341.676k   20    1031    207cc    7fc  VOL002
li  419.861k   20    1032    207cc    aa9  VOL003
li  384.760k   20    1033    207cc    df2  VOL004
li  263.475k   20    1034    207cc   10f5  VOL005
li  452.901k   20    1035    207cc   1305  VOL006
li  404.598k   20    1036    207cc   1690  VOL007

Field Descriptions


The ty field displays the SAM-QFS device type. Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The length field displays the length of the file in kilobytes.


The fseq field displays the file system's user-assigned equipment ordinal number


The ino field displays the inode number of the file that is being staged.


The position field displays the location of the archive file on the specified media volume.


The offset field displays the position of the file that is being staged relative to the start of the archive file.


The vsn field displays the volume serial number assigned to the media volume, the keyword nolabel if the volume is not labeled, or a blank if a volume is not loaded or if the volume is loaded into a device that is off.

unavail (Make a Device Unavailable to SAM-QFS)

The unavail command keeps SAM-QFS from using the device specified by a given SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number.

The command is useful when you want to reserve a drive for other uses, such as loading media for file-system restores during disaster recovery.

Command Synopsis

:unavail  equipment-number


Device configuration:                samu                     version time date
ty  eq   state   device_name                            fs   family_set
sk  100  on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/SL8500_T10K_parms   100   libraryA
 ti  101  on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                          100   libraryA
 ti  102  on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                          100   libraryA
 ti  103  on      /dev/rmt/2cbn                          100   libraryA
hy  104 on      historian                               104
command:unavail 103

The device state changes to unavail:

Device configuration:                samu                     version time date
ty  eq   state   device_name                            fs   family_set
sk  100  on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/SL8500_T10K_parms   100   libraryA
 ti  101  on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                          100   libraryA
 ti  102  on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                          100   libraryA
 ti  103  unavail /dev/rmt/2cbn                          100   libraryA
hy  104  on      historian                             104

unload (Unload a Drive)

The unload command unloads media mounted on the device specified by a SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number. If the device has magazines, the command unloads the mounted cartridge and ejects the magazine. See load (Load a Cartridge into a Drive).

Command Synopsis

:unload equipment-number


Device status                     samu                     version time date

ty  eq    state  device_name                 fs  status   
sn  100   on   /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/dcstkconf  100 m--------r 
li  101   on   /dev/rmt/2cbn                 100 ---------p
li  102   on   /dev/rmt/5cbn                 100 ---------p 
li  103   on   /dev/rmt/6cbn                 100 --l------r
li  104   on   /dev/rmt/4cbn                 100 ---------p
hy  151   on   historian                     151 ----------
command:unload 103

v (Display Robot VSN Catalog Screen)

The v command opens the Robot VSN catalog screen. The screen lists catalog information for all media volumes stored in a given automated library.

When issued without a parameter, the v command displays the catalogs for all libraries. When the command is issued with a user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number, the command displays the volume catalog for the specified device only.

Command Synopsis

:v equipment-number
:v historian


Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down to the next catalog.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up to the previous catalog.

Ctrl-I (^i)

Display detailed information, two lines per entry. Press Ctrl-I once to display times and barcodes. Press Ctrl-I a second time to display volume reservations on the second line.


Sort entries by library slot.


Sort entries by count.


Sort entries by percent used.


Sort entries by Volume Serial Number (VSN).


Sort entries by access time.


Sort entries by barcode.


Sort entries by label time.

Ctrl-K (^k)

Toggle between the sorting methods enumerated above.


Search for a specified Volume Serial Number (VSN) and, if found, display the corresponding record at the top of the list.


Search for a specified barcode and, if found, display the corresponding record at the top of the list.


Search for a specified slot number and, if found, display the corresponding record at the top of the list.


The following example shows the automated library catalog display sorted by slot:

Robot VSN catalog by slot   : eq 900  samu                     version time date
                                                            count 32            
slot         access time count  use  flags         ty vsn 
   0     2013/07/02 12:53    3  96%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL001
   1     2013/07/02 12:53    2  98%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL002
   2     2013/07/02 12:52    1  86%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL003
   3     2013/07/02 12:52    1  95%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL004
   4     2013/07/02 12:51    1  79%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL005
   5     2013/07/02 12:45    0  14%  -ilEo-b----f  li VOL006 MEDIA ERROR
   6     2013/07/02 12:46    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL007
   7     2013/07/02 12:46    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL008           
   8     2013/07/02 12:47    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL009         
   9     2013/07/02 12:47    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL010
  10     2013/07/02 12:48    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL011
  11     2013/07/02 12:48    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL012
  12     2013/07/02 12:48    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL013
  13     2013/07/02 12:49    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL014
  14     2013/07/02 12:49    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL015
  15     2013/07/02 12:50    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL016
  16     2013/07/02 12:50    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL017
  17     2013/07/02 12:51    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL018
  18     2013/07/02 12:51    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL019
  19     none               50   0%  -il-oCb-----  li CLN020

The next example shows the same screen sorted by the percentage of each volume that has been used:

Robot VSN catalog by % used  : eq 900   samu                     version time date
                                                            count 32
slot         access time count  use  flags         ty vsn
   1     2013/07/02 12:53    2  98%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL002
   0     2013/07/02 12:53    3  96%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL001
   3     2013/07/02 12:52    1  95%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL004 
   2     2013/07/02 12:52    1  86%  -il-o-b----f  li VOL003
   4     2013/07/02 12:51    1  79%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL005
   5     2013/07/02 12:45    0  14%  -ilEo-b----f  li VOL006 MEDIA ERROR           
  12     2013/07/02 12:48    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL013
  13     2013/07/02 12:49    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL014
  14     2013/07/02 12:49    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL015
  15     2013/07/02 12:50    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL016
  16     2013/07/02 12:50    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL017
  17     2013/07/02 12:51    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL018
  19     none               50   0%  -il-oCb-----  li CLN020
   6     2013/07/02 12:46    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL007
   7     2013/07/02 12:46    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL008
   8     2013/07/02 12:47    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL009
   9     2013/07/02 12:47    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL010
  10     2013/07/02 12:48    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL011
  11     2013/07/02 12:48    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL012
  18     2013/07/02 12:51    0   0%  -il-o-b-----  li VOL019

Field Descriptions


The ty field displays SAM-QFS media type. Device-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The eq displays the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of the mass storage device.


The count field displays the number of accesses to this volume since the last audit operation.


The slot field displays the slot number that identifies a storage cell in a robotic library.

access time

The access time field displays the date and time when the volume was last accessed.


The use field displays the percentage of cartridge space used.


The flags field displays a twelve-character string in which each character position represents an attribute of the catalog entry. Character positions are numbered starting from the left, position 1, and ending at the right, position 12. In some cases, more than one flag can occur in a field, and one flag overrides the other.

The following table defines the possible flag codes for each position in the string:

Position Flag Meaning
1 A----------- An uppercase A in position 1 means that the volume in the corresponding library slot needs an audit.
2 -i---------- A lowercase i in position 2 means that the corresponding library slot is in use.
3 --l--------- A lowercase l in position 3 means that the volume in the corresponding library slot is labeled.
3 --N--------- An uppercase N in position 3 means that the volume in the corresponding library slot is unlabeled or foreign to the SAM-QFS file system.
4 ---E-------- An uppercase E in position 4 means that there was a media error when accessing the corresponding volume.
5 ----o------- A lowercase o in position 5 means that the corresponding library slot is occupied by a volume.
6 -----C------ An uppercase C in position 6 means that the corresponding library slot is occupied by a cleaning tape.
6 -----p------ A lowercase p in position 6 means that the corresponding library slot is occupied by a priority volume.
7 ------b----- A lowercase b in position 7 means that the volume in the corresponding library slot has a barcode.
8 -------W---- An uppercase W in position 8 means that the volume in the corresponding library slot is write-protected by a physical switch on the cartridge.
9 --------R--- An uppercase R in position 9 means that the volume in the corresponding library slot is logically read-only.
10 ---------c-- A lowercase c in position 10 means that the volume in the corresponding library slot has been selected for recycling.
11 ----------d- A lowercase d in position 11 means that the volume in the corresponding library slot has a duplicate volume serial number.
11 ----------U- An uppercase U in position 11 means that the volume that should reside in the corresponding library slot is unavailable.
12 -----------f A lowercase f in position 11 means that the archiver found the volume in the corresponding library slot full.
12 -----------X An uppercase X in position 11 means that the corresponding library slot is an export slot.


The vsn field displays the volume serial number assigned to the media, the keyword nolabel if the volume is not labeled, or a blank if a volume is not loaded or if the device is off.


The LVTime field displays the date and time when the entire tape was last verified.


The LVPos field displays the position where the last verification was canceled.

w (Display the Pending Stage Queue Screen)

The w command opens the Pending stage queue screen. The screen displays requests for files that are not currently available on disk and must be staged from removable media volumes that are not currently loaded.

When issued without a parameter, the w command displays queued stage requests for all media types. When the command is issued with a SAM-QFS media-type identifier, the command displays the pending stage requests for the specified media type only. Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.

Command Synopsis

:w mediatype


You can use the following control keys on this screen:

Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.

Ctrl-K (^k)

Display the path on the second line of each entry


The following example shows the pending stage queue screen for all media types. Thirteen requested files reside on one volume that is waiting to load:

Pending stage queue by media type: all   samu                   version time date
                                                    volumes 1 files 13
ty    length fseq ino position offset  vsn
li    1.383M    1  42    3a786   271b  VOL002
li    1.479M    1  56    3a786   5139  VOL002
li 1018.406k    1  60    3a786   6550  VOL002
li    1.VOLM    1  65    3a786   7475  VOL002
li    1.528M    1  80    3a786   99be  VOL002
li    1.763M    1  92    3a786   ce57  VOL002
li    1.749M    1 123    3a786   11ece VOL002
li  556.559k    1 157    3a786   1532f VOL002
li  658.970k    1 186    3a786   17705 VOL002
li  863.380k    1 251    3a786   1dd58 VOL002
li    1.268M    1 281    3a786   1f2b7 VOL002
li    1.797M    1 324    3a786   23dfa VOL002
li    1.144M    1 401    3a786   2bb6d VOL002

Field Descriptions


The ty field displays the SAM-QFS device type. Media-type identifiers are listed in Appendix A and on the mcf man page.


The length field displays the length of the file in kilobytes.


The fseq field displays the file system's user-assigned equipment ordinal number


The ino field displays the inode number of the requested data file.


The position field displays the location on the media where the required archive file starts.


The offset field displays the starting location of the requested data file relative to the archive file position.


The vsn field displays the volume serial number assigned to the media, the keyword nolabel if the volume is not labeled, or a blank if a volume is not loaded or if the device is off.

wr_throttle (Set the Maximum Size of Outstanding Writes)

The wr_throttle command limits the amount of data that any one file can keep in memory before writing to the SAM-QFS disk family-set device specified by a supplied equipment ordinal number. Throttling keeps outstanding writes from consuming excessive memory.

The default data amount is 5% of the system memory, expressed in kilobytes.

:wr_throttle eq value

For eq, specify the user-assigned SAM-QFS equipment number for a file system.

For value, specify an integer number of kilobytes. If value=0, there is no limit.

Command Synopsis

:wr_throttle family-set-equipment-number number_kilobytes


The following example sets the wr_throttle value for family set device 100 to 838656 kilobytes (819 megabytes), which is 5% of the 16 gigabytes of memory available on the host system:

Mass storage status                   samu                     version time date
ty  eq   status      use  state  ord   capacity     free     ra  part high low
ma  100  m----2---r-  1%  on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm  110              1%  on       0   465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr  120              1%  on       1     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  130              1%  on       2     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  140              1%  on       3     1.817T     1.817T
 mr  150              1%  on       4     1.817T     1.817T
command:wr_throttle 100 838656

writebehind (Set the Write-Behind Parameter)

When issued with the SAM-QFS equipment ordinal number of a disk family-set device, the writebehind command specifies the maximum number of bytes that the device should cache in memory before writing data to disk. When correctly configured, write-behind improves file-system performance by writing information in larger, contiguous blocks.

Specify a write-behind value in the range [1-8192] kilobytes. The default is 512 kilobytes.

You can also set a writebehind directive in the samfs.cmd file. See the samfs.cmd man page for details.

Command Synopsis

:writebehind family-set-equipment-number number_kilobytes


The following example sets the write-behind value for family set device 100 to 1024 kilobytes (1 megabyte):

Mass storage status                   samu                     version time date
ty  eq  status       use  state   ord  capacity       free   ra  part high low
ma  100 m----2---r-  1%   on             7.270T     7.270T   1M  16    80% 70%
 mm  110              1%   on       0  465.253G   465.231G [975661056 inodes]
 mr  120              1%   on       1    1.817T     1.817T
 mr  130              1%   on       2    1.817T     1.817T
 mr  140              1%   on       3    1.817T     1.817T
 mr  150              1%   on       4    1.817T     1.817T
command:writebehind 100 1024

wrlease (Set the Write Lease Time for a Shared File System)

Before writing data to a shared file, a host must request and obtain an write lease that grants it exclusive access to the file. The wrlease command defines the number of seconds during which this lease remains valid on the specified device. If the specified time runs out before the write operation is complete, the host must reacquire the lease before proceeding.

The specified number of seconds must fall in the range [15-600]. The default is 30 seconds.

For related information, see aplease (Set Append Lease Expiration Time for a Shared File System), rdlease (Set the Read Lease Time for a Shared File System), and lease_timeo (Set the Unused Lease Timeout for a Shared File System).

Command Synopsis

:wrlease family-set-equipment-number interval_in_seconds


The following example sets the write lease time to 2 minutes (120 seconds) on family set device 800:

File systems                          samu                     version time date
ty    eq  state device_name           status      high low mountpoint server
ma    800 on    shareqfs1             m----2c--r-  80% 70% /shareqfs1  
 mm    801 on    /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
 mr    802 on    /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma    810 on    shareqfs2             m----2c--r-  80% 70% /shareqfs2  
 mm    811 on    /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
 mr    812 on    /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7
command:wrlease 800 120