Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13945-06
Interface WindowsNTAuthenticatorMBean

All Superinterfaces:
AuthenticationProviderMBean, AuthenticatorMBean, GroupReaderMBean, ListerMBean, MemberGroupListerMBean, NameListerMBean, ProviderMBean, UserReaderMBean

public interface WindowsNTAuthenticatorMBean
extends AuthenticatorMBean, UserReaderMBean, GroupReaderMBean, MemberGroupListerMBean

This MBean contains configuration information for the Windows NT Authetication Provider

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

This is a type-safe interface for a WebLogic Server MBean, which you can import into your client classes and access through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, client classes that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime.

Method Summary
 String getBadDomainControllerRetry()
          Determines how the provider reacts when a bad domain controller name is found.
 Integer getBadDomainControllerRetryInterval()
          This time to wait when a bad domain controller name is found before trying to use the domain controller again.
 String getDescription()
          The Windows NT Authentication provider enables Windows NT users and groups to be used for authentication purposes.
 String[] getDomainControllerList()
          A list of the domain controllers used for locating unscoped usernames during authentication, listing users/groups, and handling unscoped names.
 String getDomainControllers()
          The domain controllers used for locating unscoped usernames during authentication, listing users/groups, and handling unscoped names.
 String getLogonType()
          Specifies whether the logon process should use Network or Interactive logon.
 String getMapNTDomainName()
          Specifies whether the Windows NT domain information should be placed into principal names during authentication.
 String getMapUPNNames()
          Indicates how the Windows NT Authentication provider should map UPN-style names for authentication (meaning will username@domain be used).
 String getName()
          The name of this configuration.
 String getProviderClassName()
          The name of the Java class used to load the Windows NT Authentication provider.
 String getVersion()
          The version number of the Windows NT Authentication provider.
 void setBadDomainControllerRetry(String newValue)
          Determines how the provider reacts when a bad domain controller name is found.
 void setBadDomainControllerRetryInterval(Integer newValue)
          This time to wait when a bad domain controller name is found before trying to use the domain controller again.
 void setDomainControllerList(String[] newValue)
          A list of the domain controllers used for locating unscoped usernames during authentication, listing users/groups, and handling unscoped names.
 void setDomainControllers(String newValue)
          The domain controllers used for locating unscoped usernames during authentication, listing users/groups, and handling unscoped names.
 void setLogonType(String newValue)
          Specifies whether the logon process should use Network or Interactive logon.
 void setMapNTDomainName(String newValue)
          Specifies whether the Windows NT domain information should be placed into principal names during authentication.
 void setMapUPNNames(String newValue)
          Indicates how the Windows NT Authentication provider should map UPN-style names for authentication (meaning will username@domain be used).
Methods inherited from interface
getControlFlag, setControlFlag
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getUserDescription, listUsers, userExists
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent
Methods inherited from interface
getGroupDescription, groupExists, isMember, listGroups
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getGroupDescription, groupExists, isMember, listGroups
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
advance, close, haveCurrent

Method Detail


String getProviderClassName()

The name of the Java class used to load the Windows NT Authentication provider.

Default Value:


String getDescription()

The Windows NT Authentication provider enables Windows NT users and groups to be used for authentication purposes.

Specified by:
getDescription in interface ProviderMBean
Default Value:
"Provider that performs Windows NT Authentication"


String getVersion()

The version number of the Windows NT Authentication provider.

Specified by:
getVersion in interface ProviderMBean
Default Value:


String getDomainControllers()

The domain controllers used for locating unscoped usernames during authentication, listing users/groups, and handling unscoped names.

Possible settings:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


void setDomainControllers(String newValue)
                          throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The domain controllers used for locating unscoped usernames during authentication, listing users/groups, and handling unscoped names.

Possible settings:

newValue - - new value for attribute DomainControllers
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


String[] getDomainControllerList()

A list of the domain controllers used for locating unscoped usernames during authentication, listing users/groups, and handling unscoped names. Use if the Domain Controllers is set to List.

The specified list should contain the domain controller names in trusted domains. Placeholders are supported and will expand if specified. Supported placeholders are [Local],[LocalAndDomain], [Domain].

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setDomainControllerList(String[] newValue)
                             throws InvalidAttributeValueException

A list of the domain controllers used for locating unscoped usernames during authentication, listing users/groups, and handling unscoped names. Use if the Domain Controllers is set to List.

The specified list should contain the domain controller names in trusted domains. Placeholders are supported and will expand if specified. Supported placeholders are [Local],[LocalAndDomain], [Domain].

newValue - - new value for attribute DomainControllerList
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


String getBadDomainControllerRetry()

Determines how the provider reacts when a bad domain controller name is found.

Possible settings:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


void setBadDomainControllerRetry(String newValue)
                                 throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Determines how the provider reacts when a bad domain controller name is found.

Possible settings:

newValue - - new value for attribute BadDomainControllerRetry
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


Integer getBadDomainControllerRetryInterval()

This time to wait when a bad domain controller name is found before trying to use the domain controller again. Use if the BadDomainControllerRetry is set to Delay. This setting helps reduce performance hits when a domain controller in the list of controllers is temporarily unavailable.

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
new Integer(60000)


void setBadDomainControllerRetryInterval(Integer newValue)
                                         throws InvalidAttributeValueException

This time to wait when a bad domain controller name is found before trying to use the domain controller again. Use if the BadDomainControllerRetry is set to Delay. This setting helps reduce performance hits when a domain controller in the list of controllers is temporarily unavailable.

newValue - - new value for attribute BadDomainControllerRetryInterval
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
new Integer(60000)


String getMapUPNNames()

Indicates how the Windows NT Authentication provider should map UPN-style names for authentication (meaning will username@domain be used).

Possible settings:

This setting should only be used when there are no usernames with @. domain\\username is not ambiguous and is always allowed.

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


void setMapUPNNames(String newValue)
                    throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Indicates how the Windows NT Authentication provider should map UPN-style names for authentication (meaning will username@domain be used).

Possible settings:

This setting should only be used when there are no usernames with @. domain\\username is not ambiguous and is always allowed.

newValue - - new value for attribute MapUPNNames
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


String getLogonType()

Specifies whether the logon process should use Network or Interactive logon.

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


void setLogonType(String newValue)
                  throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Specifies whether the logon process should use Network or Interactive logon.

newValue - - new value for attribute LogonType
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


String getMapNTDomainName()

Specifies whether the Windows NT domain information should be placed into principal names during authentication.

Possible settings:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


void setMapNTDomainName(String newValue)
                        throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Specifies whether the Windows NT domain information should be placed into principal names during authentication.

Possible settings:

newValue - - new value for attribute MapNTDomainName
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


String getName()
Description copied from interface: ProviderMBean
The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Specified by:
getName in interface ProviderMBean
Default Value:

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13945-06