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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E17949-08
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8 Installing Reference Process Models

This chapter provides an overview of the Reference Process Model linkage to the Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER) and the installation process. It discusses how to manually upload reference process models to Business Process Publisher, how to configure AIA Redirect Servlet and how to configure AIA Redirect Servlet.

This chapter includes the following sections:

8.1 Understanding Reference Process Model Linkage to Oracle Enterprise Repository

Oracle has created and delivered conceptual horizontal logical reference process models, as well as reference process models for those processes supported by Oracle Application Integration Architecture (AIA) releases. The reference process models for Foundation Pack (FP) or a pre-built integrations enable you to see and understand how AIA provides application integration solutions for your business processes.

The models combine the view of the business analyst with the view of the technical analyst and provide both a business and technical view of the process. Oracle uses a standard modeling notation and adds technical artifacts to the models at the lowest level of decomposition by linking the reference process models to the appropriate Enterprise Business Service (EBS) artifact in the OER.

The user experience enables you to:

Figure 8-2 OER EBS for Artifact in L3 Model

The image is described in surrounding text

Because this feature requires UI linkages between two distinct products, Business Process Publisher and Oracle Enterprise Repository, the following mechanisms are in place:

8.2 Understanding the Installation Process

The reference process models are delivered in two forms:

The installation of the reference process models differs from the AIA installation. They use different installers and can be installed on different machines.

OER can be installed as an option during the AIA installation or separately from the AIA installation. If installing OER separately from the AIA installation, the AIA redirect servlet will have to be manually deployed on the WebLogic server where AIA is deployed.

Options for Utilizing the Reference Process Models

The first option for utilizing the reference process models is through OBPA. OBPA allows for full access to the reference process models. If you do not have a copy of OBPA, contact Oracle Sales to purchase a licensed copy. Follow the instructions provided with the software to install the Architect and restore the models source database file. The source database file, filename.adb, is located in the \<aia.home>\seeddata\BPM\ADB\ directory on the Oracle AIA release media pack. Included in this directory are the Oracle AIA filter and template files used to create the models. Refer to the software documentation for installing the filter and template. If you have a licensed copy of the Business Process Architect, you can obtain the credentials to log into the database from the My Oracle Support note 763620.1 titled Login Credentials to open the AIA models within Oracle BPA Suite on My Oracle Support.

The second option for utilizing the reference process models is through Oracle's Business Process Publisher. Unlike OBPA, Publisher allows read-only access to the process models. The Business Process Publisher is a packaged component within an Oracle AIA release media pack. The Business Process Publisher installation is described in the installation guide that comes with the Publisher. You must manually copy and upload the AIA reference process models onto the Business Publisher and implement and configure the Tomcat redirect servlet as discussed in the next sections, before you can view the models. The reference process model files that are required to be installed with the Publisher can be found in the \<aia.home>\seeddata\BPM\Export directory and the files to configure the Tomcat redirect servlet are in the \<aia.home>\seeddata\BPM\Setup directory.


The installation of Business Process Publisher and the models is independent from the AIA installation. The current feature of uploading the reference process models onto the Business Process Publisher is supported only on a Microsoft Windows XP platform. Use the Business Process Publisher 11gR1 version packaged with the Foundation Pack to view the models.

8.3 Manually Uploading Reference Process Models to Business Process Publisher

To manually upload Reference Process Models to the Business Process Publisher:

  1. Download Business Process Publisher from the Foundation Pack media pack and unzip it on a local drive (that is, C:\).

  2. Run the setup.exe from C:\<directory Publisher unzipped to>\Business Process Publisher\.

  3. Accept all the defaults, except for when it asks for the database system. The default database system is Oracle database, choose Oracle Lite instead.

  4. Restart your computer for the application to install successfully.

  5. Shut down the Oracle Business Process Publisher Server 11g service using Windows Services.

  6. Copy the RPM files from the \<aia.home>\seeddata\BPM\ to the appropriate directory as follows. Overwrite files if they exist.

    Table 8-1 Fields in Installation Location Screen

    File or Directory Name From To

    webappserver.cfg file


    C:\Program Files\Oracle BPA Suite11g\BPServer\tomcat\webapps\businesspublisher\config

    exports directory


    C:\Program Files\Oracle BPA Suite11g\BPServer\tomcat\webapps\businesspublisher

    bp71.obs and bp71.odb files


    C:\Program Files\Oracle BPA Suite11g\BPServer\olitedata

  7. Restart the Oracle Business Process Publisher Server 11g service using Windows Services.

  8. Log in to Business Publisher (username = AIA, password = Welcome1 and filter = Entire Method).


    You can view the models at this point with the Entire Method Filter or you can install the AIA BPA Filter and log in using it. You cannot view if you log in using any other filter because other filters do not have all objects that are used to create the AIA models. You cannot link to the EBS artifacts until you complete the OER installation and configure both redirect servlets.

8.4 Configuring the AIA Redirect Servlet

To deploy the AIA redirect servlet on the WebLogic server where AIA is installed, perform these tasks after installing OER.

  1. Navigate to $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/templates.

    This folder contains AIALifeCycleArtifactsLink.war file.

  2. Encrypt the HarvesterSettings.xml. To encrypt the file:

    1. Update the HarvesterSettings.xml file under $AIA_INSTANCE/Infrastructure/LifeCycle/AIAHarvester/Harvester with the correct OER URL and login credentials (cleartext).

    2. Encrypt this file using the script under $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/LifeCycle/AIAHarvester/Harvester.

    3. ./ $AIA_INSTANCE/Infrastructure/LifeCycle/AIAHarvester/Harvester/HarvesterSettings.xml $AIA_INSTANCE/Infrastructure/LifeCycle/AIAHarvester/Harvester/HarvesterSettings.xm

  3. Add the HarvesterSettings.xml to AIALifeCycleArtifactsLink.war file.

  4. Deploy the modified war file either from either from the WebLogic admin console or using the deployment plan. To deploy using the deployment plan:

    1. Create a DeploymentPlan.xml file and paste the content shown in Example 8-1.

      Example 8-1 DeploymentPlan.xml

      <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
      <DeploymentPlan component="FP" version="3.0">
      <Application name="AIALifeCycleArtifactsLink"
       wlserver="fp" failonerror="true" action="deploy"/>
    2. Ensure that the file location in deploymentPlan.xml file points to the location where the modified war file is located which is $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/templates.

  5. Set the environment by running the following commands for your platform, as shown in Table 8-2.

    Table 8-2 Commands for setting environment variables for configuring AIA Redirect Servlet

    Platform To set the environment variables:


    Solaris SPARC


    IBM AIX Based Systems


    Microsoft Windows


  6. Navigate to cd $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/AID

  7. Run the following commands for your platform to configure redirect servlet, as shown in Table 8-3.

    Table 8-3 Commands for configuring redirect servlet

    Platform Command


    Solaris SPARC


    IBM AIX Based Systems

    ant -f AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=<location of DeploymentPlan.xml> -DPropertiesFile=$AIA_INSTANCE/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml

    Microsoft Windows

    ant -f AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=<location of DeploymentPlan.xml> -DPropertiesFile=$AIA_INSTANCE\config\AIAInstallProperties.xml

8.5 Configuring the Tomcat Redirect Servlet

To configure the Tomcat redirect servlet on Business Publisher:


Install OER and the AIA redirect servlet before configuring the Tomcat redirect servlet on the Business Publisher.

You can find the Tomcat redirect servlet files in the \<aia.home>\seeddata\BPM\Setup\ directory.

  1. Place the aia-redirect.jar file in the Business Process Publisher lib folder.

    \<Publisher install directory>\Program Files\Oracle BPA Suite11g\BPServer\tomcat\webapps\businesspublisher\WEB-INF\lib.

  2. Reconfigure the Business Publisher web.xml file to trigger the filter logics implemented in the aia-redirect.jar.

    The web.xml is located in the \<Publisher install directory>\Oracle BPA Suite11g\BPServer\tomcat\webapps\businesspublisher\WEB-INF directory

  3. Copy the contents of the aia-web.xml file and place them after the other filter parameters in the Business Publisher web.xml file.

  4. Using Example 8-2, modify the following parameter values, noted in bold, with the information from your AIA implementation:

    Example 8-2 aia-web.xml File

                <param-value>{}</param-value> ßReplace {} with hostname of OER server and delete this comment
                <param-value>{http.port}</param-value> ßReplace {http.port} with SOA port number of OER server and delete this comment
                <description>Version  V1 or V2</description>
                <param-value>{bsr.version}</param-value> ßReplace {bsr.version} with v2 and delete this comment
                <description>The physical location of AIAComponents directory</description>
  5. Restart the Business Publisher for Application service, Oracle Business Process Publisher Server 11g.

  6. Confirm successful configuration.

  7. Log in to the Business Publisher.

  8. Navigate to an L3 model.

  9. Click an object and view the attributes of the object in the Details Object pane.

  10. Click the URL in the Link 1 field. An OER login screen pops up.

  11. Log in (get the username and password information from your AIA implementer).

  12. Check whether you can view the information for the EBS artifact you clicked.


You must log in to OER only for the first URL link that you click; after that, OER refreshes the window with the new artifact information.